import typing from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Region, Entrance, Location from .Locations import V6Location, location_table v6areas = ["Laboratory", "The Tower", "Space Station 2", "Warp Zone"] def create_regions(world: MultiWorld, player: int): regOvr = Region("Menu", player, world, "Dimension VVVVVV") locOvr_names = ["Overworld (Pipe-shaped Segment)", "Overworld (Left of Ship)", "Overworld (Square Room)", "Overworld (Sad Elephant)", "It's a Secret to Nobody", "Trench Warfare", "NPC Trinket", "V"] regOvr.locations += [V6Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regOvr) for loc_name in locOvr_names] world.regions.append(regOvr) regLab = Region("Laboratory", player, world) locLab_names = ["Young Man, It's Worth the Challenge", "Overworld (Outside Entanglement Generator)", "The Tantalizing Trinket", "Purest Unobtainium"] regLab.locations += [V6Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regLab) for loc_name in locLab_names] world.regions.append(regLab) regTow = Region("The Tower", player, world) locTow_names = ["The Tower 1", "The Tower 2"] regTow.locations += [V6Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regTow) for loc_name in locTow_names] world.regions.append(regTow) regSp2 = Region("Space Station 2", player, world) locSp2_names = ["One Way Room", "You Just Keep Coming Back", "Clarion Call", "Prize for the Reckless", "Doing things the hard way"] regSp2.locations += [V6Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regSp2) for loc_name in locSp2_names] world.regions.append(regSp2) regWrp = Region("Warp Zone", player, world) locWrp_names = ["Edge Games"] regWrp.locations += [V6Location(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], regWrp) for loc_name in locWrp_names] world.regions.append(regWrp)