import zipfile from typing import * from flask import request, flash, redirect, url_for, render_template, Markup from WebHostLib import app banned_zip_contents = (".sfc",) def allowed_file(filename): return filename.endswith(('.txt', ".yaml", ".zip")) from Generate import roll_settings, PlandoOptions from Utils import parse_yamls @app.route('/check', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def check(): if request.method == 'POST': # check if the post request has the file part if 'file' not in request.files: flash('No file part') else: file = request.files['file'] options = get_yaml_data(file) if isinstance(options, str): flash(options) else: results, _ = roll_options(options) return render_template("checkResult.html", results=results) return render_template("check.html") @app.route('/mysterycheck') def mysterycheck(): return redirect(url_for("check"), 301) def get_yaml_data(file) -> Union[Dict[str, str], str, Markup]: options = {} # if user does not select file, browser also # submit an empty part without filename if file.filename == '': return 'No selected file' elif file and allowed_file(file.filename): if file.filename.endswith(".zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zfile: infolist = zfile.infolist() if any(file.filename.endswith(".archipelago") for file in infolist): return Markup("Error: Your .zip file contains an .archipelago file. " 'Did you mean to host a game?') for file in infolist: if file.filename.endswith(banned_zip_contents): return "Uploaded data contained a rom file, which is likely to contain copyrighted material. Your file was deleted." elif file.filename.endswith((".yaml", ".json", ".yml", ".txt")): options[file.filename] =, "r").read() else: options = {file.filename:} if not options: return "Did not find a .yaml file to process." return options def roll_options(options: Dict[str, Union[dict, str]], plando_options: Set[str] = frozenset({"bosses", "items", "connections", "texts"})) -> \ Tuple[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]], Dict[str, dict]]: plando_options = PlandoOptions.from_set(set(plando_options)) results = {} rolled_results = {} for filename, text in options.items(): try: if type(text) is dict: yaml_datas = (text, ) else: yaml_datas = tuple(parse_yamls(text)) except Exception as e: results[filename] = f"Failed to parse YAML data in {filename}: {e}" else: try: if len(yaml_datas) == 1: rolled_results[filename] = roll_settings(yaml_datas[0], plando_options=plando_options) else: for i, yaml_data in enumerate(yaml_datas): rolled_results[f"{filename}/{i + 1}"] = roll_settings(yaml_data, plando_options=plando_options) except Exception as e: results[filename] = f"Failed to generate mystery in {filename}: {e}" else: results[filename] = True return results, rolled_results