import logging import threading import copy from collections import Counter logger = logging.getLogger("Ocarina of Time") from .Location import OOTLocation, LocationFactory, location_name_to_id from .Entrance import OOTEntrance from .EntranceShuffle import shuffle_random_entrances from .Items import OOTItem, item_table, oot_data_to_ap_id from .ItemPool import generate_itempool, add_dungeon_items, get_junk_item, get_junk_pool from .Regions import OOTRegion, TimeOfDay from .Rules import set_rules, set_shop_rules, set_entrances_based_rules from .RuleParser import Rule_AST_Transformer from .Options import oot_options from .Utils import data_path, read_json from .LocationList import business_scrubs, set_drop_location_names from .DungeonList import dungeon_table, create_dungeons from .LogicTricks import normalized_name_tricks from .Rom import Rom from .Patches import patch_rom from .N64Patch import create_patch_file from .Cosmetics import patch_cosmetics from .Hints import hint_dist_keys, get_hint_area, buildWorldGossipHints from .HintList import getRequiredHints from Utils import get_options, output_path from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, CollectionState, RegionType from Options import Range, Toggle, OptionList from Fill import fill_restrictive, FillError from ..AutoWorld import World location_id_offset = 67000 # OoT's generate_output doesn't benefit from more than 2 threads, instead it uses a lot of memory. i_o_limiter = threading.Semaphore(2) hint_data_available = threading.Event() class OOTWorld(World): game: str = "Ocarina of Time" options: dict = oot_options topology_present: bool = True item_name_to_id = {item_name: oot_data_to_ap_id(data, False) for item_name, data in item_table.items() if data[2] is not None} location_name_to_id = location_name_to_id remote_items: bool = False data_version = 1 def __new__(cls, world, player): # Add necessary objects to CollectionState on initialization orig_init = CollectionState.__init__ orig_copy = CollectionState.copy def oot_init(self, parent: MultiWorld): orig_init(self, parent) self.child_reachable_regions = {player: set() for player in range(1, parent.players + 1)} self.adult_reachable_regions = {player: set() for player in range(1, parent.players + 1)} self.child_blocked_connections = {player: set() for player in range(1, parent.players + 1)} self.adult_blocked_connections = {player: set() for player in range(1, parent.players + 1)} self.age = {player: None for player in range(1, parent.players + 1)} def oot_copy(self): ret = orig_copy(self) ret.child_reachable_regions = {player: copy.copy(self.child_reachable_regions[player]) for player in range(1, + 1)} ret.adult_reachable_regions = {player: copy.copy(self.adult_reachable_regions[player]) for player in range(1, + 1)} ret.child_blocked_connections = {player: copy.copy(self.child_blocked_connections[player]) for player in range(1, + 1)} ret.adult_blocked_connections = {player: copy.copy(self.adult_blocked_connections[player]) for player in range(1, + 1)} return ret CollectionState.__init__ = oot_init CollectionState.copy = oot_copy # also need to add the names to the passed MultiWorld's CollectionState, since it was initialized before we could get to it if world: world.state.child_reachable_regions = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} world.state.adult_reachable_regions = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} world.state.child_blocked_connections = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} world.state.adult_blocked_connections = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} world.state.age = {player: None for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} return super().__new__(cls) def generate_early(self): # Player name MUST be at most 16 bytes ascii-encoded, otherwise won't write to ROM correctly if len(bytes(, 'ascii')) > 16: raise Exception( f"OoT: Player {self.player}'s name ({}) must be ASCII-compatible") self.parser = Rule_AST_Transformer(self, self.player) for (option_name, option) in oot_options.items(): result = getattr(, option_name)[self.player] if isinstance(result, Range): option_value = int(result) elif isinstance(result, Toggle): option_value = bool(result) elif isinstance(result, OptionList): option_value = result.value else: option_value = result.current_key setattr(self, option_name, option_value) self.shop_prices = {} self.regions = [] # internal cache of regions for this world, used later self.remove_from_start_inventory = [] # some items will be precollected but not in the inventory self.starting_items = Counter() self.starting_songs = False # whether starting_items contains a song self.file_hash = [, 31) for i in range(5)] self.item_name_groups = { "medallions": {"Light Medallion", "Forest Medallion", "Fire Medallion", "Water Medallion", "Shadow Medallion", "Spirit Medallion"}, "stones": {"Kokiri Emerald", "Goron Ruby", "Zora Sapphire"}, "rewards": {"Light Medallion", "Forest Medallion", "Fire Medallion", "Water Medallion", "Shadow Medallion", "Spirit Medallion", \ "Kokiri Emerald", "Goron Ruby", "Zora Sapphire"}, "bottles": {"Bottle", "Bottle with Milk", "Deliver Letter", "Sell Big Poe", "Bottle with Red Potion", "Bottle with Green Potion", \ "Bottle with Blue Potion", "Bottle with Fairy", "Bottle with Fish", "Bottle with Blue Fire", "Bottle with Bugs", "Bottle with Poe"} } # Incompatible option handling # ER and glitched logic are not compatible; glitched takes priority if self.logic_rules == 'glitched': self.shuffle_interior_entrances = False self.shuffle_grotto_entrances = False self.shuffle_dungeon_entrances = False self.shuffle_overworld_entrances = False self.owl_drops = False self.warp_songs = False self.spawn_positions = False # Closed forest and adult start are not compatible; closed forest takes priority if self.open_forest == 'closed': self.starting_age = 'child' # Skip child zelda and shuffle egg are not compatible; skip-zelda takes priority if self.skip_child_zelda: self.shuffle_weird_egg = False # Determine skipped trials in GT # This needs to be done before the logic rules in GT are parsed trial_list = ['Forest', 'Fire', 'Water', 'Spirit', 'Shadow', 'Light'] chosen_trials =, self.trials) # chooses a list of trials to NOT skip self.skipped_trials = {trial: (trial not in chosen_trials) for trial in trial_list} # Determine which dungeons are MQ # Possible future plan: allow user to pick which dungeons are MQ self.mq_dungeons = 0 # temporary disable for client-side issues mq_dungeons =, self.mq_dungeons) self.dungeon_mq = {item['name']: (item in mq_dungeons) for item in dungeon_table} # Determine tricks in logic for trick in self.logic_tricks: normalized_name = trick.casefold() if normalized_name in normalized_name_tricks: setattr(self, normalized_name_tricks[normalized_name]['name'], True) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown OOT logic trick for player {self.player}: {trick}') # Not implemented for now, but needed to placate the generator. Remove as they are implemented self.mq_dungeons_random = False # this will be a deprecated option later self.ocarina_songs = False # just need to pull in the OcarinaSongs module self.big_poe_count = 1 # disabled due to client-side issues for now # ER options self.shuffle_interior_entrances = 'off' self.shuffle_grotto_entrances = False self.shuffle_dungeon_entrances = False self.shuffle_overworld_entrances = False self.owl_drops = False self.warp_songs = False self.spawn_positions = False # Set internal names used by the OoT generator self.keysanity = self.shuffle_smallkeys in ['keysanity', 'remove', 'any_dungeon', 'overworld'] # Hint stuff self.misc_hints = True # this is just always on self.clearer_hints = True # this is being enforced since non-oot items do not have non-clear hint text self.gossip_hints = {} self.required_locations = [] self.empty_areas = {} self.major_item_locations = [] # ER names self.ensure_tod_access = (self.shuffle_interior_entrances != 'off') or self.shuffle_overworld_entrances or self.spawn_positions self.entrance_shuffle = (self.shuffle_interior_entrances != 'off') or self.shuffle_grotto_entrances or self.shuffle_dungeon_entrances or \ self.shuffle_overworld_entrances or self.owl_drops or self.warp_songs or self.spawn_positions self.disable_trade_revert = (self.shuffle_interior_entrances != 'off') or self.shuffle_overworld_entrances self.shuffle_special_interior_entrances = self.shuffle_interior_entrances == 'all' # Convert the double option used by shopsanity into a single option if self.shopsanity == 'random_number': self.shopsanity = 'random' elif self.shopsanity == 'fixed_number': self.shopsanity = str(self.shop_slots) # fixing some options self.starting_tod = self.starting_tod.replace('_', '-') # Fixes starting time spelling: "witching_hour" -> "witching-hour" self.shuffle_scrubs = self.shuffle_scrubs.replace('_prices', '') # Get hint distribution self.hint_dist_user = read_json(data_path('Hints', f'{self.hint_dist}.json')) self.added_hint_types = {} self.item_added_hint_types = {} self.hint_exclusions = set() if self.skip_child_zelda: self.hint_exclusions.add('Song from Impa') self.hint_type_overrides = {} self.item_hint_type_overrides = {} # unused hint stuff self.named_item_pool = {} self.hint_text_overrides = {} for dist in hint_dist_keys: self.added_hint_types[dist] = [] for loc in self.hint_dist_user['add_locations']: if 'types' in loc: if dist in loc['types']: self.added_hint_types[dist].append(loc['location']) self.item_added_hint_types[dist] = [] for i in self.hint_dist_user['add_items']: if dist in i['types']: self.item_added_hint_types[dist].append(i['item']) self.hint_type_overrides[dist] = [] for loc in self.hint_dist_user['remove_locations']: if dist in loc['types']: self.hint_type_overrides[dist].append(loc['location']) self.item_hint_type_overrides[dist] = [] for i in self.hint_dist_user['remove_items']: if dist in i['types']: self.item_hint_type_overrides[dist].append(i['item']) self.always_hints = [ for hint in getRequiredHints(self)] # Determine items which are not considered advancement based on settings. They will never be excluded. self.nonadvancement_items = {'Double Defense', 'Ice Arrows'} if (self.damage_multiplier != 'ohko' and self.damage_multiplier != 'quadruple' and self.shuffle_scrubs == 'off' and not self.shuffle_grotto_entrances): # nayru's love may be required to prevent forced damage self.nonadvancement_items.add('Nayrus Love') if getattr(self, 'logic_grottos_without_agony', False) and self.hints != 'agony': # Stone of Agony skippable if not used for hints or grottos self.nonadvancement_items.add('Stone of Agony') if (not self.shuffle_special_interior_entrances and not self.shuffle_overworld_entrances and not self.warp_songs and not self.spawn_positions): # Serenade and Prelude are never required unless one of those settings is enabled self.nonadvancement_items.add('Serenade of Water') self.nonadvancement_items.add('Prelude of Light') if self.logic_rules == 'glitchless': # Both two-handed swords can be required in glitch logic, so only consider them nonprogression in glitchless self.nonadvancement_items.add('Biggoron Sword') self.nonadvancement_items.add('Giants Knife') def load_regions_from_json(self, file_path): region_json = read_json(file_path) for region in region_json: new_region = OOTRegion(region['region_name'], RegionType.Generic, None, self.player) = if 'scene' in region: new_region.scene = region['scene'] if 'hint' in region: new_region.hint_text = region['hint'] if 'dungeon' in region: new_region.dungeon = region['dungeon'] if 'time_passes' in region: new_region.time_passes = region['time_passes'] new_region.provides_time = TimeOfDay.ALL if == 'Ganons Castle Grounds': new_region.provides_time = TimeOfDay.DAMPE if 'locations' in region: for location, rule in region['locations'].items(): new_location = LocationFactory(location, self.player) if new_location.type in ['HintStone', 'Hint']: continue new_location.parent_region = new_region new_location.rule_string = rule if != 'none': self.parser.parse_spot_rule(new_location) if new_location.never: # We still need to fill the location even if ALR is off. logger.debug('Unreachable location: %s', new_location.player = self.player new_region.locations.append(new_location) if 'events' in region: for event, rule in region['events'].items(): # Allow duplicate placement of events lname = '%s from %s' % (event, new_location = OOTLocation(self.player, lname, type='Event', parent=new_region) new_location.rule_string = rule if != 'none': self.parser.parse_spot_rule(new_location) if new_location.never: logger.debug('Dropping unreachable event: %s', else: new_location.player = self.player new_region.locations.append(new_location) self.make_event_item(event, new_location) new_location.show_in_spoiler = False if 'exits' in region: for exit, rule in region['exits'].items(): new_exit = OOTEntrance(self.player, '%s => %s' % (, exit), new_region) new_exit.vanilla_connected_region = exit new_exit.rule_string = rule if != 'none': self.parser.parse_spot_rule(new_exit) if new_exit.never: logger.debug('Dropping unreachable exit: %s', else: new_region.exits.append(new_exit) self.regions.append(new_region) def set_scrub_prices(self): # Get Deku Scrub Locations scrub_locations = [location for location in self.get_locations() if 'Deku Scrub' in] scrub_dictionary = {} self.scrub_prices = {} for location in scrub_locations: if location.default not in scrub_dictionary: scrub_dictionary[location.default] = [] scrub_dictionary[location.default].append(location) # Loop through each type of scrub. for (scrub_item, default_price, text_id, text_replacement) in business_scrubs: price = default_price if self.shuffle_scrubs == 'low': price = 10 elif self.shuffle_scrubs == 'random': # this is a random value between 0-99 # average value is ~33 rupees price = int(, 2) * 99) # Set price in the dictionary as well as the location. self.scrub_prices[scrub_item] = price if scrub_item in scrub_dictionary: for location in scrub_dictionary[scrub_item]: location.price = price if location.item is not None: location.item.price = price def random_shop_prices(self): shop_item_indexes = ['7', '5', '8', '6'] self.shop_prices = {} for region in self.regions: if self.shopsanity == 'random': shop_item_count =, 4) else: shop_item_count = int(self.shopsanity) for location in region.locations: if location.type == 'Shop': if[-1:] in shop_item_indexes[:shop_item_count]: self.shop_prices[] = int(, 2) * 60) * 5 def fill_bosses(self, bossCount=9): rewardlist = ( 'Kokiri Emerald', 'Goron Ruby', 'Zora Sapphire', 'Forest Medallion', 'Fire Medallion', 'Water Medallion', 'Spirit Medallion', 'Shadow Medallion', 'Light Medallion' ) boss_location_names = ( 'Queen Gohma', 'King Dodongo', 'Barinade', 'Phantom Ganon', 'Volvagia', 'Morpha', 'Bongo Bongo', 'Twinrova', 'Links Pocket' ) boss_rewards = [self.create_item(reward) for reward in rewardlist] boss_locations = [, self.player) for loc in boss_location_names] placed_prizes = [ for loc in boss_locations if loc.item is not None] prizepool = [item for item in boss_rewards if not in placed_prizes] prize_locs = [loc for loc in boss_locations if loc.item is None] while bossCount: bossCount -= 1 item = prizepool.pop() loc = prize_locs.pop(), item, collect=False) loc.locked = True loc.event = True def create_item(self, name: str): if name in item_table: return OOTItem(name, self.player, item_table[name], False, (name in self.nonadvancement_items)) return OOTItem(name, self.player, ('Event', True, None, None), True, False) def make_event_item(self, name, location, item=None): if item is None: item = self.create_item(name), item, collect=False) location.locked = True location.event = True if name not in item_table: location.internal = True return item def create_regions(self): # create and link regions if self.logic_rules == 'glitchless': world_type = 'World' else: world_type = 'Glitched World' overworld_data_path = data_path(world_type, 'Overworld.json') menu = OOTRegion('Menu', None, None, self.player) start = OOTEntrance(self.player, 'New Game', menu) menu.exits.append(start) self.load_regions_from_json(overworld_data_path) start.connect('Root', self.player)) create_dungeons(self) self.parser.create_delayed_rules() if self.shopsanity != 'off': self.random_shop_prices() self.set_scrub_prices() #'Setting Entrances.') # set_entrances(self) # Enforce vanilla for now for region in self.regions: for exit in region.exits: exit.connect(, self.player)) if self.entrance_shuffle: shuffle_random_entrances(self) def create_items(self): # Generate itempool generate_itempool(self) add_dungeon_items(self) junk_pool = get_junk_pool(self) # Determine starting items for item in if item.player != self.player: continue if in self.remove_from_start_inventory: self.remove_from_start_inventory.remove( else: self.starting_items[] += 1 if item.type == 'Song': self.starting_songs = True # Call the junk fill and get a replacement if item in self.itempool: self.itempool.remove(item) self.itempool.append(self.create_item(*get_junk_item(pool=junk_pool))) if self.start_with_consumables: self.starting_items['Deku Sticks'] = 30 self.starting_items['Deku Nuts'] = 40 if self.start_with_rupees: self.starting_items['Rupees'] = 999 += self.itempool def set_rules(self): set_rules(self) set_entrances_based_rules(self) def generate_basic(self): # mostly killing locations that shouldn't exist by settings # Fill boss prizes. needs to happen before killing unreachable locations self.fill_bosses() # Uniquely rename drop locations for each region and erase them from the spoiler set_drop_location_names(self) # Gather items for ice trap appearances self.fake_items = [] if self.ice_trap_appearance in ['major_only', 'anything']: self.fake_items.extend(item for item in self.itempool if item.index and self.is_major_item(item)) if self.ice_trap_appearance in ['junk_only', 'anything']: self.fake_items.extend(item for item in self.itempool if item.index and not self.is_major_item(item) and != 'Ice Trap') # Kill unreachable events that can't be gotten even with all items # Make sure to only kill actual internal events, not in-game "events" all_state = all_locations = self.get_locations() reachable =, self.player) unreachable = [loc for loc in all_locations if loc.internal and loc.event and loc.locked and loc not in reachable] for loc in unreachable: loc.parent_region.locations.remove(loc) # Exception: Sell Big Poe is an event which is only reachable if Bottle with Big Poe is in the item pool. # We allow it to be removed only if Bottle with Big Poe is not in the itempool. bigpoe ='Sell Big Poe from Market Guard House', self.player) if not all_state.has('Bottle with Big Poe', self.player) and bigpoe not in reachable: bigpoe.parent_region.locations.remove(bigpoe) # If fast scarecrow then we need to kill the Pierre location as it will be unreachable if self.free_scarecrow: loc ="Pierre", self.player) loc.parent_region.locations.remove(loc) # If open zora's domain then we need to kill Deliver Rutos Letter if self.zora_fountain == 'open': loc ="Deliver Rutos Letter", self.player) loc.parent_region.locations.remove(loc) def pre_fill(self): # relevant for both dungeon item fill and song fill dungeon_song_locations = [ "Deku Tree Queen Gohma Heart", "Dodongos Cavern King Dodongo Heart", "Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Heart", "Forest Temple Phantom Ganon Heart", "Fire Temple Volvagia Heart", "Water Temple Morpha Heart", "Shadow Temple Bongo Bongo Heart", "Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart", "Song from Impa", "Sheik in Ice Cavern", "Bottom of the Well Lens of Truth Chest", "Bottom of the Well MQ Lens of Truth Chest", # only one exists "Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Final Chest", "Gerudo Training Grounds MQ Ice Arrows Chest", # only one exists ] # Place/set rules for dungeon items itempools = { 'dungeon': [], 'overworld': [], 'any_dungeon': [], } any_dungeon_locations = [] for dungeon in self.dungeons: itempools['dungeon'] = [] # Put the dungeon items into their appropriate pools. # Build in reverse order since we need to fill boss key first and pop() returns the last element if self.shuffle_mapcompass in itempools: itempools[self.shuffle_mapcompass].extend(dungeon.dungeon_items) if self.shuffle_smallkeys in itempools: itempools[self.shuffle_smallkeys].extend(dungeon.small_keys) shufflebk = self.shuffle_bosskeys if != 'Ganons Castle' else self.shuffle_ganon_bosskey if shufflebk in itempools: itempools[shufflebk].extend(dungeon.boss_key) # We can't put a dungeon item on the end of a dungeon if a song is supposed to go there. Make sure not to include it. dungeon_locations = [loc for region in dungeon.regions for loc in region.locations if loc.item is None and ( self.shuffle_song_items != 'dungeon' or not in dungeon_song_locations)] if itempools['dungeon']: # only do this if there's anything to shuffle for item in itempools['dungeon']: fill_restrictive(,, dungeon_locations, itempools['dungeon'], True, True) any_dungeon_locations.extend(dungeon_locations) # adds only the unfilled locations # Now fill items that can go into any dungeon. Retrieve the Gerudo Fortress keys from the pool if necessary if self.shuffle_fortresskeys == 'any_dungeon': fortresskeys = filter(lambda item: item.player == self.player and item.type == 'FortressSmallKey', itempools['any_dungeon'].extend(fortresskeys) if itempools['any_dungeon']: for item in itempools['any_dungeon']: itempools['any_dungeon'].sort(key=lambda item: {'GanonBossKey': 4, 'BossKey': 3, 'SmallKey': 2, 'FortressSmallKey': 1}.get(item.type, 0)) fill_restrictive(,, any_dungeon_locations, itempools['any_dungeon'], True, True) # If anything is overworld-only, enforce them as local and not in the remaining dungeon locations if itempools['overworld'] or self.shuffle_fortresskeys == 'overworld': from worlds.generic.Rules import forbid_items_for_player fortresskeys = {'Small Key (Gerudo Fortress)'} if self.shuffle_fortresskeys == 'overworld' else set() local_overworld_items = set(map(lambda item:, itempools['overworld'])).union(fortresskeys) for location in if location.player != self.player or location in any_dungeon_locations: forbid_items_for_player(location, local_overworld_items, self.player) # Place songs # 5 built-in retries because this section can fail sometimes if self.shuffle_song_items != 'any': tries = 5 if self.shuffle_song_items == 'song': song_locations = list(filter(lambda location: location.type == 'Song', elif self.shuffle_song_items == 'dungeon': song_locations = list(filter(lambda location: in dungeon_song_locations, else: raise Exception(f"Unknown song shuffle type: {self.shuffle_song_items}") songs = list(filter(lambda item: item.player == self.player and item.type == 'Song', for song in songs: while tries: try: # shuffling songs makes it less likely to fail by placing ZL last fill_restrictive(,, song_locations[:], songs[:], True, True) logger.debug(f"Successfully placed songs for player {self.player} after {6 - tries} attempt(s)") tries = 0 except FillError as e: tries -= 1 if tries == 0: raise e logger.debug(f"Failed placing songs for player {self.player}. Retries left: {tries}") # undo what was done for song in songs: song.location = None = None for location in song_locations: location.item = None location.locked = False location.event = False # Place shop items # fast fill will fail because there is some logic on the shop items. we'll gather them up and place the shop items if self.shopsanity != 'off': shop_items = list(filter(lambda item: item.player == self.player and item.type == 'Shop', shop_locations = list( filter(lambda location: location.type == 'Shop' and not in self.shop_prices, shop_items.sort(key=lambda item: 1 if in {"Buy Goron Tunic", "Buy Zora Tunic"} else 0) for item in shop_items: fill_restrictive(,, shop_locations, shop_items, True, True) set_shop_rules(self) # sets wallet requirements on shop items, must be done after they are filled # If skip child zelda is active and Song from Impa is unfilled, put a local giveable item into it. impa ="Song from Impa", self.player) if self.skip_child_zelda and impa.item is None: from .SaveContext import SaveContext item_to_place = for item in if item.player == self.player and in SaveContext.giveable_items) impa.place_locked_item(item_to_place) # Locations which are not sendable must be converted to events # This includes all locations for which show_in_spoiler is false, and shuffled shop items. for loc in self.get_locations(): if loc.address is not None and ( not loc.show_in_spoiler or (loc.item is not None and loc.item.type == 'Shop') or (self.skip_child_zelda and in ['HC Zeldas Letter', 'Song from Impa'])): loc.address = None def generate_output(self, output_directory: str): if self.hints != 'none': hint_data_available.wait() with i_o_limiter: # Make ice traps appear as other random items ice_traps = [loc.item for loc in self.get_locations() if == 'Ice Trap'] for trap in ice_traps: trap.looks_like_item = self.create_item([self.player].choice(self.fake_items).name) outfile_name = f"AP_{}_P{self.player}_{}" rom = Rom(file=get_options()['oot_options']['rom_file']) if self.hints != 'none': buildWorldGossipHints(self) patch_rom(self, rom) patch_cosmetics(self, rom) rom.update_header() create_patch_file(rom, output_path(output_directory, outfile_name + '.apz5')) rom.restore() # Gathers hint data for OoT. Loops over all world locations for woth, barren, and major item locations. @classmethod def stage_generate_output(cls, world: MultiWorld, output_directory: str): def hint_type_players(hint_type: str) -> set: return {autoworld.player for autoworld in world.get_game_worlds("Ocarina of Time") if autoworld.hints != 'none' and autoworld.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['copies'] > 0} try: item_hint_players = hint_type_players('item') barren_hint_players = hint_type_players('barren') woth_hint_players = hint_type_players('woth') items_by_region = {} for player in barren_hint_players: items_by_region[player] = {} for r in world.worlds[player].regions: items_by_region[player][r.hint_text] = {'dungeon': False, 'weight': 0, 'is_barren': True} for d in world.worlds[player].dungeons: items_by_region[player][d.hint_text] = {'dungeon': True, 'weight': 0, 'is_barren': True} del (items_by_region[player]["Link's Pocket"]) del (items_by_region[player][None]) if item_hint_players: # loop once over all locations to gather major items. Check oot locations for barren/woth if needed for loc in world.get_locations(): player = loc.item.player autoworld = world.worlds[player] if ((player in item_hint_players and (autoworld.is_major_item(loc.item) or in autoworld.item_added_hint_types['item'])) or (loc.player in item_hint_players and in world.worlds[loc.player].added_hint_types['item'])): autoworld.major_item_locations.append(loc) if == "Ocarina of Time" and loc.item.code and (not loc.locked or loc.item.type == 'Song'): if loc.player in barren_hint_players: hint_area = get_hint_area(loc) items_by_region[loc.player][hint_area]['weight'] += 1 if loc.item.advancement: items_by_region[loc.player][hint_area]['is_barren'] = False if loc.player in woth_hint_players and loc.item.advancement: # Skip item at location and see if game is still beatable state = CollectionState(world) state.locations_checked.add(loc) if not world.can_beat_game(state): world.worlds[loc.player].required_locations.append(loc) elif barren_hint_players or woth_hint_players: # Check only relevant oot locations for barren/woth for player in (barren_hint_players | woth_hint_players): for loc in world.worlds[player].get_locations(): if loc.item.code and (not loc.locked or loc.item.type == 'Song'): if player in barren_hint_players: hint_area = get_hint_area(loc) items_by_region[player][hint_area]['weight'] += 1 if loc.item.advancement: items_by_region[player][hint_area]['is_barren'] = False if player in woth_hint_players and loc.item.advancement: state = CollectionState(world) state.locations_checked.add(loc) if not world.can_beat_game(state): world.worlds[player].required_locations.append(loc) for player in barren_hint_players: world.worlds[player].empty_areas = {region: info for (region, info) in items_by_region[player].items() if info['is_barren']} except Exception as e: raise e finally: hint_data_available.set() # Helper functions def get_shuffled_entrances(self): return [] # later this will return all entrances modified by ER. patching process needs it now though def get_locations(self): for region in self.regions: for loc in region.locations: yield loc def get_location(self, location): return, self.player) def get_region(self, region): return, self.player) def is_major_item(self, item: OOTItem): if item.type == 'Token': return self.bridge == 'tokens' or self.lacs_condition == 'tokens' if in self.nonadvancement_items: return True if item.type in ('Drop', 'Event', 'Shop', 'DungeonReward') or not item.advancement: return False if'Bombchus') and not self.bombchus_in_logic: return False if item.type in ['Map', 'Compass']: return False if item.type == 'SmallKey' and self.shuffle_smallkeys in ['dungeon', 'vanilla']: return False if item.type == 'FortressSmallKey' and self.shuffle_fortresskeys == 'vanilla': return False if item.type == 'BossKey' and self.shuffle_bosskeys in ['dungeon', 'vanilla']: return False if item.type == 'GanonBossKey' and self.shuffle_ganon_bosskey in ['dungeon', 'vanilla']: return False return True