393 lines
19 KiB
393 lines
19 KiB
def dig_to_mines_floor(floor: int) -> str:
return f"Dig to The Mines - Floor {floor}"
def dig_to_dangerous_mines_floor(floor: int) -> str:
return f"Dig to the Dangerous Mines - Floor {floor}"
def dig_to_skull_floor(floor: int) -> str:
return f"Mine to Skull Cavern Floor {floor}"
def move_to_woods_depth(depth: int) -> str:
return f"Enter Deep Woods Depth {depth}"
class Entrance:
to_stardew_valley = "To Stardew Valley"
to_farmhouse = "To Farmhouse"
farmhouse_to_farm = "Farmhouse to Farm"
downstairs_to_cellar = "Farmhouse to Cellar"
farm_to_backwoods = "Farm to Backwoods"
farm_to_bus_stop = "Farm to Bus Stop"
bus_stop_to_tunnel_entrance = "Bus Stop to Tunnel Entrance"
tunnel_entrance_to_bus_tunnel = "Tunnel Entrance to Bus Tunnel"
farm_to_forest = "Farm to Forest"
farm_to_farmcave = "Farm to Farmcave"
enter_greenhouse = "Farm to Greenhouse"
enter_coop = "Farm to Coop"
enter_barn = "Farm to Barn"
enter_shed = "Farm to Shed"
enter_slime_hutch = "Farm to Slime Hutch"
use_desert_obelisk = "Use Desert Obelisk"
use_island_obelisk = "Use Island Obelisk"
use_farm_obelisk = "Use Farm Obelisk"
backwoods_to_mountain = "Backwoods to Mountain"
bus_stop_to_town = "Bus Stop to Town"
take_bus_to_desert = "Bus Stop to Desert"
forest_to_town = "Forest to Town"
enter_secret_woods = "Forest to Secret Woods"
forest_to_wizard_tower = "Forest to Wizard Tower"
forest_to_marnie_ranch = "Forest to Marnie's Ranch"
forest_to_leah_cottage = "Forest to Leah's Cottage"
forest_to_sewer = "Forest to Sewer"
forest_to_mastery_cave = "Forest to Mastery Cave"
mountain_to_railroad = "Mountain to Railroad"
mountain_to_tent = "Mountain to Tent"
mountain_to_carpenter_shop = "Mountain to Carpenter Shop"
mountain_to_maru_room = "Mountain to Maru's Room"
mountain_to_the_mines = "Mountain to The Mines"
enter_quarry = "Mountain to Quarry"
mountain_to_adventurer_guild = "Mountain to Adventurer's Guild"
adventurer_guild_to_bedroom = "Adventurer's Guild to Marlon's Bedroom"
mountain_to_town = "Mountain to Town"
town_to_community_center = "Town to Community Center"
access_crafts_room = "Access Crafts Room"
access_pantry = "Access Pantry"
access_fish_tank = "Access Fish Tank"
access_boiler_room = "Access Boiler Room"
access_bulletin_board = "Access Bulletin Board"
access_vault = "Access Vault"
town_to_beach = "Town to Beach"
town_to_hospital = "Town to Hospital"
town_to_pierre_general_store = "Town to Pierre's General Store"
town_to_saloon = "Town to Saloon"
town_to_alex_house = "Town to Alex's House"
town_to_trailer = "Town to Trailer"
town_to_mayor_manor = "Town to Mayor's Manor"
town_to_sam_house = "Town to Sam's House"
town_to_haley_house = "Town to Haley's House"
town_to_sewer = "Town to Sewer"
town_to_clint_blacksmith = "Town to Clint's Blacksmith"
town_to_museum = "Town to Museum"
town_to_jojamart = "Town to JojaMart"
purchase_movie_ticket = "Purchase Movie Ticket"
enter_abandoned_jojamart = "Enter Abandoned Joja Mart"
enter_movie_theater = "Enter Movie Theater"
beach_to_willy_fish_shop = "Beach to Willy's Fish Shop"
fish_shop_to_boat_tunnel = "Fish Shop to Boat Tunnel"
boat_to_ginger_island = "Take the Boat to Ginger Island"
enter_elliott_house = "Beach to Elliott's House"
enter_tide_pools = "Beach to Tide Pools"
enter_bathhouse_entrance = "Railroad to Bathhouse Entrance"
enter_witch_warp_cave = "Railroad to Witch Warp Cave"
enter_perfection_cutscene_area = "Railroad to Perfection Cutscene Area"
enter_sebastian_room = "Carpenter Shop to Sebastian's Room"
enter_harvey_room = "Hospital to Harvey's Room"
enter_sunroom = "Pierre's General Store to Sunroom"
enter_mutant_bug_lair = "Sewer to Mutant Bug Lair"
enter_wizard_basement = "Wizard Tower to Wizard Basement"
play_journey_of_the_prairie_king = "Play Journey of the Prairie King"
reach_jotpk_world_2 = "Reach JotPK World 2"
reach_jotpk_world_3 = "Reach JotPK World 3"
play_junimo_kart = "Play Junimo Kart"
reach_junimo_kart_2 = "Reach Junimo Kart 2"
reach_junimo_kart_3 = "Reach Junimo Kart 3"
reach_junimo_kart_4 = "Reach Junimo Kart 4"
enter_locker_room = "Bathhouse Entrance to Locker Room"
enter_public_bath = "Locker Room to Public Bath"
enter_witch_swamp = "Witch Warp Cave to Witch's Swamp"
enter_witch_hut = "Witch's Swamp to Witch's Hut"
witch_warp_to_wizard_basement = "Witch's Hut to Wizard Basement"
enter_quarry_mine_entrance = "Quarry to Quarry Mine Entrance"
enter_quarry_mine = "Quarry Mine Entrance to Quarry Mine"
enter_oasis = "Desert to Oasis"
enter_casino = "Oasis to Casino"
enter_skull_cavern_entrance = "Desert to Skull Cavern Entrance"
enter_skull_cavern = "Skull Cavern Entrance to Skull Cavern"
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_25 = dig_to_skull_floor(25)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_50 = dig_to_skull_floor(50)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_75 = dig_to_skull_floor(75)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_100 = dig_to_skull_floor(100)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_125 = dig_to_skull_floor(125)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_150 = dig_to_skull_floor(150)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_175 = dig_to_skull_floor(175)
mine_to_skull_cavern_floor_200 = dig_to_skull_floor(200)
enter_dangerous_skull_cavern = "Enter the Dangerous Skull Cavern"
dig_to_mines_floor_5 = dig_to_mines_floor(5)
dig_to_mines_floor_10 = dig_to_mines_floor(10)
dig_to_mines_floor_15 = dig_to_mines_floor(15)
dig_to_mines_floor_20 = dig_to_mines_floor(20)
dig_to_mines_floor_25 = dig_to_mines_floor(25)
dig_to_mines_floor_30 = dig_to_mines_floor(30)
dig_to_mines_floor_35 = dig_to_mines_floor(35)
dig_to_mines_floor_40 = dig_to_mines_floor(40)
dig_to_mines_floor_45 = dig_to_mines_floor(45)
dig_to_mines_floor_50 = dig_to_mines_floor(50)
dig_to_mines_floor_55 = dig_to_mines_floor(55)
dig_to_mines_floor_60 = dig_to_mines_floor(60)
dig_to_mines_floor_65 = dig_to_mines_floor(65)
dig_to_mines_floor_70 = dig_to_mines_floor(70)
dig_to_mines_floor_75 = dig_to_mines_floor(75)
dig_to_mines_floor_80 = dig_to_mines_floor(80)
dig_to_mines_floor_85 = dig_to_mines_floor(85)
dig_to_mines_floor_90 = dig_to_mines_floor(90)
dig_to_mines_floor_95 = dig_to_mines_floor(95)
dig_to_mines_floor_100 = dig_to_mines_floor(100)
dig_to_mines_floor_105 = dig_to_mines_floor(105)
dig_to_mines_floor_110 = dig_to_mines_floor(110)
dig_to_mines_floor_115 = dig_to_mines_floor(115)
dig_to_mines_floor_120 = dig_to_mines_floor(120)
dig_to_dangerous_mines_20 = dig_to_dangerous_mines_floor(20)
dig_to_dangerous_mines_60 = dig_to_dangerous_mines_floor(60)
dig_to_dangerous_mines_100 = dig_to_dangerous_mines_floor(100)
island_south_to_west = "Island South to West"
island_south_to_north = "Island South to North"
island_south_to_east = "Island South to East"
island_south_to_southeast = "Island South to Southeast"
use_island_resort = "Use Island Resort"
island_west_to_islandfarmhouse = "Island West to Island Farmhouse"
island_west_to_gourmand_cave = "Island West to Gourmand Cave"
island_west_to_crystals_cave = "Island West to Crystal Cave"
island_west_to_shipwreck = "Island West to Shipwreck"
island_west_to_qi_walnut_room = "Island West to Qi Walnut Room"
island_east_to_leo_hut = "Island East to Leo Hut"
mountain_to_leo_treehouse = "Mountain to Leo TreeHouse"
island_east_to_island_shrine = "Island East to Island Shrine"
island_southeast_to_pirate_cove = "Island Southeast to Pirate Cove"
island_north_to_field_office = "Island North to Field Office"
island_north_to_dig_site = "Island North to Dig Site"
dig_site_to_professor_snail_cave = "Dig Site to Professor Snail Cave"
island_north_to_volcano = "Island North to Volcano Entrance"
volcano_to_secret_beach = "Volcano River to Secret Beach"
talk_to_island_trader = "Talk to Island Trader"
climb_to_volcano_5 = "Climb to Volcano Floor 5"
talk_to_volcano_dwarf = "Talk to Volcano Dwarf"
climb_to_volcano_10 = "Climb to Volcano Floor 10"
parrot_express_docks_to_volcano = "Parrot Express Docks to Volcano"
parrot_express_jungle_to_volcano = "Parrot Express Jungle to Volcano"
parrot_express_dig_site_to_volcano = "Parrot Express Dig Site to Volcano"
parrot_express_docks_to_dig_site = "Parrot Express Docks to Dig Site"
parrot_express_jungle_to_dig_site = "Parrot Express Jungle to Dig Site"
parrot_express_volcano_to_dig_site = "Parrot Express Volcano to Dig Site"
parrot_express_docks_to_jungle = "Parrot Express Docks to Jungle"
parrot_express_dig_site_to_jungle = "Parrot Express Dig Site to Jungle"
parrot_express_volcano_to_jungle = "Parrot Express Volcano to Jungle"
parrot_express_jungle_to_docks = "Parrot Express Jungle to Docks"
parrot_express_dig_site_to_docks = "Parrot Express Dig Site to Docks"
parrot_express_volcano_to_docks = "Parrot Express Volcano to Docks"
class LogicEntrance:
talk_to_mines_dwarf = "Talk to Mines Dwarf"
buy_from_traveling_merchant = "Buy from Traveling Merchant"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_sunday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Sunday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_monday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Monday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_tuesday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Tuesday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_wednesday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Wednesday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_thursday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Thursday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_friday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Friday"
buy_from_traveling_merchant_saturday = "Buy from Traveling Merchant Saturday"
farmhouse_cooking = "Farmhouse Cooking"
island_cooking = "Island Cooking"
shipping = "Use Shipping Bin"
watch_queen_of_sauce = "Watch Queen of Sauce"
blacksmith_copper = "Upgrade Copper Tools"
blacksmith_iron = "Upgrade Iron Tools"
blacksmith_gold = "Upgrade Gold Tools"
blacksmith_iridium = "Upgrade Iridium Tools"
grow_spring_crops = "Grow Spring Crops"
grow_summer_crops = "Grow Summer Crops"
grow_fall_crops = "Grow Fall Crops"
grow_winter_crops = "Grow Winter Crops"
grow_spring_crops_in_greenhouse = "Grow Spring Crops in Greenhouse"
grow_summer_crops_in_greenhouse = "Grow Summer Crops in Greenhouse"
grow_fall_crops_in_greenhouse = "Grow Fall Crops in Greenhouse"
grow_winter_crops_in_greenhouse = "Grow Winter Crops in Greenhouse"
grow_indoor_crops_in_greenhouse = "Grow Indoor Crops in Greenhouse"
grow_spring_crops_on_island = "Grow Spring Crops on Island"
grow_summer_crops_on_island = "Grow Summer Crops on Island"
grow_fall_crops_on_island = "Grow Fall Crops on Island"
grow_winter_crops_on_island = "Grow Winter Crops on Island"
grow_indoor_crops_on_island = "Grow Indoor Crops on Island"
grow_summer_fall_crops_in_summer = "Grow Summer Fall Crops in Summer"
grow_summer_fall_crops_in_fall = "Grow Summer Fall Crops in Fall"
fishing = "Start Fishing"
attend_egg_festival = "Attend Egg Festival"
attend_desert_festival = "Attend Desert Festival"
attend_flower_dance = "Attend Flower Dance"
attend_luau = "Attend Luau"
attend_trout_derby = "Attend Trout Derby"
attend_moonlight_jellies = "Attend Dance of the Moonlight Jellies"
attend_fair = "Attend Stardew Valley Fair"
attend_spirit_eve = "Attend Spirit's Eve"
attend_festival_of_ice = "Attend Festival of Ice"
attend_night_market = "Attend Night Market"
attend_winter_star = "Attend Feast of the Winter Star"
attend_squidfest = "Attend SquidFest"
buy_experience_books = "Buy Experience Books from the bookseller"
buy_year1_books = "Buy Year 1 Books from the Bookseller"
buy_year3_books = "Buy Year 3 Books from the Bookseller"
complete_raccoon_requests = "Complete Raccoon Requests"
buy_from_raccoon = "Buy From Raccoon"
fish_in_waterfall = "Fish In Waterfall"
# Skull Cavern Elevator
class DeepWoodsEntrance:
secret_woods_to_deep_woods = "Woods to Deep Woods"
use_woods_obelisk = "Use Woods Obelisk"
deep_woods_house = "Deep Woods to Deep Woods House"
deep_woods_depth_1 = move_to_woods_depth(1)
deep_woods_depth_10 = move_to_woods_depth(10)
deep_woods_depth_20 = move_to_woods_depth(20)
deep_woods_depth_30 = move_to_woods_depth(30)
deep_woods_depth_40 = move_to_woods_depth(40)
deep_woods_depth_50 = move_to_woods_depth(50)
deep_woods_depth_60 = move_to_woods_depth(60)
deep_woods_depth_70 = move_to_woods_depth(70)
deep_woods_depth_80 = move_to_woods_depth(80)
deep_woods_depth_90 = move_to_woods_depth(90)
deep_woods_depth_100 = move_to_woods_depth(100)
class EugeneEntrance:
forest_to_garden = "Forest to Eugene's Garden"
garden_to_bedroom = "Eugene's Garden to Eugene's Bedroom"
class MagicEntrance:
store_to_altar = "Pierre's General Store to Magic Altar"
class JasperEntrance:
museum_to_bedroom = "Museum to Jasper's Bedroom"
class AlecEntrance:
forest_to_petshop = "Forest to Alec's Pet Shop"
petshop_to_bedroom = "Alec's Pet Shop to Alec's Bedroom"
class YobaEntrance:
secret_woods_to_clearing = "Woods to Yoba's Clearing"
class JunaEntrance:
forest_to_juna_cave = "Forest to Juna's Cave"
class AyeishaEntrance:
bus_stop_to_mail_van = "Bus Stop to Ayeisha's Mail Van"
class RileyEntrance:
town_to_riley = "Town to Riley's House"
class SVEEntrance:
backwoods_to_grove = "Backwoods to Enchanted Grove"
grove_to_outpost_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Outpost Warp"
outpost_warp_to_outpost = "Grove Outpost Warp to Galmoran Outpost"
grove_to_wizard_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Wizard Warp"
wizard_warp_to_wizard = "Grove Wizard Warp to Wizard Basement"
grove_to_aurora_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Aurora Vineyard Warp"
aurora_warp_to_aurora = "Grove Aurora Vineyard Warp to Aurora Vineyard Basement"
grove_to_farm_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Farm Warp"
farm_warp_to_farm = "Grove Farm Warp to Farm"
grove_to_guild_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Guild Warp"
guild_warp_to_guild = "Grove Guild Warp to Guild Summit"
grove_to_junimo_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Junimo Woods Warp"
junimo_warp_to_junimo = "Grove Junimo Woods Warp to Junimo Woods"
grove_to_spring_warp = "Enchanted Grove to Grove Sprite Spring Warp"
spring_warp_to_spring = "Grove Sprite Spring Warp to Sprite Spring"
wizard_to_fable_reef = "Wizard Basement to Fable Reef"
bus_stop_to_shed = "Bus Stop to Grandpa's Shed"
grandpa_shed_to_interior = "Grandpa's Shed to Grandpa's Shed Interior"
grandpa_shed_to_town = "Grandpa's Shed to Town"
grandpa_interior_to_upstairs = "Grandpa's Shed Interior to Grandpa's Shed Upstairs"
forest_to_fairhaven = "Forest to Fairhaven Farm"
forest_to_west = "Forest to Forest West"
forest_to_lost_woods = "Forest to Lost Woods"
lost_woods_to_junimo_woods = "Lost Woods to Junimo Woods"
use_purple_junimo = "Talk to Purple Junimo"
forest_to_bmv = "Forest to Blue Moon Vineyard"
forest_to_marnie_shed = "Forest to Marnie's Shed"
town_to_bmv = "Town to Blue Moon Vineyard"
town_to_jenkins = "Town to Jenkins' Residence"
town_to_bridge = "Town to Shearwater Bridge"
town_to_plot = "Town to Unclaimed Plot"
bmv_to_sophia = "Blue Moon Vineyard to Sophia's House"
bmv_to_beach = "Blue Moon Vineyard to Beach"
jenkins_to_cellar = "Jenkins' Residence to Jenkins' Cellar"
plot_to_bridge = "Unclaimed Plot to Shearwater Bridge"
mountain_to_guild_summit = "Mountain to Guild Summit"
guild_to_interior = "Guild Summit to Adventurer's Guild"
guild_to_mines = "Guild Summit to The Mines"
summit_to_boat = "Guild Summit to Marlon's Boat"
summit_to_highlands = "Guild Summit to Highlands Outside"
to_aurora_basement = "Aurora Vineyard to Aurora Vineyard Basement"
outpost_to_badlands_entrance = "Galmoran Outpost to Badlands Entrance"
use_alesia_shop = "Talk to Alesia"
use_isaac_shop = "Talk to Isaac"
badlands_entrance_to_badlands = "Badlands Entrance to Crimson Badlands"
badlands_to_cave = "Crimson Badlands to Badlands Cave"
to_susan_house = "Railroad to Susan's House"
enter_summit = "Railroad to Summit"
fable_reef_to_guild = "Fable Reef to First Slash Guild"
highlands_to_lance = "Highlands Outside to Lance's House Main"
lance_to_ladder = "Lance's House Main to Lance's House Ladder"
highlands_to_cave = "Highlands Outside to Highlands Cavern"
to_dwarf_prison = "Highlands Cavern to Highlands Cavern Prison"
lance_ladder_to_highlands = "Lance's House Ladder to Highlands Outside"
forest_west_to_spring = "Forest West to Sprite Spring"
west_to_aurora = "Forest West to Aurora Vineyard"
use_bear_shop = "Talk to Bear Shop"
secret_woods_to_west = "Secret Woods to Forest West"
to_outpost_roof = "Galmoran Outpost to Galmoran Outpost Roof"
railroad_to_grampleton_station = "Railroad to Grampleton Station"
grampleton_station_to_grampleton_suburbs = "Grampleton Station to Grampleton Suburbs"
grampleton_suburbs_to_scarlett_house = "Grampleton Suburbs to Scarlett's House"
first_slash_guild_to_hallway = "First Slash Guild to First Slash Hallway"
first_slash_hallway_to_room = "First Slash Hallway to First Slash Spare Room"
sprite_spring_to_cave = "Sprite Spring to Sprite Spring Cave"
fish_shop_to_willy_bedroom = "Willy's Fish Shop to Willy's Bedroom"
museum_to_gunther_bedroom = "Museum to Gunther's Bedroom"
highlands_to_pond = "Highlands to Highlands Pond"
class AlectoEntrance:
witch_hut_to_witch_attic = "Witch's Hut to Witch's Attic"
class LaceyEntrance:
forest_to_hat_house = "Forest to Mouse House"
class BoardingHouseEntrance:
bus_stop_to_boarding_house_plateau = "Bus Stop to Boarding House Outside"
boarding_house_plateau_to_boarding_house_first = "Boarding House Outside to Boarding House - First Floor"
boarding_house_first_to_boarding_house_second = "Boarding House - First Floor to Boarding House - Second Floor"
boarding_house_plateau_to_abandoned_mines_entrance = "Boarding House Outside to Abandoned Mines Entrance"
abandoned_mines_entrance_to_abandoned_mines_1a = "Abandoned Mines Entrance to Abandoned Mines - 1A"
abandoned_mines_1a_to_abandoned_mines_1b = "Abandoned Mines - 1A to Abandoned Mines - 1B"
abandoned_mines_1b_to_abandoned_mines_2a = "Abandoned Mines - 1B to Abandoned Mines - 2A"
abandoned_mines_2a_to_abandoned_mines_2b = "Abandoned Mines - 2A to Abandoned Mines - 2B"
abandoned_mines_2b_to_abandoned_mines_3 = "Abandoned Mines - 2B to Abandoned Mines - 3"
abandoned_mines_3_to_abandoned_mines_4 = "Abandoned Mines - 3 to Abandoned Mines - 4"
abandoned_mines_4_to_abandoned_mines_5 = "Abandoned Mines - 4 to Abandoned Mines - 5"
abandoned_mines_5_to_the_lost_valley = "Abandoned Mines - 5 to The Lost Valley"
lost_valley_to_lost_valley_minecart = "The Lost Valley to Lost Valley Minecart"
abandoned_mines_entrance_to_the_lost_valley = "Abandoned Mines Entrance to The Lost Valley"
the_lost_valley_to_gregory_tent = "The Lost Valley to Gregory's Tent"
the_lost_valley_to_lost_valley_ruins = "The Lost Valley to Lost Valley Ruins"
lost_valley_ruins_to_lost_valley_house_1 = "Lost Valley Ruins to Lost Valley Ruins - First House"
lost_valley_ruins_to_lost_valley_house_2 = "Lost Valley Ruins to Lost Valley Ruins - Second House"
boarding_house_plateau_to_buffalo_ranch = "Boarding House Outside to Buffalo's Ranch"