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# Rules here define replacement "functions" or item aliases.
# The alias itself must always be alphanumeric only--string items bypass the aliasing.
# Rules should be simple python and can invoke other aliases or even the
# at/here metarules.
"Hookshot": "Progressive_Hookshot",
"Longshot": "(Progressive_Hookshot, 2)",
"Silver_Gauntlets": "(Progressive_Strength_Upgrade, 2)",
"Golden_Gauntlets": "(Progressive_Strength_Upgrade, 3)",
"Scarecrow": "Progressive_Hookshot and can_play(Scarecrow_Song)",
"Distant_Scarecrow": "(Progressive_Hookshot, 2) and can_play(Scarecrow_Song)",
# Items can be directly aliased, so all occurrences of that item name get replaced,
# but make sure that inside the rule you use the string 'item' form
# to avoid infinite recursion.
"Goron_Tunic": "'Goron Tunic' or Buy_Goron_Tunic",
"Zora_Tunic": "'Zora Tunic' or Buy_Zora_Tunic",
# Refill aliases. If we start considering Bow etc refills we can enable these aliases
# without editing all logic files.
# "Bow": "'Bow'",
# "Slingshot": "'Slingshot'",
"Bombs": "Bomb_Bag",
"Deku_Shield": "Buy_Deku_Shield",
"Hylian_Shield": "Buy_Hylian_Shield",
"Nuts": "Buy_Deku_Nut_5 or Buy_Deku_Nut_10 or Deku_Nut_Drop",
"Sticks": "Buy_Deku_Stick_1 or Deku_Stick_Drop",
"Bugs": "'Bugs' or Buy_Bottle_Bug",
"Blue_Fire": "'Blue Fire' or Buy_Blue_Fire",
"Fish": "'Fish' or Buy_Fish",
"Fairy": "'Fairy' or Buy_Fairys_Spirit",
"Big_Poe": "'Big Poe'",
"has_bombchus": "(Buy_Bombchu_5 or Buy_Bombchu_10 or Buy_Bombchu_20 or Bombchu_Drop) and (bombchus_in_logic or Bomb_Bag)",
"found_bombchus": "(bombchus_in_logic and (Bombchus or Bombchus_5 or Bombchus_10 or Bombchus_20)) or (not bombchus_in_logic and Bomb_Bag)",
"has_explosives": "Bombs or (bombchus_in_logic and has_bombchus)",
"is_child": "current_spot_child_access",
"is_adult": "current_spot_adult_access",
"is_starting_age": "current_spot_starting_age_access",
"is_glitched": "logic_rules != 'glitchless'",
"can_blast_or_smash": "has_explosives or can_use(Megaton_Hammer)",
"can_child_attack": "is_child and (Slingshot or Boomerang or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or has_explosives or can_use(Dins_Fire))",
"can_child_damage": "is_child and (Slingshot or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or has_explosives or can_use(Dins_Fire))",
"can_cut_shrubs": "is_adult or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or Boomerang or has_explosives",
"can_dive": "Progressive_Scale",
"can_leave_forest": "open_forest != 'closed' or is_adult or is_glitched or Deku_Tree_Clear",
"can_plant_bugs": "is_child and Bugs",
"can_ride_epona": "is_adult and Epona and (can_play(Eponas_Song) or (is_glitched and can_hover))",
"can_stun_deku": "is_adult or (Slingshot or Boomerang or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or has_explosives or can_use(Dins_Fire) or Nuts or Deku_Shield)",
"can_summon_gossip_fairy": "Ocarina and (Zeldas_Lullaby or Eponas_Song or Song_of_Time or Suns_Song)",
"can_summon_gossip_fairy_without_suns": "Ocarina and (Zeldas_Lullaby or Eponas_Song or Song_of_Time)",
"can_take_damage": "damage_multiplier != 'ohko' or Fairy or can_use(Nayrus_Love)",
"can_plant_bean": "is_child and (Magic_Bean or Magic_Bean_Pack)",
"can_play(song)": "Ocarina and song",
"can_open_bomb_grotto": "can_blast_or_smash and (Stone_of_Agony or logic_grottos_without_agony)",
"can_open_storm_grotto": "can_play(Song_of_Storms) and (Stone_of_Agony or logic_grottos_without_agony)",
# The last case in a conditional still needs a check, to prevent failure from falling through
# into what should be the 'else' case.
"can_use_projectile": "has_explosives or (is_adult and (Bow or Hookshot)) or (is_child and (Slingshot or Boomerang))",
"has_projectile(for_age)": "has_explosives
or (for_age == child and (Slingshot or Boomerang))
or (for_age == adult and (Bow or Hookshot))
or (for_age == both and (Slingshot or Boomerang) and (Bow or Hookshot))
or (for_age == either and (Slingshot or Boomerang or Bow or Hookshot))",
# can_use and helpers
# The parser reduces this to smallest form based on item category.
# Note that can_use(item) is False for any item not covered here.
"can_use(item)": "(_is_magic_item(item) and item and Magic_Meter)
or (_is_adult_item(item) and is_adult and item)
or (_is_magic_arrow(item) and is_adult and item and Bow and Magic_Meter)
or (_is_child_item(item) and is_child and item)",
"_is_magic_item(item)": "item == Dins_Fire or item == Farores_Wind or item == Nayrus_Love or item == Lens_of_Truth",
"_is_adult_item(item)": "item == Bow or item == Megaton_Hammer or item == Iron_Boots or item == Hover_Boots or item == Hookshot or item == Longshot or item == Silver_Gauntlets or item == Golden_Gauntlets or item == Goron_Tunic or item == Zora_Tunic or item == Scarecrow or item == Distant_Scarecrow or item == Mirror_Shield",
"_is_child_item(item)": "item == Slingshot or item == Boomerang or item == Kokiri_Sword or item == Sticks or item == Deku_Shield",
"_is_magic_arrow(item)": "item == Fire_Arrows or item == Light_Arrows",
# Biggoron's trade path
# ER with certain settings disables timers and prevents items from reverting on save warp.
# Otherwise, to get to Biggoron requires: a trick, clearing boulders on DMT, or Darunia's Chamber
"guarantee_trade_path": "disable_trade_revert or can_blast_or_smash or 'Stop GC Rolling Goron as Adult' or (logic_dmt_climb_hovers and can_use(Hover_Boots)) or (logic_biggoron_bolero and not warp_songs and can_play(Bolero_of_Fire) and at('DMC Central Local', can_use(Hookshot) or can_use(Hover_Boots) or can_plant_bean))",
"guarantee_hint": "(hints == 'mask' and Mask_of_Truth) or (hints == 'agony' and Stone_of_Agony) or (hints != 'mask' and hints != 'agony')",
"has_fire_source": "can_use(Dins_Fire) or can_use(Fire_Arrows)",
"has_fire_source_with_torch": "has_fire_source or (is_child and Sticks)",
# Gerudo Fortress
"can_finish_GerudoFortress": "(gerudo_fortress == 'normal' and (Small_Key_Gerudo_Fortress, 4) and (is_adult or Kokiri_Sword or is_glitched) and (is_adult and (Bow or Hookshot or Hover_Boots) or Gerudo_Membership_Card or logic_gerudo_kitchen or is_glitched))
or (gerudo_fortress == 'fast' and Small_Key_Gerudo_Fortress and (is_adult or Kokiri_Sword or is_glitched))
or (gerudo_fortress != 'normal' and gerudo_fortress != 'fast')",
# Mirror shield does not count because it cannot reflect scrub attack.
"has_shield": "(is_adult and Hylian_Shield) or (is_child and Deku_Shield)",
"can_shield": "(is_adult and (Hylian_Shield or Mirror_Shield)) or (is_child and Deku_Shield)",
"can_mega": "has_explosives and can_shield",
"can_isg": "can_shield and (is_adult or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword)",
"can_hover": "can_mega and can_isg",
"can_weirdshot": "can_mega and can_use(Hookshot)",
"can_jumpslash": "is_adult or Sticks or Kokiri_Sword",
# Bridge Requirements
"has_all_stones": "Kokiri_Emerald and Goron_Ruby and Zora_Sapphire",
"has_all_medallions": "Forest_Medallion and Fire_Medallion and Water_Medallion and Shadow_Medallion and Spirit_Medallion and Light_Medallion",
"can_build_rainbow_bridge": "(
(bridge == 'open') or
(bridge == 'vanilla' and Shadow_Medallion and Spirit_Medallion and Light_Arrows) or
(bridge == 'stones' and _oot_has_stones(bridge_stones)) or
(bridge == 'medallions' and _oot_has_medallions(bridge_medallions)) or
(bridge == 'dungeons' and _oot_has_dungeon_rewards(bridge_rewards)) or
(bridge == 'tokens' and (Gold_Skulltula_Token, bridge_tokens)))",
"can_trigger_lacs": "(
(lacs_condition == 'vanilla' and Shadow_Medallion and Spirit_Medallion) or
(lacs_condition == 'stones' and _oot_has_stones(lacs_stones)) or
(lacs_condition == 'medallions' and _oot_has_medallions(lacs_medallions)) or
(lacs_condition == 'dungeons' and _oot_has_dungeon_rewards(lacs_rewards)) or
(lacs_condition == 'tokens' and (Gold_Skulltula_Token, lacs_tokens)))"