import json import os import platform import struct import subprocess import copy import threading from .Utils import subprocess_args, data_path, get_version_bytes, __version__ from Utils import user_path from .ntype import BigStream from .crc import calculate_crc DMADATA_START = 0x7430 double_cache_prevention = threading.Lock() class Rom(BigStream): original = None def __init__(self, file=None, force_use=False): super().__init__([]) self.changed_address = {} self.changed_dma = {} self.force_patch = [] if file is None: return decomp_file = user_path('ZOOTDEC.z64') with open(data_path('generated/symbols.json'), 'r') as stream: symbols = json.load(stream) self.symbols = {name: int(addr, 16) for name, addr in symbols.items()} # If decompressed file already exists, read from it if not force_use: if os.path.exists(decomp_file): file = decomp_file if file == '': # if not specified, try to read from the previously decompressed rom file = decomp_file try: self.read_rom(file) except FileNotFoundError: # could not find the decompressed rom either raise FileNotFoundError('Must specify path to base ROM') else: self.read_rom(file) else: self.read_rom(file) # decompress rom, or check if it's already decompressed self.decompress_rom_file(file, decomp_file, force_use) # Add file to maximum size self.buffer.extend(bytearray([0x00] * (0x4000000 - len(self.buffer)))) with double_cache_prevention: if not self.original: Rom.original = self.copy() # Add version number to header. self.write_bytes(0x35, get_version_bytes(__version__)) self.force_patch.extend([0x35, 0x36, 0x37]) def copy(self): new_rom = Rom() new_rom.buffer = copy.copy(self.buffer) new_rom.changed_address = copy.copy(self.changed_address) new_rom.changed_dma = copy.copy(self.changed_dma) new_rom.force_patch = copy.copy(self.force_patch) return new_rom def decompress_rom_file(self, file, decomp_file, skip_crc_check): validCRC = [ [0xEC, 0x70, 0x11, 0xB7, 0x76, 0x16, 0xD7, 0x2B], # Compressed [0x70, 0xEC, 0xB7, 0x11, 0x16, 0x76, 0x2B, 0xD7], # Byteswap compressed [0x93, 0x52, 0x2E, 0x7B, 0xE5, 0x06, 0xD4, 0x27], # Decompressed ] # Validate ROM file file_name = os.path.splitext(file) romCRC = list(self.buffer[0x10:0x18]) if romCRC not in validCRC and not skip_crc_check: # Bad CRC validation raise RuntimeError('ROM file %s is not a valid OoT 1.0 US ROM.' % file) elif len(self.buffer) < 0x2000000 or len(self.buffer) > (0x4000000) or file_name[1].lower() not in ['.z64', '.n64']: # ROM is too big, or too small, or not a bad type raise RuntimeError('ROM file %s is not a valid OoT 1.0 US ROM.' % file) elif len(self.buffer) == 0x2000000: # If Input ROM is compressed, then Decompress it sub_dir = data_path("Decompress") if platform.system() == 'Windows': subcall = [sub_dir + "\\Decompress.exe", file, decomp_file] elif platform.system() == 'Linux': if platform.uname()[4] == 'aarch64' or platform.uname()[4] == 'arm64': subcall = [sub_dir + "/Decompress_ARM64", file, decomp_file] else: subcall = [sub_dir + "/Decompress", file, decomp_file] elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': subcall = [sub_dir + "/Decompress.out", file, decomp_file] else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported operating system for decompression. Please supply an already decompressed ROM.') if not os.path.exists(subcall[0]): raise RuntimeError(f'Decompressor does not exist! Please place it at {subcall[0]}.'), **subprocess_args()) self.read_rom(decomp_file) else: # ROM file is a valid and already uncompressed pass def write_byte(self, address, value): super().write_byte(address, value) self.changed_address[self.last_address - 1] = value def write_bytes(self, address, values): super().write_bytes(address, values) self.changed_address.update(zip(range(address, address + len(values)), values)) def restore(self): self.buffer = copy.copy(self.original.buffer) self.changed_address = {} self.changed_dma = {} self.force_patch = [] self.last_address = None self.write_bytes(0x35, get_version_bytes(__version__)) self.force_patch.extend([0x35, 0x36, 0x37]) def sym(self, symbol_name): return self.symbols.get(symbol_name) def write_to_file(self, file): self.verify_dmadata() self.update_header() with open(file, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(self.buffer) def update_header(self): crc = calculate_crc(self) self.write_bytes(0x10, crc) def read_rom(self, file): # "Reads rom into bytearray" try: with open(file, 'rb') as stream: self.buffer = bytearray( except FileNotFoundError as ex: raise FileNotFoundError('Invalid path to Base ROM: "' + file + '"') # dmadata/file management helper functions def _get_dmadata_record(self, cur): start = self.read_int32(cur) end = self.read_int32(cur + 0x04) size = end - start return start, end, size def get_dmadata_record_by_key(self, key): cur = DMADATA_START dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) while True: if dma_start == 0 and dma_end == 0: return None if dma_start == key: return dma_start, dma_end, dma_size cur += 0x10 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) def verify_dmadata(self): cur = DMADATA_START overlapping_records = [] dma_data = [] while True: this_start, this_end, this_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) if this_start == 0 and this_end == 0: break dma_data.append((this_start, this_end, this_size)) cur += 0x10 dma_data.sort(key=lambda v: v[0]) for i in range(0, len(dma_data) - 1): this_start, this_end, this_size = dma_data[i] next_start, next_end, next_size = dma_data[i + 1] if this_end > next_start: overlapping_records.append( '0x%08X - 0x%08X (Size: 0x%04X)\n0x%08X - 0x%08X (Size: 0x%04X)' % \ (this_start, this_end, this_size, next_start, next_end, next_size) ) if len(overlapping_records) > 0: raise Exception("Overlapping DMA Data Records!\n%s" % \ '\n-------------------------------------\n'.join(overlapping_records)) # update dmadata record with start vrom address "key" # if key is not found, then attempt to add a new dmadata entry def update_dmadata_record(self, key, start, end, from_file=None): cur, dma_data_end = self.get_dma_table_range() dma_index = 0 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) while dma_start != key: if dma_start == 0 and dma_end == 0: break cur += 0x10 dma_index += 1 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) if cur >= (dma_data_end - 0x10): raise Exception('dmadata update failed: key {0:x} not found in dmadata and dma table is full.'.format(key)) else: self.write_int32s(cur, [start, end, start, 0]) if from_file == None: if key == None: from_file = -1 else: from_file = key self.changed_dma[dma_index] = (from_file, start, end - start) def get_dma_table_range(self): cur = DMADATA_START dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) while True: if dma_start == 0 and dma_end == 0: raise Exception('Bad DMA Table: DMA Table entry missing.') if dma_start == DMADATA_START: return (DMADATA_START, dma_end) cur += 0x10 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) # This will scan for any changes that have been made to the DMA table # This assumes any changes here are new files, so this should only be called # after patching in the new files, but before vanilla files are repointed def scan_dmadata_update(self): cur = DMADATA_START dma_data_end = None dma_index = 0 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) old_dma_start, old_dma_end, old_dma_size = self.original._get_dmadata_record(cur) while True: if (dma_start == 0 and dma_end == 0) and \ (old_dma_start == 0 and old_dma_end == 0): break # If the entries do not match, the flag the changed entry if not (dma_start == old_dma_start and dma_end == old_dma_end): self.changed_dma[dma_index] = (-1, dma_start, dma_end - dma_start) cur += 0x10 dma_index += 1 dma_start, dma_end, dma_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) old_dma_start, old_dma_end, old_dma_size = self.original._get_dmadata_record(cur) # gets the last used byte of rom defined in the DMA table def free_space(self): cur = DMADATA_START max_end = 0 while True: this_start, this_end, this_size = self._get_dmadata_record(cur) if this_start == 0 and this_end == 0: break max_end = max(max_end, this_end) cur += 0x10 max_end = ((max_end + 0x0F) >> 4) << 4 return max_end def compress_rom_file(input_file, output_file): compressor_path = "." if platform.system() == 'Windows': executable_path = "Compress.exe" elif platform.system() == 'Linux': if platform.uname()[4] == 'aarch64' or platform.uname()[4] == 'arm64': executable_path = "Compress_ARM64" else: executable_path = "Compress" elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': executable_path = "Compress.out" else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported operating system for compression.') compressor_path = os.path.join(compressor_path, executable_path) if not os.path.exists(compressor_path): raise RuntimeError(f'Compressor does not exist! Please place it at {compressor_path}.') import logging[compressor_path, input_file, output_file], **subprocess_args(include_stdout=False)))