require "lib" -- for testing script.on_event(, function(event) if event.tick%600 == 0 then dumpTech(game.forces["player"]) end end) -- hook into researches done script.on_event(, function(event) local technology = event.research dumpTech(technology.force) {% if free_samples %} local players = technology.force.players if technology.effects then for _, effect in pairs(technology.effects) do if effect.type == "unlock-recipe" then local recipe = game.recipe_prototypes[effect.recipe] for _, result in pairs(recipe.products) do if result.type == "item" and result.amount then {% if free_samples == 1 %} local new = {count=result.amount,} {% elif free_samples == 2 %} local new = {count=get_any_stack_size( * 0.5,} {% else %} local new = {count=get_any_stack_size(,} {% endif %} for _, player in pairs(players) do player.insert(new) end end end end end end {% endif %} end) function dumpTech(force) local data_collection = {} for tech_name, tech in pairs(force.technologies) do if tech.researched and string.find(tech_name, "ap-") == 1 then data_collection[tech_name] = tech.researched end end game.write_file("research_done.json", game.table_to_json(data_collection), false) -- game.write_file("research_done.json", game.table_to_json(data_collection), false, 0) -- game.print("Sent progress to Archipelago.") end function dumpGameInfo() -- dump Game Information that the Archipelago Randomizer needs. local data_collection = {} local force = game.forces["player"] for tech_name, tech in pairs(force.technologies) do if tech.enabled and tech.research_unit_count_formula == nil then local tech_data = {} local unlocks = {} tech_data["unlocks"] = unlocks local requires = {} tech_data["requires"] = requires local ingredients = {} tech_data["ingredients"] = ingredients for tech_requirement, _ in pairs(tech.prerequisites) do table.insert(requires, tech_requirement) end for _, modifier in pairs(tech.effects) do if modifier.type == "unlock-recipe" then table.insert(unlocks, modifier.recipe) end end for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do table.insert(ingredients, end data_collection[tech_name] = tech_data end game.write_file("techs.json", game.table_to_json(data_collection), false) game.print("Exported Tech Data") end data_collection = {} for recipe_name, recipe in pairs( do local recipe_data = {} recipe_data["ingredients"] = {} recipe_data["products"] = {} recipe_data["category"] = recipe.category for _, ingredient in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do table.insert(recipe_data["ingredients"], end for _, product in pairs(recipe.products) do table.insert(recipe_data["products"], end data_collection[recipe_name] = recipe_data end game.write_file("recipes.json", game.table_to_json(data_collection), false) game.print("Exported Recipe Data") -- data.raw can't be accessed from control.lua, need to find a better method -- data_collection = {} -- for machine_name, machine in pairs(data.raw["assembling_machine"]) do -- local machine_data = {} -- machine_data["categories"] = table.deepcopy(machine.crafting_categories) -- data_collection[] = machine_data -- end -- game.write_file("machines.json", game.table_to_json(data_collection), false) -- game.print("Exported Machine Data") end -- add / commands commands.add_command("ap-get-info-dump", "Dump Game Info, used by Archipelago.", function(call) dumpGameInfo() end) commands.add_command("ap-sync", "Run manual Research Sync with Archipelago.", function(call) dumpTech() end) commands.add_command("ap-get-technology", "Grant a technology, used by the Archipelago Client.", function(call) local force = game.forces["player"] local tech_name = call.parameter local tech = force.technologies[tech_name] if tech ~= nil then if tech.researched ~= true then tech.researched = true game.print({"", "Received ", tech.localised_name, " from Archipelago"}) game.play_sound({path="utility/research_completed"}) end else game.print("Unknown Technology " .. tech_name) end end)