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# Archipelago World Code Owners / Maintainers Document
# This file is used to notate the current "owners" or "maintainers" of any currently merged world folder as well as
# certain documentation. For any pull requests that modify these worlds/docs, a code owner must approve the PR in
# addition to a core maintainer. All other files and folders are owned and maintained by core maintainers directly.
# All usernames must be GitHub usernames (and are case sensitive).
# Adventure
/worlds/adventure/ @JusticePS
# A Hat in Time
/worlds/ahit/ @CookieCat45
# A Link to the Past
/worlds/alttp/ @Berserker66
# Sudoku (APSudoku)
/worlds/apsudoku/ @EmilyV99
# Aquaria
/worlds/aquaria/ @tioui
# ArchipIDLE
/worlds/archipidle/ @LegendaryLinux
# Blasphemous
/worlds/blasphemous/ @TRPG0
# Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
/worlds/bomb_rush_cyberfunk/ @TRPG0
# Bumper Stickers
/worlds/bumpstik/ @FelicitusNeko
# Castlevania 64
/worlds/cv64/ @LiquidCat64
# Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
/worlds/cvcotm/ @LiquidCat64
# Celeste 64
/worlds/celeste64/ @PoryGone
# ChecksFinder
/worlds/checksfinder/ @SunCatMC
# Clique
/worlds/clique/ @ThePhar
# Dark Souls III
/worlds/dark_souls_3/ @Marechal-L @nex3
# Donkey Kong Country 3
/worlds/dkc3/ @PoryGone
# DLCQuest
/worlds/dlcquest/ @axe-y @agilbert1412
# DOOM 1993
/worlds/doom_1993/ @Daivuk @KScl
/worlds/doom_ii/ @Daivuk @KScl
# Factorio
/worlds/factorio/ @Berserker66
# Faxanadu
/worlds/faxanadu/ @Daivuk
# Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
/worlds/ffmq/ @Alchav @wildham0
# Heretic
/worlds/heretic/ @Daivuk @KScl
# Hollow Knight
/worlds/hk/ @BadMagic100 @qwint
# Hylics 2
/worlds/hylics2/ @TRPG0
# Inscryption
/worlds/inscryption/ @DrBibop @Glowbuzz
# Kirby's Dream Land 3
/worlds/kdl3/ @Silvris
# Kingdom Hearts
/worlds/kh1/ @gaithern
# Kingdom Hearts 2
/worlds/kh2/ @JaredWeakStrike
# Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole
/worlds/landstalker/ @Dinopony
# Lingo
/worlds/lingo/ @hatkirby
# Links Awakening DX
/worlds/ladx/ @threeandthreee
# Lufia II Ancient Cave
/worlds/lufia2ac/ @el-u
/worlds/lufia2ac/docs/ @wordfcuk @el-u
# Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
/worlds/mlss/ @jamesbrq
# Meritous
/worlds/meritous/ @FelicitusNeko
# The Messenger
/worlds/messenger/ @alwaysintreble
# Minecraft
/worlds/minecraft/ @KonoTyran @espeon65536
# Mega Man 2
/worlds/mm2/ @Silvris
# MegaMan Battle Network 3
/worlds/mmbn3/ @digiholic
# Muse Dash
/worlds/musedash/ @DeamonHunter
# Noita
/worlds/noita/ @ScipioWright @heinermann
# Old School Runescape
/worlds/osrs @digiholic
# Overcooked! 2
/worlds/overcooked2/ @toasterparty
# Pokemon Emerald
/worlds/pokemon_emerald/ @Zunawe
# Pokemon Red and Blue
/worlds/pokemon_rb/ @Alchav
# Raft
/worlds/raft/ @SunnyBat
# Rogue Legacy
/worlds/rogue_legacy/ @ThePhar
# Risk of Rain 2
/worlds/ror2/ @kindasneaki
# Saving Princess
/worlds/saving_princess/ @LeonarthCG
# Shivers
/worlds/shivers/ @GodlFire @korydondzila
# A Short Hike
/worlds/shorthike/ @chandler05 @BrandenEK
# Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
/worlds/sa2b/ @PoryGone @RaspberrySpace
# Starcraft 2
/worlds/sc2/ @Ziktofel
# Super Metroid
/worlds/sm/ @lordlou
# Super Mario 64
/worlds/sm64ex/ @N00byKing
# Super Mario World
/worlds/smw/ @PoryGone
# SMZ3
/worlds/smz3/ @lordlou
# Secret of Evermore
/worlds/soe/ @black-sliver
# Slay the Spire
/worlds/spire/ @KonoTyran
# Stardew Valley
/worlds/stardew_valley/ @agilbert1412
# Subnautica
/worlds/subnautica/ @Berserker66
# Terraria
/worlds/terraria/ @Seldom-SE
# Timespinner
/worlds/timespinner/ @Jarno458
# The Legend of Zelda (1)
/worlds/tloz/ @Rosalie-A @t3hf1gm3nt
/worlds/tunic/ @silent-destroyer @ScipioWright
# Undertale
/worlds/undertale/ @jonloveslegos
/worlds/v6/ @N00byKing
# Wargroove
/worlds/wargroove/ @FlySniper
# The Witness
/worlds/witness/ @NewSoupVi @blastron
# Yacht Dice
/worlds/yachtdice/ @spinerak
# Yoshi's Island
/worlds/yoshisisland/ @PinkSwitch
#Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006
/worlds/yugioh06/ @Rensen3
# Zillion
/worlds/zillion/ @beauxq
# Zork Grand Inquisitor
/worlds/zork_grand_inquisitor/ @nbrochu
## Active Unmaintained Worlds
# The following worlds in this repo are currently unmaintained, but currently still work in core. If any update breaks
# compatibility, these worlds may be moved to `worlds_disabled`. If you are interested in stepping up as maintainer for
# any of these worlds, please review `/docs/world maintainer.md` documentation.
# Final Fantasy (1)
# /worlds/ff1/
# Ocarina of Time
# /worlds/oot/
## Disabled Unmaintained Worlds
# The following worlds in this repo are currently unmaintained and disabled as they do not work in core. If you are
# interested in stepping up as maintainer for any of these worlds, please review `/docs/world maintainer.md`
# documentation.
# Ori and the Blind Forest
# /worlds_disabled/oribf/
## Documentation ##
# Apworld Dev Faq
/docs/apworld_dev_faq.md @qwint @ScipioWright