191 lines
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191 lines
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from typing import Any, Dict, List
from BaseClasses import Item, Location, Tutorial, ItemClassification, MultiWorld
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from . import Items, Locations, Regions, Rules
from .Options import FaxanaduOptions
from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
class FaxanaduLocation(Location):
game: str = "Faxanadu"
class FaxanaduItem(Item):
game: str = "Faxanadu"
class FaxanaduWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Faxanadu randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld",
theme = "dirt"
class FaxanaduWorld(World):
Faxanadu is an action role-playing platform video game developed by Hudson Soft for the Nintendo Entertainment System
options_dataclass = FaxanaduOptions
options: FaxanaduOptions
game = "Faxanadu"
web = FaxanaduWeb()
item_name_to_id = {item.name: item.id for item in Items.items if item.id is not None}
item_name_to_item = {item.name: item for item in Items.items}
location_name_to_id = {loc.name: loc.id for loc in Locations.locations if loc.id is not None}
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.filler_ratios: Dict[str, int] = {}
super().__init__(world, player)
def create_regions(self):
# Add locations into regions
for region in self.multiworld.get_regions(self.player):
for loc in [location for location in Locations.locations if location.region == region.name]:
location = FaxanaduLocation(self.player, loc.name, loc.id, region)
# In Faxanadu, Poison hurts you when picked up. It makes no sense to sell them in shops
if loc.type == Locations.LocationType.shop:
location.item_rule = lambda item, player=self.player: not (player == item.player and item.name == "Poison")
def set_rules(self):
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Killed Evil One", self.player)
def create_item(self, name: str) -> FaxanaduItem:
item: Items.ItemDef = self.item_name_to_item[name]
return FaxanaduItem(name, item.classification, item.id, self.player)
# Returns how many red potions were prefilled into shops
def prefill_shop_red_potions(self) -> int:
red_potion_in_shop_count = 0
if self.options.keep_shop_red_potions:
red_potion_item = self.item_name_to_item["Red Potion"]
red_potion_shop_locations = [
for loc in Locations.locations
if loc.type == Locations.LocationType.shop and loc.original_item == Locations.ItemType.red_potion
for loc in red_potion_shop_locations:
location = self.get_location(loc.name)
location.place_locked_item(FaxanaduItem(red_potion_item.name, red_potion_item.classification, red_potion_item.id, self.player))
red_potion_in_shop_count += 1
return red_potion_in_shop_count
def put_wingboot_in_shop(self, shops, region_name):
item = self.item_name_to_item["Wingboots"]
shop = shops.pop(region_name)
slot = self.random.randint(0, len(shop) - 1)
loc = shop[slot]
location = self.get_location(loc.name)
location.place_locked_item(FaxanaduItem(item.name, item.classification, item.id, self.player))
# Put a rule right away that we need to have to unlocked.
set_rule(location, lambda state: state.has("Unlock Wingboots", self.player))
# Returns how many wingboots were prefilled into shops
def prefill_shop_wingboots(self) -> int:
# Collect shops
shops: Dict[str, List[Locations.LocationDef]] = {}
for loc in Locations.locations:
if loc.type == Locations.LocationType.shop:
if self.options.keep_shop_red_potions and loc.original_item == Locations.ItemType.red_potion:
continue # Don't override our red potions
shops.setdefault(loc.region, []).append(loc)
shop_count = len(shops)
wingboots_count = round(shop_count / 2.5) # On 10 shops, we should have about 4 shops with wingboots
# At least one should be in the first 4 shops. Because we require wingboots to progress past that point.
must_have_regions = [region for i, region in enumerate(shops) if i < 4]
self.put_wingboot_in_shop(shops, self.random.choice(must_have_regions))
# Fill in the rest randomly in remaining shops
for i in range(wingboots_count - 1): # -1 because we added one already
region = self.random.choice(list(shops.keys()))
self.put_wingboot_in_shop(shops, region)
return wingboots_count
def create_items(self) -> None:
itempool: List[FaxanaduItem] = []
# Prefill red potions in shops if option is set
red_potion_in_shop_count = self.prefill_shop_red_potions()
# Prefill wingboots in shops
wingboots_in_shop_count = self.prefill_shop_wingboots()
# Create the item pool, excluding fillers.
prefilled_count = red_potion_in_shop_count + wingboots_in_shop_count
for item in Items.items:
# Ignore pendant if turned off
if item.name == "Pendant" and not self.options.include_pendant:
# ignore fillers for now, we will fill them later
if item.classification in [ItemClassification.filler, ItemClassification.trap] and \
item.progression_count == 0:
prefill_loc = None
if item.prefill_location:
prefill_loc = self.get_location(item.prefill_location)
# if require dragon slayer is turned on, we need progressive shields to be progression
item_classification = item.classification
if self.options.require_dragon_slayer and item.name == "Progressive Shield":
item_classification = ItemClassification.progression
if prefill_loc:
prefill_loc.place_locked_item(FaxanaduItem(item.name, item_classification, item.id, self.player))
prefilled_count += 1
for i in range(item.count - item.progression_count):
itempool.append(FaxanaduItem(item.name, item_classification, item.id, self.player))
for i in range(item.progression_count):
itempool.append(FaxanaduItem(item.name, ItemClassification.progression, item.id, self.player))
# Set up filler ratios
self.filler_ratios = {
item.name: item.count
for item in Items.items
if item.classification in [ItemClassification.filler, ItemClassification.trap]
# If red potions are locked in shops, remove the count from the ratio.
self.filler_ratios["Red Potion"] -= red_potion_in_shop_count
# Remove poisons if not desired
if not self.options.include_poisons:
self.filler_ratios["Poison"] = 0
# Randomly add fillers to the pool with ratios based on og game occurrence counts.
filler_count = len(Locations.locations) - len(itempool) - prefilled_count
for i in range(filler_count):
self.multiworld.itempool += itempool
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choices(list(self.filler_ratios.keys()), weights=list(self.filler_ratios.values()))[0]
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
slot_data = self.options.as_dict("keep_shop_red_potions", "random_musics", "random_sounds", "random_npcs", "random_monsters", "random_rewards")
slot_data["daxanadu_version"] = DAXANADU_VERSION
return slot_data