""" Defines the rules by which locations can be accessed, depending on the items received """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, FrozenSet from BaseClasses import CollectionState from .player_logic import WitnessPlayerLogic from .locations import WitnessPlayerLocations from . import StaticWitnessLogic, WitnessRegions from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import WitnessWorld laser_hexes = [ "0x028A4", "0x00274", "0x032F9", "0x01539", "0x181B3", "0x0C2B2", "0x00509", "0x00BF6", "0x014BB", "0x012FB", "0x17C65", ] def _has_laser(laser_hex: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int, redirect_required: bool) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: if laser_hex == "0x012FB" and redirect_required: return lambda state: ( _can_solve_panel(laser_hex, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat)(state) and state.has("Desert Laser Redirection", player) ) else: return _can_solve_panel(laser_hex, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat) def _has_lasers(amount: int, world: "WitnessWorld", redirect_required: bool) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: laser_lambdas = [] for laser_hex in laser_hexes: has_laser_lambda = _has_laser(laser_hex, world, world.player, redirect_required) laser_lambdas.append(has_laser_lambda) return lambda state: sum(laser_lambda(state) for laser_lambda in laser_lambdas) >= amount def _can_solve_panel(panel: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int, player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: """ Determines whether a panel can be solved """ panel_obj = player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ENTITIES_BY_HEX[panel] entity_name = panel_obj["checkName"] if entity_name + " Solved" in locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE: return lambda state: state.has(player_logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[entity_name + " Solved"], player) else: return make_lambda(panel, world) def _can_move_either_direction(state: CollectionState, source: str, target: str, regio: WitnessRegions) -> bool: entrance_forward = regio.created_entrances[source, target] entrance_backward = regio.created_entrances[target, source] return ( any(entrance.can_reach(state) for entrance in entrance_forward) or any(entrance.can_reach(state) for entrance in entrance_backward) ) def _can_do_expert_pp2(state: CollectionState, world: "WitnessWorld") -> bool: player = world.player hedge_2_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 2nd Maze", "Keep", world.regio) ) hedge_3_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Maze", "Keep", world.regio) or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Maze", "Keep 2nd Maze", world.regio) and hedge_2_access ) hedge_4_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep", world.regio) or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep 3rd Maze", world.regio) and hedge_3_access ) hedge_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep Tower", world.regio) and state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player) and hedge_4_access ) backwards_to_fourth = ( state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player) and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", "Keep Tower", world.regio) and ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep", "Keep Tower", world.regio) or hedge_access ) ) shadows_shortcut = ( state.can_reach("Main Island", "Region", player) and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", "Shadows", world.regio) ) backwards_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Pressure Plate", "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", world.regio) and (backwards_to_fourth or shadows_shortcut) ) front_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 2nd Pressure Plate", "Keep", world.regio) and state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player) ) return front_access and backwards_access def _can_do_theater_to_tunnels(state: CollectionState, world: "WitnessWorld") -> bool: direct_access = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Theater", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) ) theater_from_town = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Theater", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Theater", world.regio) ) tunnels_from_town = ( _can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Windmill Interior", world.regio) or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Town", world.regio) ) return direct_access or theater_from_town and tunnels_from_town def _has_item(item: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int, player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: if item in player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME: return lambda state: state.can_reach(item, "Region", player) if item == "7 Lasers": laser_req = world.options.mountain_lasers.value return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, False) if item == "7 Lasers + Redirect": laser_req = world.options.mountain_lasers.value return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, True) if item == "11 Lasers": laser_req = world.options.challenge_lasers.value return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, False) if item == "11 Lasers + Redirect": laser_req = world.options.challenge_lasers.value return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, True) elif item == "PP2 Weirdness": return lambda state: _can_do_expert_pp2(state, world) elif item == "Theater to Tunnels": return lambda state: _can_do_theater_to_tunnels(state, world) if item in player_logic.USED_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX: return _can_solve_panel(item, world, player, player_logic, locat) prog_item = StaticWitnessLogic.get_parent_progressive_item(item) return lambda state: state.has(prog_item, player, player_logic.MULTI_AMOUNTS[item]) def _meets_item_requirements(requirements: FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]], world: "WitnessWorld") -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: """ Checks whether item and panel requirements are met for a panel """ lambda_conversion = [ [_has_item(item, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat) for item in subset] for subset in requirements ] return lambda state: any( all(condition(state) for condition in sub_requirement) for sub_requirement in lambda_conversion ) def make_lambda(entity_hex: str, world: "WitnessWorld") -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]: """ Lambdas are created in a for loop so values need to be captured """ entity_req = world.player_logic.REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[entity_hex] return _meets_item_requirements(entity_req, world) def set_rules(world: "WitnessWorld"): """ Sets all rules for all locations """ for location in world.locat.CHECK_LOCATION_TABLE: real_location = location if location in world.locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE: real_location = location[:-7] associated_entity = world.player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ENTITIES_BY_NAME[real_location] entity_hex = associated_entity["entity_hex"] rule = make_lambda(entity_hex, world) location = world.multiworld.get_location(location, world.player) set_rule(location, rule) world.multiworld.completion_condition[world.player] = lambda state: state.has('Victory', world.player)