import os import subprocess import sys import threading import concurrent.futures import argparse import logging def feedback(text: str): input("Press Enter to ignore and probably crash.") if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) try: import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--disable_autohost', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() from Utils import get_public_ipv4, get_options from Patch import create_patch_file options = get_options() multi_mystery_options = options["multi_mystery_options"] output_path = options["general_options"]["output_path"] enemizer_path = multi_mystery_options["enemizer_path"] player_files_path = multi_mystery_options["player_files_path"] target_player_count = multi_mystery_options["players"] race = multi_mystery_options["race"] plando_options = multi_mystery_options["plando_options"] create_spoiler = multi_mystery_options["create_spoiler"] zip_roms = multi_mystery_options["zip_roms"] zip_diffs = multi_mystery_options["zip_diffs"] zip_spoiler = multi_mystery_options["zip_spoiler"] zip_multidata = multi_mystery_options["zip_multidata"] zip_format = multi_mystery_options["zip_format"] # zip_password = multi_mystery_options["zip_password"] not at this time player_name = multi_mystery_options["player_name"] meta_file_path = multi_mystery_options["meta_file_path"] weights_file_path = multi_mystery_options["weights_file_path"] teams = multi_mystery_options["teams"] rom_file = options["general_options"]["rom_file"] host = options["server_options"]["host"] port = options["server_options"]["port"] py_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" if not os.path.exists(enemizer_path): feedback( f"Enemizer not found at {enemizer_path}, please adjust the path in's config or put Enemizer in the default location.") if not os.path.exists(rom_file): feedback(f"Base rom is expected as {rom_file} in the Multiworld root folder please place/rename it there.") player_files = [] os.makedirs(player_files_path, exist_ok=True) for file in os.listdir(player_files_path): lfile = file.lower() if lfile.endswith(".yaml") and lfile != meta_file_path.lower() and lfile != weights_file_path.lower(): player_files.append(file)"Found player's file {file}.") player_string = "" for i, file in enumerate(player_files, 1): player_string += f"--p{i} \"{os.path.join(player_files_path, file)}\" " if os.path.exists("ArchipelagoMystery.exe"): basemysterycommand = "ArchipelagoMystery.exe" # compiled windows elif os.path.exists("ArchipelagoMystery"): basemysterycommand = "ArchipelagoMystery" # compiled linux else: basemysterycommand = f"py -{py_version}" # source weights_file_path = os.path.join(player_files_path, weights_file_path) if os.path.exists(weights_file_path): target_player_count = max(len(player_files), target_player_count) else: target_player_count = len(player_files) if target_player_count == 0: feedback(f"No player files found. Please put them in a {player_files_path} folder.") else:"{target_player_count} Players found.") command = f"{basemysterycommand} --multi {target_player_count} {player_string} " \ f"--rom \"{rom_file}\" --enemizercli \"{enemizer_path}\" " \ f"--outputpath \"{output_path}\" --teams {teams} --plando \"{plando_options}\"" if create_spoiler: command += " --create_spoiler" if create_spoiler == 2: command += " --skip_playthrough" if zip_diffs: command += " --create_diff" if race: command += " --race" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(player_files_path, meta_file_path)): command += f" --meta {os.path.join(player_files_path, meta_file_path)}" if os.path.exists(weights_file_path): command += f" --weights {weights_file_path}" import time start = time.perf_counter() text = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode()"Took {time.perf_counter() - start:.3f} seconds to generate multiworld.") seedname = "" for segment in text.split(): if segment.startswith("M"): seedname = segment break multidataname = f"AP_{seedname}.archipelago" spoilername = f"AP_{seedname}_Spoiler.txt" romfilename = "" if player_name: for file in os.listdir(output_path): if player_name in file: import MultiClient import asyncio, file))) break if any((zip_roms, zip_multidata, zip_spoiler, zip_diffs)): import zipfile compression = {1: zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, 2: zipfile.ZIP_LZMA, 3: zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2}[zip_format] typical_zip_ending = {1: "zip", 2: "7z", 3: "bz2"}[zip_format] ziplock = threading.Lock() def pack_file(file: str): with ziplock: zf.write(os.path.join(output_path, file), file)"Packed {file} into zipfile {zipname}") def remove_zipped_file(file: str): os.remove(os.path.join(output_path, file))"Removed {file} which is now present in the zipfile") zipname = os.path.join(output_path, f"AP_{seedname}.{typical_zip_ending}")"Creating zipfile {zipname}") ipv4 = (host if host else get_public_ipv4()) + ":" + str(port) def _handle_sfc_file(file: str): if zip_roms: pack_file(file) if zip_roms == 2 and player_name.lower() not in file.lower(): remove_zipped_file(file) def _handle_diff_file(file: str): if zip_diffs > 0: pack_file(file) if zip_diffs == 2: remove_zipped_file(file) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: futures = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w", compression=compression, compresslevel=9) as zf: for file in os.listdir(output_path): if seedname in file: if file.endswith(".sfc"): futures.append(pool.submit(_handle_sfc_file, file)) elif file.endswith(".apbp"): futures.append(pool.submit(_handle_diff_file, file)) if zip_multidata and os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)): pack_file(multidataname) if zip_multidata == 2: remove_zipped_file(multidataname) if zip_spoiler and create_spoiler: pack_file(spoilername) if zip_spoiler == 2: remove_zipped_file(spoilername) for future in futures: future.result() # make sure we close the zip AFTER any packing is done if not args.disable_autohost: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)): if os.path.exists("ArchipelagoServer.exe"): baseservercommand = "ArchipelagoServer.exe" # compiled windows elif os.path.exists("ArchipelagoServer"): baseservercommand = "ArchipelagoServer" # compiled linux else: baseservercommand = f"py -{py_version}" # source # don't have a mac to test that. If you try to run compiled on mac, good luck."{baseservercommand} --multidata {os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)}") except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() input("Press enter to close")