81 lines
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81 lines
3.3 KiB
class FestivalCheck:
cone_hat = "Cone Hat"
dance = "Dance with someone"
egg_hunt = "Egg Hunt Victory"
fair_stardrop = "Fair Stardrop"
fishing_competition = "Win Fishing Competition"
grange_display = "Grange Display"
iridium_fireplace = "Iridium Fireplace"
luau_soup = "Luau Soup"
lupini_1000_years = "Lupini: 1000 Years From Now"
lupini_clouds = "Lupini: Clouds"
lupini_land_of_clay = "Lupini: Land Of Clay"
lupini_portrait_mermaid = "Lupini: Portrait Of A Mermaid"
lupini_red_eagle = "Lupini: Red Eagle"
lupini_solar_kingdom = "Lupini: Solar Kingdom"
lupini_the_serpent = "Lupini: The Serpent"
lupini_three_trees = "Lupini: Three Trees"
lupini_tropical_fish = "Lupini: 'Tropical Fish #173'"
mermaid_pearl = "Mermaid Pearl"
moonlight_jellies = "Dance of the Moonlight Jellies"
rarecrow_1 = "Rarecrow #1 (Turnip Head)"
rarecrow_2 = "Rarecrow #2 (Witch)"
rarecrow_3 = "Rarecrow #3 (Alien)"
rarecrow_4 = "Rarecrow #4 (Snowman)"
rarecrow_5 = "Rarecrow #5 (Woman)"
rarecrow_7 = "Rarecrow #7 (Tanuki)"
rarecrow_8 = "Rarecrow #8 (Tribal Mask)"
secret_santa = "Secret Santa"
legend_of_the_winter_star = "The Legend of the Winter Star"
smashing_stone = "Smashing Stone"
spirit_eve_maze = "Spirit's Eve Maze"
strawberry_seeds = "Egg Festival: Strawberry Seeds"
all_rarecrows = "Collect All Rarecrows"
tub_o_flowers = "Tub o' Flowers Recipe"
jack_o_lantern = "Jack-O-Lantern Recipe"
moonlight_jellies_banner = "Moonlight Jellies Banner"
starport_decal = "Starport Decal"
calico_race = "Calico Race"
mummy_mask = "Mummy Mask"
calico_statue = "Calico Statue"
emily_outfit_service = "Emily's Outfit Services"
earthy_mousse = "Earthy Mousse"
sweet_bean_cake = "Sweet Bean Cake"
skull_cave_casserole = "Skull Cave Casserole"
spicy_tacos = "Spicy Tacos"
mountain_chili = "Mountain Chili"
crystal_cake = "Crystal Cake"
cave_kebab = "Cave Kebab"
hot_log = "Hot Log"
sour_salad = "Sour Salad"
superfood_cake = "Superfood Cake"
warrior_smoothie = "Warrior Smoothie"
rumpled_fruit_skin = "Rumpled Fruit Skin"
calico_pizza = "Calico Pizza"
stuffed_mushrooms = "Stuffed Mushrooms"
elf_quesadilla = "Elf Quesadilla"
nachos_of_the_desert = "Nachos Of The Desert"
cloppino = "Cloppino"
rainforest_shrimp = "Rainforest Shrimp"
shrimp_donut = "Shrimp Donut"
smell_of_the_sea = "Smell Of The Sea"
desert_gumbo = "Desert Gumbo"
free_cactis = "Free Cactis"
monster_hunt = "Monster Hunt"
deep_dive = "Deep Dive"
treasure_hunt = "Treasure Hunt"
touch_calico_statue = "Touch A Calico Statue"
real_calico_egg_hunter = "Real Calico Egg Hunter"
willy_challenge = "Willy's Challenge"
desert_scholar = "Desert Scholar"
trout_derby_reward_pattern = "Trout Derby Reward "
squidfest_day_1_copper = "SquidFest Day 1 Copper"
squidfest_day_1_iron = "SquidFest Day 1 Iron"
squidfest_day_1_gold = "SquidFest Day 1 Gold"
squidfest_day_1_iridium = "SquidFest Day 1 Iridium"
squidfest_day_2_copper = "SquidFest Day 2 Copper"
squidfest_day_2_iron = "SquidFest Day 2 Iron"
squidfest_day_2_gold = "SquidFest Day 2 Gold"
squidfest_day_2_iridium = "SquidFest Day 2 Iridium"