from BaseClasses import Item, ItemClassification, Tutorial, Location, MultiWorld from .Items import item_table, create_item, relic_groups, act_contracts, create_itempool, get_shop_trap_name, \ calculate_yarn_costs from .Regions import create_regions, randomize_act_entrances, chapter_act_info, create_events, get_shuffled_region from .Locations import location_table, contract_locations, is_location_valid, get_location_names, TASKSANITY_START_ID, \ get_total_locations from .Rules import set_rules from .Options import AHITOptions, slot_data_options, adjust_options, RandomizeHatOrder, EndGoal, create_option_groups from .Types import HatType, ChapterIndex, HatInTimeItem, hat_type_to_item from .DeathWishLocations import create_dw_regions, dw_classes, death_wishes from .DeathWishRules import set_dw_rules, create_enemy_events, hit_list, bosses from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld, CollectionState from typing import List, Dict, TextIO from worlds.LauncherComponents import Component, components, icon_paths, launch_subprocess, Type from Utils import local_path def launch_client(): from .Client import launch launch_subprocess(launch, name="AHITClient") components.append(Component("A Hat in Time Client", "AHITClient", func=launch_client, component_type=Type.CLIENT, icon='yatta')) icon_paths['yatta'] = local_path('data', 'yatta.png') class AWebInTime(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" option_groups = create_option_groups() tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide for setting up A Hat in Time to be played in Archipelago.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["CookieCat"] )] class HatInTimeWorld(World): """ A Hat in Time is a cute-as-peck 3D platformer featuring a little girl who stitches hats for wicked powers! Freely explore giant worlds and recover Time Pieces to travel to new heights! """ game = "A Hat in Time" item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} location_name_to_id = get_location_names() options_dataclass = AHITOptions options: AHITOptions item_name_groups = relic_groups web = AWebInTime() def __init__(self, multiworld: "MultiWorld", player: int): super().__init__(multiworld, player) self.act_connections: Dict[str, str] = {} self.shop_locs: List[str] = [] self.hat_craft_order: List[HatType] = [HatType.SPRINT, HatType.BREWING, HatType.ICE, HatType.DWELLER, HatType.TIME_STOP] self.hat_yarn_costs: Dict[HatType, int] = {HatType.SPRINT: -1, HatType.BREWING: -1, HatType.ICE: -1, HatType.DWELLER: -1, HatType.TIME_STOP: -1} self.chapter_timepiece_costs: Dict[ChapterIndex, int] = {ChapterIndex.MAFIA: -1, ChapterIndex.BIRDS: -1, ChapterIndex.SUBCON: -1, ChapterIndex.ALPINE: -1, ChapterIndex.FINALE: -1, ChapterIndex.CRUISE: -1, ChapterIndex.METRO: -1} self.excluded_dws: List[str] = [] self.excluded_bonuses: List[str] = [] self.dw_shuffle: List[str] = [] self.nyakuza_thug_items: Dict[str, int] = {} self.badge_seller_count: int = 0 def generate_early(self): adjust_options(self) if self.options.StartWithCompassBadge: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Compass Badge")) if self.is_dw_only(): return # If our starting chapter is 4 and act rando isn't on, force hookshot into inventory # If starting chapter is 3 and painting shuffle is enabled, and act rando isn't, give one free painting unlock start_chapter: ChapterIndex = ChapterIndex(self.options.StartingChapter) if start_chapter == ChapterIndex.ALPINE or start_chapter == ChapterIndex.SUBCON: if not self.options.ActRandomizer: if start_chapter == ChapterIndex.ALPINE: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Hookshot Badge")) if self.options.UmbrellaLogic: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Umbrella")) if start_chapter == ChapterIndex.SUBCON and self.options.ShuffleSubconPaintings: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Progressive Painting Unlock")) def create_regions(self): # noinspection PyClassVar self.topology_present = bool(self.options.ActRandomizer) create_regions(self) if self.options.EnableDeathWish: create_dw_regions(self) if self.is_dw_only(): return create_events(self) if self.is_dw(): if "Snatcher's Hit List" not in self.excluded_dws or "Camera Tourist" not in self.excluded_dws: create_enemy_events(self) # place vanilla contract locations if contract shuffle is off if not self.options.ShuffleActContracts: for name in contract_locations.keys(): self.multiworld.get_location(name, self.player).place_locked_item(create_item(self, name)) def create_items(self): if self.has_yarn(): calculate_yarn_costs(self) if self.options.RandomizeHatOrder: self.random.shuffle(self.hat_craft_order) if self.options.RandomizeHatOrder == RandomizeHatOrder.option_time_stop_last: self.hat_craft_order.remove(HatType.TIME_STOP) self.hat_craft_order.append(HatType.TIME_STOP) # move precollected hats to the start of the list for i in range(5): hat = HatType(i) if self.is_hat_precollected(hat): self.hat_craft_order.remove(hat) self.hat_craft_order.insert(0, hat) self.multiworld.itempool += create_itempool(self) def set_rules(self): if self.is_dw_only(): # we already have all items if this is the case, no need for rules self.multiworld.push_precollected(HatInTimeItem("Death Wish Only Mode", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Death Wish Only Mode", self.player) if not self.options.DWEnableBonus: for name in death_wishes: if name == "Snatcher Coins in Nyakuza Metro" and not self.is_dlc2(): continue if self.options.DWShuffle and name not in self.dw_shuffle: continue full_clear = self.multiworld.get_location(f"{name} - All Clear", self.player) full_clear.address = None full_clear.place_locked_item(HatInTimeItem("Nothing", ItemClassification.filler, None, self.player)) full_clear.show_in_spoiler = False return if self.options.ActRandomizer: randomize_act_entrances(self) set_rules(self) if self.is_dw(): set_dw_rules(self) def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: return create_item(self, name) def fill_slot_data(self) -> dict: slot_data: dict = {"Chapter1Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.MAFIA], "Chapter2Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.BIRDS], "Chapter3Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.SUBCON], "Chapter4Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE], "Chapter5Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.FINALE], "Chapter6Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.CRUISE], "Chapter7Cost": self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.METRO], "BadgeSellerItemCount": self.badge_seller_count, "SeedNumber": str(self.multiworld.seed), # For shop prices "SeedName": self.multiworld.seed_name, "TotalLocations": get_total_locations(self)} if self.has_yarn(): slot_data.setdefault("SprintYarnCost", self.hat_yarn_costs[HatType.SPRINT]) slot_data.setdefault("BrewingYarnCost", self.hat_yarn_costs[HatType.BREWING]) slot_data.setdefault("IceYarnCost", self.hat_yarn_costs[HatType.ICE]) slot_data.setdefault("DwellerYarnCost", self.hat_yarn_costs[HatType.DWELLER]) slot_data.setdefault("TimeStopYarnCost", self.hat_yarn_costs[HatType.TIME_STOP]) slot_data.setdefault("Hat1", int(self.hat_craft_order[0])) slot_data.setdefault("Hat2", int(self.hat_craft_order[1])) slot_data.setdefault("Hat3", int(self.hat_craft_order[2])) slot_data.setdefault("Hat4", int(self.hat_craft_order[3])) slot_data.setdefault("Hat5", int(self.hat_craft_order[4])) if self.options.ActRandomizer: for name in self.act_connections.keys(): slot_data[name] = self.act_connections[name] if self.is_dlc2() and not self.is_dw_only(): for name in self.nyakuza_thug_items.keys(): slot_data[name] = self.nyakuza_thug_items[name] if self.is_dw(): i = 0 for name in self.excluded_dws: if self.options.EndGoal.value == EndGoal.option_seal_the_deal and name == "Seal the Deal": continue slot_data[f"excluded_dw{i}"] = dw_classes[name] i += 1 i = 0 if not self.options.DWAutoCompleteBonuses: for name in self.excluded_bonuses: if name in self.excluded_dws: continue slot_data[f"excluded_bonus{i}"] = dw_classes[name] i += 1 if self.options.DWShuffle: shuffled_dws = self.dw_shuffle for i in range(len(shuffled_dws)): slot_data[f"dw_{i}"] = dw_classes[shuffled_dws[i]] shop_item_names: Dict[str, str] = {} for name in self.shop_locs: loc: Location = self.multiworld.get_location(name, self.player) assert loc.item item_name: str if loc.item.classification is ItemClassification.trap and == "A Hat in Time": item_name = get_shop_trap_name(self) else: item_name = shop_item_names.setdefault(str(loc.address), item_name) slot_data["ShopItemNames"] = shop_item_names for name, value in self.options.as_dict(*self.options_dataclass.type_hints).items(): if name in slot_data_options: slot_data[name] = value return slot_data def extend_hint_information(self, hint_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, str]]): if self.is_dw_only() or not self.options.ActRandomizer: return new_hint_data = {} alpine_regions = ["The Birdhouse", "The Lava Cake", "The Windmill", "The Twilight Bell", "Alpine Skyline Area", "Alpine Skyline Area (TIHS)"] metro_regions = ["Yellow Overpass Station", "Green Clean Station", "Bluefin Tunnel", "Pink Paw Station"] for key, data in location_table.items(): if not is_location_valid(self, key): continue location = self.multiworld.get_location(key, self.player) region_name: str if data.region in alpine_regions: region_name = "Alpine Free Roam" elif data.region in metro_regions: region_name = "Nyakuza Free Roam" elif "Dead Bird Studio - " in data.region: region_name = "Dead Bird Studio" elif data.region in chapter_act_info.keys(): region_name = else: continue new_hint_data[location.address] = get_shuffled_region(self, region_name) if self.is_dlc1() and self.options.Tasksanity: ship_shape_region = get_shuffled_region(self, "Ship Shape") id_start: int = TASKSANITY_START_ID for i in range(self.options.TasksanityCheckCount): new_hint_data[id_start+i] = ship_shape_region hint_data[self.player] = new_hint_data def write_spoiler_header(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO): for i in self.chapter_timepiece_costs: spoiler_handle.write("Chapter %i Cost: %i\n" % (i, self.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex(i)])) for hat in self.hat_craft_order: spoiler_handle.write("Hat Cost: %s: %i\n" % (hat, self.hat_yarn_costs[hat])) def collect(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: old_count: int = state.count(, self.player) change = super().collect(state, item) if change and old_count == 0: if "Stamp" in if "2 Stamp" in state.prog_items[self.player]["Stamps"] += 2 else: state.prog_items[self.player]["Stamps"] += 1 elif "(Zero Jumps)" in state.prog_items[self.player]["Zero Jumps"] += 1 elif in hit_list.keys(): if not in bosses: state.prog_items[self.player]["Enemy"] += 1 else: state.prog_items[self.player]["Boss"] += 1 return change def remove(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: old_count: int = state.count(, self.player) change = super().collect(state, item) if change and old_count == 1: if "Stamp" in if "2 Stamp" in state.prog_items[self.player]["Stamps"] -= 2 else: state.prog_items[self.player]["Stamps"] -= 1 elif "(Zero Jumps)" in state.prog_items[self.player]["Zero Jumps"] -= 1 elif in hit_list.keys(): if not in bosses: state.prog_items[self.player]["Enemy"] -= 1 else: state.prog_items[self.player]["Boss"] -= 1 return change def has_yarn(self) -> bool: return not self.is_dw_only() and not self.options.HatItems def is_hat_precollected(self, hat: HatType) -> bool: for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]: if == hat_type_to_item[hat]: return True return False def is_dlc1(self) -> bool: return bool(self.options.EnableDLC1) def is_dlc2(self) -> bool: return bool(self.options.EnableDLC2) def is_dw(self) -> bool: return bool(self.options.EnableDeathWish) def is_dw_only(self) -> bool: return self.is_dw() and bool(self.options.DeathWishOnly) def is_dw_excluded(self, name: str) -> bool: # don't exclude Seal the Deal if it's our goal if self.options.EndGoal.value == EndGoal.option_seal_the_deal and name == "Seal the Deal" \ and f"{name} - Main Objective" not in self.options.exclude_locations: return False if name in self.excluded_dws: return True return f"{name} - Main Objective" in self.options.exclude_locations def is_bonus_excluded(self, name: str) -> bool: if self.is_dw_excluded(name) or name in self.excluded_bonuses: return True return f"{name} - All Clear" in self.options.exclude_locations