import hashlib import logging from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, ClassVar, List from BaseClasses import Tutorial, ItemClassification, MultiWorld, Item, Location from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld from .names import (dr_wily, heat_man_stage, air_man_stage, wood_man_stage, bubble_man_stage, quick_man_stage, flash_man_stage, metal_man_stage, crash_man_stage) from .items import (item_table, item_names, MM2Item, filler_item_weights, robot_master_weapon_table, stage_access_table, item_item_table, lookup_item_to_id) from .locations import (MM2Location, mm2_regions, MM2Region, energy_pickups, etank_1ups, lookup_location_to_id, location_groups) from .rom import patch_rom, MM2ProcedurePatch, MM2LCHASH, PROTEUSHASH, MM2VCHASH, MM2NESHASH from .options import MM2Options, Consumables from .client import MegaMan2Client from .rules import set_rules, weapon_damage, robot_masters, weapons_to_name, minimum_weakness_requirement import os import threading import base64 import settings logger = logging.getLogger("Mega Man 2") if TYPE_CHECKING: from BaseClasses import CollectionState class MM2Settings(settings.Group): class RomFile(settings.UserFilePath): """File name of the MM2 EN rom""" description = "Mega Man 2 ROM File" copy_to: Optional[str] = "Mega Man 2 (USA).nes" md5s = [MM2NESHASH, MM2VCHASH, MM2LCHASH, PROTEUSHASH] def browse(self: settings.T, filetypes: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, Sequence[str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[settings.T]: if not filetypes: file_types = [("NES", [".nes"]), ("Program", [".exe"])] # LC1 is only a windows executable, no linux return super().browse(file_types, **kwargs) else: return super().browse(filetypes, **kwargs) @classmethod def validate(cls, path: str) -> None: """Try to open and validate file against hashes""" with open(path, "rb", buffering=0) as f: try: if == b"NES\x1A": else: cls._validate_stream_hashes(f) base_rom_bytes = basemd5 = hashlib.md5() basemd5.update(base_rom_bytes) if basemd5.hexdigest() == PROTEUSHASH: # we need special behavior here cls.copy_to = None except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"File hash does not match for {path}") rom_file: RomFile = RomFile(RomFile.copy_to) class MM2WebWorld(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" tutorials = [ Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the Mega Man 2 randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["Silvris"] ) ] class MM2World(World): """ In the year 200X, following his prior defeat by Mega Man, the evil Dr. Wily has returned to take over the world with his own group of Robot Masters. Mega Man once again sets out to defeat the eight Robot Masters and stop Dr. Wily. """ game = "Mega Man 2" settings: ClassVar[MM2Settings] options_dataclass = MM2Options options: MM2Options item_name_to_id = lookup_item_to_id location_name_to_id = lookup_location_to_id item_name_groups = item_names location_name_groups = location_groups web = MM2WebWorld() rom_name: bytearray world_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 3, 2) wily_5_weapons: Dict[int, List[int]] def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int): self.rom_name = bytearray() self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event() super().__init__(multiworld, player) self.weapon_damage = deepcopy(weapon_damage) self.wily_5_weapons = {} def create_regions(self) -> None: menu = MM2Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld) self.multiworld.regions.append(menu) for region in mm2_regions: stage = MM2Region(region, self.player, self.multiworld) required_items = mm2_regions[region][0] locations = mm2_regions[region][1] prev_stage = mm2_regions[region][2] if prev_stage is None: menu.connect(stage, f"To {region}", lambda state, items=required_items: state.has_all(items, self.player)) else: old_stage = self.get_region(prev_stage) old_stage.connect(stage, f"To {region}", lambda state, items=required_items: state.has_all(items, self.player)) stage.add_locations(locations, MM2Location) for location in stage.get_locations(): if location.address is None and != dr_wily: location.place_locked_item(MM2Item(, ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) if region in etank_1ups and self.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_1up_etank, Consumables.option_all): stage.add_locations(etank_1ups[region], MM2Location) if region in energy_pickups and self.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_weapon_health, Consumables.option_all): stage.add_locations(energy_pickups[region], MM2Location) self.multiworld.regions.append(stage) def create_item(self, name: str) -> MM2Item: item = item_table[name] classification = ItemClassification.filler if item.progression: classification = ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing \ if item.skip_balancing else ItemClassification.progression if item.useful: classification |= ItemClassification.useful return MM2Item(name, classification, item.code, self.player) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.random.choices(list(filler_item_weights.keys()), weights=list(filler_item_weights.values()))[0] def create_items(self) -> None: itempool = [] # grab first robot master robot_master = self.item_id_to_name[0x880101 + self.options.starting_robot_master.value] self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(robot_master)) itempool.extend([self.create_item(name) for name in stage_access_table.keys() if name != robot_master]) itempool.extend([self.create_item(name) for name in robot_master_weapon_table.keys()]) itempool.extend([self.create_item(name) for name in item_item_table.keys()]) total_checks = 24 if self.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_1up_etank, Consumables.option_all): total_checks += 20 if self.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_weapon_health, Consumables.option_all): total_checks += 27 remaining = total_checks - len(itempool) itempool.extend([self.create_item(name) for name in self.random.choices(list(filler_item_weights.keys()), weights=list(filler_item_weights.values()), k=remaining)]) self.multiworld.itempool += itempool set_rules = set_rules def generate_early(self) -> None: if (not self.options.yoku_jumps and self.options.starting_robot_master == "heat_man") or \ (not self.options.enable_lasers and self.options.starting_robot_master == "quick_man"): robot_master_pool = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, ] if self.options.yoku_jumps: robot_master_pool.append(0) if self.options.enable_lasers: robot_master_pool.append(4) self.options.starting_robot_master.value = self.random.choice(robot_master_pool) logger.warning( f"Mega Man 2 ({self.player_name}): " f"Incompatible starting Robot Master, changing to " f"{self.options.starting_robot_master.current_key.replace('_', ' ').title()}") def generate_basic(self) -> None: goal_location = self.get_location(dr_wily) goal_location.place_locked_item(MM2Item("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", self.player) def fill_hook(self, progitempool: List["Item"], usefulitempool: List["Item"], filleritempool: List["Item"], fill_locations: List["Location"]) -> None: # on a solo gen, fill can try to force Wily into sphere 2, but for most generations this is impossible # since MM2 can have a 2 item sphere 1, and 3 items are required for Wily if self.multiworld.players > 1: return # Don't need to change anything on a multi gen, fill should be able to solve it with a 4 sphere 1 rbm_to_item = { 0: heat_man_stage, 1: air_man_stage, 2: wood_man_stage, 3: bubble_man_stage, 4: quick_man_stage, 5: flash_man_stage, 6: metal_man_stage, 7: crash_man_stage } affected_rbm = [2, 3] # Wood and Bubble will always have this happen possible_rbm = [1, 5] # Air and Flash are always valid targets, due to Item 2/3 receive if self.options.consumables: possible_rbm.append(6) # Metal has 3 consumables possible_rbm.append(7) # Crash has 3 consumables if self.options.enable_lasers: possible_rbm.append(4) # Quick has a lot of consumables, but needs logical time stopper if not enabled else: affected_rbm.extend([6, 7]) # only two checks on non consumables if self.options.yoku_jumps: possible_rbm.append(0) # Heat has 3 locations always, but might need 2 items logically if self.options.starting_robot_master.value in affected_rbm: rbm_names = list(map(lambda s: rbm_to_item[s], possible_rbm)) valid_second = [item for item in progitempool if in rbm_names and item.player == self.player] placed_item = self.random.choice(valid_second) rbm_defeated = (f"{robot_masters[self.options.starting_robot_master.value].replace(' Defeated', '')}" f" - Defeated") rbm_location = self.get_location(rbm_defeated) rbm_location.place_locked_item(placed_item) progitempool.remove(placed_item) fill_locations.remove(rbm_location) target_rbm = (placed_item.code & 0xF) - 1 if self.options.strict_weakness or (self.options.random_weakness and not (self.weapon_damage[0][target_rbm] > 0)): # we need to find a weakness for this boss weaknesses = [weapon for weapon in range(1, 9) if self.weapon_damage[weapon][target_rbm] >= minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon]] weapons = list(map(lambda s: weapons_to_name[s], weaknesses)) valid_weapons = [item for item in progitempool if in weapons and item.player == self.player] placed_weapon = self.random.choice(valid_weapons) weapon_name = next(name for name, idx in lookup_location_to_id.items() if idx == 0x880101 + self.options.starting_robot_master.value) weapon_location = self.get_location(weapon_name) weapon_location.place_locked_item(placed_weapon) progitempool.remove(placed_weapon) fill_locations.remove(weapon_location) def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None: try: patch = MM2ProcedurePatch(player=self.player, player_name=self.player_name) patch_rom(self, patch) self.rom_name = patch.write(os.path.join(output_directory, f"{self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)}{patch.patch_file_ending}")) except Exception: raise finally: self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "death_link": self.options.death_link.value, "weapon_damage": self.weapon_damage, "wily_5_weapons": self.wily_5_weapons, } def interpret_slot_data(self, slot_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: local_weapon = {int(key): value for key, value in slot_data["weapon_damage"].items()} local_wily = {int(key): value for key, value in slot_data["wily_5_weapons"].items()} return {"weapon_damage": local_weapon, "wily_5_weapons": local_wily} def modify_multidata(self, multidata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # wait for self.rom_name to be available. self.rom_name_available_event.wait() rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None) # we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised if rom_name: new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode() multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = multidata["connect_names"][self.player_name]