# TUNIC Setup Guide ## Required Software - [TUNIC](https://tunicgame.com/) for PC (Steam Deck also supported) - [TUNIC Randomizer Mod](https://github.com/silent-destroyer/tunic-randomizer/releases/latest) - [BepInEx 6.0.0-pre.1 (Unity IL2CPP x64)](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/tag/v6.0.0-pre.1) ## Optional Software - [TUNIC Randomizer Map Tracker](https://github.com/SapphireSapphic/TunicTracker/releases/latest) - Requires [PopTracker](https://github.com/black-sliver/PopTracker/releases) - [TUNIC Randomizer Item Auto-tracker](https://github.com/radicoon/tunic-rando-tracker/releases/latest) - [Archipelago Text Client](https://github.com/ArchipelagoMW/Archipelago/releases/latest) ## Installation ### Find Your Relevant Game Directories Find your TUNIC game installation directory: - **Steam**: Right click TUNIC in your Steam Library, then *Manage → Browse local files*.
- **Steam Deck**: Hold down the power button, tap "Switch to Desktop", then launch Steam from Desktop Mode to access the above option. - **PC Game Pass**: In the Xbox PC app, go to the TUNIC game page from your library, click the [...] button next to "Play", then *Manage → Files → Browse...*
- **Other platforms**: Follow a similar pattern of steps as above to locate your specific game directory. ### Install BepInEx BepInEx is a general purpose framework for modding Unity games, and is used to run the TUNIC Randomizer. Download [BepInEx 6.0.0-pre.1 (Unity IL2CPP x64)](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/tag/v6.0.0-pre.1). If playing on Steam Deck, follow this [guide to set up BepInEx via Proton](https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/advanced/proton_wine.html). If playing on Linux, you may be able to add `WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winhttp=n,b" %command%` to your Steam launch options. If this does not work, follow the guide for Steam Deck above. Extract the contents of the BepInEx .zip file into your TUNIC game directory:
- **Steam**: Steam\steamapps\common\TUNIC
- **PC Game Pass**: XboxGames\Tunic\Content
- **Other platforms**: Place into the same folder that the Tunic_Data or Secret Legend_Data folder is found. Launch the game once and close it to finish the BepInEx installation. ### Install The TUNIC Randomizer Mod Download the latest release of the [TUNIC Randomizer Mod](https://github.com/silent-destroyer/tunic-randomizer/releases/latest). Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file, and find the folder labeled `Tunic Randomizer`. Copy the `Tunic Randomizer` folder into `BepInEx/plugins` in your TUNIC game installation directory. The filepath to the mod should look like `BepInEx/plugins/Tunic Randomizer/TunicRandomizer.dll`
Launch the game, and if everything was installed correctly you should see `Randomizer Mod Ver. x.y.z` in the top left corner of the title screen! ## Configure Archipelago Options ### Configure Your YAML File Visit the [TUNIC options page](/games/TUNIC/player-options) to generate a YAML with your selected options. ### Configure Your Mod Settings Launch the game, and using the menu on the Title Screen select `Archipelago` under `Randomizer Mode`. Click the button labeled `Edit AP Config`, and fill in *Player*, *Hostname*, *Port*, and *Password* (if required) with the correct information for your room. Once you've input your information, click the `Close` button. If everything was configured properly, you should see `Status: Connected!` and your chosen game options will be shown under `World Settings`. An error message will display if the game fails to connect to the server. Be sure to also look at the in-game options menu for a variety of additional settings, such as enemy randomization!