from test.inverted_owg.TestInvertedOWG import TestInvertedOWG class TestLightWorld(TestInvertedOWG): def testLightWorld(self): self.run_location_tests([ ["Master Sword Pedestal", False, []], ["Master Sword Pedestal", False, [], ['Green Pendant']], ["Master Sword Pedestal", False, [], ['Red Pendant']], ["Master Sword Pedestal", False, [], ['Blue Pendant']], ["Master Sword Pedestal", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Master Sword Pedestal", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Link's Uncle", False, []], ["Link's Uncle", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Link's Uncle", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Secret Passage", False, []], ["Secret Passage", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Secret Passage", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["King's Tomb", False, []], ["King's Tomb", False, [], ['Pegasus Boots']], ["King's Tomb", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["King's Tomb", False, ['Magic Mirror']], ["King's Tomb", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl']], ["Floodgate Chest", False, []], ["Floodgate Chest", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Floodgate Chest", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Floodgate Chest", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Tavern", False, []], ["Kakariko Tavern", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Kakariko Tavern", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Tavern", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Tavern", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Moon Pearl']], ["Kakariko Tavern", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Chicken House", False, []], ["Chicken House", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Chicken House", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Aginah's Cave", False, []], ["Aginah's Cave", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Aginah's Cave", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", False, []], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ##todo: Damage boost superbunny not in logic #["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", False, []], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], #["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", False, []], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], #["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla's Hut - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Kakariko Well - Top", False, []], ["Kakariko Well - Top", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Kakariko Well - Top", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Left", False, []], ["Kakariko Well - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Left", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Left", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Kakariko Well - Middle", False, []], ["Kakariko Well - Middle", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Middle", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Middle", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Middle", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Kakariko Well - Right", False, []], ["Kakariko Well - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Right", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Right", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Kakariko Well - Bottom", False, []], ["Kakariko Well - Bottom", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Bottom", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Bottom", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Kakariko Well - Bottom", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Blind's Hideout - Top", False, []], ["Blind's Hideout - Top", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Blind's Hideout - Top", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Left", False, []], ["Blind's Hideout - Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Blind's Hideout - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Blind's Hideout - Right", False, []], ["Blind's Hideout - Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Blind's Hideout - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Left", False, []], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Right", False, []], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Blind's Hideout - Far Right", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Bonk Rock Cave", False, []], ["Bonk Rock Cave", False, [], ['Pegasus Boots']], ["Bonk Rock Cave", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Bonk Rock Cave", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left", False, []], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Left", False, []], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Right", False, []], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right", False, []], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy", False, []], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Ice Rod Cave", False, []], ["Ice Rod Cave", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Ice Rod Cave", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], #I don't think so #["Ice Rod Cave", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots', 'BigRedBomb']], #["Ice Rod Cave", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1', 'BigRedBomb']], ["Bottle Merchant", False, []], ["Bottle Merchant", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Bottle Merchant", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Bottle Merchant", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Bottle Merchant", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla", False, []], ["Sahasrahla", False, [], ['Green Pendant']], ["Sahasrahla", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sahasrahla", True, ['Green Pendant', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Magic Bat", False, []], ["Magic Bat", False, [], ['Magic Powder']], ["Magic Bat", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Magic Bat", True, ['Magic Powder', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl']], ["Sick Kid", False, []], ["Sick Kid", False, [], ['AnyBottle']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Bee)']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Fairy)']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Red Potion)']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Green Potion)']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Blue Potion)']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle']], ["Sick Kid", False, ['Bottle (Good Bee)']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Bee)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Bee)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Fairy)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Fairy)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Red Potion)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Red Potion)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Green Potion)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Green Potion)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Blue Potion)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Blue Potion)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Good Bee)', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle (Good Bee)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sick Kid", True, ['Bottle', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Hobo", False, []], ["Hobo", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Hobo", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Hobo", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Bombos Tablet", False, []], ["Bombos Tablet", False, ['Progressive Sword'], ['Progressive Sword']], ["Bombos Tablet", False, [], ['Book of Mudora']], ["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Book of Mudora', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']], ["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Book of Mudora', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']], ["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Book of Mudora', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']], ["King Zora", False, []], ["King Zora", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["King Zora", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Lost Woods Hideout", False, []], ["Lost Woods Hideout", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Lost Woods Hideout", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Lumberjack Tree", False, []], ["Lumberjack Tree", False, [], ['Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Lumberjack Tree", False, [], ['Pegasus Boots']], ["Lumberjack Tree", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Lumberjack Tree", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Cave 45", False, []], ["Cave 45", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Cave 45", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Cave 45", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Cave 45", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Graveyard Cave", False, []], ["Graveyard Cave", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Graveyard Cave", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Checkerboard Cave", False, []], ["Checkerboard Cave", False, [], ['Progressive Glove']], ["Checkerboard Cave", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Checkerboard Cave", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl']], ["Library", False, []], ["Library", False, [], ['Pegasus Boots']], ["Library", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Library", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl']], ["Library", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Mushroom", False, []], ["Mushroom", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Mushroom", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Potion Shop", False, []], ["Potion Shop", False, [], ['Mushroom']], ["Potion Shop", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Potion Shop", True, ['Mushroom', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Maze Race", False, []], ["Maze Race", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Maze Race", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Desert Ledge", False, []], ["Desert Ledge", True, ['Book of Mudora', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Desert Ledge", True, ['Book of Mudora', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Desert Ledge", True, ['Book of Mudora', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Desert Ledge", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Lake Hylia Island", False, []], ["Lake Hylia Island", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Lake Hylia Island", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sunken Treasure", False, []], ["Sunken Treasure", False, [], ['Moon Pearl', 'Magic Mirror']], ["Sunken Treasure", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sunken Treasure", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Sunken Treasure", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Zora's Ledge", False, []], ["Zora's Ledge", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Zora's Ledge", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Flute Spot", False, []], ["Flute Spot", False, [], ['Shovel']], ["Flute Spot", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Flute Spot", True, ['Shovel', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", False, []], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Progressive Glove', 'Hammer']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", False, []], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Progressive Glove', 'Hammer']], ["Waterfall Fairy - Right", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove']], # Bomb Merchant is not a separate check, and is only used as part of the Pyramid Fairy rules # ["Bomb Merchant", False, []], # ["Bomb Merchant", False, [], ['Crystal 5']], # ["Bomb Merchant", False, [], ['Crystal 6']], # ["Bomb Merchant", True, ['Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']], # ["Bomb Merchant", True, ['Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']], # ["Bomb Merchant", True, ['Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Beat Agahnim 1']], ["Ganon", False, []], ])