from typing import Dict
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from Options import Choice, Option, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, ItemSet, OptionSet, Range

class GameDifficulty(Choice):
    """The difficulty of the campaign, affects enemy AI, starting units, and game speed."""
    display_name = "Game Difficulty"
    option_casual = 0
    option_normal = 1
    option_hard = 2
    option_brutal = 3

class UpgradeBonus(Choice):
    """Determines what lab upgrade to use, whether it is Ultra-Capacitors which boost attack speed with every weapon
    upgrade or Vanadium Plating which boosts life with every armor upgrade."""
    display_name = "Upgrade Bonus"
    option_ultra_capacitors = 0
    option_vanadium_plating = 1

class BunkerUpgrade(Choice):
    """Determines what bunker lab upgrade to use, whether it is Shrike Turret which outfits bunkers with an automated
    turret or Fortified Bunker which boosts the life of bunkers."""
    display_name = "Bunker Upgrade"
    option_shrike_turret = 0
    option_fortified_bunker = 1

class AllInMap(Choice):
    """Determines what version of All-In (final map) that will be generated for the campaign."""
    display_name = "All In Map"
    option_ground = 0
    option_air = 1

class MissionOrder(Choice):
    """Determines the order the missions are played in.  The last three mission orders end in a random mission.
    Vanilla (29): Keeps the standard mission order and branching from the WoL Campaign.
    Vanilla Shuffled (29): Keeps same branching paths from the WoL Campaign but randomizes the order of missions within.
    Mini Campaign (15): Shorter version of the campaign with randomized missions and optional branches.
    Grid (16):  A 4x4 grid of random missions.  Start at the top-left and forge a path towards All-In.
    Mini Grid (9):  A 3x3 version of Grid.  Complete the bottom-right mission to win.
    Blitz (12):  12 random missions that open up very quickly.  Complete the bottom-right mission to win.
    Gauntlet (7): Linear series of 7 random missions to complete the campaign."""
    display_name = "Mission Order"
    option_vanilla = 0
    option_vanilla_shuffled = 1
    option_mini_campaign = 2
    option_grid = 3
    option_mini_grid = 4
    option_blitz = 5
    option_gauntlet = 6

class ShuffleProtoss(DefaultOnToggle):
    """Determines if the 3 protoss missions are included in the shuffle if Vanilla mission order is not enabled.
    If turned off with Vanilla Shuffled, the 3 protoss missions will be in their normal position on the Prophecy chain
       if not shuffled.
    If turned off with reduced mission settings, the 3 protoss missions will not appear and Protoss units are removed
        from the pool."""
    display_name = "Shuffle Protoss Missions"

class ShuffleNoBuild(DefaultOnToggle):
    """Determines if the 5 no-build missions are included in the shuffle if Vanilla mission order is not enabled.
    If turned off with Vanilla Shuffled, one no-build mission will be placed as the first mission and the rest will be
        placed at the end of optional routes.
    If turned off with reduced mission settings, the 5 no-build missions will not appear."""
    display_name = "Shuffle No-Build Missions"

class EarlyUnit(DefaultOnToggle):
    """Guarantees that the first mission will contain a unit."""
    display_name = "Early Unit"

class RequiredTactics(Choice):
    """Determines the maximum tactical difficulty of the seed (separate from mission difficulty).  Higher settings
    increase randomness.

    Standard:  All missions can be completed with good micro and macro.
    Advanced:  Completing missions may require relying on starting units and micro-heavy units.
    No Logic:  Units and upgrades may be placed anywhere.  LIKELY TO RENDER THE RUN IMPOSSIBLE ON HARDER DIFFICULTIES!"""
    display_name = "Required Tactics"
    option_standard = 0
    option_advanced = 1
    option_no_logic = 2

class UnitsAlwaysHaveUpgrades(DefaultOnToggle):
    """If turned on, both upgrades will be present for each unit and structure in the seed.
    This usually results in fewer units."""
    display_name = "Units Always Have Upgrades"

class LockedItems(ItemSet):
    """Guarantees that these items will be unlockable"""
    display_name = "Locked Items"

class ExcludedItems(ItemSet):
    """Guarantees that these items will not be unlockable"""
    display_name = "Excluded Items"

class ExcludedMissions(OptionSet):
    """Guarantees that these missions will not appear in the campaign
    Only applies on shortened mission orders.
    It may be impossible to build a valid campaign if too many missions are excluded."""
    display_name = "Excluded Missions"

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
sc2wol_options: Dict[str, Option] = {
    "game_difficulty": GameDifficulty,
    "upgrade_bonus": UpgradeBonus,
    "bunker_upgrade": BunkerUpgrade,
    "all_in_map": AllInMap,
    "mission_order": MissionOrder,
    "shuffle_protoss": ShuffleProtoss,
    "shuffle_no_build": ShuffleNoBuild,
    "early_unit": EarlyUnit,
    "required_tactics": RequiredTactics,
    "units_always_have_upgrades": UnitsAlwaysHaveUpgrades,
    "locked_items": LockedItems,
    "excluded_items": ExcludedItems,
    "excluded_missions": ExcludedMissions

def get_option_value(multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> int:
    option = getattr(multiworld, name, None)

    if option is None:
        return 0

    return int(option[player].value)

def get_option_set_value(multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> set:
    option = getattr(multiworld, name, None)

    if option is None:
        return set()

    return option[player].value