275 lines
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275 lines
16 KiB
from copy import deepcopy
from . import poke_data
from .locations import location_data
def get_encounter_slots(self):
encounter_slots = deepcopy([location for location in location_data if location.type == "Wild Encounter"])
for location in encounter_slots:
if isinstance(location.original_item, list):
location.original_item = location.original_item[not self.multiworld.game_version[self.player].value]
return encounter_slots
def get_base_stat_total(mon):
return (poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["atk"] + poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["def"]
+ poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["hp"] + poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["spd"]
+ poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["spc"])
def randomize_pokemon(self, mon, mons_list, randomize_type, random):
if randomize_type in [1, 3]:
type_mons = [pokemon for pokemon in mons_list if any([poke_data.pokemon_data[mon][
"type1"] in [self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type1"], self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type2"]],
poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["type2"] in [self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type1"],
if not type_mons:
type_mons = mons_list.copy()
if randomize_type == 3:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
type_mons.sort(key=lambda mon: abs(get_base_stat_total(mon) - stat_base))
mon = type_mons[round(random.triangular(0, len(type_mons) - 1, 0))]
if randomize_type == 2:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
mons_list.sort(key=lambda mon: abs(get_base_stat_total(mon) - stat_base))
mon = mons_list[round(random.triangular(0, 50, 0))]
elif randomize_type == 4:
mon = random.choice(mons_list)
return mon
def process_trainer_data(self):
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.trainer_legendaries[self.player].value]
unevolved_mons = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3]
evolved_mons = [mon for mon in mons_list if mon not in unevolved_mons]
rival_map = {
"Charmander": self.multiworld.get_location("Oak's Lab - Starter 1", self.player).item.name[9:], # strip the
"Squirtle": self.multiworld.get_location("Oak's Lab - Starter 2", self.player).item.name[9:], # 'Missable'
"Bulbasaur": self.multiworld.get_location("Oak's Lab - Starter 3", self.player).item.name[9:], # from the name
def add_evolutions():
for a, b in rival_map.copy().items():
if a in poke_data.evolves_to and poke_data.evolves_to[a] not in rival_map:
if b in poke_data.evolves_to:
rival_map[poke_data.evolves_to[a]] = poke_data.evolves_to[b]
rival_map[poke_data.evolves_to[a]] = b
parties_objs = [location for location in self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player)
if location.type == "Trainer Parties"]
# Process Rival parties in order "Route 22 " is not a typo
parties_objs.sort(key=lambda i: 0 if "Oak's Lab" in i.name else 1 if "Route 22 " in i.name else 2 if "Cerulean City"
in i.name else 3 if "Anne" in i.name else 4 if "Pokemon Tower" in i.name else 5 if "Silph" in
i.name else 6 if "Route 22-F" in i.name else 7 if "Champion" in i.name else 8)
for parties in parties_objs:
parties_data = parties.party_data
for party in parties_data:
if party["party"] and isinstance(party["party"][0], list):
# only for Rival parties
for rival_party in party["party"]:
for i, mon in enumerate(rival_party):
if mon in ("Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard",
"Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise"):
if self.multiworld.randomize_starter_pokemon[self.player]:
rival_party[i] = rival_map[mon]
elif self.multiworld.randomize_trainer_parties[self.player]:
if mon in rival_map:
rival_party[i] = rival_map[mon]
new_mon = randomize_pokemon(self, mon,
unevolved_mons if mon in unevolved_mons else evolved_mons,
rival_map[mon] = new_mon
rival_party[i] = new_mon
if self.multiworld.randomize_trainer_parties[self.player]:
for i, mon in enumerate(party["party"]):
party["party"][i] = randomize_pokemon(self, mon, mons_list,
def process_pokemon_locations(self):
starter_slots = deepcopy([location for location in location_data if location.type == "Starter Pokemon"])
legendary_slots = deepcopy([location for location in location_data if location.type == "Legendary Pokemon"])
static_slots = deepcopy([location for location in location_data if location.type in
["Static Pokemon", "Missable Pokemon"]])
legendary_mons = deepcopy([slot.original_item for slot in legendary_slots])
placed_mons = {pokemon: 0 for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys()}
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3]
if self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player] == "vanilla":
for slot in legendary_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item("Static " + slot.original_item))
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player] == "shuffle":
for slot in legendary_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
mon = legendary_mons.pop()
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item("Static " + mon))
placed_mons[mon] += 1
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player] == "static":
static_slots = static_slots + legendary_slots
static_slots.sort(key=lambda s: s.name != "Pokemon Tower 6F - Restless Soul")
while legendary_slots:
swap_slot = legendary_slots.pop()
slot = static_slots.pop()
slot_type = slot.type.split()[0]
if slot_type == "Legendary":
slot_type = "Static"
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + swap_slot.original_item))
swap_slot.original_item = slot.original_item
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player] == "any":
static_slots = static_slots + legendary_slots
for slot in static_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
randomize_type = self.multiworld.randomize_static_pokemon[self.player].value
slot_type = slot.type.split()[0]
if slot_type == "Legendary":
slot_type = "Static"
if not randomize_type:
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + slot.original_item))
mon = self.create_item(slot_type + " " +
randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list, randomize_type,
if slot_type != "Missable":
placed_mons[mon.name.replace("Static ", "")] += 1
chosen_mons = set()
for slot in starter_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
randomize_type = self.multiworld.randomize_starter_pokemon[self.player].value
slot_type = "Missable"
if not randomize_type:
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + slot.original_item))
mon = self.create_item(slot_type + " " + randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list,
randomize_type, self.multiworld.random))
while mon.name in chosen_mons:
mon = self.create_item(slot_type + " " + randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list,
randomize_type, self.multiworld.random))
encounter_slots_master = get_encounter_slots(self)
encounter_slots = encounter_slots_master.copy()
zone_mapping = {}
if self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player]:
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3]
locations = []
for slot in encounter_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
zone = " - ".join(location.name.split(" - ")[:-1])
if zone not in zone_mapping:
zone_mapping[zone] = {}
original_mon = slot.original_item
if self.multiworld.area_1_to_1_mapping[self.player] and original_mon in zone_mapping[zone]:
mon = zone_mapping[zone][original_mon]
mon = randomize_pokemon(self, original_mon, mons_list,
self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].value, self.multiworld.random)
while ("Pokemon Tower 6F" in slot.name and
self.multiworld.get_location("Pokemon Tower 6F - Restless Soul", self.player).item.name
== f"Missable {mon}"):
# If you're fighting the Pokémon defined as the Restless Soul, and you're on the 6th floor of the tower,
# the battle is treates as the Restless Soul battle and you cannot catch it. So, prevent any wild mons
# from being the same species as the Restless Soul.
# to account for the possibility that only one ground type Pokemon exists, match only stats for this fix
mon = randomize_pokemon(self, original_mon, mons_list, 2, self.multiworld.random)
placed_mons[mon] += 1
location.item = self.create_item(mon)
location.event = True
location.locked = True
location.item.location = location
zone_mapping[zone][original_mon] = mon
mons_to_add = []
remaining_pokemon = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if placed_mons[pokemon] == 0 and
(pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3)]
if self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player] == "first_stage":
mons_to_add = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon if placed_mons[pokemon] == 0 and
(pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3)]
elif self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player] == "all_pokemon":
mons_to_add = remaining_pokemon.copy()
logic_needed_mons = max(self.multiworld.oaks_aide_rt_2[self.player].value,
if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] == "minimal":
logic_needed_mons = 0
while (len([pokemon for pokemon in placed_mons if placed_mons[pokemon] > 0])
+ len(mons_to_add) < logic_needed_mons):
for mon in mons_to_add:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
candidate_locations = encounter_slots_master.copy()
if self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].current_key in ["match_base_stats", "match_types_and_base_stats"]:
candidate_locations.sort(key=lambda slot: abs(get_base_stat_total(slot.original_item) - stat_base))
if self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].current_key in ["match_types", "match_types_and_base_stats"]:
candidate_locations.sort(key=lambda slot: not any([poke_data.pokemon_data[slot.original_item]["type1"] in
[self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"], self.local_poke_data[mon]["type2"]],
poke_data.pokemon_data[slot.original_item]["type2"] in
[self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"], self.local_poke_data[mon]["type2"]]]))
candidate_locations = [self.multiworld.get_location(location.name, self.player) for location in candidate_locations]
for location in candidate_locations:
zone = " - ".join(location.name.split(" - ")[:-1])
if self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player] == "all_pokemon" and self.multiworld.area_1_to_1_mapping[self.player]:
if not [self.multiworld.get_location(l.name, self.player) for l in encounter_slots_master
if (not l.name.startswith(zone)) and
self.multiworld.get_location(l.name, self.player).item.name == location.item.name]:
if self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player] == "first_stage" and self.multiworld.area_1_to_1_mapping[self.player]:
if not [self.multiworld.get_location(l.name, self.player) for l in encounter_slots_master
if (not l.name.startswith(zone)) and
self.multiworld.get_location(l.name, self.player).item.name == location.item.name and l.name
not in poke_data.evolves_from]:
if placed_mons[location.item.name] < 2 and (location.item.name in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon
or self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player]):
if self.multiworld.area_1_to_1_mapping[self.player]:
place_locations = [place_location for place_location in candidate_locations if
place_location.name.startswith(zone) and
place_location.item.name == location.item.name]
place_locations = [location]
for place_location in place_locations:
placed_mons[place_location.item.name] -= 1
place_location.item = self.create_item(mon)
place_location.item.location = place_location
placed_mons[mon] += 1
raise Exception
for slot in encounter_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(slot.name, self.player)
location.item = self.create_item(slot.original_item)
location.event = True
location.locked = True
location.item.location = location
placed_mons[location.item.name] += 1 |