
314 lines
9.0 KiB

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoOptions
from Options import PlandoConnection
from . import MessengerWorld
PORTALS: list[str] = [
"Autumn Hills",
"Riviere Turquoise",
"Howling Grotto",
"Sunken Shrine",
"Searing Crags",
"Glacial Peak",
SHOP_POINTS: dict[str, list[str]] = {
"Autumn Hills": [
"Climbing Claws",
"Hope Path",
"Dimension Climb",
"Leaf Golem",
"Forlorn Temple": [
"Rocket Sunset",
"Saw Gauntlet",
"Demon King",
"Catacombs": [
"Triple Spike Crushers",
"Bamboo Creek": [
"Spike Crushers",
"Time Loop",
"Howling Grotto": [
"Crushing Pits",
"Emerald Golem",
"Quillshroom Marsh": [
"Spikey Window",
"Sand Trap",
"Queen of Quills",
"Searing Crags": [
"Rope Dart",
"Falling Rocks",
"Searing Mega Shard",
"Before Final Climb",
"Key of Strength",
"Glacial Peak": [
"Ice Climbers'",
"Glacial Mega Shard",
"Tower Entrance",
"Tower of Time": [
"Final Chance",
"Arcane Golem",
"Cloud Ruins": [
"Cloud Entrance",
"Pillar Glide",
"Crushers' Descent",
"Seeing Spikes",
"Final Flight",
"Underworld": [
"Fireball Wave",
"Long Climb",
# "Barm'athaziel", # not currently valid
"Key of Chaos",
"Riviere Turquoise": [
"Launch of Faith",
"Log Flume",
"Log Climb",
"Butterfly Matriarch",
"Elemental Skylands": [
"Air Intro",
"Air Generator",
"Earth Intro",
"Earth Generator",
"Fire Intro",
"Fire Generator",
"Water Intro",
"Water Generator",
"Sunken Shrine": [
"Above Portal",
"Sun Path",
"Tabi Gauntlet",
"Moon Path",
CHECKPOINTS: dict[str, list[str]] = {
"Autumn Hills": [
"Hope Latch",
"Key of Hope",
"Double Swing",
"Spike Ball Swing",
"Forlorn Temple": [
"Sunny Day",
"Rocket Maze",
"Catacombs": [
"Death Trap",
"Crusher Gauntlet",
"Dirty Pond",
"Bamboo Creek": [
"Spike Ball Pits",
"Spike Doors",
"Howling Grotto": [
"Lost Woods",
"Breezy Crushers",
"Quillshroom Marsh": [
"Spike Wave",
"Searing Crags": [
"Triple Ball Spinner",
"Raining Rocks",
"Glacial Peak": [
"Projectile Spike Pit",
"Air Swag",
"Free Climbing",
"Tower of Time": [
"Cloud Ruins": [
"Spike Float",
"Ghost Pit",
"Toothbrush Alley",
"Saw Pit",
"Underworld": [
"Hot Dip",
"Hot Tub",
"Lava Run",
"Riviere Turquoise": [
"Flower Flight",
"Elemental Skylands": [
"Air Seal",
"Sunken Shrine": [
"Lightfoot Tabi",
"Sun Crest",
"Waterfall Paradise",
"Moon Crest",
REGION_ORDER: list[str] = [
"Autumn Hills",
"Forlorn Temple",
"Bamboo Creek",
"Howling Grotto",
"Quillshroom Marsh",
"Searing Crags",
"Glacial Peak",
"Tower of Time",
"Cloud Ruins",
"Riviere Turquoise",
"Elemental Skylands",
"Sunken Shrine",
def shuffle_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
"""shuffles the output of the portals from the main hub"""
from .options import ShufflePortals
def create_mapping(in_portal: str, warp: str) -> str:
"""assigns the chosen output to the input"""
parent = out_to_parent[warp]
exit_string = f"{parent.strip(' ')} - "
if "Portal" in warp:
exit_string += "Portal"
world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}00"))
elif warp in SHOP_POINTS[parent]:
exit_string += f"{warp} Shop"
world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}1{SHOP_POINTS[parent].index(warp)}"))
exit_string += f"{warp} Checkpoint"
world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}2{CHECKPOINTS[parent].index(warp)}"))
world.spoiler_portal_mapping[in_portal] = exit_string
connect_portal(world, in_portal, exit_string)
return parent
def handle_planned_portals(plando_connections: list[PlandoConnection]) -> None:
"""checks the provided plando connections for portals and connects them"""
nonlocal available_portals
for connection in plando_connections:
# let it crash here if input is invalid
parent = create_mapping(connection.entrance, connection.exit)
if shuffle_type < ShufflePortals.option_anywhere:
available_portals = [port for port in available_portals if port not in shop_points[parent]]
shuffle_type = world.options.shuffle_portals
shop_points = deepcopy(SHOP_POINTS)
for portal in PORTALS:
shop_points[portal].append(f"{portal} Portal")
if shuffle_type > ShufflePortals.option_shops:
for area, points in CHECKPOINTS.items():
shop_points[area] += points
out_to_parent = {checkpoint: parent for parent, checkpoints in shop_points.items() for checkpoint in checkpoints}
available_portals = [val for zone in shop_points.values() for val in zone]
plando = world.options.portal_plando.value
if not plando:
plando = world.options.plando_connections.value
if plando and world.multiworld.plando_options & PlandoOptions.connections and not world.plando_portals:
# any failure i expect will trigger on available_portals.remove
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"Unable to complete portal plando for Player {world.player_name}. "
f"If you attempted to plando a checkpoint, checkpoints must be shuffled.")
for portal in PORTALS:
if portal in world.plando_portals:
warp_point = available_portals.pop()
parent = create_mapping(portal, warp_point)
if shuffle_type < ShufflePortals.option_anywhere:
available_portals = [port for port in available_portals if port not in shop_points[parent]]
def connect_portal(world: "MessengerWorld", portal: str, out_region: str) -> None:
entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
entrance.connect(world.multiworld.get_region(out_region, world.player))
def disconnect_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
for portal in [port for port in PORTALS if port not in world.plando_portals]:
entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
entrance.connected_region = None
if portal in world.spoiler_portal_mapping:
del world.spoiler_portal_mapping[portal]
if world.plando_portals:
indexes = [PORTALS.index(portal) for portal in world.plando_portals]
planned_portals = []
for index, portal_coord in enumerate(world.portal_mapping):
if index in indexes:
world.portal_mapping = planned_portals
def validate_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> bool:
# if world.options.shuffle_transitions:
# return True
new_state = CollectionState(world.multiworld)
reachable_locs = 0
for loc in world.multiworld.get_locations(world.player):
reachable_locs += loc.can_reach(new_state)
if reachable_locs > 5:
return True
return False
def add_closed_portal_reqs(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
closed_portals = [entrance for entrance in PORTALS if f"{entrance} Portal" not in world.starting_portals]
for portal in closed_portals:
tower_exit = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
tower_exit.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(portal, world.player)