__author__ = "Berserker55" # you can find me on the ALTTP Randomizer Discord __version__ = 1.6 """ This script launches a Multiplayer "Multiworld" Mystery Game .yaml files for all participating players should be placed in a /Players folder. For every player a mystery game is rolled and a ROM created. After generation the server is automatically launched. It is still up to the host to forward the correct port (38281 by default) and distribute the roms to the players. Regular Mystery has to work for this first, such as a ALTTP Base ROM and Enemizer Setup. A guide can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19FoqUkuyStMqhOq8uGiocskMo1KMjOW4nEeG81xrKoI/edit Configuration can be found in host.yaml """ import os import subprocess import sys def feedback(text:str): print(text) input("Press Enter to ignore and probably crash.") if __name__ == "__main__": try: print(f"{__author__}'s MultiMystery Launcher V{__version__}") import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() from Utils import parse_yaml multi_mystery_options = parse_yaml(open("host.yaml").read())["multi_mystery_options"] output_path = multi_mystery_options["output_path"] enemizer_path = multi_mystery_options["enemizer_path"] player_files_path = multi_mystery_options["player_files_path"] race = multi_mystery_options["race"] create_spoiler = multi_mystery_options["create_spoiler"] zip_roms = multi_mystery_options["zip_roms"] zip_spoiler = multi_mystery_options["zip_spoiler"] zip_multidata = multi_mystery_options["zip_multidata"] zip_format = multi_mystery_options["zip_format"] #zip_password = multi_mystery_options["zip_password"] not at this time player_name = multi_mystery_options["player_name"] meta_file_path = multi_mystery_options["meta_file_path"] py_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" if not os.path.exists(enemizer_path): feedback(f"Enemizer not found at {enemizer_path}, please adjust the path in MultiMystery.py's config or put Enemizer in the default location.") if not os.path.exists("Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc"): feedback("Base rom is expected as Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc in the Multiworld root folder please place/rename it there.") player_files = [] os.makedirs(player_files_path, exist_ok=True) for file in os.listdir(player_files_path): lfile = file.lower() if lfile.endswith(".yaml") and lfile != meta_file_path.lower(): player_files.append(file) print(f"Player {file[:-5]} found.") player_count = len(player_files) if player_count == 0: feedback(f"No player files found. Please put them in a {player_files_path} folder.") else: print(player_count, "Players found.") player_string = "" for i,file in enumerate(player_files): player_string += f"--p{i+1} {os.path.join(player_files_path, file)} " player_names = list(file[:-5] for file in player_files) if os.path.exists("BerserkerMultiServer.exe"): basemysterycommand = "BerserkerMystery.exe" #compiled windows elif os.path.exists("BerserkerMultiServer"): basemysterycommand = "BerserkerMystery" # compiled linux else: basemysterycommand = f"py -{py_version} Mystery.py" #source command = f"{basemysterycommand} --multi {len(player_files)} {player_string} " \ f"--names {','.join(player_names)} --enemizercli {enemizer_path} " \ f"--outputpath {output_path}" if create_spoiler: command += " --create_spoiler" if race: command += " --race" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(player_files_path, meta_file_path)): command += f" --meta {os.path.join(player_files_path, meta_file_path)}" print(command) import time start = time.perf_counter() text = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode() print(f"Took {time.perf_counter()-start:.3f} seconds to generate rom(s).") seedname = "" for segment in text.split(): if segment.startswith("M"): seedname = segment break multidataname = f"ER_{seedname}_multidata" spoilername = f"ER_{seedname}_Spoiler.txt" romfilename = "" if player_name: for file in os.listdir(output_path): if player_name in file: import webbrowser romfilename = os.path.join(output_path, file) print(f"Launching ROM file {romfilename}") webbrowser.open(romfilename) break if any((zip_roms, zip_multidata, zip_spoiler)): import zipfile compression = {1 : zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, 2 : zipfile.ZIP_LZMA, 3 : zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2}[zip_format] typical_zip_ending = {1: "zip", 2: "7z", 3: "bz2"}[zip_format] def pack_file(file: str): zf.write(os.path.join(output_path, file), file) print(f"Packed {file} into zipfile {zipname}") def remove_zipped_file(file: str): os.remove(os.path.join(output_path, file)) print(f"Removed {file} which is now present in the zipfile") zipname = os.path.join(output_path, f"ER_{seedname}.{typical_zip_ending}") print(f"Creating zipfile {zipname}") with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w", compression=compression, compresslevel=9) as zf: for file in os.listdir(output_path): if zip_roms and file.endswith(".sfc") and seedname in file: pack_file(file) if zip_roms == 2 and player_name.lower() not in file.lower(): remove_zipped_file(file) if zip_multidata and os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)): pack_file(multidataname) if zip_multidata == 2: remove_zipped_file(multidataname) if zip_spoiler and create_spoiler: pack_file(spoilername) if zip_spoiler == 2: remove_zipped_file(spoilername) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)): if os.path.exists("BerserkerMultiServer.exe"): baseservercommand = "BerserkerMultiServer.exe" # compiled windows elif os.path.exists("BerserkerMultiServer"): baseservercommand = "BerserkerMultiServer" # compiled linux else: baseservercommand = f"py -{py_version} MultiServer.py" # source #don't have a mac to test that. If you try to run compiled on mac, good luck. subprocess.call(f"{baseservercommand} --multidata {os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)}") except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() input("Press enter to close")