from argparse import Namespace from glob import glob import json import random import os import shutil from tkinter import Checkbutton, OptionMenu, Toplevel, LabelFrame, PhotoImage, Tk, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, TOP, StringVar, IntVar, Frame, Label, W, E, X, Entry, Spinbox, Button, filedialog, messagebox, ttk from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import urlopen from AdjusterMain import adjust from GuiUtils import ToolTips, set_icon, BackgroundTaskProgress from Main import main, __version__ as ESVersion from Rom import Sprite from Utils import is_bundled, local_path, output_path, open_file def guiMain(args=None): mainWindow = Tk() mainWindow.wm_title("Entrance Shuffle %s" % ESVersion) set_icon(mainWindow) notebook = ttk.Notebook(mainWindow) randomizerWindow = ttk.Frame(notebook) adjustWindow = ttk.Frame(notebook) notebook.add(randomizerWindow, text='Randomize') notebook.add(adjustWindow, text='Adjust') notebook.pack() # Shared Controls farBottomFrame = Frame(mainWindow) def open_output(): open_file(output_path('')) openOutputButton = Button(farBottomFrame, text='Open Output Directory', command=open_output) if os.path.exists(local_path('README.html')): def open_readme(): open_file(local_path('README.html')) openReadmeButton = Button(farBottomFrame, text='Open Documentation', command=open_readme) openReadmeButton.pack(side=LEFT) farBottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, padx=5, pady=5) # randomizer controls topFrame = Frame(randomizerWindow) rightHalfFrame = Frame(topFrame) checkBoxFrame = Frame(rightHalfFrame) createSpoilerVar = IntVar() createSpoilerCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Create Spoiler Log", variable=createSpoilerVar) suppressRomVar = IntVar() suppressRomCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Do not create patched Rom", variable=suppressRomVar) quickSwapVar = IntVar() quickSwapCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Enabled L/R Item quickswapping", variable=quickSwapVar) fastMenuVar = IntVar() fastMenuCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Enable instant menu", variable=fastMenuVar) keysanityVar = IntVar() keysanityCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Keysanity (keys anywhere)", variable=keysanityVar) dungeonItemsVar = IntVar() dungeonItemsCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Place Dungeon Items (Compasses/Maps)", onvalue=0, offvalue=1, variable=dungeonItemsVar) beatableOnlyVar = IntVar() beatableOnlyCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Only ensure seed is beatable, not all items must be reachable", variable=beatableOnlyVar) disableMusicVar = IntVar() disableMusicCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Disable game music", variable=disableMusicVar) shuffleGanonVar = IntVar() shuffleGanonCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Include Ganon's Tower and Pyramid Hole in shuffle pool", variable=shuffleGanonVar) createSpoilerCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) suppressRomCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) quickSwapCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) fastMenuCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) keysanityCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) dungeonItemsCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) beatableOnlyCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) disableMusicCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) shuffleGanonCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) fileDialogFrame = Frame(rightHalfFrame) romDialogFrame = Frame(fileDialogFrame) baseRomLabel = Label(romDialogFrame, text='Base Rom') romVar = StringVar() romEntry = Entry(romDialogFrame, textvariable=romVar) def RomSelect(): rom = filedialog.askopenfilename() romVar.set(rom) romSelectButton = Button(romDialogFrame, text='Select Rom', command=RomSelect) baseRomLabel.pack(side=LEFT) romEntry.pack(side=LEFT) romSelectButton.pack(side=LEFT) spriteDialogFrame = Frame(fileDialogFrame) baseSpriteLabel = Label(spriteDialogFrame, text='Link Sprite:') spriteNameVar = StringVar() sprite = None def set_sprite(sprite_param): nonlocal sprite if sprite_param is None or not sprite_param.valid: sprite = None spriteNameVar.set('(default Link)') else: sprite = sprite_param spriteNameVar.set( set_sprite(None) spriteNameVar.set('(default Link)') spriteEntry = Label(spriteDialogFrame, textvariable=spriteNameVar) def SpriteSelect(): SpriteSelector(mainWindow, set_sprite) spriteSelectButton = Button(spriteDialogFrame, text='Open Sprite Picker', command=SpriteSelect) baseSpriteLabel.pack(side=LEFT) spriteEntry.pack(side=LEFT) spriteSelectButton.pack(side=LEFT) romDialogFrame.pack() spriteDialogFrame.pack() checkBoxFrame.pack() fileDialogFrame.pack() drowDownFrame = Frame(topFrame) modeFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) modeVar = StringVar() modeVar.set('open') modeOptionMenu = OptionMenu(modeFrame, modeVar, 'standard', 'open', 'swordless') modeOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) modeLabel = Label(modeFrame, text='Game Mode') modeLabel.pack(side=LEFT) logicFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) logicVar = StringVar() logicVar.set('noglitches') logicOptionMenu = OptionMenu(logicFrame, logicVar, 'noglitches', 'minorglitches') logicOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) logicLabel = Label(logicFrame, text='Game logic') logicLabel.pack(side=LEFT) goalFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) goalVar = StringVar() goalVar.set('ganon') goalOptionMenu = OptionMenu(goalFrame, goalVar, 'ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals') goalOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) goalLabel = Label(goalFrame, text='Game goal') goalLabel.pack(side=LEFT) difficultyFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) difficultyVar = StringVar() difficultyVar.set('normal') difficultyOptionMenu = OptionMenu(difficultyFrame, difficultyVar, 'easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'expert', 'insane') difficultyOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) difficultyLabel = Label(difficultyFrame, text='Game difficulty') difficultyLabel.pack(side=LEFT) timerFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) timerVar = StringVar() timerVar.set('none') timerOptionMenu = OptionMenu(timerFrame, timerVar, 'none', 'display', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'ohko', 'timed-countdown') timerOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) timerLabel = Label(timerFrame, text='Timer setting') timerLabel.pack(side=LEFT) progressiveFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) progressiveVar = StringVar() progressiveVar.set('on') progressiveOptionMenu = OptionMenu(progressiveFrame, progressiveVar, 'on', 'off', 'random') progressiveOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) progressiveLabel = Label(progressiveFrame, text='Progressive equipment') progressiveLabel.pack(side=LEFT) algorithmFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) algorithmVar = StringVar() algorithmVar.set('balanced') algorithmOptionMenu = OptionMenu(algorithmFrame, algorithmVar, 'freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25', 'vt26', 'balanced') algorithmOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) algorithmLabel = Label(algorithmFrame, text='Item distribution algorithm') algorithmLabel.pack(side=LEFT) shuffleFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) shuffleVar = StringVar() shuffleVar.set('full') shuffleOptionMenu = OptionMenu(shuffleFrame, shuffleVar, 'vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'full', 'madness', 'insanity', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple') shuffleOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) shuffleLabel = Label(shuffleFrame, text='Entrance shuffle algorithm') shuffleLabel.pack(side=LEFT) heartbeepFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame) heartbeepVar = StringVar() heartbeepVar.set('normal') heartbeepOptionMenu = OptionMenu(heartbeepFrame, heartbeepVar, 'normal', 'half', 'quarter', 'off') heartbeepOptionMenu.pack(side=RIGHT) heartbeepLabel = Label(heartbeepFrame, text='Heartbeep sound rate') heartbeepLabel.pack(side=LEFT) modeFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) logicFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) goalFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) difficultyFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) timerFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) progressiveFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) algorithmFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) shuffleFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) heartbeepFrame.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) bottomFrame = Frame(randomizerWindow) seedLabel = Label(bottomFrame, text='Seed #') seedVar = StringVar() seedEntry = Entry(bottomFrame, textvariable=seedVar) countLabel = Label(bottomFrame, text='Count') countVar = StringVar() countSpinbox = Spinbox(bottomFrame, from_=1, to=100, textvariable=countVar) def generateRom(): guiargs = Namespace guiargs.seed = int(seedVar.get()) if seedVar.get() else None guiargs.count = int(countVar.get()) if countVar.get() != '1' else None guiargs.mode = modeVar.get() guiargs.logic = logicVar.get() guiargs.goal = goalVar.get() guiargs.difficulty = difficultyVar.get() guiargs.timer = timerVar.get() = progressiveVar.get() guiargs.algorithm = algorithmVar.get() guiargs.shuffle = shuffleVar.get() guiargs.heartbeep = heartbeepVar.get() guiargs.create_spoiler = bool(createSpoilerVar.get()) guiargs.suppress_rom = bool(suppressRomVar.get()) guiargs.keysanity = bool(keysanityVar.get()) guiargs.nodungeonitems = bool(dungeonItemsVar.get()) guiargs.beatableonly = bool(beatableOnlyVar.get()) guiargs.fastmenu = bool(fastMenuVar.get()) guiargs.quickswap = bool(quickSwapVar.get()) guiargs.disablemusic = bool(disableMusicVar.get()) guiargs.shuffleganon = bool(shuffleGanonVar.get()) guiargs.rom = romVar.get() guiargs.jsonout = None guiargs.sprite = sprite try: if guiargs.count is not None: seed = guiargs.seed for _ in range(guiargs.count): main(seed=seed, args=guiargs) seed = random.randint(0, 999999999) else: main(seed=guiargs.seed, args=guiargs) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror(title="Error while creating seed", message=str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo(title="Success", message="Rom patched successfully") generateButton = Button(bottomFrame, text='Generate Patched Rom', command=generateRom) seedLabel.pack(side=LEFT) seedEntry.pack(side=LEFT) countLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(5, 0)) countSpinbox.pack(side=LEFT) generateButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(5, 0)) openOutputButton.pack(side=RIGHT) drowDownFrame.pack(side=LEFT) rightHalfFrame.pack(side=RIGHT) topFrame.pack(side=TOP) bottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM) # Adjuster Controls topFrame2 = Frame(adjustWindow) rightHalfFrame2 = Frame(topFrame2) checkBoxFrame2 = Frame(rightHalfFrame2) quickSwapCheckbutton2 = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame2, text="Enabled L/R Item quickswapping", variable=quickSwapVar) fastMenuCheckbutton2 = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame2, text="Enable instant menu", variable=fastMenuVar) disableMusicCheckbutton2 = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame2, text="Disable game music", variable=disableMusicVar) quickSwapCheckbutton2.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) fastMenuCheckbutton2.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) disableMusicCheckbutton2.pack(expand=True, anchor=W) fileDialogFrame2 = Frame(rightHalfFrame2) romDialogFrame2 = Frame(fileDialogFrame2) baseRomLabel2 = Label(romDialogFrame2, text='Rom to adjust') romVar2 = StringVar() romEntry2 = Entry(romDialogFrame2, textvariable=romVar2) def RomSelect2(): rom = filedialog.askopenfilename() romVar2.set(rom) romSelectButton2 = Button(romDialogFrame2, text='Select Rom', command=RomSelect2) baseRomLabel2.pack(side=LEFT) romEntry2.pack(side=LEFT) romSelectButton2.pack(side=LEFT) spriteDialogFrame2 = Frame(fileDialogFrame2) baseSpriteLabel2 = Label(spriteDialogFrame2, text='Link Sprite') spriteEntry2 = Label(spriteDialogFrame2, textvariable=spriteNameVar) spriteSelectButton2 = Button(spriteDialogFrame2, text='Select Sprite', command=SpriteSelect) baseSpriteLabel2.pack(side=LEFT) spriteEntry2.pack(side=LEFT) spriteSelectButton2.pack(side=LEFT) romDialogFrame2.pack() spriteDialogFrame2.pack() checkBoxFrame2.pack() fileDialogFrame2.pack() drowDownFrame2 = Frame(topFrame2) heartbeepFrame2 = Frame(drowDownFrame2) heartbeepOptionMenu2 = OptionMenu(heartbeepFrame2, heartbeepVar, 'normal', 'half', 'quarter', 'off') heartbeepOptionMenu2.pack(side=RIGHT) heartbeepLabel2 = Label(heartbeepFrame2, text='Heartbeep sound rate') heartbeepLabel2.pack(side=LEFT) heartbeepFrame2.pack(expand=True, anchor=E) bottomFrame2 = Frame(topFrame2) def adjustRom(): guiargs = Namespace guiargs.heartbeep = heartbeepVar.get() guiargs.fastmenu = bool(fastMenuVar.get()) guiargs.quickswap = bool(quickSwapVar.get()) guiargs.disablemusic = bool(disableMusicVar.get()) guiargs.rom = romVar2.get() guiargs.sprite = sprite try: adjust(args=guiargs) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror(title="Error while creating seed", message=str(e)) else: messagebox.showinfo(title="Success", message="Rom patched successfully") adjustButton = Button(bottomFrame2, text='Adjust Rom', command=adjustRom) adjustButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(5, 0)) drowDownFrame2.pack(side=LEFT, pady=(0, 40)) rightHalfFrame2.pack(side=RIGHT) topFrame2.pack(side=TOP, pady=30) bottomFrame2.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=(180, 0)) if args is not None: # load values from commandline args createSpoilerVar.set(int(args.create_spoiler)) suppressRomVar.set(int(args.suppress_rom)) keysanityVar.set(args.keysanity) if args.nodungeonitems: dungeonItemsVar.set(int(not args.nodungeonitems)) beatableOnlyVar.set(int(args.beatableonly)) fastMenuVar.set(int(args.fastmenu)) quickSwapVar.set(int(args.quickswap)) disableMusicVar.set(int(args.disablemusic)) if args.count: countVar.set(str(args.count)) if args.seed: seedVar.set(str(args.seed)) modeVar.set(args.mode) difficultyVar.set(args.difficulty) timerVar.set(args.timer) progressiveVar.set( goalVar.set(args.goal) algorithmVar.set(args.algorithm) shuffleVar.set(args.shuffle) heartbeepVar.set(args.heartbeep) logicVar.set(args.logic) romVar.set(args.rom) shuffleGanonVar.set(args.shuffleganon) if args.sprite is not None: set_sprite(Sprite(args.sprite)) mainWindow.mainloop() class SpriteSelector(object): def __init__(self, parent, callback): if is_bundled(): self.deploy_icons() self.parent = parent self.window = Toplevel(parent) self.callback = callback self.window.wm_title("TAKE ANY ONE YOU WANT") self.window['padx'] = 5 self.window['pady'] = 5 self.icon_section('Official Sprites', self.official_sprite_dir+'/*', 'Official Sprites not found. Click "Update Official Sprites" to download them.') self.icon_section('Unofficial Sprites', self.unofficial_sprite_dir+'/*', 'Put sprites in the Sprites/Unofficial folder to have them appear here.') frame = Frame(self.window) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, pady=5) button = Button(frame, text="Browse for file...", command=self.browse_for_sprite) button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=(5, 0)) button = Button(frame, text="Update Official Sprites", command=self.update_official_sprites) button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=(5, 0)) button = Button(frame, text="Use Default Sprite", command=self.use_default_sprite) button.pack(side=LEFT) set_icon(self.window) self.window.focus() def icon_section(self, frame_label, path, no_results_label): frame = LabelFrame(self.window, text=frame_label, padx=5, pady=5) frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) i = 0 for file in glob(output_path(path)): sprite = Sprite(file) image = get_image_for_sprite(sprite) if image is None: continue button = Button(frame, image=image, command=lambda spr=sprite: self.select_sprite(spr)) ToolTips.register(button, + ("\nBy: %s" % sprite.author_name if sprite.author_name is not None else "")) button.image = image button.grid(row=i // 16, column=i % 16) i += 1 if i == 0: label = Label(frame, text=no_results_label) label.pack() def update_official_sprites(self): # need to wrap in try catch. We don't want errors getting the json or downloading the files to break us. self.window.destroy() self.parent.update() def work(task): resultmessage = "" successful = True def finished(): task.close_window() if successful: messagebox.showinfo("Sprite Updater", resultmessage) else: messagebox.showerror("Sprite Updater", resultmessage) SpriteSelector(self.parent, self.callback) try: task.update_status("Downloading official sprites list") with urlopen('') as response: sprites_arr = json.load(response) except Exception as e: resultmessage = "Error getting list of official sprites. Sprites not updated.\n\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) successful = False task.queue_event(finished) return try: task.update_status("Determining needed sprites") current_sprites = [os.path.basename(file) for file in glob(self.official_sprite_dir+'/*')] official_sprites = [(sprite['file'], os.path.basename(urlparse(sprite['file']).path)) for sprite in sprites_arr] needed_sprites = [(sprite_url, filename) for (sprite_url, filename) in official_sprites if filename not in current_sprites] bundled_sprites = [os.path.basename(file) for file in glob(self.local_official_sprite_dir+'/*')] # todo: eventually use the above list to avoid downloading any sprites that we already have cached in the bundle. official_filenames = [filename for (_, filename) in official_sprites] obsolete_sprites = [sprite for sprite in current_sprites if sprite not in official_filenames] except Exception as e: resultmessage = "Error Determining which sprites to update. Sprites not updated.\n\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) successful = False task.queue_event(finished) return updated = 0 for (sprite_url, filename) in needed_sprites: try: task.update_status("Downloading needed sprite %g/%g" % (updated + 1, len(needed_sprites))) target = os.path.join(self.official_sprite_dir, filename) with urlopen(sprite_url) as response, open(target, 'wb') as out: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out) except Exception as e: resultmessage = "Error downloading sprite. Not all sprites updated.\n\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) successful = False updated += 1 deleted = 0 for sprite in obsolete_sprites: try: task.update_status("Removing obsolete sprite %g/%g" % (deleted + 1, len(obsolete_sprites))) os.remove(os.path.join(self.official_sprite_dir, sprite)) except Exception as e: resultmessage = "Error removing obsolete sprite. Not all sprites updated.\n\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) successful = False deleted += 1 if successful: resultmessage = "official sprites updated sucessfully" task.queue_event(finished) BackgroundTaskProgress(self.parent, work, "Updating Sprites") def browse_for_sprite(self): sprite = filedialog.askopenfilename() try: self.callback(Sprite(sprite)) except Exception: self.callback(None) self.window.destroy() def use_default_sprite(self): self.callback(None) self.window.destroy() def select_sprite(self, spritename): self.callback(spritename) self.window.destroy() def deploy_icons(self): if not os.path.exists(self.unofficial_sprite_dir): os.makedirs(self.unofficial_sprite_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.official_sprite_dir): shutil.copytree(self.local_official_sprite_dir, self.official_sprite_dir) @property def official_sprite_dir(self): if is_bundled(): return output_path("sprites/official") return self.local_official_sprite_dir @property def local_official_sprite_dir(self): return local_path("data/sprites/official") @property def unofficial_sprite_dir(self): if is_bundled(): return output_path("sprites/unofficial") return self.local_unofficial_sprite_dir @property def local_unofficial_sprite_dir(self): return local_path("data/sprites/unofficial") def get_image_for_sprite(sprite): if not sprite.valid: return None height = 24 width = 16 def draw_sprite_into_gif(add_palette_color, set_pixel_color_index): def drawsprite(spr, pal_as_colors, offset): for y, row in enumerate(spr): for x, pal_index in enumerate(row): if pal_index: color = pal_as_colors[pal_index - 1] set_pixel_color_index(x + offset[0], y + offset[1], color) add_palette_color(16, (40, 40, 40)) shadow = [ [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], ] drawsprite(shadow, [16], (2, 17)) palettes = sprite.decode_palette() for i in range(15): add_palette_color(i + 1, palettes[0][i]) body = sprite.decode16(0x4C0) drawsprite(body, list(range(1, 16)), (0, 8)) head = sprite.decode16(0x40) drawsprite(head, list(range(1, 16)), (0, 0)) def make_gif(callback): gif_header = b'GIF89a' gif_lsd = bytearray(7) gif_lsd[0] = width gif_lsd[2] = height gif_lsd[4] = 0xF4 # 32 color palette follows. transparant + 15 for sprite + 1 for shadow=17 which rounds up to 32 as nearest power of 2 gif_lsd[5] = 0 # background color is zero gif_lsd[6] = 0 # aspect raio not specified gif_gct = bytearray(3 * 32) gif_gce = bytearray(8) gif_gce[0] = 0x21 # start of extention blocked gif_gce[1] = 0xF9 # identifies this as the Graphics Control extension gif_gce[2] = 4 # we are suppling only the 4 four bytes gif_gce[3] = 0x01 # this gif includes transparency gif_gce[4] = gif_gce[5] = 0 # animation frrame delay (unused) gif_gce[6] = 0 # transparent color is index 0 gif_gce[7] = 0 # end of gif_gce gif_id = bytearray(10) gif_id[0] = 0x2c # byte 1,2 are image left. 3,4 are image top both are left as zerosuitsamus gif_id[5] = width gif_id[7] = height gif_id[9] = 0 # no local color table gif_img_minimum_code_size = bytes([7]) # we choose 7 bits, so that each pixel is represented by a byte, for conviennce. clear = 0x80 stop = 0x81 unchunked_image_data = bytearray(height * (width + 1) + 1) # we technically need a Clear code once every 125 bytes, but we do it at the start of every row for simplicity for row in range(height): unchunked_image_data[row * (width + 1)] = clear unchunked_image_data[-1] = stop def add_palette_color(index, color): gif_gct[3 * index] = color[0] gif_gct[3 * index + 1] = color[1] gif_gct[3 * index + 2] = color[2] def set_pixel_color_index(x, y, color): unchunked_image_data[y * (width + 1) + x + 1] = color callback(add_palette_color, set_pixel_color_index) def chunk_image(img): for i in range(0, len(img), 255): chunk = img[i:i + 255] yield bytes([len(chunk)]) yield chunk gif_img = b''.join([gif_img_minimum_code_size] + list(chunk_image(unchunked_image_data)) + [b'\x00']) gif = b''.join([gif_header, gif_lsd, gif_gct, gif_gce, gif_id, gif_img, b'\x3b']) return gif gif_data = make_gif(draw_sprite_into_gif) image = PhotoImage(data=gif_data) return image.zoom(2) if __name__ == '__main__': guiMain()