# apworld Specification Archipelago depends on worlds to provide game-specific details like items, locations and output generation. Those are located in the `worlds/` folder (source) or `/lib/worlds/` (when installed). See [world api.md](world%20api.md) for details. apworld provides a way to package and ship a world that is not part of the main distribution by placing a `*.apworld` file into the worlds folder. **Warning:** apworlds have to be all lower case, otherwise they raise a bogus Exception when trying to import in frozen python 3.10+! ## File Format apworld files are zip archives, all lower case, with the file ending `.apworld`. The zip has to contain a folder with the same name as the zip, case-sensitive, that contains what would normally be in the world's folder in `worlds/`. I.e. `worlds/ror2.apworld` containing `ror2/__init__.py`. ## Metadata No metadata is specified yet. ## Extra Data The zip can contain arbitrary files in addition what was specified above. ## Caveats Imports from other files inside the apworld have to use relative imports. Imports from AP base have to use absolute imports, e.g. Options.py and worlds/AutoWorld.py.