from .Rom import Rom from .Utils import * # Read a ci4 texture from rom and convert to rgba16 # rom - Rom # address - address of the ci4 texture in Rom # length - size of the texture in PIXELS # palette - 4-bit color palette to use (max of 16 colors) def ci4_to_rgba16(rom: Rom, address, length, palette): newPixels = [] texture = rom.read_bytes(address, length // 2) for byte in texture: newPixels.append(palette[(byte & 0xF0) >> 4]) newPixels.append(palette[byte & 0x0F]) return newPixels # Convert an rgba16 texture to ci8 # rgba16_texture - texture to convert # returns - tuple (ci8_texture, palette) def rgba16_to_ci8(rgba16_texture): ci8_texture = [] palette = get_colors_from_rgba16(rgba16_texture) # Get all of the colors in the texture if len(palette) > 0x100: # Make sure there are <= 256 colors. Could probably do some fancy stuff to convert, but nah. raise(Exception("RGB Texture exceeds maximum of 256 colors")) if len(palette) < 0x100: #Pad the palette with 0x0001 #Pad the palette with 0001s to take up the full 256 colors for i in range(0, 0x100 - len(palette)): palette.append(0x0001) # Create the new ci8 texture (list of bytes) by locating the index of each color from the rgba16 texture in the color palette. for pixel in rgba16_texture: if pixel in palette: ci8_texture.append(palette.index(pixel)) return (ci8_texture, palette) # Load a palette (essentially just an rgba16 texture) from rom def load_palette(rom: Rom, address, length): palette = [] for i in range(0, length): palette.append(rom.read_int16(address + 2 * i)) return palette # Get a list of unique colors (palette) from an rgba16 texture def get_colors_from_rgba16(rgba16_texture): colors = [] for pixel in rgba16_texture: if pixel not in colors: colors.append(pixel) return colors # Apply a patch to a rgba16 texture. The patch texture is exclusive or'd with the original to produce the result # rgba16_texture - Original texture # rgba16_patch - Patch texture. If this parameter is not supplied, this function will simply return the original texture. # returns - new texture = texture xor patch def apply_rgba16_patch(rgba16_texture, rgba16_patch): if rgba16_patch is not None and (len(rgba16_texture) != len(rgba16_patch)): raise(Exception("OG Texture and Patch not the same length!")) new_texture = [] if not rgba16_patch: for i in range(0, len(rgba16_texture)): new_texture.append(rgba16_texture[i]) return new_texture for i in range(0, len(rgba16_texture)): new_texture.append(rgba16_texture[i] ^ rgba16_patch[i]) return new_texture # Save a rgba16 texture to a file def save_rgba16_texture(rgba16_texture, fileStr): file = open(fileStr, 'wb') bytes = bytearray() for pixel in rgba16_texture: bytes.extend(pixel.to_bytes(2, 'big')) file.write(bytes) file.close() # Save a ci8 texture to a file def save_ci8_texture(ci8_texture, fileStr): file = open(fileStr, 'wb') bytes = bytearray() for pixel in ci8_texture: bytes.extend(pixel.to_bytes(1, 'big')) file.write(bytes) file.close() # Read an rgba16 texture from ROM # rom - Rom object to load the texture from # base_texture_address - Address of the rbga16 texture in ROM # size - Size of the texture in PIXELS # returns - list of ints representing each 16-bit pixel def load_rgba16_texture_from_rom(rom: Rom, base_texture_address, size): texture = [] for i in range(0, size): texture.append(int.from_bytes(rom.read_bytes(base_texture_address + 2 * i, 2), 'big')) return texture # Load an rgba16 texture from a binary file. # fileStr - path to the file # size - number of 16-bit pixels in the texture. def load_rgba16_texture(fileStr, size): texture = [] file = open(fileStr, 'rb') for i in range(0, size): texture.append(int.from_bytes(, 'big')) file.close() return(texture) # Create an new rgba16 texture byte array from a rgba16 binary file. Use this if you want to create complete new textures using no copyrighted content (or for testing). # rom - Unused set to None # base_texture_address - Unusued set to None # base_palette_address - Unusued set to None # size - Size of the texture in PIXELS # patchfile - File containing the texture to load # returns - bytearray containing the new texture def rgba16_from_file(rom: Rom, base_texture_address, base_palette_address, size, patchfile): new_texture = load_rgba16_texture(patchfile, size) bytes = bytearray() for pixel in new_texture: bytes.extend(int.to_bytes(pixel, 2, 'big')) return bytes # Create a new rgba16 texture from a original rgba16 texture and a rgba16 patch file # rom - Rom object to load the original texture from # base_texture_address - Address of the original rbga16 texture in ROM # base_palette_address - Unused. Set to None (this is only used for CI4 style textures) # size - Size of the texture in PIXELS # patchfile - file path of a rgba16 binary texture to patch # returns - bytearray of the new texture def rgba16_patch(rom: Rom, base_texture_address, base_palette_address, size, patchfile): base_texture_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture_from_rom(rom, base_texture_address, size) patch_rgba16 = None if patchfile: patch_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture(patchfile, size) new_texture_rgba16 = apply_rgba16_patch(base_texture_rgba16, patch_rgba16) bytes = bytearray() for pixel in new_texture_rgba16: bytes.extend(int.to_bytes(pixel, 2, 'big')) return bytes # Create a new ci8 texture from a ci4 texture/palette and a rgba16 patch file # rom - Rom object to load the original textures from # base_texture_address - Address of the original ci4 texture in ROM # base_palette_address - Address of the ci4 palette in ROM # size - Size of the texture in PIXELS # patchfile - file path of a rgba16 binary texture to patch # returns - bytearray of the new texture def ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8(rom, base_texture_address, base_palette_address, size, patchfile): palette = load_palette(rom, base_palette_address, 16) # load the original palette from rom base_texture_rgba16 = ci4_to_rgba16(rom, base_texture_address, size, palette) # load the original texture from rom and convert to ci8 patch_rgba16 = None if patchfile: patch_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture(patchfile, size) new_texture_rgba16 = apply_rgba16_patch(base_texture_rgba16, patch_rgba16) ci8_texture, ci8_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(new_texture_rgba16) # merge the palette and the texture bytes = bytearray() for pixel in ci8_palette: bytes.extend(int.to_bytes(pixel, 2, 'big')) for pixel in ci8_texture: bytes.extend(int.to_bytes(pixel, 1, 'big')) return bytes # Function to create rgba16 texture patches for crates def build_crate_ci8_patches(): # load crate textures from rom object_kibako2_addr = 0x018B6000 SIZE_CI4_32X128 = 4096 rom = Rom("ZOOTDEC.z64") crate_palette = load_palette(rom, object_kibako2_addr + 0x00, 16) crate_texture_rgba16 = ci4_to_rgba16(rom, object_kibako2_addr + 0x20, SIZE_CI4_32X128, crate_palette) # load new textures crate_texture_gold_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('crate_gold_rgba16.bin', 0x1000) crate_texture_skull_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('crate_skull_rgba16.bin', 0x1000) crate_texture_key_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('crate_key_rgba16.bin', 0x1000) crate_texture_bosskey_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('crate_bosskey_rgba16.bin', 0x1000) # create patches gold_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(crate_texture_rgba16, crate_texture_gold_rgba16) key_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(crate_texture_rgba16, crate_texture_key_rgba16) skull_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(crate_texture_rgba16, crate_texture_skull_rgba16) bosskey_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(crate_texture_rgba16, crate_texture_bosskey_rgba16) # save patches save_rgba16_texture(gold_patch, 'crate_gold_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(key_patch, 'crate_key_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(skull_patch, 'crate_skull_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(bosskey_patch, 'crate_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin') # create ci8s default_ci8, default_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(crate_texture_rgba16) gold_ci8, gold_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(crate_texture_gold_rgba16) key_ci8, key_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(crate_texture_key_rgba16) skull_ci8, skull_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(crate_texture_skull_rgba16) bosskey_ci8, bosskey_palette = rgba16_to_ci8(crate_texture_bosskey_rgba16) # save ci8 textures save_ci8_texture(default_ci8, 'crate_default_ci8.bin') save_ci8_texture(gold_ci8, 'crate_gold_ci8.bin') save_ci8_texture(key_ci8, 'crate_key_ci8.bin') save_ci8_texture(skull_ci8, 'crate_skull_ci8.bin') save_ci8_texture(bosskey_ci8, 'crate_bosskey_ci8.bin') # save palettes save_rgba16_texture(default_palette, 'crate_default_palette.bin') save_rgba16_texture(gold_palette, 'crate_gold_palette.bin') save_rgba16_texture(key_palette, 'crate_key_palette.bin') save_rgba16_texture(skull_palette, 'crate_skull_palette.bin') save_rgba16_texture(bosskey_palette, 'crate_bosskey_palette.bin') crate_textures = [ (5, 'texture_crate_default', 0x18B6000 + 0x20, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, None), (6, 'texture_crate_gold' , 0x18B6000 + 0x20, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'crate_gold_rgba16_patch.bin'), (7, 'texture_crate_key', 0x18B6000 + 0x20, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'crate_key_rgba16_patch.bin'), (8, 'texture_crate_skull', 0x18B6000 + 0x20, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'crate_skull_rgba16_patch.bin'), (9, 'texture_crate_bosskey', 0x18B6000 + 0x20, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'crate_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin'), ] for texture_id, texture_name, rom_address_base, rom_address_palette, size,func, patchfile in crate_textures: texture = func(rom, rom_address_base, rom_address_palette, size, patchfile) file = open(texture_name, 'wb') file.write(texture) file.close() print(texture) # Function to create rgba16 texture patches for pots. def build_pot_patches(): # load pot textures from rom object_tsubo_side_addr = 0x01738000 SIZE_32X64 = 2048 rom = Rom("ZOOTDEC.z64") pot_default_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture_from_rom(rom, object_tsubo_side_addr, SIZE_32X64) pot_gold_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('pot_gold_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) pot_key_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('pot_key_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) pot_skull_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('pot_skull_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) pot_bosskey_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('pot_bosskey_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) # create patches gold_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(pot_default_rgba16, pot_gold_rgba16) key_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(pot_default_rgba16, pot_key_rgba16) skull_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(pot_default_rgba16, pot_skull_rgba16) bosskey_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(pot_default_rgba16, pot_bosskey_rgba16) # save patches save_rgba16_texture(gold_patch, 'pot_gold_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(key_patch, 'pot_key_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(skull_patch, 'pot_skull_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(bosskey_patch, 'pot_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin') def build_smallcrate_patches(): # load small crate texture from rom object_kibako_texture_addr = 0xF7ECA0 SIZE_32X64 = 2048 rom = Rom("ZOOTDEC.z64") # Load textures smallcrate_default_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture_from_rom(rom, object_kibako_texture_addr, SIZE_32X64) smallcrate_gold_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('smallcrate_gold_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) smallcrate_key_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('smallcrate_key_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) smallcrate_skull_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('smallcrate_skull_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) smallcrate_bosskey_rgba16 = load_rgba16_texture('smallcrate_bosskey_rgba16.bin', SIZE_32X64) save_rgba16_texture(smallcrate_default_rgba16, 'smallcrate_default_rgba16.bin') # Create patches gold_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(smallcrate_default_rgba16, smallcrate_gold_rgba16) key_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(smallcrate_default_rgba16, smallcrate_key_rgba16) skull_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(smallcrate_default_rgba16, smallcrate_skull_rgba16) bosskey_patch = apply_rgba16_patch(smallcrate_default_rgba16, smallcrate_bosskey_rgba16) # save patches save_rgba16_texture(gold_patch, 'smallcrate_gold_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(key_patch, 'smallcrate_key_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(skull_patch, 'smallcrate_skull_rgba16_patch.bin') save_rgba16_texture(bosskey_patch, 'smallcrate_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin') #build_crate_ci8_patches() #build_pot_patches() #build_smallcrate_patches()