from typing import Union from BaseClasses import Tutorial from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from . import Options from .Items import DLCQuestItem, ItemData, create_items, item_table from .Locations import DLCQuestLocation, location_table from .Options import DLCQuestOptions from .Regions import create_regions from .Rules import set_rules client_version = 0 class DLCqwebworld(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Tutorial", "A guide to setting up the Archipelago DLCQuest game on your computer.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["axe_y"] )] class DLCqworld(World): """ DLCQuest is a metroid ish game where everything is an in-game dlc. """ game = "DLCQuest" topology_present = False web = DLCqwebworld() item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} location_name_to_id = location_table data_version = 1 options_dataclass = DLCQuestOptions options: DLCQuestOptions def create_regions(self): create_regions(self.multiworld, self.player, self.options) def set_rules(self): set_rules(self.multiworld, self.player, self.options) def create_event(self, event: str): return DLCQuestItem(event, True, None, self.player) def create_items(self): self.precollect_coinsanity() locations_count = len([location for location in self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player) if not location.event]) items_to_exclude = [excluded_items for excluded_items in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]] created_items = create_items(self, self.options, locations_count + len(items_to_exclude), self.multiworld.random) self.multiworld.itempool += created_items self.multiworld.early_items[self.player]["Movement Pack"] = 1 for item in items_to_exclude: if item in self.multiworld.itempool: self.multiworld.itempool.remove(item) def precollect_coinsanity(self): if self.options.campaign == Options.Campaign.option_basic: if self.options.coinsanity == Options.CoinSanity.option_coin and self.options.coinbundlequantity >= 5: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Movement Pack")) def create_item(self, item: Union[str, ItemData]) -> DLCQuestItem: if isinstance(item, str): item = item_table[item] return DLCQuestItem(, item.classification, item.code, self.player) def fill_slot_data(self): options_dict = self.options.as_dict( "death_link", "ending_choice", "campaign", "coinsanity", "item_shuffle" ) options_dict.update({ "coinbundlerange": self.options.coinbundlequantity.value, "seed": self.random.randrange(99999999) }) return options_dict