# Copyright (c) 2022 FelicitusNeko # # This software is released under the MIT License. # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Region, Entrance, RegionType from .Locations import MeritousLocation, location_table meritous_regions = ["Meridian", "Ataraxia", "Merodach", "Endgame"] def _generate_entrances(player: int, entrance_list: [str], parent: Region): return [Entrance(player, entrance, parent) for entrance in entrance_list] def create_regions(world: MultiWorld, player: int): regions = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Last"] bosses = ["Meridian", "Ataraxia", "Merodach"] for x, name in enumerate(regions): fullname = f"{name} Quarter" insidename = fullname if x == 0: insidename = "Menu" region = Region(insidename, RegionType.Generic, fullname, player, world) for store in ["Alpha Cache", "Beta Cache", "Gamma Cache", "Reward Chest"]: for y in range(1, 7): loc_name = f"{store} {(x * 6) + y}" region.locations += [MeritousLocation(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], region)] if x < 3: storage_loc = f"PSI Key Storage {x + 1}" region.locations += [MeritousLocation(player, storage_loc, location_table[storage_loc], region)] region.exits += _generate_entrances(player, [f"To {bosses[x]}"], region) else: locations_end_game = ["Place of Power", "The Last Place You'll Look"] region.locations += [ MeritousLocation(player, loc_name, location_table[loc_name], region) for loc_name in locations_end_game] region.exits += _generate_entrances(player, ["Back to the entrance", "Back to the entrance with the Knife"], region) world.regions += [region] for x, boss in enumerate(bosses): boss_region = Region(boss, RegionType.Generic, boss, player, world) boss_region.locations += [ MeritousLocation(player, boss, location_table[boss], boss_region), MeritousLocation(player, f"{boss} Defeat", None, boss_region) ] boss_region.exits = _generate_entrances(player, [f"To {regions[x + 1]} Quarter"], boss_region) world.regions.append(boss_region) region_final_boss = Region( "Final Boss", RegionType.Generic, "Final Boss", player, world) region_final_boss.locations = [MeritousLocation( player, "Wervyn Anixil", None, region_final_boss)] world.regions.append(region_final_boss) region_tfb = Region("True Final Boss", RegionType.Generic, "True Final Boss", player, world) region_tfb.locations = [MeritousLocation( player, "Wervyn Anixil?", None, region_tfb)] world.regions.append(region_tfb) entrance_map = { "To Meridian": { "to": "Meridian", "rule": lambda state: state.has_group("PSI Keys", player, 1) and state.has_group("Important Artifacts", player, 1) }, "To Second Quarter": { "to": "Second Quarter", "rule": lambda state: state.has("Meridian Defeated", player) }, "To Ataraxia": { "to": "Ataraxia", "rule": lambda state: state.has_group("PSI Keys", player, 2) and state.has_group("Important Artifacts", player, 2) }, "To Third Quarter": { "to": "Third Quarter", "rule": lambda state: state.has("Ataraxia Defeated", player) }, "To Merodach": { "to": "Merodach", "rule": lambda state: state.has_group("PSI Keys", player, 3) and state.has_group("Important Artifacts", player, 3) }, "To Last Quarter": { "to": "Last Quarter", "rule": lambda state: state.has("Merodach Defeated", player) }, "Back to the entrance": { "to": "Final Boss", "rule": lambda state: state.has("Cursed Seal", player) }, "Back to the entrance with the Knife": { "to": "True Final Boss", "rule": lambda state: state.has_all(["Cursed Seal", "Agate Knife"], player) } } for entrance in entrance_map: connection_data = entrance_map[entrance] connection = world.get_entrance(entrance, player) connection.access_rule = connection_data["rule"] connection.connect(world.get_region(connection_data["to"], player))