import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import Utils if __name__ == "__main__": Utils.init_logging("LinksAwakeningContext", exception_logger="Client") import asyncio import base64 import binascii import colorama import io import os import re import select import shlex import socket import struct import sys import subprocess import time import typing from CommonClient import (CommonContext, get_base_parser, gui_enabled, logger, server_loop) from NetUtils import ClientStatus from worlds.ladx.Common import BASE_ID as LABaseID from worlds.ladx.GpsTracker import GpsTracker from worlds.ladx.ItemTracker import ItemTracker from worlds.ladx.LADXR.checkMetadata import checkMetadataTable from worlds.ladx.Locations import get_locations_to_id, meta_to_name from worlds.ladx.Tracker import LocationTracker, MagpieBridge class GameboyException(Exception): pass class RetroArchDisconnectError(GameboyException): pass class InvalidEmulatorStateError(GameboyException): pass class BadRetroArchResponse(GameboyException): pass def magpie_logo(): from kivy.uix.image import CoreImage binary_data = """ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAIAAACQkWg2AAAAAXN SR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA 7DAcdvqGQAAADGSURBVDhPhVLBEcIwDHOYhjHCBuXHj2OTbAL8+ MEGZIxOQ1CinOOk0Op0bmo7tlXXeR9FJMYDLOD9mwcLjQK7+hSZ wgcWMZJOAGeGKtChNHFL0j+FZD3jSCuo0w7l03wDrWdg00C4/aW eDEYNenuzPOfPspBnxf0kssE80vN0L8361j10P03DK4x6FHabuV ear8fHme+b17rwSjbAXeUMLb+EVTV2QHm46MWQanmnydA98KsVS XkV+qFpGQXrLhT/fqraQeQLuplpNH5g+WkAAAAASUVORK5CYII=""" binary_data = base64.b64decode(binary_data) data = io.BytesIO(binary_data) return CoreImage(data, ext="png").texture class LAClientConstants: # Connector version VERSION = 0x01 # # Memory locations of LADXR ROMGameID = 0x0051 # 4 bytes SlotName = 0x0134 # Unused # ROMWorldID = 0x0055 # ROMConnectorVersion = 0x0056 # RO: We should only act if this is higher then 6, as it indicates that the game is running normally wGameplayType = 0xDB95 # RO: Starts at 0, increases every time an item is received from the server and processed wLinkSyncSequenceNumber = 0xDDF6 wLinkStatusBits = 0xDDF7 # RW: # Bit0: wLinkGive* contains valid data, set from script cleared from ROM. wLinkHealth = 0xDB5A wLinkGiveItem = 0xDDF8 # RW wLinkGiveItemFrom = 0xDDF9 # RW # All of these six bytes are unused, we can repurpose # wLinkSendItemRoomHigh = 0xDDFA # RO # wLinkSendItemRoomLow = 0xDDFB # RO # wLinkSendItemTarget = 0xDDFC # RO # wLinkSendItemItem = 0xDDFD # RO # wLinkSendShopItem = 0xDDFE # RO, which item to send (1 based, order of the shop items) # RO, which player to send to, but it's just the X position of the NPC used, so 0x18 is player 0 # wLinkSendShopTarget = 0xDDFF wRecvIndex = 0xDDFD # Two bytes wCheckAddress = 0xC0FF - 0x4 WRamCheckSize = 0x4 WRamSafetyValue = bytearray([0]*WRamCheckSize) MinGameplayValue = 0x06 MaxGameplayValue = 0x1A VictoryGameplayAndSub = 0x0102 class RAGameboy(): cache = [] cache_start = 0 cache_size = 0 last_cache_read = None socket = None def __init__(self, address, port) -> None: self.address = address self.port = port self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) assert (self.socket) self.socket.setblocking(False) async def send_command(self, command, timeout=1.0): self.send(f'{command}\n') response_str = await self.async_recv() self.check_command_response(command, response_str) return response_str.rstrip() async def get_retroarch_version(self): return await self.send_command("VERSION") async def get_retroarch_status(self): return await self.send_command("GET_STATUS") def set_cache_limits(self, cache_start, cache_size): self.cache_start = cache_start self.cache_size = cache_size def send(self, b): if type(b) is str: b = b.encode('ascii') self.socket.sendto(b, (self.address, self.port)) def recv(self):[self.socket], [], []) response, _ = self.socket.recvfrom(4096) return response async def async_recv(self, timeout=1.0): response = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.get_event_loop().sock_recv(self.socket, 4096), timeout) return response async def check_safe_gameplay(self, throw=True): async def check_wram(): check_values = await self.async_read_memory(LAClientConstants.wCheckAddress, LAClientConstants.WRamCheckSize) if check_values != LAClientConstants.WRamSafetyValue: if throw: raise InvalidEmulatorStateError() return False return True if not await check_wram(): if throw: raise InvalidEmulatorStateError() return False gameplay_value = await self.async_read_memory(LAClientConstants.wGameplayType) gameplay_value = gameplay_value[0] # In gameplay or credits if not (LAClientConstants.MinGameplayValue <= gameplay_value <= LAClientConstants.MaxGameplayValue) and gameplay_value != 0x1: if throw:"invalid emu state") raise InvalidEmulatorStateError() return False if not await check_wram(): if throw: raise InvalidEmulatorStateError() return False return True # We're sadly unable to update the whole cache at once # as RetroArch only gives back some number of bytes at a time # So instead read as big as chunks at a time as we can manage async def update_cache(self): # First read the safety address - if it's invalid, bail self.cache = [] if not await self.check_safe_gameplay(): return cache = [] remaining_size = self.cache_size while remaining_size: block = await self.async_read_memory(self.cache_start + len(cache), remaining_size) remaining_size -= len(block) cache += block if not await self.check_safe_gameplay(): return self.cache = cache self.last_cache_read = time.time() async def read_memory_cache(self, addresses): # TODO: can we just update once per frame? if not self.last_cache_read or self.last_cache_read + 0.1 < time.time(): await self.update_cache() if not self.cache: return None assert (len(self.cache) == self.cache_size) for address in addresses: assert self.cache_start <= address <= self.cache_start + self.cache_size r = {address: self.cache[address - self.cache_start] for address in addresses} return r async def async_read_memory_safe(self, address, size=1): # whenever we do a read for a check, we need to make sure that we aren't reading # garbage memory values - we also need to protect against reading a value, then the emulator resetting # # ...actually, we probably _only_ need the post check # Check before read if not await self.check_safe_gameplay(): return None # Do read r = await self.async_read_memory(address, size) # Check after read if not await self.check_safe_gameplay(): return None return r def check_command_response(self, command: str, response: bytes): if command == "VERSION": ok = re.match("\d+\.\d+\.\d+", response.decode('ascii')) is not None else: ok = response.startswith(command.encode()) if not ok: logger.warning(f"Bad response to command {command} - {response}") raise BadRetroArchResponse() def read_memory(self, address, size=1): command = "READ_CORE_MEMORY" self.send(f'{command} {hex(address)} {size}\n') response = self.recv() self.check_command_response(command, response) splits = response.decode().split(" ", 2) # Ignore the address for now if splits[2][:2] == "-1": raise BadRetroArchResponse() # TODO: check response address, check hex behavior between RA and BH return bytearray.fromhex(splits[2]) async def async_read_memory(self, address, size=1): command = "READ_CORE_MEMORY" self.send(f'{command} {hex(address)} {size}\n') response = await self.async_recv() self.check_command_response(command, response) response = response[:-1] splits = response.decode().split(" ", 2) try: response_addr = int(splits[1], 16) except ValueError: raise BadRetroArchResponse() if response_addr != address: raise BadRetroArchResponse() ret = bytearray.fromhex(splits[2]) if len(ret) > size: raise BadRetroArchResponse() return ret def write_memory(self, address, bytes): command = "WRITE_CORE_MEMORY" self.send(f'{command} {hex(address)} {" ".join(hex(b) for b in bytes)}')[self.socket], [], []) response, _ = self.socket.recvfrom(4096) self.check_command_response(command, response) splits = response.decode().split(" ", 3) assert (splits[0] == command) if splits[2] == "-1":[3]) class LinksAwakeningClient(): socket = None gameboy = None tracker = None auth = None game_crc = None pending_deathlink = False deathlink_debounce = True recvd_checks = {} retroarch_address = None retroarch_port = None gameboy = None def msg(self, m): s = f"SHOW_MSG {m}\n" self.gameboy.send(s) def __init__(self, retroarch_address="", retroarch_port=55355): self.retroarch_address = retroarch_address self.retroarch_port = retroarch_port pass stop_bizhawk_spam = False async def wait_for_retroarch_connection(self): if not self.stop_bizhawk_spam:"Waiting on connection to Retroarch...") self.stop_bizhawk_spam = True self.gameboy = RAGameboy(self.retroarch_address, self.retroarch_port) while True: try: version = await self.gameboy.get_retroarch_version() NO_CONTENT = b"GET_STATUS CONTENTLESS" status = NO_CONTENT core_type = None GAME_BOY = b"game_boy" while status == NO_CONTENT or core_type != GAME_BOY: status = await self.gameboy.get_retroarch_status() if status.count(b" ") < 2: await asyncio.sleep(1.0) continue GET_STATUS, PLAYING, info = status.split(b" ", 2) if status.count(b",") < 2: await asyncio.sleep(1.0) continue core_type, rom_name, self.game_crc = info.split(b",", 2) if core_type != GAME_BOY: f"Core type should be '{GAME_BOY}', found {core_type} instead - wrong type of ROM?") await asyncio.sleep(1.0) continue self.stop_bizhawk_spam = False"Connected to Retroarch {version.decode('ascii')} running {rom_name.decode('ascii')}") return except (BlockingIOError, TimeoutError, ConnectionResetError): await asyncio.sleep(1.0) pass async def reset_auth(self): auth = binascii.hexlify(await self.gameboy.async_read_memory(0x0134, 12)).decode() self.auth = auth async def wait_and_init_tracker(self): await self.wait_for_game_ready() self.tracker = LocationTracker(self.gameboy) self.item_tracker = ItemTracker(self.gameboy) self.gps_tracker = GpsTracker(self.gameboy) async def recved_item_from_ap(self, item_id, from_player, next_index): # Don't allow getting an item until you've got your first check if not self.tracker.has_start_item(): return # Spin until we either: # get an exception from a bad read (emu shut down or reset) # beat the game # the client handles the last pending item status = (await self.gameboy.async_read_memory_safe(LAClientConstants.wLinkStatusBits))[0] while not (await self.is_victory()) and status & 1 == 1: time.sleep(0.1) status = (await self.gameboy.async_read_memory_safe(LAClientConstants.wLinkStatusBits))[0] item_id -= LABaseID # The player name table only goes up to 100, so don't go past that # Even if it didn't, the remote player _index_ byte is just a byte, so 255 max if from_player > 100: from_player = 100 next_index += 1 self.gameboy.write_memory(LAClientConstants.wLinkGiveItem, [ item_id, from_player]) status |= 1 status = self.gameboy.write_memory(LAClientConstants.wLinkStatusBits, [status]) self.gameboy.write_memory(LAClientConstants.wRecvIndex, struct.pack(">H", next_index)) should_reset_auth = False async def wait_for_game_ready(self):"Waiting on game to be in valid state...") while not await self.gameboy.check_safe_gameplay(throw=False): if self.should_reset_auth: self.should_reset_auth = False raise GameboyException("Resetting due to wrong archipelago server")"Game connection ready!") async def is_victory(self): return (await self.gameboy.read_memory_cache([LAClientConstants.wGameplayType]))[LAClientConstants.wGameplayType] == 1 async def main_tick(self, item_get_cb, win_cb, deathlink_cb): await self.tracker.readChecks(item_get_cb) await self.item_tracker.readItems() await self.gps_tracker.read_location() current_health = (await self.gameboy.read_memory_cache([LAClientConstants.wLinkHealth]))[LAClientConstants.wLinkHealth] if self.deathlink_debounce and current_health != 0: self.deathlink_debounce = False elif not self.deathlink_debounce and current_health == 0: #"YOU DIED.") await deathlink_cb() self.deathlink_debounce = True if self.pending_deathlink:"Got a deathlink") self.gameboy.write_memory(LAClientConstants.wLinkHealth, [0]) self.pending_deathlink = False self.deathlink_debounce = True if await self.is_victory(): await win_cb() recv_index = struct.unpack(">H", await self.gameboy.async_read_memory(LAClientConstants.wRecvIndex, 2))[0] # Play back one at a time if recv_index in self.recvd_checks: item = self.recvd_checks[recv_index] await self.recved_item_from_ap(item.item, item.player, recv_index) all_tasks = set() def create_task_log_exception(awaitable) -> asyncio.Task: async def _log_exception(awaitable): try: return await awaitable except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) pass finally: all_tasks.remove(task) task = asyncio.create_task(_log_exception(awaitable)) all_tasks.add(task) class LinksAwakeningContext(CommonContext): tags = {"AP"} game = "Links Awakening DX" items_handling = 0b101 want_slot_data = True la_task = None client = None # TODO: does this need to re-read on reset? found_checks = [] last_resend = time.time() magpie_enabled = False magpie = None magpie_task = None won = False def __init__(self, server_address: typing.Optional[str], password: typing.Optional[str], magpie: typing.Optional[bool]) -> None: self.client = LinksAwakeningClient() if magpie: self.magpie_enabled = True self.magpie = MagpieBridge() super().__init__(server_address, password) def run_gui(self) -> None: import webbrowser import kvui from kvui import Button, GameManager from kivy.uix.image import Image class LADXManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago"), ("Tracker", "Tracker"), ] base_title = "Archipelago Links Awakening DX Client" def build(self): b = super().build() if self.ctx.magpie_enabled: button = Button(text="", size=(30, 30), size_hint_x=None, on_press=lambda _:'')) image = Image(size=(16, 16), texture=magpie_logo()) button.add_widget(image) def set_center(_, center): = center button.bind(center=set_center) self.connect_layout.add_widget(button) return b self.ui = LADXManager(self) self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI") async def send_checks(self): message = [{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": self.found_checks}] await self.send_msgs(message) had_invalid_slot_data = None def event_invalid_slot(self): # The next time we try to connect, reset the game loop for new auth self.had_invalid_slot_data = True self.auth = None # Don't try to autoreconnect, it will just fail self.disconnected_intentionally = True CommonContext.event_invalid_slot(self) ENABLE_DEATHLINK = False async def send_deathlink(self): if self.ENABLE_DEATHLINK: message = [{"cmd": 'Deathlink', 'time': time.time(), 'cause': 'Had a nightmare', # 'source': self.slot_info[self.slot].name, }] await self.send_msgs(message) async def send_victory(self): if not self.won: message = [{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]"victory!") await self.send_msgs(message) self.won = True async def on_deathlink(self, data: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: if self.ENABLE_DEATHLINK: self.client.pending_deathlink = True def new_checks(self, item_ids, ladxr_ids): self.found_checks += item_ids create_task_log_exception(self.send_checks()) if self.magpie_enabled: create_task_log_exception(self.magpie.send_new_checks(ladxr_ids)) async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False): if password_requested and not self.password: await super(LinksAwakeningContext, self).server_auth(password_requested) if self.had_invalid_slot_data: # We are connecting when previously we had the wrong ROM or server - just in case # re-read the ROM so that if the user had the correct address but wrong ROM, we # allow a successful reconnect self.client.should_reset_auth = True self.had_invalid_slot_data = False while self.client.auth == None: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) self.auth = self.client.auth await self.send_connect() def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict): if cmd == "Connected": = self.slot_info[self.slot].game # TODO - use watcher_event if cmd == "ReceivedItems": for index, item in enumerate(args["items"], start=args["index"]): self.client.recvd_checks[index] = item async def sync(self): sync_msg = [{'cmd': 'Sync'}] await self.send_msgs(sync_msg) item_id_lookup = get_locations_to_id() async def run_game_loop(self): def on_item_get(ladxr_checks): checks = [self.item_id_lookup[meta_to_name( checkMetadataTable[])] for check in ladxr_checks] self.new_checks(checks, [ for check in ladxr_checks]) async def victory(): await self.send_victory() async def deathlink(): await self.send_deathlink() if self.magpie_enabled: self.magpie_task = asyncio.create_task(self.magpie.serve()) # yield to allow UI to start await asyncio.sleep(0) while True: try: # TODO: cancel all client tasks if not self.client.stop_bizhawk_spam:"(Re)Starting game loop") self.found_checks.clear() # On restart of game loop, clear all checks, just in case we swapped ROMs # this isn't totally neccessary, but is extra safety against cross-ROM contamination self.client.recvd_checks.clear() await self.client.wait_for_retroarch_connection() await self.client.reset_auth() # If we find ourselves with new auth after the reset, reconnect if self.auth and self.client.auth != self.auth: # It would be neat to reconnect here, but connection needs this loop to be running"Detected new ROM, disconnecting...") await self.disconnect() continue if not self.client.recvd_checks: await self.sync() await self.client.wait_and_init_tracker() while True: await self.client.main_tick(on_item_get, victory, deathlink) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) now = time.time() if self.last_resend + 5.0 < now: self.last_resend = now await self.send_checks() if self.magpie_enabled: try: self.magpie.set_checks(self.client.tracker.all_checks) await self.magpie.set_item_tracker(self.client.item_tracker) await self.magpie.send_gps(self.client.gps_tracker) except Exception: # Don't let magpie errors take out the client pass if self.client.should_reset_auth: self.client.should_reset_auth = False raise GameboyException("Resetting due to wrong archipelago server") except (GameboyException, asyncio.TimeoutError, TimeoutError, ConnectionResetError): await asyncio.sleep(1.0) def run_game(romfile: str) -> None: auto_start = typing.cast(typing.Union[bool, str], Utils.get_options()["ladx_options"].get("rom_start", True)) if auto_start is True: import webbrowser elif isinstance(auto_start, str): args = shlex.split(auto_start) # Specify full path to ROM as we are going to cd in popen full_rom_path = os.path.realpath(romfile) args.append(full_rom_path) try: # set cwd so that paths to lua scripts are always relative to our client if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # The application is frozen script_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=script_dir) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"Couldn't launch ROM, {args[0]} is missing") async def main(): parser = get_base_parser(description="Link's Awakening Client.") parser.add_argument("--url", help="Archipelago connection url") parser.add_argument("--no-magpie", dest='magpie', default=True, action='store_false', help="Disable magpie bridge") parser.add_argument('diff_file', default="", type=str, nargs="?", help='Path to a .apladx Archipelago Binary Patch file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.diff_file: import Patch"patch file was supplied - creating rom...") meta, rom_file = Patch.create_rom_file(args.diff_file) if "server" in meta and not args.connect: args.connect = meta["server"]"wrote rom file to {rom_file}") ctx = LinksAwakeningContext(args.connect, args.password, args.magpie) ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="server loop") # TODO: nothing about the lambda about has to be in a lambda ctx.la_task = create_task_log_exception(ctx.run_game_loop()) if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() # Down below run_gui so that we get errors out of the process if args.diff_file: run_game(rom_file) await ctx.exit_event.wait() await ctx.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': colorama.init() colorama.deinit()