from __future__ import annotations import logging import sys from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Set, Tuple, List, Optional, TextIO, Any, Callable, Union, TYPE_CHECKING from Options import Option from BaseClasses import CollectionState if TYPE_CHECKING: from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Item, Location, Tutorial class AutoWorldRegister(type): world_types: Dict[str, type(World)] = {} def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoWorldRegister: if "web" in dct: assert isinstance(dct["web"], WebWorld), "WebWorld has to be instantiated." # filter out any events dct["item_name_to_id"] = {name: id for name, id in dct["item_name_to_id"].items() if id} dct["location_name_to_id"] = {name: id for name, id in dct["location_name_to_id"].items() if id} # build reverse lookups dct["item_id_to_name"] = {code: name for name, code in dct["item_name_to_id"].items()} dct["location_id_to_name"] = {code: name for name, code in dct["location_name_to_id"].items()} # build rest dct["item_names"] = frozenset(dct["item_name_to_id"]) dct["item_name_groups"] = dct.get("item_name_groups", {}) dct["item_name_groups"]["Everything"] = dct["item_names"] dct["location_names"] = frozenset(dct["location_name_to_id"]) dct["all_item_and_group_names"] = frozenset(dct["item_names"] | set(dct.get("item_name_groups", {}))) # move away from get_required_client_version function if "game" in dct: assert "get_required_client_version" not in dct, f"{name}: required_client_version is an attribute now" # set minimum required_client_version from bases if "required_client_version" in dct and bases: for base in bases: if "required_client_version" in base.__dict__: dct["required_client_version"] = max(dct["required_client_version"], base.__dict__["required_client_version"]) # construct class new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) if "game" in dct: if dct["game"] in AutoWorldRegister.world_types: raise RuntimeError(f"""Game {dct["game"]} already registered.""") AutoWorldRegister.world_types[dct["game"]] = new_class new_class.__file__ = sys.modules[new_class.__module__].__file__ new_class.is_zip = ".apworld" in new_class.__file__ return new_class class AutoLogicRegister(type): def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoLogicRegister: new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) function: Callable[..., Any] for item_name, function in dct.items(): if item_name == "copy_mixin": CollectionState.additional_copy_functions.append(function) elif item_name == "init_mixin": CollectionState.additional_init_functions.append(function) elif not item_name.startswith("__"): if hasattr(CollectionState, item_name): raise Exception(f"Name conflict on Logic Mixin {name} trying to overwrite {item_name}") setattr(CollectionState, item_name, function) return new_class def call_single(world: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, player: int, *args: Any) -> Any: method = getattr(world.worlds[player], method_name) return method(*args) def call_all(world: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, *args: Any) -> None: world_types: Set[AutoWorldRegister] = set() for player in world.player_ids: world_types.add(world.worlds[player].__class__) call_single(world, method_name, player, *args) for world_type in world_types: stage_callable = getattr(world_type, f"stage_{method_name}", None) if stage_callable: stage_callable(world, *args) def call_stage(world: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, *args: Any) -> None: world_types = {world.worlds[player].__class__ for player in world.player_ids} for world_type in world_types: stage_callable = getattr(world_type, f"stage_{method_name}", None) if stage_callable: stage_callable(world, *args) class WebWorld: """Webhost integration""" # display a settings page. Can be a link to an out-of-ap settings tool too. settings_page: Union[bool, str] = True # docs folder will be scanned for game info pages using this list in the format '{language}_{game_name}.md' game_info_languages: List[str] = ['en'] # docs folder will also be scanned for tutorial guides given the relevant information in this list. Each Tutorial # class is to be used for one guide. tutorials: List["Tutorial"] # Choose a theme for your /game/* pages # Available: dirt, grass, grassFlowers, ice, jungle, ocean, partyTime, stone theme = "grass" # display a link to a bug report page, most likely a link to a GitHub issue page. bug_report_page: Optional[str] class World(metaclass=AutoWorldRegister): """A World object encompasses a game's Items, Locations, Rules and additional data or functionality required. A Game should have its own subclass of World in which it defines the required data structures.""" option_definitions: Dict[str, Option[Any]] = {} # link your Options mapping game: str # name the game topology_present: bool = False # indicate if world type has any meaningful layout/pathing # gets automatically populated with all item and item group names all_item_and_group_names: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() # map names to their IDs item_name_to_id: Dict[str, int] = {} location_name_to_id: Dict[str, int] = {} # maps item group names to sets of items. Example: "Weapons" -> {"Sword", "Bow"} item_name_groups: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {} # increment this every time something in your world's names/id mappings changes. # While this is set to 0 in *any* AutoWorld, the entire DataPackage is considered in testing mode and will be # retrieved by clients on every connection. data_version: int = 1 # override this if changes to a world break forward-compatibility of the client # The base version of (0, 1, 6) is provided for backwards compatibility and does *not* need to be updated in the # future. Protocol level compatibility check moved to MultiServer.min_client_version. required_client_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 1, 6) # update this if the resulting multidata breaks forward-compatibility of the server required_server_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 2, 4) hint_blacklist: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() # any names that should not be hintable # NOTE: remote_items and remote_start_inventory are now available in the network protocol for the client to set. # These values will be removed. # if a world is set to remote_items, then it just needs to send location checks to the server and the server # sends back the items # if a world is set to remote_items = False, then the server never sends an item where receiver == finder, # the client finds its own items in its own world. remote_items: bool = True # If remote_start_inventory is true, the start_inventory/world.precollected_items is sent on connection, # otherwise the world implementation is in charge of writing the items to their output data. remote_start_inventory: bool = True # For games where after a victory it is impossible to go back in and get additional/remaining Locations checked. # this forces forfeit: auto for those games. forced_auto_forfeit: bool = False # Hide World Type from various views. Does not remove functionality. hidden: bool = False # see WebWorld for options web: WebWorld = WebWorld() # autoset on creation: world: "MultiWorld" player: int # automatically generated item_id_to_name: Dict[int, str] location_id_to_name: Dict[int, str] item_names: Set[str] # set of all potential item names location_names: Set[str] # set of all potential location names is_zip: bool # was loaded from a .apworld ? __file__: str # path it was loaded from def __init__(self, world: "MultiWorld", player: int): = world self.player = player # overridable methods that get called by, sorted by execution order # can also be implemented as a classmethod and called "stage_", # in that case the MultiWorld object is passed as an argument and it gets called once for the entire multiworld. # An example of this can be found in alttp as stage_pre_fill @classmethod def assert_generate(cls) -> None: """Checks that a game is capable of generating, usually checks for some base file like a ROM. Not run for unittests since they don't produce output""" pass def generate_early(self) -> None: pass def create_regions(self) -> None: pass def create_items(self) -> None: pass def set_rules(self) -> None: pass def generate_basic(self) -> None: pass def pre_fill(self) -> None: """Optional method that is supposed to be used for special fill stages. This is run *after* plando.""" pass @classmethod def fill_hook(cls, progitempool: List["Item"], nonexcludeditempool: List["Item"], localrestitempool: Dict[int, List["Item"]], nonlocalrestitempool: Dict[int, List["Item"]], restitempool: List["Item"], fill_locations: List["Location"]) -> None: """Special method that gets called as part of distribute_items_restrictive (main fill). This gets called once per present world type.""" pass def post_fill(self) -> None: """Optional Method that is called after regular fill. Can be used to do adjustments before output generation.""" def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None: """This method gets called from a threadpool, do not use world.random here. If you need any last-second randomization, use MultiWorld.slot_seeds[slot] instead.""" pass def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # json of WebHostLib.models.Slot """Fill in the slot_data field in the Connected network package.""" return {} def modify_multidata(self, multidata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # TODO: TypedDict for multidata? """For deeper modification of server multidata.""" pass # Spoiler writing is optional, these may not get called. def write_spoiler_header(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the spoiler header. If individual it's right at the end of that player's options, if as stage it's right under the common header before per-player options.""" pass def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the spoiler "middle", this is after the per-player options and before locations, meant for useful or interesting info.""" pass def write_spoiler_end(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the end of the spoiler""" pass # end of ordered calls def create_item(self, name: str) -> "Item": """Create an item for this world type and player. Warning: this may be called with = None, for example by MultiServer""" raise NotImplementedError def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: """Called when the item pool needs to be filled with additional items to match location count.""" logging.warning(f"World {self} is generating a filler item without custom filler pool.") return # decent place to implement progressive items, in most cases can stay as-is def collect_item(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item", remove: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Collect an item name into state. For speed reasons items that aren't logically useful get skipped. Collect None to skip item. :param state: CollectionState to collect into :param item: Item to decide on if it should be collected into state :param remove: indicate if this is meant to remove from state instead of adding.""" if item.advancement: return return None # called to create all_state, return Items that are created during pre_fill def get_pre_fill_items(self) -> List["Item"]: return [] # following methods should not need to be overridden. def collect(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: name = self.collect_item(state, item) if name: state.prog_items[name, self.player] += 1 return True return False def remove(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: name = self.collect_item(state, item, True) if name: state.prog_items[name, self.player] -= 1 if state.prog_items[name, self.player] < 1: del (state.prog_items[name, self.player]) return True return False def create_filler(self) -> "Item": return self.create_item(self.get_filler_item_name()) # any methods attached to this can be used as part of CollectionState, # please use a prefix as all of them get clobbered together class LogicMixin(metaclass=AutoLogicRegister): pass