601 lines
32 KiB
601 lines
32 KiB
import Utils
import logging
import json
from worlds.Files import APProcedurePatch, APTokenMixin, APTokenTypes, APPatchExtension
from typing import Dict, Optional, Collection, TYPE_CHECKING
import hashlib
import os
import pkgutil
from .data import patches
from .locations import cvcotm_location_info
from .cvcotm_text import cvcotm_string_to_bytearray
from .options import CompletionGoal, IronMaidenBehavior, RequiredSkirmishes
from .lz10 import decompress
from settings import get_settings
from . import CVCotMWorld
CVCOTM_CT_US_HASH = "50a1089600603a94e15ecf287f8d5a1f" # Original GBA cartridge ROM
CVCOTM_AC_US_HASH = "87a1bd6577b6702f97a60fc55772ad74" # Castlevania Advance Collection ROM
CVCOTM_VC_US_HASH = "2cc38305f62b337281663bad8c901cf9" # Wii U Virtual Console ROM
# NOTE: The Wii U VC version is untested as of when this comment was written. I am only including its hash in case it
# does work. If someone who has it can confirm it does indeed work, this comment should be removed. If it doesn't, the
# hash should be removed in addition. See the Game Page for more information about supported versions.
BATTLE_ARENA_SONG_IDS = [0x01, 0x03, 0x12, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x0B,
0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14]
class RomData:
def __init__(self, file: bytes, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self.file = bytearray(file)
self.name = name
def read_byte(self, offset: int) -> int:
return self.file[offset]
def read_bytes(self, offset: int, length: int) -> bytes:
return self.file[offset:offset + length]
def write_byte(self, offset: int, value: int) -> None:
self.file[offset] = value
def write_bytes(self, offset: int, values: Collection[int]) -> None:
self.file[offset:offset + len(values)] = values
def get_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return bytes(self.file)
def apply_ips(self, filename: str) -> None:
# Try loading the IPS file.
ips_file = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/ips/" + filename)
except IOError:
raise Exception(f"{filename} is not present in the ips folder. If it was removed, please replace it.")
# Verify that the IPS patch is, indeed, an IPS patch.
if ips_file[0:5].decode("ascii") != "PATCH":
logging.error(filename + " does not appear to be an IPS patch...")
file_pos = 5
while True:
# Get the ROM offset bytes of the current record.
rom_offset = int.from_bytes(ips_file[file_pos:file_pos + 3], "big")
# If we've hit the "EOF" codeword (aka 0x454F46), stop iterating because we've reached the end of the patch.
if rom_offset == 0x454F46:
# Get the size bytes of the current record.
bytes_size = int.from_bytes(ips_file[file_pos + 3:file_pos + 5], "big")
if bytes_size != 0:
# Write the bytes to the ROM.
self.write_bytes(rom_offset, ips_file[file_pos + 5:file_pos + 5 + bytes_size])
# Increase our position in the IPS patch to the start of the next record.
file_pos += 5 + bytes_size
# If the size is 0, we are looking at an RLE record.
# Get the size of the RLE.
rle_size = int.from_bytes(ips_file[file_pos + 5:file_pos + 7], "big")
# Get the byte to be written over and over.
rle_byte = int.from_bytes(ips_file[file_pos + 7:file_pos + 8], "big")
# Write the RLE byte to the ROM the RLE size times over.
self.write_bytes(rom_offset, [rle_byte for _ in range(rle_size)])
# Increase our position in the IPS patch to the start of the next record.
file_pos += 8
class CVCotMPatchExtensions(APPatchExtension):
game = "Castlevania - Circle of the Moon"
def apply_patches(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes, options_file: str) -> bytes:
"""Applies every patch to mod the game into its rando state, both CotMR's pre-made IPS patches and some
additional byte writes. Each patch is credited to its author."""
rom_data = RomData(rom)
options = json.loads(caller.get_file(options_file).decode("utf-8"))
# Check to see if the patch was generated on a compatible APWorld version.
if "compat_identifier" not in options:
raise Exception("Incompatible patch/APWorld version. Make sure the Circle of the Moon APWorlds of both you "
"and the person who generated are matching (and preferably up-to-date).")
if options["compat_identifier"] != ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER:
raise Exception("Incompatible patch/APWorld version. Make sure the Circle of the Moon APWorlds of both you "
"and the person who generated are matching (and preferably up-to-date).")
# This patch allows placing DSS cards on pedestals, prevents them from timing out, and removes them from enemy
# drop tables. Created by DevAnj originally as a standalone hack known as Card Mode, it has been modified for
# this randomizer's purposes by stripping out additional things like drop and pedestal item replacements.
# Further modified by Liquid Cat to make placed cards set their flags upon pickup (instead of relying on whether
# the card is in the player's inventory when determining to spawn it or not), enable placing dummy DSS Cards to
# represent other players' Cards in a multiworld setting, and turn specific cards blue to visually indicate
# their status as valid ice/stone combo cards.
# This patch replaces enemy drops that included DSS cards. Created by DevAnj as part of the Card Up patch but
# modified for different replacement drops (Lowered rate, Potion instead of Meat, and no Shinning Armor change
# on Devil).
# This patch reveals card combination descriptions instead of showing "???" until the combination is used.
# Created by DevAnj.
# In lategame, the Trick Candle and Scary Candle load in the Cerberus and Iron Golem boss rooms after defeating
# Camilla and Twin Dragon Zombies respectively. If the former bosses have not yet been cleared (i.e., we have
# sequence broken the game and returned to the earlier boss rooms to fight them), the candle enemies will cause
# the bosses to fail to load and soft lock the game. This patches the candles to appear after the early boss is
# completed instead.
# Created by DevAnj.
# A Tackle block in Machine Tower will cause a softlock if you access the Machine Tower from the Audience Room
# using the stone tower route with Kick Boots and not Double. This is a small level edit that moves that block
# slightly, removing the potential for a softlock.
# Created by DevAnj.
# Normally, the MP boosting card combination is useless since it depletes more MP than it gains. This patch
# makes it consume zero MP.
# Created by DevAnj.
# Normally, you must clear the game with each mode to unlock subsequent modes, and complete the game at least
# once to be able to skip the introductory text crawl. This allows all game modes to be selected and the
# introduction to be skipped even without game/mode completion.
# Created by DevAnj.
# This patch adds custom mapping in Underground Gallery and Underground Waterway to avoid softlocking/Kick Boots
# requirements.
# Created by DevAnj.
# Prevents demos on the main title screen after the first one from being displayed to avoid pedestal item
# reconnaissance from the menu.
# Created by Fusecavator.
# Used internally in the item randomizer to allow setting drop rate to 10000 (100%) and actually drop the item
# 100% of the time. Normally, it is hard capped at 50% for common drops and 25% for rare drops.
# Created by Fusecavator.
# Displays the seed on the pause menu. Originally created by Fusecavator and modified by Liquid Cat to display a
# 20-digit seed (which AP seeds most commonly are).
# Write the seed. Upwards of 20 digits can be displayed for the seed number.
curr_seed_addr = 0x672152
total_digits = 0
while options["seed"] and total_digits < 20:
seed_digit = (options["seed"] % 10) + 0x511C
rom_data.write_bytes(curr_seed_addr, int.to_bytes(seed_digit, 2, "little"))
curr_seed_addr -= 2
total_digits += 1
options["seed"] //= 10
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Permanent dash effect without double tapping.
if options["auto_run"]:
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Prohibits the DSS glitch. You will not be able to update the active
# effect unless the card combination switched to is obtained. For example, if you switch to another DSS
# combination that you have not obtained during DSS startup, you will still have the effect of the original
# combination you had selected when you started the DSS activation. In addition, you will not be able to
# increase damage and/or change the element of a summon attack unless you possess the cards you swap to.
if options["dss_patch"]:
# Optional patch created by DevAnj. Breaks the iron maidens blocking access to the Underground Waterway,
# Underground Gallery, and the room beyond the Adramelech boss room from the beginning of the game.
if options["break_iron_maidens"]:
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Changes game behavior to add instead of set Last Key values, and check
# for a specific value of Last Keys on the door to the Ceremonial Room, allowing multiple keys to be required to
# complete the game. Relies on the program to set required key values.
if options["required_last_keys"] != 1:
rom_data.write_byte(0x96C1E, options["required_last_keys"])
rom_data.write_byte(0xDFB4, options["required_last_keys"])
rom_data.write_byte(0xCB84, options["required_last_keys"])
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Doubles the damage dealt by projectiles fired by ranged familiars.
if options["buff_ranged_familiars"]:
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Increases the base damage dealt by some sub-weapons.
# Changes below (normal multiplier on left/shooter on right):
# Original: Changed:
# Dagger: 45 / 141 ----> 100 / 141 (Non-Shooter buffed)
# Dagger crush: 32 / 45 ----> 100 / 141 (Both buffed to match non-crush values)
# Axe: 89 / 158 ----> 125 / 158 (Non-Shooter somewhat buffed)
# Axe crush: 89 / 126 ----> 125 / 158 (Both buffed to match non-crush values)
# Holy water: 63 / 100 ----> 63 / 100 (Unchanged)
# Holy water crush: 45 / 63 ----> 63 / 100 (Large buff to Shooter, non-Shooter slightly buffed)
# Cross: 110 / 173 ----> 110 / 173 (Unchanged)
# Cross crush: 100 / 141 ----> 110 / 173 (Slightly buffed to match non-crush values)
if options["buff_sub_weapons"]:
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Increases the Shooter gamemode base strength and strength per level to
# match Vampire Killer.
if options["buff_shooter_strength"]:
# Optional patch created by Fusecavator. Allows using the Pluto + Griffin combination for the speed boost with
# or without the cards being obtained.
if options["always_allow_speed_dash"]:
# Optional patch created by fuse. Displays a counter on the HUD showing the number of magic items and cards
# remaining in the current area. Requires a lookup table generated by the randomizer to function.
if options["countdown"]:
# This patch disables the MP drain effect in the Battle Arena.
# Created by Fusecavator.
if options["disable_battle_arena_mp_drain"]:
# Patch created by Fusecavator. Makes various changes to dropped item graphics to avoid garbled Magic Items and
# allow displaying arbitrary items on pedestals. Modified by Liquid Cat for the purposes of changing the
# appearances of items regardless of what they really are, as well as allowing additional Magic Items.
# Decompress the Magic Item graphics and reinsert them (decompressed) where the patch expects them.
# Doing it this way is more copyright-safe.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x678C00, decompress(rom_data.read_bytes(0x630690, 0x605))[0x300:])
# Everything past here was added by Liquid Cat.
# Makes the Pluto + Griffin speed increase apply even while in the air, instead of losing it.
if options["pluto_griffin_air_speed"]:
# Move the item sprite info table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x678A00, rom_data.read_bytes(0x630B98, 0x98))
# Update the ldr numbers pointing to the above item sprite table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95A08, [0x00, 0x8A, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x100380, [0x00, 0x8A, 0x67, 0x08])
# Move the magic item text ID table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6788B0, rom_data.read_bytes(0x100A7E, 0x48))
# Update the ldr numbers pointing to the above magic item text ID table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95C10, [0xB0, 0x88, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95CE0, [0xB0, 0x88, 0x67, 0x08])
# Move the magic item pickup function jump table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x678B20, rom_data.read_bytes(0x95B80, 0x24))
# Update the ldr number point to the above jump table.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95B7C, [0x20, 0x8B, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_byte(0x95B6A, 0x09) # Raise the magic item function index limit.
# Make the Maiden Detonator detonate the maidens when picked up.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x678B44, [0x90, 0x1F, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x671F90, patches.maiden_detonator)
# Add the text for detonating the maidens.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x671C0C, [0xC0, 0x1F, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x671FC0, cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(" 「Iron Maidens」 broken◊", "little middle", 0,
# Put the new text string IDs for all our new items.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6788F8, [0xF1, 0x84, 0xF1, 0x84, 0xF1, 0x84, 0xF1, 0x84,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF])
# Have the game get the entry in that table to use by adding the item's parameter.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95980, [0x0A, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
# Add the AP Item sprites and their associated info.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x679080, patches.extra_item_sprites)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x678A98, [0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x22, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x04, 0x22, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x22, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x0C, 0x22, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x22, 0x45, 0x00,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x14, 0x32, 0x45, 0x00])
# Enable changing the Magic Item appearance separately from what it really is.
# Change these ldrh's to ldrb's to read only the high or low byte of the object list entry's parameter field.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x9597A, [0xC1, 0x79])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95B64, [0x80, 0x79])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95BF0, [0x81, 0x79])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95CBE, [0x82, 0x79])
# Enable changing the Max Up appearance separately from what it really is.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x5DE98, [0xC1, 0x79])
rom_data.write_byte(0x5E152, 0x13)
rom_data.write_byte(0x5E15C, 0x0E)
rom_data.write_byte(0x5E20A, 0x0B)
# Set the 0xF0 flag on the iron maiden switch if we're placing an Item on it.
if options["iron_maiden_behavior"] == IronMaidenBehavior.option_detonator_in_pool:
rom_data.write_byte(0xD47B4, 0xF0)
if options["nerf_roc_wing"]:
# Prevent Roc jumping in midair if the Double is not in the player's inventory.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6B8A0, [0x00, 0x4A, 0x97, 0x46, 0x00, 0x9A, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x679A00, patches.doubleless_roc_midairs_preventer)
# Make Roc Wing not jump as high if Kick Boots isn't in the inventory.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6B8B4, [0x00, 0x49, 0x8F, 0x46, 0x60, 0x9A, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x679A60, patches.kickless_roc_height_shortener)
# Give the player their Start Inventory upon entering their name on a new file.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x7F70, [0x00, 0x48, 0x87, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x680000, patches.start_inventory_giver)
# Prevent Max Ups from exceeding 255.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x5E170, [0x00, 0x4A, 0x97, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6A, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6A0000, patches.max_max_up_checker)
# Write the textbox messaging system code.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x7D60, [0x00, 0x48, 0x87, 0x46, 0x20, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x7FFF20, patches.remote_textbox_shower)
# Write the code that sets the screen transition delay timer.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6CE14, [0x00, 0x4A, 0x97, 0x46, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x7FFFC0, patches.transition_textbox_delayer)
# Write the code that allows any sound to be played with any Magic Item.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x95BE4, [0x00, 0x4A, 0x97, 0x46, 0x00, 0x98, 0x67, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x679800, patches.magic_item_sfx_customizer)
# Array of sound IDs for each Magic Item.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x6797C0, [0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01,
0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0xB4, 0x01, 0x79, 0x00])
# Write all the data for the missing ASCII text characters.
for offset, data in patches.missing_char_data.items():
rom_data.write_bytes(offset, data)
# Change all the menu item name strings that use the overwritten character IDs to use a different, equivalent
# space character ID.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x391A1B, [0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x391CB6, [0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x391CC1, [0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x391CCB, [0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x391CD5, [0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAD])
rom_data.write_byte(0x391CE1, 0xAD)
# Put the unused bottom-of-screen textbox in the middle of the screen instead.
# Its background's new y position will be 0x28 instead of 0x50.
rom_data.write_byte(0xBEDEA, 0x28)
# Change all the hardcoded checks for the 0x50 position to instead check for 0x28.
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF398, 0x28)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF41C, 0x28)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF4CC, 0x28)
# Change all the hardcoded checks for greater than 0x48 to instead check for 0x28 specifically.
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF4A4, 0x28)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF4A7, 0xD0)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF37E, 0x28)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF381, 0xD0)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF40A, 0x28)
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF40D, 0xD0)
# Change the y position of the contents within the textbox from 0xA0 to 0xB4.
# KCEK didn't program hardcoded checks for these, thankfully!
rom_data.write_byte(0xBF3BC, 0xB4)
# Insert the multiworld message pointer at the end of the text pointers.
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START, int.to_bytes(QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START + 0x8000000,
4, "little"))
# Insert pointers for every item tutorial.
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 4, [0x8E, 0x3B, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 8, [0xDF, 0x3B, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 12, [0x35, 0x3C, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 16, [0xC4, 0x3C, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 20, [0x41, 0x3D, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 24, [0x88, 0x3D, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 28, [0xF7, 0x3D, 0x39, 0x08])
rom_data.write_bytes(MULTIWORLD_TEXTBOX_POINTERS_START + 32, [0x67, 0x3E, 0x39, 0x08])
# Write the completion goal messages over the menu Dash Boots tutorial and Battle Arena's explanation message.
if options["completion_goal"] == CompletionGoal.option_dracula:
dash_tutorial_message = "Your goal is:\n Dracula◊"
if options["required_skirmishes"] == RequiredSkirmishes.option_all_bosses_and_arena:
arena_goal_message = "Your goal is:\n「Dracula」▶" \
"A required 「Last Key」 is waiting for you at the end of the Arena. Good luck!◊"
arena_goal_message = "Your goal is:\n「Dracula」▶" \
"You don't have to win the Arena, but you are certainly welcome to try!◊"
elif options["completion_goal"] == CompletionGoal.option_battle_arena:
dash_tutorial_message = "Your goal is:\n Battle Arena◊"
arena_goal_message = "Your goal is:\n「Battle Arena」▶" \
"Win the Arena, and your goal will send. Good luck!◊"
dash_tutorial_message = "Your goal is:\n Arena and Dracula◊"
arena_goal_message = "Your goal is:\n「Battle Arena & Dracula」▶" \
"Your goal will send once you've both won the Arena and beaten Dracula. Good luck!◊"
rom_data.write_bytes(0x393EAE, cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(dash_tutorial_message, "big top", 4,
rom_data.write_bytes(0x393A0C, cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(arena_goal_message, "big top", 4))
# Change the pointer to the Ceremonial Room locked door text.
rom_data.write_bytes(0x670D94, [0xE0, 0xE9, 0x7C, 0x08])
# Write the Ceremonial Room door and menu Last Key tutorial messages telling the player's Last Key options.
door_message = f"Hmmmmmm...\nI need 「{options['required_last_keys']}」/" \
f"「{options['available_last_keys']}」 Last Keys.◊"
key_tutorial_message = f"You need {options['required_last_keys']}/{options['available_last_keys']} keys.◊"
rom_data.write_bytes(0x7CE9E0, cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(door_message, "big top", 4, 0))
rom_data.write_bytes(0x394098, cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(key_tutorial_message, "big top", 4,
# Nuke all the tutorial-related text if Skip Tutorials is enabled.
if options["skip_tutorials"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0x5EB55, 0xE0) # DSS
rom_data.write_byte(0x393B8C, 0x00) # Dash Boots
rom_data.write_byte(0x393BDD, 0x00) # Double
rom_data.write_byte(0x393C33, 0x00) # Tackle
rom_data.write_byte(0x393CC2, 0x00) # Kick Boots
rom_data.write_byte(0x393D41, 0x00) # Heavy Ring
rom_data.write_byte(0x393D86, 0x00) # Cleansing
rom_data.write_byte(0x393DF5, 0x00) # Roc Wing
rom_data.write_byte(0x393E65, 0x00) # Last Key
# Nuke all the cutscene dialogue before the ending if Skip Dialogues is enabled.
if options["skip_dialogues"]:
rom_data.write_byte(0x392372, 0x00)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x3923C9, [0x20, 0x80, 0x00])
rom_data.write_bytes(0x3924EE, [0x20, 0x81, 0x00])
rom_data.write_byte(0x392621, 0x00)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x392650, [0x20, 0x81, 0x00])
rom_data.write_byte(0x392740, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x3933C8, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x39346E, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x393670, 0x00)
rom_data.write_bytes(0x393698, [0x20, 0x80, 0x00])
rom_data.write_byte(0x3936A6, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x393741, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392944, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392FFB, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x39305D, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x393114, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392771, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x3928E9, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392A3C, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392A55, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392A8B, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392AA4, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392AF4, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392B3F, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392C4D, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392DEA, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392E65, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392F09, 0x00)
rom_data.write_byte(0x392FE4, 0x00)
# Make the Battle Arena play the player's chosen track.
if options["battle_arena_music"]:
arena_track_id = BATTLE_ARENA_SONG_IDS[options["battle_arena_music"] - 1]
rom_data.write_bytes(0xEDEF0, [0xFC, 0xFF, arena_track_id])
rom_data.write_bytes(0xEFA50, [0xFC, 0xFF, arena_track_id])
rom_data.write_bytes(0xF24F0, [0xFC, 0xFF, arena_track_id])
rom_data.write_bytes(0xF3420, [0xF5, 0xFF])
rom_data.write_bytes(0xF3430, [0xFC, 0xFF, arena_track_id])
return rom_data.get_bytes()
def fix_item_positions(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes) -> bytes:
"""After writing all the items into the ROM via token application, translates Magic Items in non-Magic Item
Locations up by 8 units and the reverse down by 8 units. This is necessary for them to look properly placed,
as Magic Items are offset differently on the Y axis from the other item types."""
rom_data = RomData(rom)
for loc in cvcotm_location_info:
offset = cvcotm_location_info[loc].offset
if offset is None:
item_type = rom_data.read_byte(offset)
# Magic Items in non-Magic Item Locations should have their Y position decreased by 8.
if item_type == 0xE8 and cvcotm_location_info[loc].type not in ["magic item", "boss"]:
y_pos = int.from_bytes(rom_data.read_bytes(offset-2, 2), "little")
y_pos -= 8
rom_data.write_bytes(offset-2, int.to_bytes(y_pos, 2, "little"))
# Non-Magic Items in Magic Item Locations should have their Y position increased by 8.
if item_type != 0xE8 and cvcotm_location_info[loc].type in ["magic item", "boss"]:
y_pos = int.from_bytes(rom_data.read_bytes(offset - 2, 2), "little")
y_pos += 8
rom_data.write_bytes(offset - 2, int.to_bytes(y_pos, 2, "little"))
return rom_data.get_bytes()
class CVCotMProcedurePatch(APProcedurePatch, APTokenMixin):
patch_file_ending: str = ".apcvcotm"
result_file_ending: str = ".gba"
game = "Castlevania - Circle of the Moon"
procedure = [
("apply_patches", ["options.json"]),
("apply_tokens", ["token_data.bin"]),
("fix_item_positions", [])
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_bytes()
def patch_rom(world: "CVCotMWorld", patch: CVCotMProcedurePatch, offset_data: Dict[int, bytes],
start_with_detonator: bool) -> None:
# Write all the new item values
for offset, data in offset_data.items():
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, offset, data)
# Write the secondary name the client will use to distinguish a vanilla ROM from an AP one.
# Write the slot authentication
patch.write_token(APTokenTypes.WRITE, AUTH_NUMBER_START, bytes(world.auth))
patch.write_file("token_data.bin", patch.get_token_binary())
# Write these slot options to a JSON.
options_dict = {
"auto_run": world.options.auto_run.value,
"dss_patch": world.options.dss_patch.value,
"break_iron_maidens": start_with_detonator,
"iron_maiden_behavior": world.options.iron_maiden_behavior.value,
"required_last_keys": world.required_last_keys,
"available_last_keys": world.options.available_last_keys.value,
"required_skirmishes": world.options.required_skirmishes.value,
"buff_ranged_familiars": world.options.buff_ranged_familiars.value,
"buff_sub_weapons": world.options.buff_sub_weapons.value,
"buff_shooter_strength": world.options.buff_shooter_strength.value,
"always_allow_speed_dash": world.options.always_allow_speed_dash.value,
"countdown": world.options.countdown.value,
"disable_battle_arena_mp_drain": world.options.disable_battle_arena_mp_drain.value,
"completion_goal": world.options.completion_goal.value,
"skip_dialogues": world.options.skip_dialogues.value,
"skip_tutorials": world.options.skip_tutorials.value,
"nerf_roc_wing": world.options.nerf_roc_wing.value,
"pluto_griffin_air_speed": world.options.pluto_griffin_air_speed.value,
"battle_arena_music": world.options.battle_arena_music.value,
"seed": world.multiworld.seed,
"compat_identifier": ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER
patch.write_file("options.json", json.dumps(options_dict).encode('utf-8'))
def get_base_rom_bytes(file_name: str = "") -> bytes:
base_rom_bytes = getattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", None)
if not base_rom_bytes:
file_name = get_base_rom_path(file_name)
base_rom_bytes = bytes(open(file_name, "rb").read())
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if basemd5.hexdigest() not in [CVCOTM_CT_US_HASH, CVCOTM_AC_US_HASH, CVCOTM_VC_US_HASH]:
raise Exception("Supplied Base ROM does not match known MD5s for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon USA."
"Get the correct game and version, then dump it.")
setattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", base_rom_bytes)
return base_rom_bytes
def get_base_rom_path(file_name: str = "") -> str:
if not file_name:
file_name = get_settings()["cvcotm_options"]["rom_file"]
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
file_name = Utils.user_path(file_name)
return file_name