import base64 import datetime import os import platform import shutil import sys import sysconfig import typing import zipfile import urllib.request import io import json import threading import subprocess from import Iterable from hashlib import sha3_512 from pathlib import Path # This is a bit jank. We need cx-Freeze to be able to run anything from this script, so install it try: requirement = 'cx-Freeze>=6.14.7' import pkg_resources try: pkg_resources.require(requirement) install_cx_freeze = False except pkg_resources.ResolutionError: install_cx_freeze = True except ImportError: install_cx_freeze = True pkg_resources = None # type: ignore [assignment] if install_cx_freeze: # check if pip is available try: import pip # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("pip not available. Please install pip.") # install and import cx_freeze if '--yes' not in sys.argv and '-y' not in sys.argv: input(f'Requirement {requirement} is not satisfied, press enter to install it')[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', requirement, '--upgrade']) import pkg_resources import cx_Freeze # .build only exists if cx-Freeze is the right version, so we have to update/install that first before this line import if __name__ == "__main__": # need to run this early to import from Utils and Launcher # TODO: move stuff to not require this import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update(yes="--yes" in sys.argv or "-y" in sys.argv) ModuleUpdate.update_ran = False # restore for later from worlds.LauncherComponents import components, icon_paths from Utils import version_tuple, is_windows, is_linux # On Python < 3.10 LogicMixin is not currently supported. apworlds: set = { "Subnautica", "Factorio", "Rogue Legacy", "Sonic Adventure 2 Battle", "Donkey Kong Country 3", "Super Mario World", "Stardew Valley", "Timespinner", "Minecraft", "The Messenger", "Links Awakening DX", "Super Metroid", "SMZ3", } def download_SNI(): print("Updating SNI") machine_to_go = { "x86_64": "amd64", "aarch64": "arm64", "armv7l": "arm" } platform_name = platform.system().lower() machine_name = platform.machine().lower() # force amd64 on macos until we have universal2 sni, otherwise resolve to GOARCH machine_name = "amd64" if platform_name == "darwin" else machine_to_go.get(machine_name, machine_name) with urllib.request.urlopen("") as request: data = json.load(request) files = data["assets"] source_url = None for file in files: download_url: str = file["browser_download_url"] machine_match = download_url.rsplit("-", 1)[1].split(".", 1)[0] == machine_name if platform_name in download_url and machine_match: # prefer "many" builds if "many" in download_url: source_url = download_url break source_url = download_url if source_url and source_url.endswith(".zip"): with urllib.request.urlopen(source_url) as download: with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, "r") as zf: for member in zf.infolist(): zf.extract(member, path="SNI") print(f"Downloaded SNI from {source_url}") elif source_url and (source_url.endswith(".tar.xz") or source_url.endswith(".tar.gz")): import tarfile mode = "r:xz" if source_url.endswith(".tar.xz") else "r:gz" with urllib.request.urlopen(source_url) as download: sni_dir = None with, mode=mode) as tf: for member in tf.getmembers(): if"/") or "../" in raise ValueError(f"Unexpected file '{}' in {source_url}") elif member.isdir() and not sni_dir: sni_dir = elif member.isfile() and not sni_dir or not raise ValueError(f"Expected folder before '{}' in {source_url}") elif member.isfile() and sni_dir: tf.extract(member) # sadly SNI is in its own folder on non-windows, so we need to rename shutil.rmtree("SNI", True) os.rename(sni_dir, "SNI") print(f"Downloaded SNI from {source_url}") elif source_url: print(f"Don't know how to extract SNI from {source_url}") else: print(f"No SNI found for system spec {platform_name} {machine_name}") signtool: typing.Optional[str] if os.path.exists("X:/pw.txt"): print("Using signtool") with open("X:/pw.txt", encoding="utf-8-sig") as f: pw = signtool = r'signtool sign /f X:/_SITS_Zertifikat_.pfx /p "' + pw + \ r'" /fd sha256 /tr ' else: signtool = None build_platform = sysconfig.get_platform() arch_folder = "exe.{platform}-{version}".format(platform=build_platform, version=sysconfig.get_python_version()) buildfolder = Path("build", arch_folder) build_arch = build_platform.split('-')[-1] if '-' in build_platform else platform.machine() # see on how to add scripts to def resolve_icon(icon_name: str): base_path = icon_paths[icon_name] if is_windows: path, extension = os.path.splitext(base_path) ico_file = path + ".ico" assert os.path.exists(ico_file), f"ico counterpart of {base_path} should exist." return ico_file else: return base_path exes = [ cx_Freeze.Executable( script=f'{c.script_name}.py', target_name=c.frozen_name + (".exe" if is_windows else ""), icon=resolve_icon(c.icon), base="Win32GUI" if is_windows and not c.cli else None ) for c in components if c.script_name and c.frozen_name ] extra_data = ["LICENSE", "data", "EnemizerCLI", "host.yaml", "SNI"] extra_libs = ["", ""] if is_linux else [] def remove_sprites_from_folder(folder): for file in os.listdir(folder): if file != ".gitignore": os.remove(folder / file) def _threaded_hash(filepath): hasher = sha3_512() hasher.update(open(filepath, "rb").read()) return base64.b85encode(hasher.digest()).decode() # cx_Freeze's build command runs other commands. Override to accept --yes and store that. class BuildCommand( user_options = [ ('yes', 'y', 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ] yes: bool last_yes: bool = False # used by sub commands of build def initialize_options(self): super().initialize_options() type(self).last_yes = self.yes = False def finalize_options(self): super().finalize_options() type(self).last_yes = self.yes # Override cx_Freeze's build_exe command for pre and post build steps class BuildExeCommand(cx_Freeze.command.build_exe.BuildEXE): user_options = cx_Freeze.command.build_exe.BuildEXE.user_options + [ ('yes', 'y', 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ('extra-data=', None, 'Additional files to add.'), ] yes: bool extra_data: Iterable # [any] not available in 3.8 extra_libs: Iterable # work around broken include_files buildfolder: Path libfolder: Path library: Path buildtime: datetime.datetime def initialize_options(self): super().initialize_options() self.yes = BuildCommand.last_yes self.extra_data = [] self.extra_libs = [] def finalize_options(self): super().finalize_options() self.buildfolder = self.build_exe self.libfolder = Path(self.buildfolder, "lib") self.library = Path(self.libfolder, "") def installfile(self, path, subpath=None, keep_content: bool = False): folder = self.buildfolder if subpath: folder /= subpath print('copying', path, '->', folder) if path.is_dir(): folder /= if folder.is_dir() and not keep_content: shutil.rmtree(folder) shutil.copytree(path, folder, dirs_exist_ok=True) elif path.is_file(): shutil.copy(path, folder) else: print('Warning,', path, 'not found') def create_manifest(self, create_hashes=False): # Since the setup is now split into components and the manifest is not, # it makes most sense to just remove the hashes for now. Not aware of anyone using them. hashes = {} manifestpath = os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "manifest.json") if create_hashes: from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.buildfolder): for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) hashes[os.path.relpath(path, start=self.buildfolder)] = pool.submit(_threaded_hash, path) import json manifest = { "buildtime": self.buildtime.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), "hashes": {path: hash.result() for path, hash in hashes.items()}, "version": version_tuple} json.dump(manifest, open(manifestpath, "wt"), indent=4) print("Created Manifest") def run(self): # start downloading sni asap sni_thread = threading.Thread(target=download_SNI, name="SNI Downloader") sni_thread.start() # pre build steps print(f"Outputting to: {self.buildfolder}") os.makedirs(self.buildfolder, exist_ok=True) import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.requirements_files.add(os.path.join("WebHostLib", "requirements.txt")) ModuleUpdate.update(yes=self.yes) # regular cx build self.buildtime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() super().run() # need to finish download before copying sni_thread.join() # include_files seems to not be done automatically. implement here for src, dst in self.include_files: print(f"copying {src} -> {self.buildfolder / dst}") shutil.copyfile(src, self.buildfolder / dst, follow_symlinks=False) # now that include_files is completely broken, run find_libs here for src, dst in find_libs(*self.extra_libs): print(f"copying {src} -> {self.buildfolder / dst}") shutil.copyfile(src, self.buildfolder / dst, follow_symlinks=False) # post build steps if is_windows: # kivy_deps is win32 only, linux picks them up automatically from kivy_deps import sdl2, glew for folder in sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins: shutil.copytree(folder, self.libfolder, dirs_exist_ok=True) print(f"copying {folder} -> {self.libfolder}") for data in self.extra_data: self.installfile(Path(data)) # kivi data files import kivy shutil.copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(kivy.__file__), "data"), self.buildfolder / "data", dirs_exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates", exist_ok=True) from Options import generate_yaml_templates from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister assert not apworlds - set(AutoWorldRegister.world_types), "Unknown world designated for .apworld" folders_to_remove: typing.List[str] = [] generate_yaml_templates(self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates", False) for worldname, worldtype in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if worldname in apworlds: file_name = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(worldtype.__file__))[1] world_directory = self.libfolder / "worlds" / file_name # this method creates an apworld that cannot be moved to a different OS or minor python version, # which should be ok with zipfile.ZipFile(self.libfolder / "worlds" / (file_name + ".apworld"), "x", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9) as zf: for path in world_directory.rglob("*.*"): relative_path = os.path.join(*["worlds")+1:]) zf.write(path, relative_path) folders_to_remove.append(file_name) shutil.rmtree(world_directory) shutil.copyfile("meta.yaml", self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates" / "meta.yaml") # TODO: fix LttP options one day shutil.copyfile("playerSettings.yaml", self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates" / "A Link to the Past.yaml") try: from maseya import z3pr except ImportError: print("Maseya Palette Shuffle not found, skipping data files.") else: # maseya Palette Shuffle exists and needs its data files print("Maseya Palette Shuffle found, including data files...") file = z3pr.__file__ self.installfile(Path(os.path.dirname(file)) / "data", keep_content=True) if signtool: for exe in self.distribution.executables: print(f"Signing {exe.target_name}") os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, exe.target_name)) print("Signing SNI") os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "SNI", "SNI.exe")) print("Signing OoT Utils") for exe_path in (("Compress", "Compress.exe"), ("Decompress", "Decompress.exe")): os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "lib", "worlds", "oot", "data", *exe_path)) remove_sprites_from_folder(self.buildfolder / "data" / "sprites" / "alttpr") self.create_manifest() if is_windows: # Inno setup stuff with open("setup.ini", "w") as f: min_supported_windows = "6.2.9200" if sys.version_info > (3, 9) else "6.0.6000" f.write(f"[Data]\nsource_path={self.buildfolder}\nmin_windows={min_supported_windows}\n") with open("installdelete.iss", "w") as f: f.writelines("Type: filesandordirs; Name: \"{app}\\lib\\worlds\\"+world_directory+"\"\n" for world_directory in folders_to_remove) else: # make sure extra programs are executable enemizer_exe = self.buildfolder / 'EnemizerCLI/EnemizerCLI.Core' sni_exe = self.buildfolder / 'SNI/sni' extra_exes = (enemizer_exe, sni_exe) for extra_exe in extra_exes: if extra_exe.is_file(): extra_exe.chmod(0o755) # rewrite windows-specific things in host.yaml host_yaml = self.buildfolder / 'host.yaml' with'r+b') as f: data = data = data.replace(b'factorio\\\\bin\\\\x64\\\\factorio', b'factorio/bin/x64/factorio'), os.SEEK_SET) f.write(data) f.truncate() class AppImageCommand(setuptools.Command): description = "build an app image from build output" user_options = [ ("build-folder=", None, "Folder to convert to AppImage."), ("dist-file=", None, "AppImage output file."), ("app-dir=", None, "Folder to use for packaging."), ("app-icon=", None, "The icon to use for the AppImage."), ("app-exec=", None, "The application to run inside the image."), ("yes", "y", 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ] build_folder: typing.Optional[Path] dist_file: typing.Optional[Path] app_dir: typing.Optional[Path] app_name: str app_exec: typing.Optional[Path] app_icon: typing.Optional[Path] # source file app_id: str # lower case name, used for icon and .desktop yes: bool def write_desktop(self): assert self.app_dir, "Invalid app_dir" desktop_filename = self.app_dir / f"{self.app_id}.desktop" with open(desktop_filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(( "[Desktop Entry]", f'Name={self.app_name}', f'Exec={self.app_exec}', "Type=Application", "Categories=Game", f'Icon={self.app_id}', '' ))) desktop_filename.chmod(0o755) def write_launcher(self, default_exe: Path): assert self.app_dir, "Invalid app_dir" launcher_filename = self.app_dir / "AppRun" with open(launcher_filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(f"""#!/bin/sh exe="{default_exe}" match="${{1#--executable=}}" if [ "${{#match}}" -lt "${{#1}}" ]; then exe="$match" shift elif [ "$1" = "-executable" ] || [ "$1" = "--executable" ]; then exe="$2" shift; shift fi tmp="${{exe#*/}}" if [ ! "${{#tmp}}" -lt "${{#exe}}" ]; then exe="{default_exe.parent}/$exe" fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$APPDIR/{default_exe.parent}/lib" $APPDIR/$exe "$@" """) launcher_filename.chmod(0o755) def install_icon(self, src: Path, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, symlink: typing.Optional[Path] = None): assert self.app_dir, "Invalid app_dir" try: from PIL import Image except ModuleNotFoundError: if not self.yes: input("Requirement PIL is not satisfied, press enter to install it")[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'Pillow', '--upgrade']) from PIL import Image im = res, _ = im.size if not name: name = src.stem ext = src.suffix dest_dir = Path(self.app_dir / f'usr/share/icons/hicolor/{res}x{res}/apps') dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file = dest_dir / f'{name}{ext}' shutil.copy(src, dest_file) if symlink: symlink.symlink_to(dest_file.relative_to(symlink.parent)) def initialize_options(self): self.build_folder = None self.app_dir = None self.app_name = self.app_icon = self.distribution.executables[0].icon self.app_exec = Path('opt/{app_name}/{exe}'.format(, exe=self.distribution.executables[0].target_name )) self.dist_file = Path("dist", "{app_name}_{app_version}_{platform}.AppImage".format(, app_version=self.distribution.metadata.version, platform=sysconfig.get_platform() )) self.yes = False def finalize_options(self): if not self.app_dir: self.app_dir = self.build_folder.parent / "AppDir" self.app_id = self.app_name.lower() def run(self): self.dist_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.app_dir.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(self.app_dir) self.app_dir.mkdir(parents=True) opt_dir = self.app_dir / "opt" / shutil.copytree(self.build_folder, opt_dir) root_icon = self.app_dir / f'{self.app_id}{self.app_icon.suffix}' self.install_icon(self.app_icon, self.app_id, symlink=root_icon) shutil.copy(root_icon, self.app_dir / '.DirIcon') self.write_desktop() self.write_launcher(self.app_exec) print(f'{self.app_dir} -> {self.dist_file}')'ARCH={build_arch} ./appimagetool -n "{self.app_dir}" "{self.dist_file}"', shell=True) def find_libs(*args: str) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]: """Try to find system libraries to be included.""" if not args: return [] arch = build_arch.replace('_', '-') libc = 'libc6' # we currently don't support musl def parse(line): lib, path = line.strip().split(' => ') lib, typ = lib.split(' ', 1) for test_arch in ('x86-64', 'i386', 'aarch64'): if test_arch in typ: lib_arch = test_arch break else: lib_arch = '' for test_libc in ('libc6',): if test_libc in typ: lib_libc = test_libc break else: lib_libc = '' return (lib, lib_arch, lib_libc), path if not hasattr(find_libs, "cache"): ldconfig = shutil.which("ldconfig") assert ldconfig, "Make sure ldconfig is in PATH" data =[ldconfig, "-p"], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.split("\n")[1:] find_libs.cache = { # type: ignore [attr-defined] k: v for k, v in (parse(line) for line in data if "=>" in line) } def find_lib(lib, arch, libc): for k, v in find_libs.cache.items(): if k == (lib, arch, libc): return v for k, v, in find_libs.cache.items(): if k[0].startswith(lib) and k[1] == arch and k[2] == libc: return v return None res = [] for arg in args: # try exact match, empty libc, empty arch, empty arch and libc file = find_lib(arg, arch, libc) file = file or find_lib(arg, arch, '') file = file or find_lib(arg, '', libc) file = file or find_lib(arg, '', '') # resolve symlinks for n in range(0, 5): res.append((file, os.path.join('lib', os.path.basename(file)))) if not os.path.islink(file): break dirname = os.path.dirname(file) file = os.readlink(file) if not os.path.isabs(file): file = os.path.join(dirname, file) return res cx_Freeze.setup( name="Archipelago", version=f"{version_tuple.major}.{version_tuple.minor}.{}", description="Archipelago", executables=exes, ext_modules=[], # required to disable auto-discovery with setuptools>=61 options={ "build_exe": { "packages": ["websockets", "worlds", "kivy"], "includes": [], "excludes": ["numpy", "Cython", "PySide2", "PIL", "pandas"], "zip_include_packages": ["*"], "zip_exclude_packages": ["worlds", "sc2"], "include_files": [], # broken in cx 6.14.0, we use more special sauce now "include_msvcr": False, "replace_paths": ["*."], "optimize": 1, "build_exe": buildfolder, "extra_data": extra_data, "extra_libs": extra_libs, "bin_includes": ["", ""] if is_linux else [] }, "bdist_appimage": { "build_folder": buildfolder, }, }, # override commands to get custom stuff in cmdclass={ "build": BuildCommand, "build_exe": BuildExeCommand, "bdist_appimage": AppImageCommand, }, )