from __future__ import annotations from enum import unique, Enum from typing import List, Union, Optional, Set, NamedTuple, Dict import logging from BaseClasses import Location from EntranceShuffle import door_addresses from Items import item_name_groups, item_table, ItemFactory from Utils import int16_as_bytes logger = logging.getLogger("Shops") @unique class ShopType(Enum): Shop = 0 TakeAny = 1 UpgradeShop = 2 class Shop(): slots: int = 3 # slot count is not dynamic in asm, however inventory can have None as empty slots blacklist: Set[str] = set() # items that don't work, todo: actually check against this type = ShopType.Shop def __init__(self, region, room_id: int, shopkeeper_config: int, custom: bool, locked: bool): self.region = region self.room_id = room_id self.inventory: List[Optional[dict]] = [None] * self.slots self.shopkeeper_config = shopkeeper_config self.custom = custom self.locked = locked @property def item_count(self) -> int: for x in range(self.slots - 1, -1, -1): # last x is 0 if self.inventory[x]: return x + 1 return 0 def get_bytes(self) -> List[int]: # [id][roomID-low][roomID-high][doorID][zero][shop_config][shopkeeper_config][sram_index] entrances = self.region.entrances config = self.item_count if len(entrances) == 1 and entrances[0].name in door_addresses: door_id = door_addresses[entrances[0].name][0] + 1 else: door_id = 0 config |= 0x40 # ignore door id if self.type == ShopType.TakeAny: config |= 0x80 elif self.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop: config |= 0x10 # Alt. VRAM return [0x00] + int16_as_bytes(self.room_id) + [door_id, 0x00, config, self.shopkeeper_config, 0x00] def has_unlimited(self, item: str) -> bool: for inv in self.inventory: if inv is None: continue if inv['max']: if inv['replacement'] == item: return True elif inv['item'] == item: return True return False def has(self, item: str) -> bool: for inv in self.inventory: if inv is None: continue if inv['item'] == item: return True if inv['replacement'] == item: return True return False def clear_inventory(self): self.inventory = [None] * self.slots def add_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 0, replacement: Optional[str] = None, replacement_price: int = 0, create_location: bool = False, player: int = 0): self.inventory[slot] = { 'item': item, 'price': price, 'max': max, 'replacement': replacement, 'replacement_price': replacement_price, 'create_location': create_location, 'player': player } def push_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 1, player: int = 0): if not self.inventory[slot]: raise ValueError("Inventory can't be pushed back if it doesn't exist") self.inventory[slot] = { 'item': item, 'price': price, 'max': max, 'replacement': self.inventory[slot]["item"], 'replacement_price': self.inventory[slot]["price"], 'create_location': self.inventory[slot]["create_location"], 'player': player } def can_push_inventory(self, slot: int): return self.inventory[slot] and not self.inventory[slot]["replacement"] class TakeAny(Shop): type = ShopType.TakeAny class UpgradeShop(Shop): type = ShopType.UpgradeShop # Potions break due to VRAM flags set in UpgradeShop. # Didn't check for more things breaking as not much else can be shuffled here currently blacklist = item_name_groups["Potions"] shop_class_mapping = {ShopType.UpgradeShop: UpgradeShop, ShopType.Shop: Shop, ShopType.TakeAny: TakeAny} def ShopSlotFill(world): shop_slots: Set[Location] = {location for shop_locations in (shop.region.locations for shop in world.shops) for location in shop_locations if location.shop_slot} removed = set() for location in shop_slots: slot_num = int([-1]) - 1 shop: Shop = if not shop.can_push_inventory(slot_num): removed.add(location) shop.region.locations.remove(location) if removed: shop_slots -= removed # remove locations that may no longer exist from caches, by flushing them entirely world.clear_location_cache() world._location_cache = {} if shop_slots: from Fill import swap_location_item # TODO: allow each game to register a blacklist to be used here? blacklist_words = {"Rupee"} blacklist_words = {item_name for item_name in item_table if any( blacklist_word in item_name for blacklist_word in blacklist_words)} blacklist_words.add("Bee") candidates_per_sphere = list(list(sphere) for sphere in world.get_spheres()) candidate_condition = lambda location: not location.locked and \ not location.shop_slot and \ not in blacklist_words # currently special care needs to be taken so that Shop.region.locations.item is identical to Shop.inventory # Potentially create Locations as needed and make inventory the only source, to prevent divergence cumu_weights = [] for sphere in candidates_per_sphere: if cumu_weights: x = cumu_weights[-1] else: x = 0 cumu_weights.append(len(sphere) + x) world.random.shuffle(sphere) for i, sphere in enumerate(candidates_per_sphere): current_shop_slots = [location for location in sphere if location.shop_slot] if current_shop_slots: for location in current_shop_slots: shop: Shop = swapping_sphere = world.random.choices(candidates_per_sphere[i:], cum_weights=cumu_weights[i:])[0] for c in swapping_sphere: # chosen item locations if candidate_condition(c) and c.item_rule(location.item) and location.item_rule(c.item): swap_location_item(c, location, check_locked=False) logger.debug(f'Swapping {c} into {location}:: {location.item}') break else: # This *should* never happen. But let's fail safely just in case. logger.warning("Ran out of ShopShuffle Item candidate locations.") shop.region.locations.remove(location) continue item_name = if any(x in item_name for x in ['Single Bomb', 'Single Arrow']): price = world.random.randrange(1, 7) elif any(x in item_name for x in ['Arrows', 'Bombs', 'Clock']): price = world.random.randrange(4, 24) elif any(x in item_name for x in ['Compass', 'Map', 'Small Key', 'Piece of Heart']): price = world.random.randrange(10, 30) else: price = world.random.randrange(10, 60) price *= 5 shop.push_inventory(int([-1]) - 1, item_name, price, 1, location.item.player if location.item.player != location.player else 0) def create_shops(world, player: int): option = world.shop_shuffle[player] player_shop_table = shop_table.copy() if "w" in option: player_shop_table["Potion Shop"] = player_shop_table["Potion Shop"]._replace(locked=False) dynamic_shop_slots = total_dynamic_shop_slots + 3 else: dynamic_shop_slots = total_dynamic_shop_slots num_slots = min(dynamic_shop_slots, max(0, int(world.shop_shuffle_slots[player]))) # 0 to 30 single_purchase_slots: List[bool] = [True] * num_slots + [False] * (dynamic_shop_slots - num_slots) world.random.shuffle(single_purchase_slots) if 'g' in option or 'f' in option: new_basic_shop = world.random.sample(shop_generation_types['default'], k=3) new_dark_shop = world.random.sample(shop_generation_types['default'], k=3) for name, shop in player_shop_table.items(): typ, shop_id, keeper, custom, locked, items = shop if not locked: new_items = world.random.sample(shop_generation_types['default'], k=3) if 'f' not in option: if items == _basic_shop_defaults: new_items = new_basic_shop elif items == _dark_world_shop_defaults: new_items = new_dark_shop keeper = world.random.choice([0xA0, 0xC1, 0xFF]) player_shop_table[name] = ShopData(typ, shop_id, keeper, custom, locked, new_items) if world.mode[player] == "inverted": player_shop_table["Dark Lake Hylia Shop"] = \ player_shop_table["Dark Lake Hylia Shop"]._replace(locked=True, items=_inverted_hylia_shop_defaults) for region_name, (room_id, type, shopkeeper, custom, locked, inventory) in player_shop_table.items(): region = world.get_region(region_name, player) shop: Shop = shop_class_mapping[type](region, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked) = shop world.shops.append(shop) for index, item in enumerate(inventory): shop.add_inventory(index, *item) if not locked and single_purchase_slots.pop(): additional_item = 'Rupees (50)' # world.random.choice(['Rupees (50)', 'Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)']) slot_name = "{} Slot {}".format(, index + 1) loc = Location(player, slot_name, address=shop_table_by_location[slot_name], parent=region, hint_text="for sale") loc.shop_slot = True loc.locked = True loc.item = ItemFactory(additional_item, player) shop.region.locations.append(loc) world.dynamic_locations.append(loc) world.clear_location_cache() class ShopData(NamedTuple): room: int type: ShopType shopkeeper: int custom: bool locked: bool items: List # (type, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked, [items]) # item = (item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0) _basic_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Small Heart', 10), ('Bombs (10)', 50)] _dark_world_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)] _inverted_hylia_shop_defaults = [('Blue Potion', 160), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)] shop_table: Dict[str, ShopData] = { 'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': ShopData(0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults), 'Red Shield Shop': ShopData(0x0110, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, [('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)]), 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults), 'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults), 'Village of Outcasts Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults), 'Dark World Potion Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults), 'Light World Death Mountain Shop': ShopData(0x00FF, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults), 'Kakariko Shop': ShopData(0x011F, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults), 'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': ShopData(0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults), 'Potion Shop': ShopData(0x0109, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, True, [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)]), 'Capacity Upgrade': ShopData(0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, True, True, [('Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7), ('Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)]) } total_shop_slots = len(shop_table) * 3 total_dynamic_shop_slots = sum(3 for shopname, data in shop_table.items() if not data[4]) # data[4] -> locked SHOP_ID_START = 0x400000 shop_table_by_location_id = {cnt: s for cnt, s in enumerate( (f"{name} Slot {num}" for num in range(1, 4) for name in shop_table), start=SHOP_ID_START)} shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots)] = "Old Man Sword Cave" shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 1)] = "Take-Any #1" shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 2)] = "Take-Any #2" shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 3)] = "Take-Any #3" shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 4)] = "Take-Any #4" shop_table_by_location = {y: x for x, y in shop_table_by_location_id.items()} shop_generation_types = { 'default': _basic_shop_defaults + [('Bombs (3)', 20), ('Green Potion', 90), ('Blue Potion', 190), ('Bee', 10), ('Single Arrow', 5), ('Single Bomb', 10)] + [('Red Shield', 500), ('Blue Shield', 50)], 'potion': [('Red Potion', 150), ('Green Potion', 90), ('Blue Potion', 190)], 'discount_potion': [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)], 'bottle': [('Bee', 10)], 'time': [('Red Clock', 100), ('Blue Clock', 200), ('Green Clock', 300)], }