import typing from Options import Choice, Option, Range, Toggle class Character(Choice): """Pick What Character you wish to play with.""" display_name = "Character" option_ironclad = 0 option_silent = 1 option_defect = 2 option_watcher = 3 default = 0 class Ascension(Range): """What Ascension do you wish to play with.""" display_name = "Ascension" range_start = 0 range_end = 20 default = 0 class HeartRun(Toggle): """Whether or not you will need to collect they 3 keys to unlock the final act and beat the heart to finish the game.""" display_name = "Heart Run" option_true = 1 option_false = 0 default = 0 spire_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = { "character": Character, "ascension": Ascension, "heart_run": HeartRun }