from __future__ import annotations import abc import functools import logging import math import numbers import random import typing import enum from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass from schema import And, Optional, Or, Schema from Utils import get_fuzzy_results, is_iterable_except_str if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from BaseClasses import PlandoOptions from worlds.AutoWorld import World import pathlib class OptionError(ValueError): pass class Visibility(enum.IntFlag): none = 0b0000 template = 0b0001 simple_ui = 0b0010 # show option in simple menus, such as player-options complex_ui = 0b0100 # show option in complex menus, such as weighted-options spoiler = 0b1000 all = 0b1111 class AssembleOptions(abc.ABCMeta): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): options = attrs["options"] = {} name_lookup = attrs["name_lookup"] = {} # merge parent class options for base in bases: if getattr(base, "options", None): options.update(base.options) name_lookup.update(base.name_lookup) new_options = {name[7:].lower(): option_id for name, option_id in attrs.items() if name.startswith("option_")} assert "random" not in new_options, "Choice option 'random' cannot be manually assigned." assert len(new_options) == len(set(new_options.values())), "same ID cannot be used twice. Try alias?" attrs["name_lookup"].update({option_id: name for name, option_id in new_options.items()}) options.update(new_options) # apply aliases, without name_lookup aliases = {name[6:].lower(): option_id for name, option_id in attrs.items() if name.startswith("alias_")} assert ( name in {"Option", "VerifyKeys"} or # base abstract classes don't need default "default" in attrs or any(hasattr(base, "default") for base in bases) ), f"Option class {name} needs default value" assert "random" not in aliases, "Choice option 'random' cannot be manually assigned." # auto-alias Off and On being parsed as True and False if "off" in options: options["false"] = options["off"] if "on" in options: options["true"] = options["on"] options.update(aliases) if "verify" not in attrs: # not overridden by class -> look up bases verifiers = [f for f in (getattr(base, "verify", None) for base in bases) if f] if len(verifiers) > 1: # verify multiple bases/mixins def verify(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: for f in verifiers: f(self, *args, **kwargs) attrs["verify"] = verify else: assert verifiers, "class Option is supposed to implement def verify" # auto-validate schema on __init__ if "schema" in attrs.keys(): if "__init__" in attrs: def validate_decorator(func): def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs) self.value = self.schema.validate(self.value) return ret return validate attrs["__init__"] = validate_decorator(attrs["__init__"]) else: # construct an __init__ that calls parent __init__ cls = super(AssembleOptions, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) def meta__init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value = self.schema.validate(self.value) cls.__init__ = meta__init__ return cls return super(AssembleOptions, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) T = typing.TypeVar('T') class Option(typing.Generic[T], metaclass=AssembleOptions): value: T default: typing.ClassVar[typing.Any] # something that __init__ will be able to convert to the correct type visibility = Visibility.all # convert option_name_long into Name Long as display_name, otherwise name_long is the result. # Handled in get_option_name() auto_display_name = False # can be weighted between selections supports_weighting = True # filled by AssembleOptions: name_lookup: typing.ClassVar[typing.Dict[T, str]] # type: ignore # the reason for this type: ignore options: typing.ClassVar[typing.Dict[str, int]] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.current_option_name})" def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.value) @property def current_key(self) -> str: return self.name_lookup[self.value] def get_current_option_name(self) -> str: """Deprecated. use current_option_name instead. TODO remove around 0.4""" logging.warning(DeprecationWarning(f"get_current_option_name for {self.__class__.__name__} is deprecated." f" use current_option_name instead. Worlds should use {self}.current_key")) return self.current_option_name @property def current_option_name(self) -> str: """For display purposes. Worlds should be using current_key.""" return self.get_option_name(self.value) @classmethod def get_option_name(cls, value: T) -> str: if cls.auto_display_name: return cls.name_lookup[value].replace("_", " ").title() else: return cls.name_lookup[value] def __int__(self) -> T: return self.value def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.value) @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any) -> Option[T]: ... if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: def verify(self, world: typing.Type[World], player_name: str, plando_options: PlandoOptions) -> None: pass else: def verify(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: pass class FreeText(Option[str]): """Text option that allows users to enter strings. Needs to be validated by the world or option definition.""" default = "" def __init__(self, value: str): assert isinstance(value, str), "value of FreeText must be a string" self.value = value @property def current_key(self) -> str: return self.value @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> FreeText: return cls(text) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any) -> FreeText: return cls.from_text(str(data)) @classmethod def get_option_name(cls, value: str) -> str: return value def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.value == self.value elif isinstance(other, str): return other == self.value else: raise TypeError(f"Can't compare {self.__class__.__name__} with {other.__class__.__name__}") class NumericOption(Option[int], numbers.Integral, abc.ABC): default = 0 # note: some of the `typing.Any`` here is a result of unresolved issue in python standards # `int` is not a `numbers.Integral` according to the official typestubs # (even though isinstance(5, numbers.Integral) == True) # # # def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value == other.value else: return typing.cast(bool, self.value == other) def __lt__(self, other: typing.Union[int, NumericOption]) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value < other.value else: return self.value < other def __le__(self, other: typing.Union[int, NumericOption]) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value <= other.value else: return self.value <= other def __gt__(self, other: typing.Union[int, NumericOption]) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value > other.value else: return self.value > other def __ge__(self, other: typing.Union[int, NumericOption]) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value >= other.value else: return self.value >= other def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.value) def __int__(self) -> int: return self.value def __mul__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value * other.value else: return self.value * other def __rmul__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return other.value * self.value else: return other * self.value def __sub__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value - other.value else: return self.value - other def __rsub__(self, left: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(left, NumericOption): return left.value - self.value else: return left - self.value def __add__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value + other.value else: return self.value + other def __radd__(self, left: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(left, NumericOption): return left.value + self.value else: return left + self.value def __truediv__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(other, NumericOption): return self.value / other.value else: return self.value / other def __rtruediv__(self, left: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(left, NumericOption): return left.value / self.value else: return left / self.value def __abs__(self) -> typing.Any: return abs(self.value) def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value & int(other) def __ceil__(self) -> int: return math.ceil(self.value) def __floor__(self) -> int: return math.floor(self.value) def __floordiv__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value // int(other) def __invert__(self) -> int: return ~(self.value) def __lshift__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value << int(other) def __mod__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value % int(other) def __neg__(self) -> int: return -(self.value) def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value | int(other) def __pos__(self) -> int: return +(self.value) def __pow__(self, exponent: numbers.Complex, modulus: typing.Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> int: if not (modulus is None): assert isinstance(exponent, numbers.Integral) return pow(self.value, exponent, modulus) # type: ignore return self.value ** exponent # type: ignore def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) & self.value def __rfloordiv__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) // self.value def __rlshift__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) << self.value def __rmod__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) % self.value def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) | self.value def __round__(self, ndigits: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> int: return round(self.value, ndigits) def __rpow__(self, base: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: return base ** self.value def __rrshift__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) >> self.value def __rshift__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value >> int(other) def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return int(other) ^ self.value def __trunc__(self) -> int: return math.trunc(self.value) def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> int: return self.value ^ int(other) class Toggle(NumericOption): option_false = 0 option_true = 1 default = 0 def __init__(self, value: int): # if user puts in an invalid value, make it valid value = int(bool(value)) self.value = value @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Toggle: if text == "random": return cls(random.choice(list(cls.name_lookup))) elif text.lower() in {"off", "0", "false", "none", "null", "no"}: return cls(0) else: return cls(1) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any): if type(data) == str: return cls.from_text(data) else: return cls(int(data)) @classmethod def get_option_name(cls, value): return ["No", "Yes"][int(value)] __hash__ = Option.__hash__ # see class DefaultOnToggle(Toggle): default = 1 class Choice(NumericOption): auto_display_name = True def __init__(self, value: int): self.value: int = value @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Choice: text = text.lower() if text == "random": return cls(random.choice(list(cls.name_lookup))) for option_name, value in cls.options.items(): if option_name == text: return cls(value) raise KeyError( f'Could not find option "{text}" for "{cls.__name__}", ' f'known options are {", ".join(f"{option}" for option in cls.name_lookup.values())}') @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any) -> Choice: if type(data) == int and data in cls.options.values(): return cls(data) return cls.from_text(str(data)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.value == self.value elif isinstance(other, str): assert other in self.options, f"compared against a str that could never be equal. {self} == {other}" return other == self.current_key elif isinstance(other, int): assert other in self.name_lookup, f"compared against an int that could never be equal. {self} == {other}" return other == self.value elif isinstance(other, bool): return other == bool(self.value) else: raise TypeError(f"Can't compare {self.__class__.__name__} with {other.__class__.__name__}") def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.value != self.value elif isinstance(other, str): assert other in self.options, f"compared against a str that could never be equal. {self} != {other}" return other != self.current_key elif isinstance(other, int): assert other in self.name_lookup, f"compared against am int that could never be equal. {self} != {other}" return other != self.value elif isinstance(other, bool): return other != bool(self.value) elif other is None: return False else: raise TypeError(f"Can't compare {self.__class__.__name__} with {other.__class__.__name__}") __hash__ = Option.__hash__ # see class TextChoice(Choice): """Allows custom string input and offers choices. Choices will resolve to int and text will resolve to string""" value: typing.Union[str, int] def __init__(self, value: typing.Union[str, int]): assert isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, int), \ f"{value} is not a valid option for {self.__class__.__name__}" self.value = value @property def current_key(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.value, str): return self.value return super().current_key @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> TextChoice: if text.lower() == "random": # chooses a random defined option but won't use any free text options return cls(random.choice(list(cls.name_lookup))) for option_name, value in cls.options.items(): if option_name.lower() == text.lower(): return cls(value) return cls(text) @classmethod def get_option_name(cls, value: T) -> str: if isinstance(value, str): return value return super().get_option_name(value) def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.value == self.value elif isinstance(other, str): if other in self.options: return other == self.current_key return other == self.value elif isinstance(other, int): assert other in self.name_lookup, f"compared against an int that could never be equal. {self} == {other}" return other == self.value elif isinstance(other, bool): return other == bool(self.value) else: raise TypeError(f"Can't compare {self.__class__.__name__} with {other.__class__.__name__}") class BossMeta(AssembleOptions): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): if name != "PlandoBosses": assert "bosses" in attrs, f"Please define valid bosses for {name}" attrs["bosses"] = frozenset((boss.lower() for boss in attrs["bosses"])) assert "locations" in attrs, f"Please define valid locations for {name}" attrs["locations"] = frozenset((location.lower() for location in attrs["locations"])) cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) assert not cls.duplicate_bosses or "singularity" in cls.options, f"Please define option_singularity for {name}" return cls class PlandoBosses(TextChoice, metaclass=BossMeta): """Generic boss shuffle option that supports plando. Format expected is 'location1-boss1;location2-boss2;shuffle_mode'. If shuffle_mode is not provided in the string, this will be the default shuffle mode. Must override can_place_boss, which passes a plando boss and location. Check if the placement is valid for your game here.""" bosses: typing.ClassVar[typing.Union[typing.Set[str], typing.FrozenSet[str]]] locations: typing.ClassVar[typing.Union[typing.Set[str], typing.FrozenSet[str]]] duplicate_bosses: bool = False @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str): # set all of our text to lower case for name checking text = text.lower() if text == "random": return cls(random.choice(list(cls.options.values()))) for option_name, value in cls.options.items(): if option_name == text: return cls(value) options = text.split(";") # since plando exists in the option verify the plando values given are valid cls.validate_plando_bosses(options) return cls.get_shuffle_mode(options) @classmethod def get_shuffle_mode(cls, option_list: typing.List[str]): # find out what mode of boss shuffle we should use for placing bosses after plando # and add as a string to look nice in the spoiler if "random" in option_list: shuffle = random.choice(list(cls.options)) option_list.remove("random") options = ";".join(option_list) + f";{shuffle}" boss_class = cls(options) else: for option in option_list: if option in cls.options: options = ";".join(option_list) break else: if cls.duplicate_bosses and len(option_list) == 1: if cls.valid_boss_name(option_list[0]): # this doesn't exist in this class but it's a forced option for classes where this is called options = option_list[0] + ";singularity" else: options = option_list[0] + f";{cls.name_lookup[cls.default]}" else: options = ";".join(option_list) + f";{cls.name_lookup[cls.default]}" boss_class = cls(options) return boss_class @classmethod def validate_plando_bosses(cls, options: typing.List[str]) -> None: used_locations = [] used_bosses = [] for option in options: # check if a shuffle mode was provided in the incorrect location if option == "random" or option in cls.options: if option != options[-1]: raise ValueError(f"{option} option must be at the end of the boss_shuffle options!") elif "-" in option: location, boss = option.split("-") if location in used_locations: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate Boss Location {location} not allowed.") if not cls.duplicate_bosses and boss in used_bosses: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate Boss {boss} not allowed.") used_locations.append(location) used_bosses.append(boss) if not cls.valid_boss_name(boss): raise ValueError(f"{boss.title()} is not a valid boss name.") if not cls.valid_location_name(location): raise ValueError(f"{location.title()} is not a valid boss location name.") if not cls.can_place_boss(boss, location): raise ValueError(f"{location.title()} is not a valid location for {boss.title()} to be placed.") else: if cls.duplicate_bosses: if not cls.valid_boss_name(option): raise ValueError(f"{option} is not a valid boss name.") else: raise ValueError(f"{option.title()} is not formatted correctly.") @classmethod def can_place_boss(cls, boss: str, location: str) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def valid_boss_name(cls, value: str) -> bool: return value in cls.bosses @classmethod def valid_location_name(cls, value: str) -> bool: return value in cls.locations def verify(self, world: typing.Type[World], player_name: str, plando_options: "PlandoOptions") -> None: if isinstance(self.value, int): return from BaseClasses import PlandoOptions if not (PlandoOptions.bosses & plando_options): # plando is disabled but plando options were given so pull the option and change it to an int option = self.value.split(";")[-1] self.value = self.options[option] logging.warning(f"The plando bosses module is turned off, so {self.name_lookup[self.value].title()} " f"boss shuffle will be used for player {player_name}.") class Range(NumericOption): range_start = 0 range_end = 1 def __init__(self, value: int): if value < self.range_start: raise Exception(f"{value} is lower than minimum {self.range_start} for option {self.__class__.__name__}") elif value > self.range_end: raise Exception(f"{value} is higher than maximum {self.range_end} for option {self.__class__.__name__}") self.value = value @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Range: text = text.lower() if text.startswith("random"): return cls.weighted_range(text) elif text == "default" and hasattr(cls, "default"): return cls.from_any(cls.default) elif text == "high": return cls(cls.range_end) elif text == "low": return cls(cls.range_start) elif cls.range_start == 0 \ and hasattr(cls, "default") \ and cls.default != 0 \ and text in ("true", "false"): # these are the conditions where "true" and "false" make sense if text == "true": return cls.from_any(cls.default) else: # "false" return cls(0) return cls(int(text)) @classmethod def weighted_range(cls, text) -> Range: if text == "random-low": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.range_start, cls.range_end, cls.range_start)) elif text == "random-high": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.range_start, cls.range_end, cls.range_end)) elif text == "random-middle": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.range_start, cls.range_end)) elif text.startswith("random-range-"): return cls.custom_range(text) elif text == "random": return cls(random.randint(cls.range_start, cls.range_end)) else: raise Exception(f"random text \"{text}\" did not resolve to a recognized pattern. " f"Acceptable values are: random, random-high, random-middle, random-low, " f"random-range-low--, random-range-middle--, " f"random-range-high--, or random-range--.") @classmethod def custom_range(cls, text) -> Range: textsplit = text.split("-") try: random_range = [int(textsplit[len(textsplit) - 2]), int(textsplit[len(textsplit) - 1])] except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid random range {text} for option {cls.__name__}") random_range.sort() if random_range[0] < cls.range_start or random_range[1] > cls.range_end: raise Exception( f"{random_range[0]}-{random_range[1]} is outside allowed range " f"{cls.range_start}-{cls.range_end} for option {cls.__name__}") if text.startswith("random-range-low"): return cls(cls.triangular(random_range[0], random_range[1], random_range[0])) elif text.startswith("random-range-middle"): return cls(cls.triangular(random_range[0], random_range[1])) elif text.startswith("random-range-high"): return cls(cls.triangular(random_range[0], random_range[1], random_range[1])) else: return cls(random.randint(random_range[0], random_range[1])) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any) -> Range: if type(data) == int: return cls(data) return cls.from_text(str(data)) @classmethod def get_option_name(cls, value: int) -> str: return str(value) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value) @staticmethod def triangular(lower: int, end: int, tri: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> int: return int(round(random.triangular(lower, end, tri), 0)) class NamedRange(Range): special_range_names: typing.Dict[str, int] = {} """Special Range names have to be all lowercase as matching is done with text.lower()""" def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: if value < self.range_start and value not in self.special_range_names.values(): raise Exception(f"{value} is lower than minimum {self.range_start} for option {self.__class__.__name__} " + f"and is also not one of the supported named special values: {self.special_range_names}") elif value > self.range_end and value not in self.special_range_names.values(): raise Exception(f"{value} is higher than maximum {self.range_end} for option {self.__class__.__name__} " + f"and is also not one of the supported named special values: {self.special_range_names}") self.value = value @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Range: text = text.lower() if text in cls.special_range_names: return cls(cls.special_range_names[text]) return super().from_text(text) class SpecialRange(NamedRange): special_range_cutoff = 0 # TODO: remove class SpecialRange, earliest 3 releases after 0.4.3 def __new__(cls, value: int) -> SpecialRange: from Utils import deprecate deprecate(f"Option type {cls.__name__} is a subclass of SpecialRange, which is deprecated and pending removal. " "Consider switching to NamedRange, which supports all use-cases of SpecialRange, and more. In " "NamedRange, range_start specifies the lower end of the regular range, while special values can be " "placed anywhere (below, inside, or above the regular range).") return super().__new__(cls) @classmethod def weighted_range(cls, text) -> Range: if text == "random-low": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.special_range_cutoff, cls.range_end, cls.special_range_cutoff)) elif text == "random-high": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.special_range_cutoff, cls.range_end, cls.range_end)) elif text == "random-middle": return cls(cls.triangular(cls.special_range_cutoff, cls.range_end)) elif text.startswith("random-range-"): return cls.custom_range(text) elif text == "random": return cls(random.randint(cls.special_range_cutoff, cls.range_end)) else: raise Exception(f"random text \"{text}\" did not resolve to a recognized pattern. " f"Acceptable values are: random, random-high, random-middle, random-low, " f"random-range-low--, random-range-middle--, " f"random-range-high--, or random-range--.") class FreezeValidKeys(AssembleOptions): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): if "valid_keys" in attrs: attrs["_valid_keys"] = frozenset(attrs["valid_keys"]) return super(FreezeValidKeys, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) class VerifyKeys(metaclass=FreezeValidKeys): valid_keys: typing.Iterable = [] _valid_keys: frozenset # gets created by AssembleOptions from valid_keys valid_keys_casefold: bool = False convert_name_groups: bool = False verify_item_name: bool = False verify_location_name: bool = False value: typing.Any @classmethod def verify_keys(cls, data: typing.Iterable[str]) -> None: if cls.valid_keys: data = set(data) dataset = set(word.casefold() for word in data) if cls.valid_keys_casefold else set(data) extra = dataset - cls._valid_keys if extra: raise Exception(f"Found unexpected key {', '.join(extra)} in {cls}. " f"Allowed keys: {cls._valid_keys}.") def verify(self, world: typing.Type[World], player_name: str, plando_options: "PlandoOptions") -> None: if self.convert_name_groups and self.verify_item_name: new_value = type(self.value)() # empty container of whatever value is for item_name in self.value: new_value |= world.item_name_groups.get(item_name, {item_name}) self.value = new_value elif self.convert_name_groups and self.verify_location_name: new_value = type(self.value)() for loc_name in self.value: new_value |= world.location_name_groups.get(loc_name, {loc_name}) self.value = new_value if self.verify_item_name: for item_name in self.value: if item_name not in world.item_names: picks = get_fuzzy_results(item_name, world.item_names, limit=1) raise Exception(f"Item {item_name} from option {self} " f"is not a valid item name from {}. " f"Did you mean '{picks[0][0]}' ({picks[0][1]}% sure)") elif self.verify_location_name: for location_name in self.value: if location_name not in world.location_names: picks = get_fuzzy_results(location_name, world.location_names, limit=1) raise Exception(f"Location {location_name} from option {self} " f"is not a valid location name from {}. " f"Did you mean '{picks[0][0]}' ({picks[0][1]}% sure)") class OptionDict(Option[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]], VerifyKeys, typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]): default = {} supports_weighting = False def __init__(self, value: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]): self.value = deepcopy(value) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> OptionDict: if type(data) == dict: cls.verify_keys(data) return cls(data) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot Convert from non-dictionary, got {type(data)}") def get_option_name(self, value): return ", ".join(f"{key}: {v}" for key, v in value.items()) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> typing.Any: return self.value.__getitem__(item) def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]: return self.value.__iter__() def __len__(self) -> int: return self.value.__len__() class ItemDict(OptionDict): verify_item_name = True def __init__(self, value: typing.Dict[str, int]): if any(item_count < 1 for item_count in value.values()): raise Exception("Cannot have non-positive item counts.") super(ItemDict, self).__init__(value) class OptionList(Option[typing.List[typing.Any]], VerifyKeys): # Supports duplicate entries and ordering. # If only unique entries are needed and input order of elements does not matter, OptionSet should be used instead. # Not a docstring so it doesn't get grabbed by the options system. default = () supports_weighting = False def __init__(self, value: typing.Iterable[typing.Any]): self.value = list(deepcopy(value)) super(OptionList, self).__init__() @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str): return cls([option.strip() for option in text.split(",")]) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any): if is_iterable_except_str(data): cls.verify_keys(data) return cls(data) return cls.from_text(str(data)) def get_option_name(self, value): return ", ".join(map(str, value)) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.value class OptionSet(Option[typing.Set[str]], VerifyKeys): default = frozenset() supports_weighting = False def __init__(self, value: typing.Iterable[str]): self.value = set(deepcopy(value)) super(OptionSet, self).__init__() @classmethod def from_text(cls, text: str): return cls([option.strip() for option in text.split(",")]) @classmethod def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any): if is_iterable_except_str(data): cls.verify_keys(data) return cls(data) return cls.from_text(str(data)) def get_option_name(self, value): return ", ".join(sorted(value)) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.value class ItemSet(OptionSet): verify_item_name = True convert_name_groups = True class Accessibility(Choice): """Set rules for reachability of your items/locations. Locations: ensure everything can be reached and acquired. Items: ensure all logically relevant items can be acquired. Minimal: ensure what is needed to reach your goal can be acquired.""" display_name = "Accessibility" option_locations = 0 option_items = 1 option_minimal = 2 alias_none = 2 default = 1 class ProgressionBalancing(NamedRange): """A system that can move progression earlier, to try and prevent the player from getting stuck and bored early. A lower setting means more getting stuck. A higher setting means less getting stuck.""" default = 50 range_start = 0 range_end = 99 display_name = "Progression Balancing" special_range_names = { "disabled": 0, "normal": 50, "extreme": 99, } class OptionsMetaProperty(type): def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: typing.Tuple[type, ...], attrs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "OptionsMetaProperty": for attr_type in attrs.values(): assert not isinstance(attr_type, AssembleOptions), \ f"Options for {name} should be type hinted on the class, not assigned" return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def type_hints(cls) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Type[Option[typing.Any]]]: """Returns type hints of the class as a dictionary.""" return typing.get_type_hints(cls) @dataclass class CommonOptions(metaclass=OptionsMetaProperty): progression_balancing: ProgressionBalancing accessibility: Accessibility def as_dict(self, *option_names: str, casing: str = "snake") -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Returns a dictionary of [str, Option.value] :param option_names: names of the options to return :param casing: case of the keys to return. Supports `snake`, `camel`, `pascal`, `kebab` """ option_results = {} for option_name in option_names: if option_name in type(self).type_hints: if casing == "snake": display_name = option_name elif casing == "camel": split_name = [name.title() for name in option_name.split("_")] split_name[0] = split_name[0].lower() display_name = "".join(split_name) elif casing == "pascal": display_name = "".join([name.title() for name in option_name.split("_")]) elif casing == "kebab": display_name = option_name.replace("_", "-") else: raise ValueError(f"{casing} is invalid casing for as_dict. " "Valid names are 'snake', 'camel', 'pascal', 'kebab'.") value = getattr(self, option_name).value if isinstance(value, set): value = sorted(value) option_results[display_name] = value else: raise ValueError(f"{option_name} not found in {tuple(type(self).type_hints)}") return option_results class LocalItems(ItemSet): """Forces these items to be in their native world.""" display_name = "Local Items" class NonLocalItems(ItemSet): """Forces these items to be outside their native world.""" display_name = "Not Local Items" class StartInventory(ItemDict): """Start with these items.""" verify_item_name = True display_name = "Start Inventory" class StartInventoryPool(StartInventory): """Start with these items and don't place them in the world. The game decides what the replacement items will be.""" verify_item_name = True display_name = "Start Inventory from Pool" class StartHints(ItemSet): """Start with these item's locations prefilled into the !hint command.""" display_name = "Start Hints" class LocationSet(OptionSet): verify_location_name = True convert_name_groups = True class StartLocationHints(LocationSet): """Start with these locations and their item prefilled into the !hint command""" display_name = "Start Location Hints" class ExcludeLocations(LocationSet): """Prevent these locations from having an important item""" display_name = "Excluded Locations" class PriorityLocations(LocationSet): """Prevent these locations from having an unimportant item""" display_name = "Priority Locations" class DeathLink(Toggle): """When you die, everyone dies. Of course the reverse is true too.""" display_name = "Death Link" class ItemLinks(OptionList): """Share part of your item pool with other players.""" display_name = "Item Links" default = [] schema = Schema([ { "name": And(str, len), "item_pool": [And(str, len)], Optional("exclude"): [And(str, len)], "replacement_item": Or(And(str, len), None), Optional("local_items"): [And(str, len)], Optional("non_local_items"): [And(str, len)], Optional("link_replacement"): Or(None, bool), } ]) @staticmethod def verify_items(items: typing.List[str], item_link: str, pool_name: str, world, allow_item_groups: bool = True) -> typing.Set: pool = set() for item_name in items: if item_name not in world.item_names and (not allow_item_groups or item_name not in world.item_name_groups): picks = get_fuzzy_results(item_name, world.item_names, limit=1) picks_group = get_fuzzy_results(item_name, world.item_name_groups.keys(), limit=1) picks_group = f" or '{picks_group[0][0]}' ({picks_group[0][1]}% sure)" if allow_item_groups else "" raise Exception(f"Item {item_name} from item link {item_link} " f"is not a valid item from {} for {pool_name}. " f"Did you mean '{picks[0][0]}' ({picks[0][1]}% sure){picks_group}") if allow_item_groups: pool |= world.item_name_groups.get(item_name, {item_name}) else: pool |= {item_name} return pool def verify(self, world: typing.Type[World], player_name: str, plando_options: "PlandoOptions") -> None: link: dict super(ItemLinks, self).verify(world, player_name, plando_options) existing_links = set() for link in self.value: if link["name"] in existing_links: raise Exception(f"You cannot have more than one link named {link['name']}.") existing_links.add(link["name"]) pool = self.verify_items(link["item_pool"], link["name"], "item_pool", world) local_items = set() non_local_items = set() if "exclude" in link: pool -= self.verify_items(link["exclude"], link["name"], "exclude", world) if link["replacement_item"]: self.verify_items([link["replacement_item"]], link["name"], "replacement_item", world, False) if "local_items" in link: local_items = self.verify_items(link["local_items"], link["name"], "local_items", world) local_items &= pool if "non_local_items" in link: non_local_items = self.verify_items(link["non_local_items"], link["name"], "non_local_items", world) non_local_items &= pool intersection = local_items.intersection(non_local_items) if intersection: raise Exception(f"item_link {link['name']} has {intersection} " f"items in both its local_items and non_local_items pool.") link.setdefault("link_replacement", None) link["item_pool"] = list(pool) class Removed(FreeText): """This Option has been Removed.""" default = "" visibility = Visibility.none def __init__(self, value: str): if value: raise Exception("Option removed, please update your options file.") super().__init__(value) @dataclass class PerGameCommonOptions(CommonOptions): local_items: LocalItems non_local_items: NonLocalItems start_inventory: StartInventory start_hints: StartHints start_location_hints: StartLocationHints exclude_locations: ExcludeLocations priority_locations: PriorityLocations item_links: ItemLinks @dataclass class DeathLinkMixin: death_link: DeathLink def generate_yaml_templates(target_folder: typing.Union[str, "pathlib.Path"], generate_hidden: bool = True): import os import yaml from jinja2 import Template from worlds import AutoWorldRegister from Utils import local_path, __version__ full_path: str os.makedirs(target_folder, exist_ok=True) # clean out old for file in os.listdir(target_folder): full_path = os.path.join(target_folder, file) if os.path.isfile(full_path) and full_path.endswith(".yaml"): os.unlink(full_path) def dictify_range(option: Range): data = {option.default: 50} for sub_option in ["random", "random-low", "random-high"]: if sub_option != option.default: data[sub_option] = 0 notes = {} for name, number in getattr(option, "special_range_names", {}).items(): notes[name] = f"equivalent to {number}" if number in data: data[name] = data[number] del data[number] else: data[name] = 0 return data, notes for game_name, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if not world.hidden or generate_hidden: all_options: typing.Dict[str, AssembleOptions] = { option_name: option for option_name, option in world.options_dataclass.type_hints.items() if option.visibility & Visibility.template } with open(local_path("data", "options.yaml")) as f: file_data = res = Template(file_data).render( options=all_options, __version__=__version__, game=game_name, yaml_dump=yaml.dump, dictify_range=dictify_range, ) del file_data with open(os.path.join(target_folder, game_name + ".yaml"), "w", encoding="utf-8-sig") as f: f.write(res) if __name__ == "__main__": from worlds.alttp.Options import Logic import argparse map_shuffle = Toggle compass_shuffle = Toggle key_shuffle = Toggle big_key_shuffle = Toggle hints = Toggle test = argparse.Namespace() test.logic = Logic.from_text("no_logic") test.map_shuffle = map_shuffle.from_text("ON") test.hints = hints.from_text('OFF') try: test.logic = Logic.from_text("overworld_glitches_typo") except KeyError as e: print(e) try: test.logic_owg = Logic.from_text("owg") except KeyError as e: print(e) if test.map_shuffle: print("map_shuffle is on") print(f"Hints are {bool(test.hints)}") print(test)