# What is this file? # This file contains options which allow you to configure your multiworld experience while allowing others # to play how they want as well. # # How do I use it? # The options in this file are weighted. This means the higher number you assign to a value, the more # chances you have for that option to be chosen. For example, an option like this: # # map_shuffle: # on: 5 # off: 15 # # Means you have 5 chances for map shuffle to not occur, and 15 chances for map shuffle to be turned on # I've never seen a file like this before. What characters am I allowed to use? # This is a .yaml file. You are allowed to use most characters. # To test if your yaml is valid or not, you can use this website: # http://www.yamllint.com/ description: Your Description Here # Used to describe your yaml. Useful if you have multiple files name: YourName # Your name in-game. Spaces and underscores will be replaced with dashes glitches_required: # Determine the logic required to complete the seed none: 1 # No glitches required overworld_glitches: 0 # Assumes the player knows how to perform overworld glitches like fake flipper, water walk, etc no_logic: 0 # Items are places completely at random and with no regard for logic. Your fire rod could be on Trinexx item_placement: basic # This is based on Entrance Randomizer, which does not (yet?) support advanced meta_ignore: # Nullify options specified in the meta.yaml file. Adding an option here guarantees it will not occur in your seed, even if the .yaml file specifies it world_state: - inverted # Never play inverted seeds - retro # Never play retro seeds weapons: - swordless # Never play a swordless seed map_shuffle: # Shuffle dungeon maps into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds on: 0 off: 1 compass_shuffle: # Shuffle compasses into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds on: 0 off: 1 smallkey_shuffle: # Shuffle small keys into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds on: 0 off: 1 bigkey_shuffle: # Shuffle big keys into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds on: 0 off: 1 dungeon_items: # alternative to the 4 shuffles above this, does nothing until the respective 4 shuffles are deleted mc: 0 # shuffle Maps and Compass none: 1 # shuffle none of the 4 mcsb: 0 # shuffle all of the 4, any combination of m, c, s and b will shuffle the respective item, or not if it's missing, so you can add more options here dungeon_counters: on: 0 # always display amount of items checked in a dungeon pickup: 0 # show when compass is picked up default: 1 # show when compass is picked up if the compass itself is shuffled off: 0 # never show item count in dungeons accessibility: items: 0 # Guarantees you will be able to acquire all items, but you may not be able to access all locations locations: 1 # Guarantees you will be able to access all locations, and therefore all items none: 0 # Guarantees only that the game is beatable. You may not be able to access all locations or acquire all items progressive: # Enable or disable progressive items (swords, shields, bow) on: 1 # All items progressive off: 0 # No items progressive random: 0 # Randomly decides for all items. Swords could be progressive, shields might not be entrance_shuffle: # Documentation: https://alttpr.com/en/options#entrance_shuffle none: 1 # Vanilla game map. All entrances and exits lead to their original locations. You probably want this option dungeonssimple: 0 # shuffle just dungeons amongst each other, swapping dungeons entirely, so Hyrule Castle is always 1 dungeon dungeonsfull: 0 # shuffle any dungeon entrance with any dungeon interior, so Hyrule Castle can be 4 different dungeons simple: 0 # Entrances are grouped together before being randomized. Simple uses the most strict grouping rules restricted: 0 # Less strict than simple full: 0 # Less strict than restricted crossed: 0 # Less strict than full insanity: 0 # Very few grouping rules. Good luck. goals: ganon: 1 # Climb GT, defeat Agahnim 2, then kill Ganon fast_ganon: 0 # Only killing Ganon is required. The hole is always open. Items may still be placed in GT, however dungeons: 0 # Defeat the boss of all dungeons, including Agahnim's tower and GT (Aga 2) pedestal: 0 # Pull the Triforce from the Master Sword pedestal triforce-hunt: 0 # Collect 20 of 30 Triforce pieces spread throughout the world, then turn them in to Murahadala in front of Hyrule Castle tower_open: # Crystals required to open GT '0': 8 '1': 7 '2': 6 '3': 5 '4': 4 '5': 3 '6': 2 '7': 1 random: 0 ganon_open: # Crystals required to hurt Ganon '0': 8 '1': 7 '2': 6 '3': 5 '4': 4 '5': 3 '6': 2 '7': 1 random: 0 world_state: standard: 1 # Begin the game by rescuing Zelda from her cell and escorting her to the Sanctuary. open: 1 # Begin the game from your choice of Link's House or the Sanctuary inverted: 0 # Begin in the Dark World. The Moon Pearl is required to avoid bunny-state in Light World, and the Light World game map is altered retro: 0 # Small keys are universal, you must buy a quiver, take-any caves and an old-man cave are added to the world. You may need to find your sword from the old man's cave hints: 'on': 1 # Hint tiles sometimes give item location hints 'off': 0 # Hint tiles provide gameplay tips weapons: # Specifically, swords randomized: 0 # Swords are placed randomly throughout the world assured: 1 # Begin with a sword, the rest are placed randomly throughout the world vanilla: 0 # Swords are placed in vanilla locations in your own game (Uncle, Pyramid Fairy, Smiths, Pedestal) swordless: 0 # Your swords are replaced by rupees. Gameplay changes have been made to accommodate this change. item_pool: normal: 1 # Item availability remains unchanged from the vanilla game hard: 0 # Reduced upgrade availability (max: 14 hearts, green mail, tempered sword, fire shield, no silvers unless swordless) expert: 0 # Minimum upgrade availability (max: 8 hearts, green mail, master sword, fighter shield, no silvers unless swordless) crowd_control: 0 # Unless you know what you're doing, leave this at 0 item_functionality: normal: 1 # Vanilla game item functionality hard: 0 # Reduced helpfulness of items (potions less effective, can't catch faeries, cape uses double magic, byrna does not grant invulnerability, boomerangs do not stun, silvers disabled outside ganon) expert: 0 # Vastly helpfulness of items (potions barely effective, can't catch faeries, cape uses double magic, byrna does not grant invulnerability, boomerangs and hookshot do not stun, silvers disabled outside ganon) boss_shuffle: none: 1 # No boss shuffle simple: 0 # Existing bosses except Ganon and Agahnim are shuffled throughout dungeons full: 0 # Replace GT bosses with random bosses, then follow simple logic random: 0 # Choose from one of the above options enemy_shuffle: none: 1 # Vanilla enemy placement shuffled: 0 # Enemies are randomized random: 0 # Choose one of the above enemy_damage: default: 1 # Vanilla enemy damage shuffled: 0 # Enemies do a randomized amount of damage random: 0 # Choose one of the above enemy_health: default: 1 # Vanilla enemy HP easy: 0 # Enemies have reduced health hard: 0 # Enemies have increased health expert: 0 # Enemies have greatly increased health pot_shuffle: 'on': 0 # Keys, items, and buttons hidden under pots in dungeons are shuffled with other pots in their supertile 'off': 1 # Default pot item locations beemizer: # Remove items from the global item pool and replace them with single bees and bee traps 0: 1 # No bee traps are placed 1: 0 # 25% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps 2: 0 # 60% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 20% could be single bees 3: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 50% could be single bees 4: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps timer: none: 1 timed: 0 timed_ohko: 0 ohko: 0 timed_countdown: 0 display: 0 glitch_boots: on: 1 # enables that you start with Pegasus Boots in any glitched logic mode off: 0 remote_items: # Warning: currently broken. Stores all your items on the server, effectively sending them to you as if another player picked it up on: 0 # intended for racing, as the item information is missing from the ROM off: 1 rom: sprite: # Enter the name of your preferred sprite and weight it appropriately random: 0 randomonhit: 0 link: 1 disablemusic: off # If "on", all in-game music will be disabled extendedmsu: on # If "on", V31 extended MSU support will be available quickswap: # Enable switching items by pressing the L+R shoulder buttons on: 0 off: 1 menuspeed: # Control how fast the item menu opens and closes normal: 1 instant: 0 double: 0 triple: 0 quadruple: 0 half: 0 heartcolor: # Control the color of your health hearts red: 1 blue: 0 green: 0 yellow: 0 random: 0 heartbeep: # Control the frequency of the low-health beeping double: 0 normal: 1 half: 0 quarter: 0 off: 0 ow_palettes: # Change the colors of the overworld default: 1 # No changes random: 0 # Shuffle the colors blackout: 0 # Never use this uw_palettes: # Change the colors of caves and dungeons default: 1 # No changes random: 0 # Shuffle the colors blackout: 0 # Never use this