import typing from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Region, Entrance, Location, RegionType from .Locations import SM64Location, location_table, locBoB_table, locWhomp_table, locJRB_table, locCCM_table, \ locBBH_table, \ locHMC_table, locLLL_table, locSSL_table, locDDD_table, locSL_table, \ locWDW_table, locTTM_table, locTHI_table, locTTC_table, locRR_table, \ locBitDW_table, locBitFS_table, locSS_table, locCap_table sm64courses = ["Bob-omb Battlefield", "Whomp's Fortress", "Jolly Roger Bay", "Cool, Cool Mountain", "Big Boo's Haunt", "Hazy Maze Cave", "Lethal Lava Land", "Shifting Sand Land", "Dire, Dire Docks", "Snowman's Land", "Wet-Dry World", "Tall, Tall Mountain", "Tiny-Huge Island", "Tick Tock Clock", "Rainbow Ride"] # sm64paintings is list of strings for quick reference for Painting IDs (NOT warp node IDs!) sm64paintings = ["BOB", "WF", "JRB", "CCM", "BBH", "HMC", "LLL", "SSL", "DDD", "SL", "WDW", "TTM", "THI Tiny", "THI Huge", "TTC", "RR"] def create_regions(world: MultiWorld, player: int): regSS = Region("Menu", RegionType.Generic, "Castle Area", player, world) locSS_names = [name for name, id in locSS_table.items()] locSS_names += [name for name, id in locCap_table.items()] regSS.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regSS) for loc_name in locSS_names] world.regions.append(regSS) regBoB = Region("Bob-omb Battlefield", RegionType.Generic, "Bob-omb Battlefield", player, world) locBoB_names = [name for name, id in locBoB_table.items()] regBoB.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regBoB) for loc_name in locBoB_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regBoB.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "BoB: 100 Coins", location_table["BoB: 100 Coins"], regBoB)) world.regions.append(regBoB) regWhomp = Region("Whomp's Fortress", RegionType.Generic, "Whomp's Fortress", player, world) locWhomp_names = [name for name, id in locWhomp_table.items()] regWhomp.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regWhomp) for loc_name in locWhomp_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regWhomp.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "WF: 100 Coins", location_table["WF: 100 Coins"], regWhomp)) world.regions.append(regWhomp) regJRB = Region("Jolly Roger Bay", RegionType.Generic, "Jolly Roger Bay", player, world) locJRB_names = [name for name, id in locJRB_table.items()] regJRB.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regJRB) for loc_name in locJRB_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regJRB.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "JRB: 100 Coins", location_table["JRB: 100 Coins"], regJRB)) world.regions.append(regJRB) regCCM = Region("Cool, Cool Mountain", RegionType.Generic, "Cool, Cool Mountain", player, world) locCCM_names = [name for name, id in locCCM_table.items()] regCCM.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regCCM) for loc_name in locCCM_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regCCM.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "CCM: 100 Coins", location_table["CCM: 100 Coins"], regCCM)) world.regions.append(regCCM) regBBH = Region("Big Boo's Haunt", RegionType.Generic, "Big Boo's Haunt", player, world) locBBH_names = [name for name, id in locBBH_table.items()] regBBH.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regBBH) for loc_name in locBBH_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regBBH.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "BBH: 100 Coins", location_table["BBH: 100 Coins"], regBBH)) world.regions.append(regBBH) regBitDW = Region("Bowser in the Dark World", RegionType.Generic, "Bowser in the Dark World", player, world) locBitDW_names = [name for name, id in locBitDW_table.items()] regBitDW.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regBitDW) for loc_name in locBitDW_names] world.regions.append(regBitDW) regBasement = Region("Basement", RegionType.Generic, "Basement", player, world) world.regions.append(regBasement) regHMC = Region("Hazy Maze Cave", RegionType.Generic, "Hazy Maze Cave", player, world) locHMC_names = [name for name, id in locHMC_table.items()] regHMC.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regHMC) for loc_name in locHMC_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regHMC.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "HMC: 100 Coins", location_table["HMC: 100 Coins"], regHMC)) world.regions.append(regHMC) regLLL = Region("Lethal Lava Land", RegionType.Generic, "Lethal Lava Land", player, world) locLLL_names = [name for name, id in locLLL_table.items()] regLLL.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regLLL) for loc_name in locLLL_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regLLL.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "LLL: 100 Coins", location_table["LLL: 100 Coins"], regLLL)) world.regions.append(regLLL) regSSL = Region("Shifting Sand Land", RegionType.Generic, "Shifting Sand Land", player, world) locSSL_names = [name for name, id in locSSL_table.items()] regSSL.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regSSL) for loc_name in locSSL_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regSSL.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "SSL: 100 Coins", location_table["SSL: 100 Coins"], regSSL)) world.regions.append(regSSL) regDDD = Region("Dire, Dire Docks", RegionType.Generic, "Dire, Dire Docks", player, world) locDDD_names = [name for name, id in locDDD_table.items()] regDDD.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regDDD) for loc_name in locDDD_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regDDD.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "DDD: 100 Coins", location_table["DDD: 100 Coins"], regDDD)) world.regions.append(regDDD) regBitFS = Region("Bowser in the Fire Sea", RegionType.Generic, "Bowser in the Fire Sea", player, world) locBitFS_names = [name for name, id in locBitFS_table.items()] regBitFS.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regBitFS) for loc_name in locBitFS_names] world.regions.append(regBitFS) regFloor2 = Region("Second Floor", RegionType.Generic, "Second Floor", player, world) world.regions.append(regFloor2) regSL = Region("Snowman's Land", RegionType.Generic, "Snowman's Land", player, world) locSL_names = [name for name, id in locSL_table.items()] regSL.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regSL) for loc_name in locSL_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regSL.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "SL: 100 Coins", location_table["SL: 100 Coins"], regSL)) world.regions.append(regSL) regWDW = Region("Wet-Dry World", RegionType.Generic, "Wet-Dry World", player, world) locWDW_names = [name for name, id in locWDW_table.items()] regWDW.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regWDW) for loc_name in locWDW_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regWDW.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "WDW: 100 Coins", location_table["WDW: 100 Coins"], regWDW)) world.regions.append(regWDW) regTTM = Region("Tall, Tall Mountain", RegionType.Generic, "Tall, Tall Mountain", player, world) locTTM_names = [name for name, id in locTTM_table.items()] regTTM.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regTTM) for loc_name in locTTM_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regTTM.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "TTM: 100 Coins", location_table["TTM: 100 Coins"], regTTM)) world.regions.append(regTTM) regTHI = Region("Tiny-Huge Island", RegionType.Generic, "Tiny-Huge Island", player, world) locTHI_names = [name for name, id in locTHI_table.items()] regTHI.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regTHI) for loc_name in locTHI_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regTHI.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "THI: 100 Coins", location_table["THI: 100 Coins"], regTHI)) world.regions.append(regTHI) regFloor3 = Region("Third Floor", RegionType.Generic, "Third Floor", player, world) world.regions.append(regFloor3) regTTC = Region("Tick Tock Clock", RegionType.Generic, "Tick Tock Clock", player, world) locTTC_names = [name for name, id in locTTC_table.items()] regTTC.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regTTC) for loc_name in locTTC_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regTTC.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "TTC: 100 Coins", location_table["TTC: 100 Coins"], regTTC)) world.regions.append(regTTC) regRR = Region("Rainbow Ride", RegionType.Generic, "Rainbow Ride", player, world) locRR_names = [name for name, id in locRR_table.items()] regRR.locations += [SM64Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regRR) for loc_name in locRR_names] if (world.EnableCoinStars[player].value): regRR.locations.append(SM64Location(player, "RR: 100 Coins", location_table["RR: 100 Coins"], regRR)) world.regions.append(regRR) def connect_regions(world: MultiWorld, player: int, source: str, target: str, rule=None): sourceRegion = world.get_region(source, player) targetRegion = world.get_region(target, player) connection = Entrance(player, '', sourceRegion) if rule: connection.access_rule = rule sourceRegion.exits.append(connection) connection.connect(targetRegion)