import argparse import asyncio import functools import json import logging import re import shlex import urllib.request import zlib import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import websockets import aioconsole import Items import Regions from MultiClient import ReceivedItem, get_item_name_from_id, get_location_name_from_address class Client: def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.auth = False = None = None self.slot = None self.send_index = 0 class Context: def __init__(self, host, port, password): self.data_filename = None self.save_filename = None self.disable_save = False self.player_names = {} self.rom_names = {} self.remote_items = set() self.locations = {} = host self.port = port self.password = password self.server = None self.countdown_timer = 0 self.clients = [] self.received_items = {} async def send_msgs(websocket, msgs): if not websocket or not or websocket.closed: return try: await websocket.send(json.dumps(msgs)) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: pass def broadcast_all(ctx : Context, msgs): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth: asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, msgs)) def broadcast_team(ctx : Context, team, msgs): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and == team: asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, msgs)) def notify_all(ctx : Context, text):"Notice (all): %s" % text) broadcast_all(ctx, [['Print', text]]) def notify_team(ctx : Context, team : int, text : str):"Notice (Team #%d): %s" % (team+1, text)) broadcast_team(ctx, team, [['Print', text]]) def notify_client(client : Client, text : str): if not client.auth: return"Notice (Player %s in team %d): %s" % (,, text)) asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, [['Print', text]])) async def server(websocket, path, ctx : Context): client = Client(websocket) ctx.clients.append(client) try: await on_client_connected(ctx, client) async for data in websocket: for msg in json.loads(data): if len(msg) == 1: cmd = msg args = None else: cmd = msg[0] args = msg[1] await process_client_cmd(ctx, client, cmd, args) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) finally: await on_client_disconnected(ctx, client) ctx.clients.remove(client) async def on_client_connected(ctx : Context, client : Client): await send_msgs(client.socket, [['RoomInfo', { 'password': ctx.password is not None, 'players': [(, client.slot, for client in ctx.clients if client.auth] }]]) async def on_client_disconnected(ctx : Context, client : Client): if client.auth: await on_client_left(ctx, client) async def on_client_joined(ctx : Context, client : Client): notify_all(ctx, "%s (Team #%d) has joined the game" % (, + 1)) async def on_client_left(ctx : Context, client : Client): notify_all(ctx, "%s (Team #%d) has left the game" % (, + 1)) async def countdown(ctx : Context, timer): notify_all(ctx, f'[Server]: Starting countdown of {timer}s') if ctx.countdown_timer: ctx.countdown_timer = timer return ctx.countdown_timer = timer while ctx.countdown_timer > 0: notify_all(ctx, f'[Server]: {ctx.countdown_timer}') ctx.countdown_timer -= 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) notify_all(ctx, f'[Server]: GO') def get_connected_players_string(ctx : Context): auth_clients = [c for c in ctx.clients if c.auth] if not auth_clients: return 'No player connected' auth_clients.sort(key=lambda c: (, c.slot)) current_team = 0 text = 'Team #1: ' for c in auth_clients: if != current_team: text += f':: Team #{ + 1}: ' current_team = text += f'{} ' return 'Connected players: ' + text[:-1] def get_received_items(ctx : Context, team, player): return ctx.received_items.setdefault((team, player), []) def tuplize_received_items(items): return [(item.item, item.location, item.player) for item in items] def send_new_items(ctx : Context): for client in ctx.clients: if not client.auth: continue items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if len(items) > client.send_index: asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, [['ReceivedItems', (client.send_index, tuplize_received_items(items)[client.send_index:])]])) client.send_index = len(items) def forfeit_player(ctx : Context, team, slot): all_locations = [values[0] for values in Regions.location_table.values() if type(values[0]) is int] notify_all(ctx, "%s (Team #%d) has forfeited" % (ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], team + 1)) register_location_checks(ctx, team, slot, all_locations) def register_location_checks(ctx : Context, team, slot, locations): found_items = False for location in locations: if (location, slot) in ctx.locations: target_item, target_player = ctx.locations[(location, slot)] if target_player != slot or slot in ctx.remote_items: found = False recvd_items = get_received_items(ctx, team, target_player) for recvd_item in recvd_items: if recvd_item.location == location and recvd_item.player == slot: found = True break if not found: new_item = ReceivedItem(target_item, location, slot) recvd_items.append(new_item) if slot != target_player: broadcast_team(ctx, team, [['ItemSent', (slot, location, target_player, target_item)]])'(Team #%d) %s sent %s to %s (%s)' % (team+1, ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], get_item_name_from_id(target_item), ctx.player_names[(team, target_player)], get_location_name_from_address(location))) found_items = True send_new_items(ctx) if found_items and not ctx.disable_save: try: with open(ctx.save_filename, "wb") as f: jsonstr = json.dumps((list(ctx.rom_names.items()), [(k, [i.__dict__ for i in v]) for k, v in ctx.received_items.items()])) f.write(zlib.compress(jsonstr.encode("utf-8"))) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) async def process_client_cmd(ctx : Context, client : Client, cmd, args): if type(cmd) is not str: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidCmd']]) return if cmd == 'Connect': if not args or type(args) is not dict or \ 'password' not in args or type(args['password']) not in [str, type(None)] or \ 'rom' not in args or type(args['rom']) is not list: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'Connect']]) return errors = set() if ctx.password is not None and args['password'] != ctx.password: errors.add('InvalidPassword') if tuple(args['rom']) not in ctx.rom_names: errors.add('InvalidRom') else: team, slot = ctx.rom_names[tuple(args['rom'])] if any([c.slot == slot and == team for c in ctx.clients if c.auth]): errors.add('SlotAlreadyTaken') else: = ctx.player_names[(team, slot)] = team client.slot = slot if errors: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['ConnectionRefused', list(errors)]]) else: client.auth = True reply = [['Connected', [(, client.slot), [(p, n) for (t, p), n in ctx.player_names.items() if t ==]]]] items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: reply.append(['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]) client.send_index = len(items) await send_msgs(client.socket, reply) await on_client_joined(ctx, client) if not client.auth: return if cmd == 'Sync': items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: client.send_index = len(items) await send_msgs(client.socket, [['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]]) if cmd == 'LocationChecks': if type(args) is not list: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationChecks']]) return register_location_checks(ctx,, client.slot, args) if cmd == 'LocationScouts': if type(args) is not list: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationScouts']]) return locs = [] for location in args: if type(location) is not int or 0 >= location > len(Regions.location_table): await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationScouts']]) return loc_name = list(Regions.location_table.keys())[location - 1] target_item, target_player = ctx.locations[(Regions.location_table[loc_name][0], client.slot)] replacements = {'SmallKey': 0xA2, 'BigKey': 0x9D, 'Compass': 0x8D, 'Map': 0x7D} item_type = [i[2] for i in Items.item_table.values() if type(i[3]) is int and i[3] == target_item] if item_type: target_item = replacements.get(item_type[0], target_item) locs.append([loc_name, location, target_item, target_player])"{} in team {} scouted {', '.join([l[0] for l in locs])}") await send_msgs(client.socket, [['LocationInfo', [l[1:] for l in locs]]]) if cmd == 'Say': if type(args) is not str or not args.isprintable(): await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'Say']]) return notify_all(ctx, + ': ' + args) if args.startswith('!players'): notify_all(ctx, get_connected_players_string(ctx)) if args.startswith('!forfeit'): forfeit_player(ctx,, client.slot) if args.startswith('!countdown'): try: timer = int(args.split()[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): timer = 10 asyncio.create_task(countdown(ctx, timer)) def set_password(ctx : Context, password): ctx.password = password logging.warning('Password set to ' + password if password is not None else 'Password disabled') async def console(ctx : Context): while True: input = await aioconsole.ainput() try: command = shlex.split(input) if not command: continue if command[0] == '/exit': ctx.server.ws_server.close() break if command[0] == '/players': if command[0] == '/password': set_password(ctx, command[1] if len(command) > 1 else None) if command[0] == '/kick' and len(command) > 1: team = int(command[2]) - 1 if len(command) > 2 and command[2].isdigit() else None for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and == command[1].lower() and (team is None or team == if client.socket and not client.socket.closed: await client.socket.close() if command[0] == '/forfeitslot' and len(command) > 1 and command[1].isdigit(): if len(command) > 2 and command[2].isdigit(): team = int(command[1]) - 1 slot = int(command[2]) else: team = 0 slot = int(command[1]) forfeit_player(ctx, team, slot) if command[0] == '/forfeitplayer' and len(command) > 1: seeked_player = command[1].lower() for (team, slot), name in ctx.player_names.items(): if name.lower() == seeked_player: forfeit_player(ctx, team, slot) if command[0] == '/senditem' and len(command) > 2: [(player, item)] = re.findall(r'\S* (\S*) (.*)', input) if item in Items.item_table: for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and == player.lower(): new_item = ReceivedItem(Items.item_table[item][3], "cheat console", client.slot) get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot).append(new_item) notify_all(ctx, 'Cheat console: sending "' + item + '" to ' + send_new_items(ctx) else: logging.warning("Unknown item: " + item) if command[0] == '/hint': for (team,slot), name in ctx.player_names.items(): if len(command) == 1: print("Use /hint {Playername} {itemname}\nFor example /hint Berserker Lamp") elif name.lower() == command[1].lower(): item = " ".join(command[2:]) if item in Items.item_table: seeked_item_id = Items.item_table[item][3] for check, result in ctx.locations.items(): item_id, receiving_player = result if receiving_player == slot and item_id == seeked_item_id: location_id, finding_player = check name_finder = ctx.player_names[team, finding_player] hint = f"[Hint]: {name}'s {item} can be found at " \ f"{get_location_name_from_address(location_id)} in {name_finder}'s World" notify_team(ctx, team, hint) else: logging.warning("Unknown item: " + item) if command[0][0] != '/': notify_all(ctx, '[Server]: ' + input) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() async def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--host', default=None) parser.add_argument('--port', default=38281, type=int) parser.add_argument('--password', default=None) parser.add_argument('--multidata', default=None) parser.add_argument('--savefile', default=None) parser.add_argument('--disable_save', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='info', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']) args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s', level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), logging.INFO)) ctx = Context(, args.port, args.password) ctx.data_filename = args.multidata try: if not ctx.data_filename: import tkinter import tkinter.filedialog root = tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() ctx.data_filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Multiworld data","*multidata"),)) with open(ctx.data_filename, 'rb') as f: jsonobj = json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8")) for team, names in enumerate(jsonobj['names']): for player, name in enumerate(names, 1): ctx.player_names[(team, player)] = name ctx.rom_names = {tuple(rom): (team, slot) for slot, team, rom in jsonobj['roms']} ctx.remote_items = set(jsonobj['remote_items']) ctx.locations = {tuple(k): tuple(v) for k, v in jsonobj['locations']} except Exception as e: logging.error('Failed to read multiworld data (%s)' % e) return ip = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode('utf8') if not else'Hosting game at %s:%d (%s)' % (ip, ctx.port, 'No password' if not ctx.password else 'Password: %s' % ctx.password)) ctx.disable_save = args.disable_save if not ctx.disable_save: if not ctx.save_filename: ctx.save_filename = (ctx.data_filename[:-9] if ctx.data_filename[-9:] == 'multidata' else (ctx.data_filename + '_')) + 'multisave' try: with open(ctx.save_filename, 'rb') as f: jsonobj = json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8")) rom_names = jsonobj[0] received_items = {tuple(k): [ReceivedItem(**i) for i in v] for k, v in jsonobj[1]} if not all([ctx.rom_names[tuple(rom)] == (team, slot) for rom, (team, slot) in rom_names]): raise Exception('Save file mismatch, will start a new game') ctx.received_items = received_items'Loaded save file with %d received items for %d players' % (sum([len(p) for p in received_items.values()]), len(received_items))) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error('No save data found, starting a new game') except Exception as e: ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server,ctx=ctx),, ctx.port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) await ctx.server await console(ctx) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*asyncio.Task.all_tasks())) loop.close()