134 lines
4.8 KiB
134 lines
4.8 KiB
import csv
import enum
import math
from typing import Protocol, Union, Dict, List, Set
from BaseClasses import Item, ItemClassification
from . import Options, data
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from random import Random
class DLCQuestItem(Item):
game: str = "DLCQuest"
offset = 120_000
class Group(enum.Enum):
DLC = enum.auto()
DLCQuest = enum.auto()
Freemium = enum.auto()
Item = enum.auto()
Coin = enum.auto()
Trap = enum.auto()
class ItemData:
code_without_offset: offset
name: str
classification: ItemClassification
groups: Set[Group] = field(default_factory=frozenset)
def __post_init__(self):
if not isinstance(self.groups, frozenset):
super().__setattr__("groups", frozenset(self.groups))
def code(self):
return offset + self.code_without_offset if self.code_without_offset is not None else None
def has_any_group(self, *group: Group) -> bool:
groups = set(group)
return bool(groups.intersection(self.groups))
def load_item_csv():
from importlib.resources import files
except ImportError:
from importlib_resources import files # noqa
items = []
with files(data).joinpath("items.csv").open() as file:
item_reader = csv.DictReader(file)
for item in item_reader:
id = int(item["id"]) if item["id"] else None
classification = ItemClassification[item["classification"]]
groups = {Group[group] for group in item["groups"].split(",") if group}
items.append(ItemData(id, item["name"], classification, groups))
return items
all_items: List[ItemData] = load_item_csv()
item_table: Dict[str, ItemData] = {}
items_by_group: Dict[Group, List[ItemData]] = {}
def initialize_item_table():
item_table.update({item.name: item for item in all_items})
def initialize_groups():
for item in all_items:
for group in item.groups:
item_group = items_by_group.get(group, list())
items_by_group[group] = item_group
def create_trap_items(world, World_Options: Options.DLCQuestOptions, trap_needed: int, random: Random) -> List[Item]:
traps = []
for i in range(trap_needed):
trap = random.choice(items_by_group[Group.Trap])
return traps
def create_items(world, World_Options: Options.DLCQuestOptions, locations_count: int, random: Random):
created_items = []
if World_Options[Options.Campaign] == Options.Campaign.option_basic or World_Options[
Options.Campaign] == Options.Campaign.option_both:
for item in items_by_group[Group.DLCQuest]:
if item.has_any_group(Group.DLC):
if item.has_any_group(Group.Item) and World_Options[
Options.ItemShuffle] == Options.ItemShuffle.option_shuffled:
if World_Options[Options.CoinSanity] == Options.CoinSanity.option_coin:
coin_bundle_needed = math.floor(825 / World_Options[Options.CoinSanityRange])
for item in items_by_group[Group.DLCQuest]:
if item.has_any_group(Group.Coin):
for i in range(coin_bundle_needed):
if 825 % World_Options[Options.CoinSanityRange] != 0:
if World_Options[Options.Campaign] == Options.Campaign.option_live_freemium_or_die or World_Options[
Options.Campaign] == Options.Campaign.option_both:
for item in items_by_group[Group.Freemium]:
if item.has_any_group(Group.DLC):
if item.has_any_group(Group.Item) and World_Options[
Options.ItemShuffle] == Options.ItemShuffle.option_shuffled:
if World_Options[Options.CoinSanity] == Options.CoinSanity.option_coin:
coin_bundle_needed = math.floor(889 / World_Options[Options.CoinSanityRange])
for item in items_by_group[Group.Freemium]:
if item.has_any_group(Group.Coin):
for i in range(coin_bundle_needed):
if 889 % World_Options[Options.CoinSanityRange] != 0:
trap_items = create_trap_items(world, World_Options, locations_count - len(created_items), random)
created_items += trap_items
return created_items