import os import sys import multiprocessing import logging import typing import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.requirements_files.add(os.path.join("WebHostLib", "requirements.txt")) ModuleUpdate.update() # in case app gets imported by something like gunicorn import Utils Utils.local_path.cached_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) from WebHostLib import app as raw_app from waitress import serve from WebHostLib.models import db from WebHostLib.autolauncher import autohost, autogen from WebHostLib.lttpsprites import update_sprites_lttp from WebHostLib.options import create as create_options_files from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister configpath = os.path.abspath("config.yaml") if not os.path.exists(configpath): # fall back to config.yaml in home configpath = os.path.abspath(Utils.user_path('config.yaml')) def get_app(): app = raw_app if os.path.exists(configpath): import yaml app.config.from_file(configpath, yaml.safe_load)"Updated config from {configpath}") db.bind(**app.config["PONY"]) db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) return app def create_ordered_tutorials_file() -> typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: import json import shutil worlds = {} data = [] for game, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if hasattr(world.web, 'tutorials') and (not world.hidden or game == 'Archipelago'): worlds[game] = world for game, world in worlds.items(): # copy files from world's docs folder to the generated folder source_path = Utils.local_path(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[world.__module__].__file__), 'docs') target_path = Utils.local_path("WebHostLib", "static", "generated", "docs", game) files = os.listdir(source_path) for file in files: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(Utils.local_path(target_path, file)), exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(Utils.local_path(source_path, file), Utils.local_path(target_path, file)) # build a json tutorial dict per game game_data = {'gameTitle': game, 'tutorials': []} for tutorial in world.web.tutorials: # build dict for the json file current_tutorial = { 'name': tutorial.tutorial_name, 'description': tutorial.description, 'files': [{ 'language': tutorial.language, 'filename': game + '/' + tutorial.file_name, 'link': f'{game}/{}', 'authors': }] } # check if the name of the current guide exists already for guide in game_data['tutorials']: if guide and tutorial.tutorial_name == guide['name']: guide['files'].append(current_tutorial['files'][0]) break else: game_data['tutorials'].append(current_tutorial) data.append(game_data) with open(Utils.local_path("WebHostLib", "static", "generated", "tutorials.json"), 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as json_target: generic_data = {} for games in data: if 'Archipelago' in games['gameTitle']: generic_data = data.pop(data.index(games)) sorted_data = [generic_data] + sorted(data, key=lambda entry: entry["gameTitle"].lower()) json.dump(sorted_data, json_target, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) return sorted_data if __name__ == "__main__": multiprocessing.freeze_support() multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) try: update_sprites_lttp() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.warning("Could not update LttP sprites.") app = get_app() create_options_files() create_ordered_tutorials_file() if app.config["SELFLAUNCH"]: autohost(app.config) if app.config["SELFGEN"]: autogen(app.config) if app.config["SELFHOST"]: # using WSGI, you just want to run get_app() if app.config["DEBUG"]:, port=app.config["PORT"]) else: serve(app, port=app.config["PORT"], threads=app.config["WAITRESS_THREADS"])