
62 lines
2.7 KiB

class Book:
animal_catalogue = "Animal Catalogue"
book_of_mysteries = "Book of Mysteries"
book_of_stars = "Book Of Stars"
stardew_valley_almanac = "Stardew Valley Almanac"
bait_and_bobber = "Bait And Bobber"
mining_monthly = "Mining Monthly"
combat_quarterly = "Combat Quarterly"
woodcutters_weekly = "Woodcutter's Weekly"
the_alleyway_buffet = "The Alleyway Buffet"
the_art_o_crabbing = "The Art O' Crabbing"
dwarvish_safety_manual = "Dwarvish Safety Manual"
jewels_of_the_sea = "Jewels Of The Sea"
raccoon_journal = "Raccoon Journal"
woodys_secret = "Woody's Secret"
jack_be_nimble_jack_be_thick = "Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick"
friendship_101 = "Friendship 101"
monster_compendium = "Monster Compendium"
mapping_cave_systems = "Mapping Cave Systems"
treasure_appraisal_guide = "Treasure Appraisal Guide"
way_of_the_wind_pt_1 = "Way Of The Wind pt. 1"
way_of_the_wind_pt_2 = "Way Of The Wind pt. 2"
horse_the_book = "Horse: The Book"
ol_slitherlegs = "Ol' Slitherlegs"
queen_of_sauce_cookbook = "Queen Of Sauce Cookbook"
price_catalogue = "Price Catalogue"
the_diamond_hunter = "The Diamond Hunter"
ordered_lost_books = []
all_lost_books = set()
def lost_book(book_name: str):
return book_name
class LostBook:
tips_on_farming = lost_book("Tips on Farming")
this_is_a_book_by_marnie = lost_book("This is a book by Marnie")
on_foraging = lost_book("On Foraging")
the_fisherman_act_1 = lost_book("The Fisherman, Act 1")
how_deep_do_the_mines_go = lost_book("How Deep do the mines go?")
an_old_farmers_journal = lost_book("An Old Farmer's Journal")
scarecrows = lost_book("Scarecrows")
the_secret_of_the_stardrop = lost_book("The Secret of the Stardrop")
journey_of_the_prairie_king_the_smash_hit_video_game = lost_book("Journey of the Prairie King -- The Smash Hit Video Game!")
a_study_on_diamond_yields = lost_book("A Study on Diamond Yields")
brewmasters_guide = lost_book("Brewmaster's Guide")
mysteries_of_the_dwarves = lost_book("Mysteries of the Dwarves")
highlights_from_the_book_of_yoba = lost_book("Highlights From The Book of Yoba")
marriage_guide_for_farmers = lost_book("Marriage Guide for Farmers")
the_fisherman_act_ii = lost_book("The Fisherman, Act II")
technology_report = lost_book("Technology Report!")
secrets_of_the_legendary_fish = lost_book("Secrets of the Legendary Fish")
gunther_tunnel_notice = lost_book("Gunther Tunnel Notice")
note_from_gunther = lost_book("Note From Gunther")
goblins_by_m_jasper = lost_book("Goblins by M. Jasper")
secret_statues_acrostics = lost_book("Secret Statues Acrostics")