391 lines
21 KiB
391 lines
21 KiB
import copy, utils.log, random
from utils.utils import randGaussBounds
from logic.smbool import SMBool, smboolFalse
from logic.smboolmanager import SMBoolManager
from logic.helpers import Bosses
from graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint, GraphUtils
from rando.Filler import FrontFiller
from rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocContainer, getLocListStr, ItemLocation, getItemListStr
from rando.Restrictions import Restrictions
from utils.parameters import infinity
# checks init conditions for the randomizer: processes super fun settings, graph, start location, special restrictions
# the entry point is createItemLocContainer
class RandoSetup(object):
def __init__(self, graphSettings, locations, services, player):
self.sm = SMBoolManager(player, services.settings.maxDiff)
self.settings = services.settings
self.graphSettings = graphSettings
self.startAP = graphSettings.startAP
self.superFun = self.settings.getSuperFun()
self.container = None
self.services = services
self.restrictions = services.restrictions
self.areaGraph = services.areaGraph
self.allLocations = locations
self.locations = self.areaGraph.getAccessibleLocations(locations, self.startAP)
# print("nLocs Setup: "+str(len(self.locations)))
self.itemManager = self.settings.getItemManager(self.sm, len(self.locations))
self.forbiddenItems = []
self.restrictedLocs = []
self.lastRestricted = []
self.bossesLocs = sorted(['Draygon', 'Kraid', 'Ridley', 'Phantoon', 'Mother Brain'])
self.suits = ['Varia', 'Gravity']
# organized by priority
self.movementItems = ['SpaceJump', 'HiJump', 'SpeedBooster', 'Bomb', 'Grapple', 'SpringBall']
# organized by priority
self.combatItems = ['ScrewAttack', 'Plasma', 'Wave', 'Spazer']
self.bossChecks = {
'Kraid' : self.sm.enoughStuffsKraid,
'Phantoon' : self.sm.enoughStuffsPhantoon,
'Draygon' : self.sm.enoughStuffsDraygon,
'Ridley' : self.sm.enoughStuffsRidley,
'Mother Brain': self.sm.enoughStuffsMotherbrain
self.okay = lambda: SMBool(True, 0)
exclude = self.settings.getExcludeItems(self.locations)
# we have to use item manager only once, otherwise pool will change
self.basePool = self.itemManager.getItemPool()[:]
self.log = utils.log.get('RandoSetup')
if len(locations) != len(self.locations):
self.log.debug("inaccessible locations :"+getLocListStr([loc for loc in locations if loc not in self.locations]))
# processes everything and returns an ItemLocContainer, or None if failed (invalid init conditions/settings)
def createItemLocContainer(self, endDate, vcr=None):
self.log.debug("LAST CHECKPOOL")
if not self.checkPool():
self.log.debug("createItemLocContainer: last checkPool fail")
return None
# reset restricted in locs from previous attempt
for loc in self.locations:
loc.restricted = False
for loc in self.restrictedLocs:
self.log.debug("createItemLocContainer: loc is restricted: {}".format(loc.Name))
loc.restricted = True
self.container = ItemLocContainer(self.sm, self.getItemPool(), self.locations)
if self.restrictions.isLateMorph():
self.restrictions.lateMorphInit(self.startAP, self.container, self.services)
isStdStart = GraphUtils.isStandardStart(self.startAP)
# ensure we have an area layout that can put morph outside start area
# TODO::allow for custom start which doesn't require morph early
if self.graphSettings.areaRando and isStdStart and not self.restrictions.suitsRestrictions and self.restrictions.lateMorphForbiddenArea is None:
self.container = None
self.log.debug("createItemLocContainer: checkLateMorph fail")
return None
# checkStart needs the container
if not self.checkStart():
self.container = None
self.log.debug("createItemLocContainer: checkStart fail")
return None
return self.container
def getRestrictionsDict(self):
itemTypes = {item.Type for item in self.container.itemPool if item.Category not in Restrictions.NoCheckCat}
allAreas = {loc.GraphArea for loc in self.locations}
items = [self.container.getNextItemInPool(itemType) for itemType in itemTypes]
restrictionDict = {}
for area in allAreas:
restrictionDict[area] = {}
for itemType in itemTypes:
restrictionDict[area][itemType] = set()
for item in items:
itemType = item.Type
poss = self.services.possibleLocations(item, self.startAP, self.container)
for loc in poss:
if self.restrictions.isEarlyMorph() and GraphUtils.isStandardStart(self.startAP):
morphLocs = ['Morphing Ball']
if self.restrictions.split in ['Full', 'Major']:
dboost = self.sm.knowsCeilingDBoost()
if dboost.bool == True and dboost.difficulty <= self.settings.maxDiff:
morphLocs.append('Energy Tank, Brinstar Ceiling')
for area, locDict in restrictionDict.items():
if area == 'Crateria':
locDict['Morph'] = set(morphLocs)
locDict['Morph'] = set()
return restrictionDict
# fill up unreachable locations with "junk" to maximize the chance of the ROM
# to be finishable
def fillRestrictedLocations(self):
def getPred(itemType, loc):
return lambda item: (itemType is None or item.Type == itemType) and self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(item, loc, self.container)
locs = self.restrictedLocs
self.log.debug("fillRestrictedLocations. locs="+getLocListStr(locs))
for loc in locs:
itemLocation = ItemLocation(None, loc)
if self.container.hasItemInPool(getPred('Nothing', loc)):
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('Nothing', loc))
elif self.container.hasItemInPool(getPred('NoEnergy', loc)):
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('NoEnergy', loc))
elif self.container.countItems(getPred('Missile', loc)) > 3:
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('Missile', loc))
elif self.container.countItems(getPred('Super', loc)) > 2:
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('Super', loc))
elif self.container.countItems(getPred('PowerBomb', loc)) > 1:
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('PowerBomb', loc))
elif self.container.countItems(getPred('Reserve', loc)) > 1:
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('Reserve', loc))
elif self.container.countItems(getPred('ETank', loc)) > 3:
itemLocation.Item = self.container.getNextItemInPoolMatching(getPred('ETank', loc))
raise RuntimeError("Cannot fill restricted locations")
self.log.debug("Fill: {}/{} at {}".format(itemLocation.Item.Type, itemLocation.Item.Class, itemLocation.Location.Name))
self.container.collect(itemLocation, False)
def getItemPool(self, forbidden=[]):
self.itemManager.setItemPool(self.basePool[:]) # reuse base pool to have constant base item set
return self.itemManager.removeForbiddenItems(self.forbiddenItems + forbidden)
# if needed, do a simplified "pre-randomization" of a few items to check start AP/area layout validity
def checkStart(self):
ap = getAccessPoint(self.startAP)
if not self.graphSettings.areaRando or ap.Start is None or \
(('needsPreRando' not in ap.Start or not ap.Start['needsPreRando']) and\
('areaMode' not in ap.Start or not ap.Start['areaMode'])):
return True
self.log.debug("********* PRE RANDO START")
container = copy.copy(self.container)
filler = FrontFiller(self.startAP, self.areaGraph, self.restrictions, container)
condition = filler.createStepCountCondition(4)
(isStuck, itemLocations, progItems) = filler.generateItems(condition)
self.log.debug("********* PRE RANDO END")
return not isStuck and len(self.services.currentLocations(filler.ap, filler.container)) > 0
# in door color rando, determine mandatory beams
def checkDoorBeams(self):
if self.restrictions.isLateDoors():
doorBeams = ['Wave','Ice','Spazer','Plasma']
self.restrictions.mandatoryBeams = [beam for beam in doorBeams if not self.checkPool(forbidden=[beam])]
self.log.debug("checkDoorBeams. mandatoryBeams="+str(self.restrictions.mandatoryBeams))
def checkPool(self, forbidden=None):
self.log.debug("checkPool. forbidden=" + str(forbidden) + ", self.forbiddenItems=" + str(self.forbiddenItems))
if not self.graphSettings.isMinimizer() and not self.settings.isPlandoRando() and len(self.allLocations) > len(self.locations):
# invalid graph with looped areas
self.log.debug("checkPool: not all areas are connected, but minimizer param is off / not a plando rando")
return False
ret = True
if forbidden is not None:
pool = self.getItemPool(forbidden)
pool = self.getItemPool()
# get restricted locs
totalAvailLocs = []
comeBack = {}
container = ItemLocContainer(self.sm, pool, self.locations)
except AssertionError as e:
# invalid graph altogether
self.log.debug("checkPool: AssertionError when creating ItemLocContainer: {}".format(e))
return False
# restrict item pool in chozo: game should be finishable with chozo items only
contPool = []
contPool += [item for item in pool if item in container.itemPool]
# give us everything and beat every boss to see what we can access
self.sm.addItems([item.Type for item in contPool]) # will add bosses as well
locs = self.services.currentLocations(self.startAP, container, post=True)
for loc in locs:
ap = loc.accessPoint
if ap not in comeBack:
# we chose Golden Four because it is always there.
# Start APs might not have comeback transitions
# possible start AP issues are handled in checkStart
comeBack[ap] = self.areaGraph.canAccess(self.sm, ap, 'Golden Four', self.settings.maxDiff)
if comeBack[ap]:
self.lastRestricted = [loc for loc in self.locations if loc not in totalAvailLocs]
self.log.debug("restricted=" + str([loc.Name for loc in self.lastRestricted]))
# check if all inter-area APs can reach each other
interAPs = [ap for ap in self.areaGraph.getAccessibleAccessPoints(self.startAP) if not ap.isInternal() and not ap.isLoop()]
for startAp in interAPs:
availAccessPoints = self.areaGraph.getAvailableAccessPoints(startAp, self.sm, self.settings.maxDiff)
for ap in interAPs:
if not ap in availAccessPoints:
self.log.debug("checkPool: ap {} non accessible from {}".format(ap.Name, startAp.Name))
ret = False
if not ret:
self.log.debug("checkPool. inter-area APs check failed")
# cleanup
# check if we can reach/beat all bosses
if ret:
for loc in self.lastRestricted:
if loc.Name in self.bossesLocs:
ret = False
self.log.debug("unavail Boss: " + loc.Name)
if ret:
# revive bosses
self.sm.addItems([item.Type for item in contPool if item.Category != 'Boss'])
maxDiff = self.settings.maxDiff
# see if phantoon doesn't block himself, and if we can reach draygon if she's alive
ret = self.areaGraph.canAccess(self.sm, self.startAP, 'PhantoonRoomIn', maxDiff)\
and self.areaGraph.canAccess(self.sm, self.startAP, 'DraygonRoomIn', maxDiff)
if ret:
# see if we can beat bosses with this equipment (infinity as max diff for a "onlyBossesLeft" type check
beatableBosses = sorted([loc.Name for loc in self.services.currentLocations(self.startAP, container, diff=infinity) if loc.isBoss()])
self.log.debug("checkPool. beatableBosses="+str(beatableBosses))
ret = beatableBosses == Bosses.Golden4()
if ret:
# check that we can then kill mother brain
beatableMotherBrain = [loc.Name for loc in self.services.currentLocations(self.startAP, container, diff=infinity) if loc.Name == 'Mother Brain']
ret = len(beatableMotherBrain) > 0
self.log.debug("checkPool. beatable Mother Brain={}".format(ret))
self.log.debug('checkPool. locked by Phantoon or Draygon')
self.log.debug('checkPool. boss access sanity check: '+str(ret))
if self.restrictions.isChozo() or self.restrictions.isScavenger():
# in chozo or scavenger, we cannot put other items than NoEnergy in the restricted locations,
# we would be forced to put majors in there, which can make seed generation fail:
# don't put more restricted major locations than removed major items
# FIXME something to do there for chozo/ultra sparse, it gives us up to 3 more spots for nothing items
restrictedLocs = self.restrictedLocs + [loc for loc in self.lastRestricted if loc not in self.restrictedLocs]
nRestrictedMajor = sum(1 for loc in restrictedLocs if self.restrictions.isLocMajor(loc))
nNothingMajor = sum(1 for item in pool if self.restrictions.isItemMajor(item) and item.Category == 'Nothing')
ret &= nRestrictedMajor <= nNothingMajor
self.log.debug('checkPool. nRestrictedMajor='+str(nRestrictedMajor)+', nNothingMajor='+str(nNothingMajor))
self.log.debug('checkPool. result: '+str(ret))
return ret
def disableBossChecks(self):
self.sm.enoughStuffsKraid = self.okay
self.sm.enoughStuffsPhantoon = self.okay
self.sm.enoughStuffsDraygon = self.okay
self.sm.enoughStuffsRidley = self.okay
def mbCheck():
(possible, energyDiff) = self.sm.mbEtankCheck()
if possible == True:
return self.okay()
return smboolFalse
self.sm.enoughStuffsMotherbrain = mbCheck
def restoreBossChecks(self):
self.sm.enoughStuffsKraid = self.bossChecks['Kraid']
self.sm.enoughStuffsPhantoon = self.bossChecks['Phantoon']
self.sm.enoughStuffsDraygon = self.bossChecks['Draygon']
self.sm.enoughStuffsRidley = self.bossChecks['Ridley']
self.sm.enoughStuffsMotherbrain = self.bossChecks['Mother Brain']
def addRestricted(self):
for r in self.lastRestricted:
if r not in self.restrictedLocs:
def getForbiddenItemsFromList(self, itemList):
self.log.debug('getForbiddenItemsFromList: ' + str(itemList))
remove = []
n = randGaussBounds(len(itemList))
for i in range(n):
idx = random.randint(0, len(itemList) - 1)
item = itemList.pop(idx)
if item is not None:
return remove
def addForbidden(self, removable):
forb = None
# it can take several tries if some item combination removal
# forbids access to more stuff than each individually
tries = 0
while forb is None and tries < 100:
forb = self.getForbiddenItemsFromList(removable[:])
self.log.debug("addForbidden. forb="+str(forb))
if self.checkPool(forb) == False:
forb = None
tries += 1
if forb is None:
# we couldn't find a combination, just pick an item
firstItem = next((itemType for itemType in removable if itemType is not None), None)
if firstItem is not None:
forb = [firstItem]
forb = []
self.forbiddenItems += forb
return len(forb)
def getForbiddenSuits(self):
self.log.debug("getForbiddenSuits BEGIN. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems)+",ap="+self.startAP)
removableSuits = [suit for suit in self.suits if self.checkPool([suit])]
if 'Varia' in removableSuits and self.startAP in ['Bubble Mountain', 'Firefleas Top']:
# Varia has to be first item there, and checkPool can't detect it
self.log.debug("getForbiddenSuits removable="+str(removableSuits))
if len(removableSuits) > 0:
# remove at least one
if self.addForbidden(removableSuits) == 0:
self.log.debug("Super Fun : Could not remove any suit")
self.log.debug("getForbiddenSuits END. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems))
def getForbiddenMovement(self):
self.log.debug("getForbiddenMovement BEGIN. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems))
removableMovement = [mvt for mvt in self.movementItems if self.checkPool([mvt])]
self.log.debug("getForbiddenMovement removable="+str(removableMovement))
if len(removableMovement) > 0:
# remove at least the most important
self.addForbidden(removableMovement + [None])
self.log.debug('Super Fun : Could not remove any movement item')
self.log.debug("getForbiddenMovement END. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems))
def getForbiddenCombat(self):
self.log.debug("getForbiddenCombat BEGIN. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems))
removableCombat = [cbt for cbt in self.combatItems if self.checkPool([cbt])]
self.log.debug("getForbiddenCombat removable="+str(removableCombat))
if len(removableCombat) > 0:
fake = [] # placeholders to avoid tricking the gaussian into removing too much stuff
if len(removableCombat) > 0:
# remove at least one if possible (will be screw or plasma)
# if plasma is still available, remove it as well if we can
if len(removableCombat) > 0 and removableCombat[0] == 'Plasma' and self.checkPool([removableCombat[0]]):
self.addForbidden(removableCombat + fake)
self.log.debug('Super Fun : Could not remove any combat item')
self.log.debug("getForbiddenCombat END. forbidden="+str(self.forbiddenItems))
def getForbidden(self):
self.forbiddenItems = []
self.restrictedLocs = []
self.errorMsgs = []
if 'Suits' in self.superFun: # impact on movement item
if 'Movement' in self.superFun:
if 'Combat' in self.superFun:
# if no super fun, check that there's no restricted locations (for ultra sparse)
if len(self.superFun) == 0:
self.log.debug("forbiddenItems: {}".format(self.forbiddenItems))
self.log.debug("restrictedLocs: {}".format([loc.Name for loc in self.restrictedLocs]))