from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState from Regions import create_regions from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances from Rules import set_rules from Dungeons import fill_dungeons from Items import * import random import cProfile import time import logging def main(seed=None, shuffle='Default', logic='no-glitches', mode='standard', difficulty='normal', goal='defeat ganon'): # initialize the world world = World(shuffle, logic, mode, difficulty, goal) create_regions(world) random.seed(seed) link_entrances(world) set_rules(world) generate_itempool(world) distribute_items(world) # flood_items(world) # different algo, biased towards early game progress items return world def distribute_items(world): # get list of locations to fill in fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations() random.shuffle(fill_locations) # get items to distribute random.shuffle(world.itempool) itempool = world.itempool progress_done = False while itempool and fill_locations: candidate_item_to_place = None item_to_place = None for item in itempool: if progress_done: item_to_place = item break if item.advancement: candidate_item_to_place = item if world.unlocks_new_location(item): item_to_place = item break if item_to_place is None: # check if we can reach all locations and that is why we find no new locations to place if len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()): progress_done = True continue # we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying if candidate_item_to_place is not None: item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place else: # we placed all available progress items. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway? if world.can_beat_game(): logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all locations reachable. Game beatable anyway.') break raise RuntimeError('No more progress items left to place.') spot_to_fill = None for location in fill_locations: if world.state.can_reach(location) and location.item_rule(item_to_place): spot_to_fill = location break if spot_to_fill is None: # we filled all reachable spots. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway? if world.can_beat_game(): logging.getLogger('').warning('Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway.') break raise RuntimeError('No more spots to place %s' % item_to_place) world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, True) itempool.remove(item_to_place) fill_locations.remove(spot_to_fill) logging.getLogger('').debug('Unplaced items: %s - Unfilled Locations: %s' % (itempool, fill_locations)) def flood_items(world): # get items to distribute random.shuffle(world.itempool) itempool = world.itempool progress_done = False # fill world from top of itempool while we can while not progress_done: location_list = world.get_unfilled_locations() random.shuffle(location_list) spot_to_fill = None for location in location_list: if world.state.can_reach(location): spot_to_fill = location break if spot_to_fill: item = itempool.pop(0) world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item, True) continue # ran out of spots, check if we need to step in and correct things if len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()): progress_done = True continue # need to place a progress item instead of an already placed item, find candidate item_to_place = None candidate_item_to_place = None for item in itempool: if item.advancement: candidate_item_to_place = item if world.unlocks_new_location(item): item_to_place = item break # we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying if item_to_place is None: if candidate_item_to_place is not None: item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place else: raise RuntimeError('No more progress items left to place.') # find item to replace with progress item location_list = world.get_reachable_locations() random.shuffle(location_list) for location in location_list: if location.item is not None and not location.item.advancement and not location.item.key and 'Map' not in and 'Compass' not in # safe to replace replace_item = location.item replace_item.location = None itempool.append(replace_item) world.push_item(location, item_to_place, True) itempool.remove(item_to_place) break def generate_itempool(world): if world.difficulty != 'normal' or world.goal not in ['defeat ganon', 'pedestal', 'all dungeons'] or world.mode not in ['open', 'standard']: raise NotImplementedError('Not supported yet') world.push_item('Ganon', Triforce(), False) # set up item pool world.itempool = [ ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade5(), ArrowUpgrade10(), SingleArrow(), ProgressiveArmor(), ProgressiveArmor(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade5(), BombUpgrade10(), Bombos(), Book(), BlueBoomerang(), Bottle(), Bottle(), Bottle(), Bottle(), Bow(), Net(), Byrna(), Somaria(), Ether(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), Rupees50(), ProgressiveShield(), ProgressiveShield(), ProgressiveShield(), ProgressiveSword(), ProgressiveSword(), ProgressiveSword(), FireRod(), Rupees5(), Rupees5(), Rupees5(), Rupees5(), Flippers(), Ocarina(), Hammer(), SancHeart(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), HeartContainer(), Hookshot(), IceRod(), Lamp(), Cape(), Mirror(), Powder(), RedBoomerang(), Pearl(), Mushroom(), Rupees100(), Rupee(), Rupee(), Boots(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), PieceOfHeart(), ProgressiveGlove(), ProgressiveGlove(), Quake(), Shovel(), SilverArrows(), Arrows10(), Arrows10(), Arrows10(), Arrows10(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Bombs3(), Rupees300(), Rupees300(), Rupees300(), Rupees300(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20(), Rupees20() ] if world.mode == 'standard': world.push_item('Uncle', ProgressiveSword()) else: world.itempool.append(ProgressiveSword()) if world.goal == 'pedestal': world.push_item('Altar', Triforce()) items = list(world.itempool) random.shuffle(items) for item in items: if not item.advancement: # save to remove world.itempool.remove(item) break # ToDo what to do if EVERYTHING is a progress item? if random.randint(0, 3) == 0: world.itempool.append(QuarterMagic()) else: world.itempool.append(HalfMagic()) # distribute crystals crystals = [GreenPendant(), RedPendant(), BluePendant(), Crystal1(), Crystal2(), Crystal3(), Crystal4(), Crystal5(), Crystal6(), Crystal7()] crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Armos - Pendant'), world.get_location('Lanmolas - Pendant'), world.get_location('Moldorm - Pendant'), world.get_location('Helmasaur - Crystal'), world.get_location('Blind - Crystal'), world.get_location('Mothula - Crystal'), world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal'), world.get_location('Kholdstare - Crystal'), world.get_location('Vitreous - Crystal'), world.get_location('Trinexx - Crystal')] random.shuffle(crystals) for location, crystal in zip(crystal_locations, crystals): world.push_item(location, crystal, False) # shuffle medallions mm_medallion = ['Ether', 'Quake', 'Bombos'][random.randint(0, 2)] tr_medallion = ['Ether', 'Quake', 'Bombos'][random.randint(0, 2)] world.required_medallions = (mm_medallion, tr_medallion) # push dungeon items fill_dungeons(world) def copy_world(world): # ToDo: Not good yet ret = World(world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.difficulty, world.goal) ret.required_medallions = list(world.required_medallions) create_regions(ret) set_rules(ret) # connect copied world for region in world.regions: for entrance in region.entrances: ret.get_entrance( # fill locations for location in world.get_locations(): if location.item is not None: item = Item(, location.item.advancement, location.item.key) ret.get_location( = item item.location = ret.get_location( # copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location for item in world.itempool: ret.itempool.append(Item(, item.advancement, item.key)) # copy progress items in state ret.state.prog_items = list(world.state.prog_items) return ret def create_playthrough(world): # create a copy as we will modify it world = copy_world(world) # get locations containing progress items prog_locations = [location for location in world.get_locations() if location.item is not None and location.item.advancement] collection_spheres = [] state = CollectionState(world) sphere_candidates = list(prog_locations) while sphere_candidates: sphere = [] # build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres for location in sphere_candidates: if state.can_reach(location): sphere.append(location) for location in sphere: sphere_candidates.remove(location) state.collect(location.item) collection_spheres.append(sphere) # in the second phase, we cull each sphere such that the game is still beatable, reducing each range of influence to the bare minimum required inside it for sphere in reversed(collection_spheres): to_delete = [] for location in sphere: # we remove the item at location and check if game is still beatable old_item = location.item location.item = None state.remove(old_item) world._item_cache = {} # need to invalidate if world.can_beat_game(): to_delete.append(location) else: # still required, got to keep it around location.item = old_item # cull entries in spheres for spoiler walkthrough at end for location in to_delete: sphere.remove(location) # we are now down to just the required progress items in collection_spheres in a minimum number of spheres. As a cleanup, we right trim empty spheres (can happen if we have multiple triforces) collection_spheres = [sphere for sphere in collection_spheres if sphere] # we can finally output our playthrough return ''.join(['%s: {\n%s}\n' % (i + 1, ''.join([' %s: %s\n' % (location, location.item) for location in sphere])) for i, sphere in enumerate(collection_spheres)]) profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable() tally = {} iterations = 10 start = time.clock() for i in range(iterations): print('Seed %s\n\n' % i) w = main(mode='open') print(create_playthrough(w)) for location in w.get_locations(): if location.item is not None: old_sk, old_bk, old_prog = tally.get(, (0, 0, 0)) if location.item.advancement: old_prog += 1 elif 'Small Key' in old_sk += 1 elif 'Big Key' in old_bk += 1 tally[] = (old_sk, old_bk, old_prog) diff = time.clock() - start print('Duration: %s, Average: %s' % (diff, diff/float(iterations))) print('\n\n\n') for location, stats in tally.items(): print('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, stats[0], stats[0]/float(iterations), stats[1], stats[1]/float(iterations), stats[2], stats[2]/float(iterations), 0 if iterations - stats[0] - stats[1] == 0 else stats[2]/float(iterations - stats[0] - stats[1]))) profiler.disable() profiler.print_stats()