import logging import copy import os import random import threading from typing import Dict, Set, TextIO from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, ItemClassification, CollectionState, \ Tutorial from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule from .TotalSMZ3.Item import ItemType from .TotalSMZ3 import Item as TotalSMZ3Item from .TotalSMZ3.World import World as TotalSMZ3World from .TotalSMZ3.Regions.Zelda.GanonsTower import GanonsTower from .TotalSMZ3.Config import Config, GameMode, Goal, KeyShuffle, MorphLocation, SMLogic, SwordLocation, Z3Logic, OpenTower, GanonVulnerable, OpenTourian from .TotalSMZ3.Location import LocationType, locations_start_id, Location as TotalSMZ3Location from .TotalSMZ3.Patch import Patch as TotalSMZ3Patch, getWord, getWordArray from .TotalSMZ3.WorldState import WorldState from .TotalSMZ3.Region import IReward, IMedallionAccess from .TotalSMZ3.Text.Texts import openFile from worlds.AutoWorld import World, AutoLogicRegister, WebWorld from .Client import SMZ3SNIClient from .Rom import get_base_rom_bytes, SMZ3DeltaPatch from .ips import IPS_Patch from .Options import smz3_options from Options import Accessibility world_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) logger = logging.getLogger("SMZ3") # Location IDs in the range 256+196 to 256+202 shifted +34 between 11.2 and 11.3 # this is required to keep backward compatibility def convertLocSMZ3IDToAPID(value): return (value - 34) if value >= 256+230 and value <= 256+236 else value class SMZ3CollectionState(metaclass=AutoLogicRegister): def init_mixin(self, parent: MultiWorld): # for unit tests where MultiWorld is instantiated before worlds if hasattr(parent, "state"): self.smz3state = {player: TotalSMZ3Item.Progression([]) for player in parent.get_game_players("SMZ3")} for player, group in parent.groups.items(): if (group["game"] == "SMZ3"): self.smz3state[player] = TotalSMZ3Item.Progression([]) if player not in parent.state.smz3state: parent.state.smz3state[player] = TotalSMZ3Item.Progression([]) else: self.smz3state = {} def copy_mixin(self, ret) -> CollectionState: ret.smz3state = {player: copy.deepcopy(self.smz3state[player]) for player in self.smz3state} return ret class SMZ3Web(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the Archipelago Super Metroid and A Link to the Past Crossover randomizer on your computer. This guide covers single-player, multiworld, and related software.", "English", "", "multiworld/en", ["lordlou"] )] class SMZ3World(World): """ A python port of Super Metroid & A Link To The Past Crossover Item Randomizer based on v11.2 of Total's SMZ3. This is allowed as long as we keep features and logic as close as possible as the original. """ game: str = "SMZ3" topology_present = False data_version = 3 option_definitions = smz3_options item_names: Set[str] = frozenset(TotalSMZ3Item.lookup_name_to_id) location_names: Set[str] item_name_to_id = TotalSMZ3Item.lookup_name_to_id location_name_to_id: Dict[str, int] = {key : locations_start_id + convertLocSMZ3IDToAPID(value.Id) for key, value in TotalSMZ3World(Config(), "", 0, "").locationLookup.items()} web = SMZ3Web() locationNamesGT: Set[str] = {loc.Name for loc in GanonsTower(None, None).Locations} # first added for 0.2.6 required_client_version = (0, 2, 6) def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int): self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event() self.locations: Dict[str, Location] = {} self.unreachable = [] super().__init__(world, player) @classmethod def isProgression(cls, itemType): progressionTypes = { ItemType.ProgressiveShield, ItemType.ProgressiveSword, ItemType.Bow, ItemType.Hookshot, ItemType.Mushroom, ItemType.Powder, ItemType.Firerod, ItemType.Icerod, ItemType.Bombos, ItemType.Ether, ItemType.Quake, ItemType.Lamp, ItemType.Hammer, ItemType.Shovel, ItemType.Flute, ItemType.Bugnet, ItemType.Book, ItemType.Bottle, ItemType.Somaria, ItemType.Byrna, ItemType.Cape, ItemType.Mirror, ItemType.Boots, ItemType.ProgressiveGlove, ItemType.Flippers, ItemType.MoonPearl, ItemType.HalfMagic, ItemType.Grapple, ItemType.Charge, ItemType.Ice, ItemType.Wave, ItemType.Plasma, ItemType.Varia, ItemType.Gravity, ItemType.Morph, ItemType.Bombs, ItemType.SpringBall, ItemType.ScrewAttack, ItemType.HiJump, ItemType.SpaceJump, ItemType.SpeedBooster, ItemType.ETank, ItemType.ReserveTank, ItemType.BigKeyGT, ItemType.KeyGT, ItemType.BigKeyEP, ItemType.BigKeyDP, ItemType.BigKeyTH, ItemType.BigKeyPD, ItemType.BigKeySP, ItemType.BigKeySW, ItemType.BigKeyTT, ItemType.BigKeyIP, ItemType.BigKeyMM, ItemType.BigKeyTR, ItemType.KeyHC, ItemType.KeyCT, ItemType.KeyDP, ItemType.KeyTH, ItemType.KeyPD, ItemType.KeySP, ItemType.KeySW, ItemType.KeyTT, ItemType.KeyIP, ItemType.KeyMM, ItemType.KeyTR, ItemType.CardCrateriaL1, ItemType.CardCrateriaL2, ItemType.CardCrateriaBoss, ItemType.CardBrinstarL1, ItemType.CardBrinstarL2, ItemType.CardBrinstarBoss, ItemType.CardNorfairL1, ItemType.CardNorfairL2, ItemType.CardNorfairBoss, ItemType.CardMaridiaL1, ItemType.CardMaridiaL2, ItemType.CardMaridiaBoss, ItemType.CardWreckedShipL1, ItemType.CardWreckedShipBoss, ItemType.CardLowerNorfairL1, ItemType.CardLowerNorfairBoss, } return itemType in progressionTypes @classmethod def stage_assert_generate(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld): base_combined_rom = get_base_rom_bytes() def generate_early(self): self.config = Config() self.config.GameMode = GameMode.Multiworld self.config.Z3Logic = Z3Logic.Normal self.config.SMLogic = SMLogic(self.multiworld.sm_logic[self.player].value) self.config.SwordLocation = SwordLocation(self.multiworld.sword_location[self.player].value) self.config.MorphLocation = MorphLocation(self.multiworld.morph_location[self.player].value) self.config.Goal = Goal(self.multiworld.goal[self.player].value) self.config.KeyShuffle = KeyShuffle(self.multiworld.key_shuffle[self.player].value) self.config.OpenTower = OpenTower(self.multiworld.open_tower[self.player].value) self.config.GanonVulnerable = GanonVulnerable(self.multiworld.ganon_vulnerable[self.player].value) self.config.OpenTourian = OpenTourian(self.multiworld.open_tourian[self.player].value) self.local_random = random.Random(self.multiworld.random.randint(0, 1000)) self.smz3World = TotalSMZ3World(self.config, self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player), self.player, self.multiworld.seed_name) self.smz3World.Setup(WorldState.Generate(self.config, self.multiworld.random)) self.smz3DungeonItems = [] SMZ3World.location_names = frozenset(self.smz3World.locationLookup.keys()) self.multiworld.state.smz3state[self.player] = TotalSMZ3Item.Progression([]) def create_items(self): self.dungeon = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateDungeonPool(self.smz3World) self.dungeon.reverse() self.progression = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateProgressionPool(self.smz3World) self.keyCardsItems = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateKeycards(self.smz3World) self.SmMapsItems = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateSmMaps(self.smz3World) niceItems = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateNicePool(self.smz3World) junkItems = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.CreateJunkPool(self.smz3World) allJunkItems = niceItems + junkItems self.junkItemsNames = [ for item in junkItems] if (self.smz3World.Config.Keysanity): progressionItems = self.progression + self.dungeon + self.keyCardsItems + self.SmMapsItems else: progressionItems = self.progression # Dungeons items here are not in the itempool and will be prefilled locally so they must stay local self.multiworld.non_local_items[self.player].value -= frozenset(item_name for item_name in self.item_names if TotalSMZ3Item.Item.IsNameDungeonItem(item_name)) for item in self.keyCardsItems: self.multiworld.push_precollected(SMZ3Item(, ItemClassification.filler, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[], self.player, item)) itemPool = [SMZ3Item(, ItemClassification.progression, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[], self.player, item) for item in progressionItems] + \ [SMZ3Item(, ItemClassification.filler, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[], self.player, item) for item in allJunkItems] self.smz3DungeonItems = [SMZ3Item(, ItemClassification.progression, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[], self.player, item) for item in self.dungeon] self.multiworld.itempool += itemPool def set_rules(self): # SM G4 is logically required to access Ganon's Tower in SMZ3 self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: \ self.smz3World.GetRegion("Ganon's Tower").CanEnter(state.smz3state[self.player]) and \ self.smz3World.GetRegion("Ganon's Tower").TowerAscend(state.smz3state[self.player]) and \ self.smz3World.GetRegion("Ganon's Tower").CanComplete(state.smz3state[self.player]) for region in self.smz3World.Regions: entrance = self.multiworld.get_entrance('Menu' + "->" + region.Name, self.player) set_rule(entrance, lambda state, region=region: region.CanEnter(state.smz3state[self.player])) for loc in region.Locations: l = self.locations[loc.Name] if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] != 'locations': l.always_allow = lambda state, item, loc=loc: \ == "SMZ3" and \ loc.alwaysAllow(item.item, state.smz3state[self.player]) old_rule = l.item_rule l.item_rule = lambda item, loc=loc, region=region: (\ != "SMZ3" or \ loc.allow(item.item, None) and \ region.CanFill(item.item)) and old_rule(item) set_rule(l, lambda state, loc=loc: loc.Available(state.smz3state[self.player])) def create_regions(self): self.create_locations(self.player) startRegion = self.create_region(self.multiworld, self.player, 'Menu') self.multiworld.regions.append(startRegion) for region in self.smz3World.Regions: currentRegion = self.create_region(self.multiworld, self.player, region.Name, region.locationLookup.keys(), [region.Name + "->" + 'Menu']) self.multiworld.regions.append(currentRegion) entrance = self.multiworld.get_entrance(region.Name + "->" + 'Menu', self.player) entrance.connect(startRegion) exit = Entrance(self.player, 'Menu' + "->" + region.Name, startRegion) startRegion.exits.append(exit) exit.connect(currentRegion) def apply_sm_custom_sprite(self): itemSprites = ["off_world_prog_item.bin", "off_world_item.bin"] itemSpritesAddress = [0xF800, 0xF900] idx = 0 offworldSprites = {} for fileName in itemSprites: with openFile(world_folder + "/data/custom_sprite/" + fileName, 'rb') as stream: buffer = bytearray( offworldSprites[0x04Eff2 + 10*((0x6B + 0x40) + idx)] = bytearray(getWordArray(itemSpritesAddress[idx])) + buffer[0:8] offworldSprites[0x090000 + itemSpritesAddress[idx]] = buffer[8:264] idx += 1 return offworldSprites def convert_to_sm_item_name(self, itemName): charMap = { "A" : 0x3CE0, "B" : 0x3CE1, "C" : 0x3CE2, "D" : 0x3CE3, "E" : 0x3CE4, "F" : 0x3CE5, "G" : 0x3CE6, "H" : 0x3CE7, "I" : 0x3CE8, "J" : 0x3CE9, "K" : 0x3CEA, "L" : 0x3CEB, "M" : 0x3CEC, "N" : 0x3CED, "O" : 0x3CEE, "P" : 0x3CEF, "Q" : 0x3CF0, "R" : 0x3CF1, "S" : 0x3CF2, "T" : 0x3CF3, "U" : 0x3CF4, "V" : 0x3CF5, "W" : 0x3CF6, "X" : 0x3CF7, "Y" : 0x3CF8, "Z" : 0x3CF9, " " : 0x3C4E, "!" : 0x3CFF, "?" : 0x3CFE, "'" : 0x3CFD, "," : 0x3CFB, "." : 0x3CFA, "-" : 0x3CCF, "_" : 0x000E, "1" : 0x3C00, "2" : 0x3C01, "3" : 0x3C02, "4" : 0x3C03, "5" : 0x3C04, "6" : 0x3C05, "7" : 0x3C06, "8" : 0x3C07, "9" : 0x3C08, "0" : 0x3C09, "%" : 0x3C0A} data = [] itemName = itemName.upper()[:26] itemName = itemName.strip() itemName =, " ") itemName = "___" + itemName + "___" for char in itemName: (w0, w1) = getWord(charMap.get(char, 0x3C4E)) data.append(w0) data.append(w1) return data def convert_to_lttp_item_name(self, itemName): return bytearray(itemName[:19].center(19, " "), 'utf8') + bytearray(0) def apply_item_names(self): patch = {} sm_remote_idx = 0 lttp_remote_idx = 0 for location in self.smz3World.Locations: if self.multiworld.worlds[location.APLocation.item.player].game != if location.Type == LocationType.Visible or location.Type == LocationType.Chozo or location.Type == LocationType.Hidden: patch[0x390000 + sm_remote_idx*64] = self.convert_to_sm_item_name( sm_remote_idx += 1 progressionItem = (0 if location.APLocation.item.advancement else 0x8000) + sm_remote_idx patch[0x386000 + (location.Id * 8) + 6] = bytearray(getWordArray(progressionItem)) else: patch[0x390000 + 100 * 64 + lttp_remote_idx * 20] = self.convert_to_lttp_item_name( lttp_remote_idx += 1 progressionItem = (0 if location.APLocation.item.advancement else 0x8000) + lttp_remote_idx patch[0x386000 + (location.Id * 8) + 6] = bytearray(getWordArray(progressionItem)) return patch def SnesCustomization(self, addr: int): addr = (0x400000 if addr < 0x800000 else 0)| (addr & 0x3FFFFF) return addr def apply_customization(self): patch = {} # smSpinjumps if (self.multiworld.spin_jumps_animation[self.player].value == 1): patch[self.SnesCustomization(0x9B93FE)] = bytearray([0x01]) # z3HeartBeep values = [ 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10] index = self.multiworld.heart_beep_speed[self.player].value patch[0x400033] = bytearray([values[index if index < len(values) else 2]]) # z3HeartColor values = [ [0x24, [0x18, 0x00]], [0x3C, [0x04, 0x17]], [0x2C, [0xC9, 0x69]], [0x28, [0xBC, 0x02]] ] index = self.multiworld.heart_color[self.player].value (hud, fileSelect) = values[index if index < len(values) else 0] for i in range(0, 20, 2): patch[self.SnesCustomization(0xDFA1E + i)] = bytearray([hud]) patch[self.SnesCustomization(0x1BD6AA)] = bytearray(fileSelect) # z3QuickSwap patch[0x40004B] = bytearray([0x01 if self.multiworld.quick_swap[self.player].value else 0x00]) # smEnergyBeepOff if (self.multiworld.energy_beep[self.player].value == 0): for ([addr, value]) in [ [0x90EA9B, 0x80], [0x90F337, 0x80], [0x91E6D5, 0x80] ]: patch[self.SnesCustomization(addr)] = bytearray([value]) return patch def generate_output(self, output_directory: str): try: base_combined_rom = get_base_rom_bytes() basepatch = IPS_Patch.load(world_folder + "/data/zsm.ips") base_combined_rom = basepatch.apply(base_combined_rom) patcher = TotalSMZ3Patch(self.smz3World, [world.smz3World for key, world in self.multiworld.worlds.items() if isinstance(world, SMZ3World) and hasattr(world, "smz3World")], self.multiworld.seed_name, self.multiworld.seed, self.local_random, {v: k for k, v in self.multiworld.player_name.items()}, next(iter(loc.player for loc in self.multiworld.get_locations() if ( == "SilverArrows" and loc.item.player == self.player)))) patches = patcher.Create(self.smz3World.Config) patches.update(self.apply_sm_custom_sprite()) patches.update(self.apply_item_names()) patches.update(self.apply_customization()) for addr, bytes in patches.items(): offset = 0 for byte in bytes: base_combined_rom[addr + offset] = byte offset += 1 outfilebase = self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player) filename = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{outfilebase}.sfc") with open(filename, "wb") as binary_file: binary_file.write(base_combined_rom) patch = SMZ3DeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + SMZ3DeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=self.player, player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player], patched_path=filename) patch.write() os.remove(filename) self.rom_name = bytearray(patcher.title, 'utf8') except: raise finally: self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict): import base64 if (not self.smz3World.Config.Keysanity): for item_name in self.keyCardsItems: item_id = self.item_name_to_id.get(, None) try: multidata["precollected_items"][self.player].remove(item_id) except ValueError as e: logger.warning(f"Attempted to remove nonexistent item id {item_id} from smz3 precollected items ({item_name})") # wait for self.rom_name to be available. self.rom_name_available_event.wait() rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None) # we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised if rom_name: new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode() payload = multidata["connect_names"][self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]] multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = payload def fill_slot_data(self): slot_data = {} return slot_data def collect(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool: state.smz3state[self.player].Add([TotalSMZ3Item.Item(TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType[], self.smz3World if hasattr(self, "smz3World") else None)]) if item.advancement: state.prog_items[, item.player] += 1 return True # indicate that a logical state change has occured return False def remove(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool: name = self.collect_item(state, item, True) if name: state.smz3state[item.player].Remove([TotalSMZ3Item.Item(TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType[], self.smz3World if hasattr(self, "smz3World") else None)]) state.prog_items[name, item.player] -= 1 if state.prog_items[name, item.player] < 1: del (state.prog_items[name, item.player]) return True return False def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: return SMZ3Item(name, ItemClassification.progression if SMZ3World.isProgression(TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType[name]) else ItemClassification.filler, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType[name], self.item_name_to_id[name], self.player, TotalSMZ3Item.Item(TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType[name], getattr(self, "smz3World", None))) def pre_fill(self): from Fill import fill_restrictive self.InitialFillInOwnWorld() if (not self.smz3World.Config.Keysanity): locations = [loc for loc in self.locations.values() if loc.item is None] self.multiworld.random.shuffle(locations) all_state = self.multiworld.get_all_state(False) for item in self.smz3DungeonItems: all_state.remove(item) all_dungeonItems = self.smz3DungeonItems[:] fill_restrictive(self.multiworld, all_state, locations, all_dungeonItems, True, True) self.JunkFillGT(0.5) def get_pre_fill_items(self): if (not self.smz3World.Config.Keysanity): return self.smz3DungeonItems else: return [] def post_fill(self): # some small or big keys (those always_allow) can be unreachable in-game # while logic still collects some of them (probably to simulate the player collecting pot keys in the logic), some others don't # so we need to remove those exceptions as progression items if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] == 'items': state = CollectionState(self.multiworld) locs = [self.multiworld.get_location("Swamp Palace - Big Chest", self.player), self.multiworld.get_location("Skull Woods - Big Chest", self.player), self.multiworld.get_location("Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest", self.player)] for loc in locs: if (loc.item.player == self.player and loc.always_allow(state, loc.item)): loc.item.classification = ItemClassification.filler loc.item.item.Progression = False loc.item.location.event = False self.unreachable.append(loc) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.multiworld.random.choice(self.junkItemsNames) def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO): self.multiworld.spoiler.unreachables.update(self.unreachable) player_name = f'{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}: ' if self.multiworld.players > 1 else '' spoiler_handle.write('\n\nRewards:\n\n') spoiler_handle.write('\n'.join([ f"{player_name}{region.Name}: {}" for region in self.smz3World.Regions if isinstance(region, IReward) ])) spoiler_handle.write('\n\nMedallions:\n\n') spoiler_handle.write('\n'.join([ f"{player_name}{region.Name}: {}" for region in self.smz3World.Regions if isinstance(region, IMedallionAccess) ])) def JunkFillGT(self, factor): poolLength = len(self.multiworld.itempool) junkPoolIdx = [i for i in range(0, poolLength) if self.multiworld.itempool[i].classification in (ItemClassification.filler, ItemClassification.trap)] toRemove = [] for loc in self.locations.values(): # commenting this for now since doing a partial GT pre fill would allow for non SMZ3 progression in GT # which isnt desirable (SMZ3 logic only filters for SMZ3 items). Having progression in GT can only happen in Single Player. # if len(toRemove) >= int(len(self.locationNamesGT) * factor * self.smz3World.TowerCrystals / 7): # break if in self.locationNamesGT and loc.item is None: poolLength = len(junkPoolIdx) # start looking at a random starting index and loop at start if no match found start = self.multiworld.random.randint(0, poolLength) itemFromPool = None for off in range(0, poolLength): i = (start + off) % poolLength candidate = self.multiworld.itempool[junkPoolIdx[i]] if junkPoolIdx[i] not in toRemove and loc.can_fill(self.multiworld.state, candidate, False): itemFromPool = candidate toRemove.append(junkPoolIdx[i]) break assert itemFromPool is not None, "Can't find anymore item(s) to pre fill GT" self.multiworld.push_item(loc, itemFromPool, False) loc.event = False toRemove.sort(reverse = True) for i in toRemove: self.multiworld.itempool.pop(i) def FillItemAtLocation(self, itemPool, itemType, location): itemToPlace = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.Get(itemPool, itemType, self.smz3World) if (itemToPlace == None): raise Exception(f"Tried to place item {itemType} at {location.Name}, but there is no such item in the item pool") else: location.Item = itemToPlace itemFromPool = next((i for i in self.multiworld.itempool if i.player == self.player and ==, None) if itemFromPool is not None: self.multiworld.get_location(location.Name, self.player).place_locked_item(itemFromPool) self.multiworld.itempool.remove(itemFromPool) else: itemFromPool = next((i for i in self.smz3DungeonItems if i.player == self.player and ==, None) if itemFromPool is not None: self.multiworld.get_location(location.Name, self.player).place_locked_item(itemFromPool) self.smz3DungeonItems.remove(itemFromPool) itemPool.remove(itemToPlace) def FrontFillItemInOwnWorld(self, itemPool, itemType): item = TotalSMZ3Item.Item.Get(itemPool, itemType, self.smz3World) location = next(iter(self.multiworld.random.sample(TotalSMZ3Location.AvailableGlobal(TotalSMZ3Location.Empty(self.smz3World.Locations), self.smz3World.Items()), 1)), None) if (location == None): raise Exception(f"Tried to front fill {item.Name} in, but no location was available") location.Item = item itemFromPool = next((i for i in self.multiworld.itempool if i.player == self.player and == and i.advancement == item.Progression), None) if itemFromPool is not None: self.multiworld.get_location(location.Name, self.player).place_locked_item(itemFromPool) self.multiworld.itempool.remove(itemFromPool) itemPool.remove(item) def InitialFillInOwnWorld(self): self.FillItemAtLocation(self.dungeon, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.KeySW, self.smz3World.GetLocation("Skull Woods - Pinball Room")) if (not self.smz3World.Config.Keysanity): self.FillItemAtLocation(self.dungeon, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.KeySP, self.smz3World.GetLocation("Swamp Palace - Entrance")) # /* Check Swords option and place as needed */ if self.smz3World.Config.SwordLocation == SwordLocation.Uncle: self.FillItemAtLocation(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.ProgressiveSword, self.smz3World.GetLocation("Link's Uncle")) # /* Check Morph option and place as needed */ if self.smz3World.Config.MorphLocation == MorphLocation.Original: self.FillItemAtLocation(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.Morph, self.smz3World.GetLocation("Morphing Ball")) elif self.smz3World.Config.MorphLocation == MorphLocation.Early: self.FrontFillItemInOwnWorld(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.Morph) # We do early Sword placement after Morph in case its Original location if self.smz3World.Config.SwordLocation == SwordLocation.Early: self.FrontFillItemInOwnWorld(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.ProgressiveSword) # /* We place a PB and Super in Sphere 1 to make sure the filler # * doesn't start locking items behind this when there are a # * high chance of the trash fill actually making them available */ self.FrontFillItemInOwnWorld(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.Super) self.FrontFillItemInOwnWorld(self.progression, TotalSMZ3Item.ItemType.PowerBomb) def create_locations(self, player: int): for name, id in SMZ3World.location_name_to_id.items(): newLoc = SMZ3Location(player, name, id) self.locations[name] = newLoc self.smz3World.locationLookup[name].APLocation = newLoc def create_region(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None): ret = Region(name, player, world) if locations: for loc in locations: location = self.locations[loc] location.parent_region = ret ret.locations.append(location) if exits: for exit in exits: ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret)) return ret class SMZ3Location(Location): game: str = "SMZ3" def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address=None, parent=None): super(SMZ3Location, self).__init__(player, name, address, parent) class SMZ3Item(Item): game = "SMZ3" type: ItemType item: Item def __init__(self, name, classification, type: ItemType, code, player: int, item: Item): super(SMZ3Item, self).__init__(name, classification, code, player) self.type = type self.item = item