
1040 lines
52 KiB

import collections
import itertools
import logging
import typing
from collections import Counter, deque
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, Item, Location, LocationProgressType, MultiWorld
from Options import Accessibility
from worlds.AutoWorld import call_all
from worlds.generic.Rules import add_item_rule
class FillError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, *args: typing.Union[str, typing.Any], **kwargs) -> None:
if "multiworld" in kwargs and isinstance(args[0], str):
placements = (args[0] + f"\nAll Placements:\n" +
f"{[(loc, loc.item) for loc in kwargs['multiworld'].get_filled_locations()]}")
args = (placements, *args[1:])
def _log_fill_progress(name: str, placed: int, total_items: int) -> None:"Current fill step ({name}) at {placed}/{total_items} items placed.")
def sweep_from_pool(base_state: CollectionState, itempool: typing.Sequence[Item] = tuple(),
locations: typing.Optional[typing.List[Location]] = None) -> CollectionState:
new_state = base_state.copy()
for item in itempool:
new_state.collect(item, True)
return new_state
def fill_restrictive(multiworld: MultiWorld, base_state: CollectionState, locations: typing.List[Location],
item_pool: typing.List[Item], single_player_placement: bool = False, lock: bool = False,
swap: bool = True, on_place: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Location], None]] = None,
allow_partial: bool = False, allow_excluded: bool = False, name: str = "Unknown") -> None:
:param multiworld: Multiworld to be filled.
:param base_state: State assumed before fill.
:param locations: Locations to be filled with item_pool, gets mutated by removing locations that get filled.
:param item_pool: Items to fill into the locations, gets mutated by removing items that get placed.
:param single_player_placement: if true, can speed up placement if everything belongs to a single player
:param lock: locations are set to locked as they are filled
:param swap: if true, swaps of already place items are done in the event of a dead end
:param on_place: callback that is called when a placement happens
:param allow_partial: only place what is possible. Remaining items will be in the item_pool list.
:param allow_excluded: if true and placement fails, it is re-attempted while ignoring excluded on Locations
:param name: name of this fill step for progress logging purposes
unplaced_items: typing.List[Item] = []
placements: typing.List[Location] = []
cleanup_required = False
swapped_items: typing.Counter[typing.Tuple[int, str, bool]] = Counter()
reachable_items: typing.Dict[int, typing.Deque[Item]] = {}
for item in item_pool:
reachable_items.setdefault(item.player, deque()).append(item)
# for progress logging
total = min(len(item_pool), len(locations))
placed = 0
while any(reachable_items.values()) and locations:
# grab one item per player
items_to_place = [items.pop()
for items in reachable_items.values() if items]
for item in items_to_place:
for p, pool_item in enumerate(item_pool):
if pool_item is item:
maximum_exploration_state = sweep_from_pool(
base_state, item_pool + unplaced_items, multiworld.get_filled_locations(item.player)
if single_player_placement else None)
has_beaten_game = multiworld.has_beaten_game(maximum_exploration_state)
while items_to_place:
# if we have run out of locations to fill,break out of this loop
if not locations:
unplaced_items += items_to_place
item_to_place = items_to_place.pop(0)
spot_to_fill: typing.Optional[Location] = None
# if minimal accessibility, only check whether location is reachable if game not beatable
if multiworld.worlds[item_to_place.player].options.accessibility == Accessibility.option_minimal:
perform_access_check = not multiworld.has_beaten_game(maximum_exploration_state,
item_to_place.player) \
if single_player_placement else not has_beaten_game
perform_access_check = True
for i, location in enumerate(locations):
if (not single_player_placement or location.player == item_to_place.player) \
and location.can_fill(maximum_exploration_state, item_to_place, perform_access_check):
# popping by index is faster than removing by content,
spot_to_fill = locations.pop(i)
# skipping a scan for the element
# we filled all reachable spots.
if swap:
# try swapping this item with previously placed items in a safe way then in an unsafe way
swap_attempts = ((i, location, unsafe)
for unsafe in (False, True)
for i, location in enumerate(placements))
for (i, location, unsafe) in swap_attempts:
placed_item = location.item
# Unplaceable items can sometimes be swapped infinitely. Limit the
# number of times we will swap an individual item to prevent this
swap_count = swapped_items[placed_item.player,, unsafe]
if swap_count > 1:
location.item = None
placed_item.location = None
swap_state = sweep_from_pool(base_state, [placed_item, *item_pool] if unsafe else item_pool,
if single_player_placement else None)
# unsafe means swap_state assumes we can somehow collect placed_item before item_to_place
# by continuing to swap, which is not guaranteed. This is unsafe because there is no mechanic
# to clean that up later, so there is a chance generation fails.
if (not single_player_placement or location.player == item_to_place.player) \
and location.can_fill(swap_state, item_to_place, perform_access_check):
# Verify placing this item won't reduce available locations, which would be a useless swap.
prev_state = swap_state.copy()
prev_loc_count = len(
swap_state.collect(item_to_place, True)
new_loc_count = len(
if new_loc_count >= prev_loc_count:
# Add this item to the existing placement, and
# add the old item to the back of the queue
spot_to_fill = placements.pop(i)
swap_count += 1
swapped_items[placed_item.player,, unsafe] = swap_count
# cleanup at the end to hopefully get better errors
cleanup_required = True
# Item can't be placed here, restore original item
location.item = placed_item
placed_item.location = location
if spot_to_fill is None:
# Can't place this item, move on to the next
multiworld.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
spot_to_fill.locked = lock
placed += 1
if not placed % 1000:
_log_fill_progress(name, placed, total)
if on_place:
if total > 1000:
_log_fill_progress(name, placed, total)
if cleanup_required:
# validate all placements and remove invalid ones
state = sweep_from_pool(
base_state, [], multiworld.get_filled_locations(item.player)
if single_player_placement else None)
for placement in placements:
if multiworld.worlds[placement.item.player].options.accessibility != "minimal" and not placement.can_reach(state):
placement.item.location = None
placement.item = None
if allow_excluded:
# check if partial fill is the result of excluded locations, in which case retry
excluded_locations = [
location for location in locations
if location.progress_type == location.progress_type.EXCLUDED and not location.item
if excluded_locations:
for location in excluded_locations:
location.progress_type = location.progress_type.DEFAULT
fill_restrictive(multiworld, base_state, excluded_locations, unplaced_items, single_player_placement, lock,
swap, on_place, allow_partial, False)
for location in excluded_locations:
if not location.item:
location.progress_type = location.progress_type.EXCLUDED
if not allow_partial and len(unplaced_items) > 0 and len(locations) > 0:
# There are leftover unplaceable items and locations that won't accept them
if multiworld.can_beat_game():
f"Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway.\nCould not place:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(item) for item in unplaced_items)}")
raise FillError(f"No more spots to place {len(unplaced_items)} items. Remaining locations are invalid.\n"
f"Unplaced items:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(item) for item in unplaced_items)}\n"
f"Unfilled locations:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(location) for location in locations)}\n"
f"Already placed {len(placements)}:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(place) for place in placements)}", multiworld=multiworld)
def remaining_fill(multiworld: MultiWorld,
locations: typing.List[Location],
itempool: typing.List[Item],
name: str = "Remaining",
move_unplaceable_to_start_inventory: bool = False) -> None:
unplaced_items: typing.List[Item] = []
placements: typing.List[Location] = []
swapped_items: typing.Counter[typing.Tuple[int, str]] = Counter()
total = min(len(itempool), len(locations))
placed = 0
while locations and itempool:
item_to_place = itempool.pop()
spot_to_fill: typing.Optional[Location] = None
for i, location in enumerate(locations):
if location.item_rule(item_to_place):
# popping by index is faster than removing by content,
spot_to_fill = locations.pop(i)
# skipping a scan for the element
# we filled all reachable spots.
# try swapping this item with previously placed items
for (i, location) in enumerate(placements):
placed_item = location.item
# Unplaceable items can sometimes be swapped infinitely. Limit the
# number of times we will swap an individual item to prevent this
if swapped_items[placed_item.player,] > 1:
location.item = None
placed_item.location = None
if location.item_rule(item_to_place):
# Add this item to the existing placement, and
# add the old item to the back of the queue
spot_to_fill = placements.pop(i)
swapped_items[placed_item.player,] += 1
# Item can't be placed here, restore original item
location.item = placed_item
placed_item.location = location
if spot_to_fill is None:
# Can't place this item, move on to the next
multiworld.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
placed += 1
if not placed % 1000:
_log_fill_progress(name, placed, total)
if total > 1000:
_log_fill_progress(name, placed, total)
if unplaced_items and locations:
# There are leftover unplaceable items and locations that won't accept them
if move_unplaceable_to_start_inventory:
last_batch = []
for item in unplaced_items:
logging.debug(f"Moved {item} to start_inventory to prevent fill failure.")
remaining_fill(multiworld, locations, unplaced_items, name + " Start Inventory Retry")
raise FillError(f"No more spots to place {len(unplaced_items)} items. Remaining locations are invalid.\n"
f"Unplaced items:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(item) for item in unplaced_items)}\n"
f"Unfilled locations:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(location) for location in locations)}\n"
f"Already placed {len(placements)}:\n"
f"{', '.join(str(place) for place in placements)}", multiworld=multiworld)
def fast_fill(multiworld: MultiWorld,
item_pool: typing.List[Item],
fill_locations: typing.List[Location]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[Item], typing.List[Location]]:
placing = min(len(item_pool), len(fill_locations))
for item, location in zip(item_pool, fill_locations):
multiworld.push_item(location, item, False)
return item_pool[placing:], fill_locations[placing:]
def accessibility_corrections(multiworld: MultiWorld, state: CollectionState, locations, pool=[]):
maximum_exploration_state = sweep_from_pool(state, pool)
minimal_players = {player for player in multiworld.player_ids if multiworld.worlds[player].options.accessibility == "minimal"}
unreachable_locations = [location for location in multiworld.get_locations() if location.player in minimal_players and
not location.can_reach(maximum_exploration_state)]
for location in unreachable_locations:
if (location.item is not None and location.item.advancement and location.address is not None and not
location.locked and location.item.player not in minimal_players):
location.item = None
if location in state.advancements:
if pool and locations:
locations.sort(key=lambda loc: loc.progress_type != LocationProgressType.PRIORITY)
fill_restrictive(multiworld, state, locations, pool, name="Accessibility Corrections")
def inaccessible_location_rules(multiworld: MultiWorld, state: CollectionState, locations):
maximum_exploration_state = sweep_from_pool(state)
unreachable_locations = [location for location in locations if not location.can_reach(maximum_exploration_state)]
if unreachable_locations:
def forbid_important_item_rule(item: Item):
return not ((item.classification & 0b0011) and multiworld.worlds[item.player].options.accessibility != 'minimal')
for location in unreachable_locations:
add_item_rule(location, forbid_important_item_rule)
def distribute_early_items(multiworld: MultiWorld,
fill_locations: typing.List[Location],
itempool: typing.List[Item]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[Location], typing.List[Item]]:
""" returns new fill_locations and itempool """
early_items_count: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[str, int], typing.List[int]] = {}
for player in multiworld.player_ids:
items = itertools.chain(multiworld.early_items[player], multiworld.local_early_items[player])
for item in items:
early_items_count[item, player] = [multiworld.early_items[player].get(item, 0),
multiworld.local_early_items[player].get(item, 0)]
if early_items_count:
early_locations: typing.List[Location] = []
early_priority_locations: typing.List[Location] = []
loc_indexes_to_remove: typing.Set[int] = set()
base_state = multiworld.state.copy()
base_state.sweep_for_advancements(locations=(loc for loc in multiworld.get_filled_locations() if loc.address is None))
for i, loc in enumerate(fill_locations):
if loc.can_reach(base_state):
if loc.progress_type == LocationProgressType.PRIORITY:
fill_locations = [loc for i, loc in enumerate(fill_locations) if i not in loc_indexes_to_remove]
early_prog_items: typing.List[Item] = []
early_rest_items: typing.List[Item] = []
early_local_prog_items: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[Item]] = {player: [] for player in multiworld.player_ids}
early_local_rest_items: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[Item]] = {player: [] for player in multiworld.player_ids}
item_indexes_to_remove: typing.Set[int] = set()
for i, item in enumerate(itempool):
if (, item.player) in early_items_count:
if item.advancement:
if early_items_count[, item.player][1]:
early_items_count[, item.player][1] -= 1
early_items_count[, item.player][0] -= 1
if early_items_count[, item.player][1]:
early_items_count[, item.player][1] -= 1
early_items_count[, item.player][0] -= 1
if early_items_count[, item.player] == [0, 0]:
del early_items_count[, item.player]
if len(early_items_count) == 0:
itempool = [item for i, item in enumerate(itempool) if i not in item_indexes_to_remove]
for player in multiworld.player_ids:
player_local = early_local_rest_items[player]
fill_restrictive(multiworld, base_state,
[loc for loc in early_locations if loc.player == player],
player_local, lock=True, allow_partial=True, name=f"Local Early Items P{player}")
if player_local:
logging.warning(f"Could not fulfill rules of early items: {player_local}")
early_locations = [loc for loc in early_locations if not loc.item]
fill_restrictive(multiworld, base_state, early_locations, early_rest_items, lock=True, allow_partial=True,
name="Early Items")
early_locations += early_priority_locations
for player in multiworld.player_ids:
player_local = early_local_prog_items[player]
fill_restrictive(multiworld, base_state,
[loc for loc in early_locations if loc.player == player],
player_local, lock=True, allow_partial=True, name=f"Local Early Progression P{player}")
if player_local:
logging.warning(f"Could not fulfill rules of early items: {player_local}")
early_locations = [loc for loc in early_locations if not loc.item]
fill_restrictive(multiworld, base_state, early_locations, early_prog_items, lock=True, allow_partial=True,
name="Early Progression")
unplaced_early_items = early_rest_items + early_prog_items
if unplaced_early_items:
logging.warning("Ran out of early locations for early items. Failed to place "
f"{unplaced_early_items} early.")
itempool += unplaced_early_items
return fill_locations, itempool
def distribute_items_restrictive(multiworld: MultiWorld,
panic_method: typing.Literal["swap", "raise", "start_inventory"] = "swap") -> None:
fill_locations = sorted(multiworld.get_unfilled_locations())
# get items to distribute
itempool = sorted(multiworld.itempool)
fill_locations, itempool = distribute_early_items(multiworld, fill_locations, itempool)
progitempool: typing.List[Item] = []
usefulitempool: typing.List[Item] = []
filleritempool: typing.List[Item] = []
for item in itempool:
if item.advancement:
elif item.useful:
call_all(multiworld, "fill_hook", progitempool, usefulitempool, filleritempool, fill_locations)
locations: typing.Dict[LocationProgressType, typing.List[Location]] = {
loc_type: [] for loc_type in LocationProgressType}
for loc in fill_locations:
prioritylocations = locations[LocationProgressType.PRIORITY]
defaultlocations = locations[LocationProgressType.DEFAULT]
excludedlocations = locations[LocationProgressType.EXCLUDED]
# can't lock due to accessibility corrections touching things, so we remember which ones got placed and lock later
lock_later = []
def mark_for_locking(location: Location):
nonlocal lock_later
single_player = multiworld.players == 1 and not multiworld.groups
if prioritylocations:
# "priority fill"
fill_restrictive(multiworld, multiworld.state, prioritylocations, progitempool,
single_player_placement=single_player, swap=False, on_place=mark_for_locking, name="Priority")
accessibility_corrections(multiworld, multiworld.state, prioritylocations, progitempool)
defaultlocations = prioritylocations + defaultlocations
if progitempool:
# "advancement/progression fill"
if panic_method == "swap":
fill_restrictive(multiworld, multiworld.state, defaultlocations, progitempool, swap=True,
name="Progression", single_player_placement=single_player)
elif panic_method == "raise":
fill_restrictive(multiworld, multiworld.state, defaultlocations, progitempool, swap=False,
name="Progression", single_player_placement=single_player)
elif panic_method == "start_inventory":
fill_restrictive(multiworld, multiworld.state, defaultlocations, progitempool, swap=False,
allow_partial=True, name="Progression", single_player_placement=single_player)
if progitempool:
for item in progitempool:
logging.debug(f"Moved {item} to start_inventory to prevent fill failure.")
logging.warning(f"{len(progitempool)} items moved to start inventory,"
f" due to failure in Progression fill step.")
progitempool[:] = []
raise ValueError(f"Generator Panic Method {panic_method} not recognized.")
if progitempool:
raise FillError(
f"Not enough locations for progression items. "
f"There are {len(progitempool)} more progression items than there are available locations.",
accessibility_corrections(multiworld, multiworld.state, defaultlocations)
for location in lock_later:
if location.item:
location.locked = True
del mark_for_locking, lock_later
inaccessible_location_rules(multiworld, multiworld.state, defaultlocations)
remaining_fill(multiworld, excludedlocations, filleritempool, "Remaining Excluded",
if excludedlocations:
raise FillError(
f"Not enough filler items for excluded locations. "
f"There are {len(excludedlocations)} more excluded locations than filler or trap items.",
restitempool = filleritempool + usefulitempool
remaining_fill(multiworld, defaultlocations, restitempool,
unplaced = restitempool
unfilled = defaultlocations
if unplaced or unfilled:
f"Unplaced items({len(unplaced)}): {unplaced} - Unfilled Locations({len(unfilled)}): {unfilled}")
items_counter = Counter(location.item.player for location in multiworld.get_filled_locations())
locations_counter = Counter(location.player for location in multiworld.get_locations())
items_counter.update(item.player for item in unplaced)
print_data = {"items": items_counter, "locations": locations_counter}"Per-Player counts: {print_data})")
def flood_items(multiworld: MultiWorld) -> None:
# get items to distribute
itempool = multiworld.itempool
progress_done = False
# sweep once to pick up preplaced items
# fill multiworld from top of itempool while we can
while not progress_done:
location_list = multiworld.get_unfilled_locations()
spot_to_fill = None
for location in location_list:
if location.can_fill(multiworld.state, itempool[0]):
spot_to_fill = location
if spot_to_fill:
item = itempool.pop(0)
multiworld.push_item(spot_to_fill, item, True)
# ran out of spots, check if we need to step in and correct things
if len(multiworld.get_reachable_locations()) == len(multiworld.get_locations()):
progress_done = True
# need to place a progress item instead of an already placed item, find candidate
item_to_place = None
candidate_item_to_place = None
for item in itempool:
if item.advancement:
candidate_item_to_place = item
if multiworld.unlocks_new_location(item):
item_to_place = item
# we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach.
# If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying
if item_to_place is None:
if candidate_item_to_place is not None:
item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place
raise FillError('No more progress items left to place.', multiworld=multiworld)
# find item to replace with progress item
location_list = multiworld.get_reachable_locations()
for location in location_list:
if location.item is not None and not location.item.advancement:
# safe to replace
replace_item = location.item
replace_item.location = None
multiworld.push_item(location, item_to_place, True)
def balance_multiworld_progression(multiworld: MultiWorld) -> None:
# A system to reduce situations where players have no checks remaining, popularly known as "BK mode."
# Overall progression balancing algorithm:
# Gather up all locations in a sphere.
# Define a threshold value based on the player with the most available locations.
# If other players are below the threshold value, swap progression in this sphere into earlier spheres,
# which gives more locations available by this sphere.
balanceable_players: typing.Dict[int, float] = {
player: multiworld.worlds[player].options.progression_balancing / 100
for player in multiworld.player_ids
if multiworld.worlds[player].options.progression_balancing > 0
if not balanceable_players:'Skipping multiworld progression balancing.')
else:'Balancing multiworld progression for {len(balanceable_players)} Players.')
state: CollectionState = CollectionState(multiworld)
checked_locations: typing.Set[Location] = set()
unchecked_locations: typing.Set[Location] = set(multiworld.get_locations())
total_locations_count: typing.Counter[int] = Counter(
for location in multiworld.get_locations()
if not location.locked
reachable_locations_count: typing.Dict[int, int] = {
player: 0
for player in multiworld.player_ids
if total_locations_count[player] and len(multiworld.get_filled_locations(player)) != 0
balanceable_players = {
player: balanceable_players[player]
for player in balanceable_players
if total_locations_count[player]
sphere_num: int = 1
moved_item_count: int = 0
def get_sphere_locations(sphere_state: CollectionState,
locations: typing.Set[Location]) -> typing.Set[Location]:
return {loc for loc in locations if sphere_state.can_reach(loc)}
def item_percentage(player: int, num: int) -> float:
return num / total_locations_count[player]
# If there are no locations that aren't locked, there's no point in attempting to balance progression.
if len(total_locations_count) == 0:
while True:
# Gather non-locked locations.
# This ensures that only shuffled locations get counted for progression balancing,
# i.e. the items the players will be checking.
sphere_locations = get_sphere_locations(state, unchecked_locations)
for location in sphere_locations:
if not location.locked:
reachable_locations_count[location.player] += 1
logging.debug(f"Sphere {sphere_num}")
logging.debug(f"Reachable locations: {reachable_locations_count}")
debug_percentages = {
player: round(item_percentage(player, num), 2)
for player, num in reachable_locations_count.items()
logging.debug(f"Reachable percentages: {debug_percentages}\n")
sphere_num += 1
if checked_locations:
max_percentage = max(map(lambda p: item_percentage(p, reachable_locations_count[p]),
threshold_percentages = {
player: max_percentage * balanceable_players[player]
for player in balanceable_players
logging.debug(f"Thresholds: {threshold_percentages}")
balancing_players = {
for player, reachables in reachable_locations_count.items()
if (player in threshold_percentages
and item_percentage(player, reachables) < threshold_percentages[player])
if balancing_players:
balancing_state = state.copy()
balancing_unchecked_locations = unchecked_locations.copy()
balancing_reachables = reachable_locations_count.copy()
balancing_sphere = sphere_locations.copy()
candidate_items: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[Location]] = collections.defaultdict(set)
while True:
# Check locations in the current sphere and gather progression items to swap earlier
for location in balancing_sphere:
if location.advancement:
balancing_state.collect(location.item, True, location)
player = location.item.player
# only replace items that end up in another player's world
if (not location.locked and not location.item.skip_in_prog_balancing and
player in balancing_players and
location.player != player and
location.progress_type != LocationProgressType.PRIORITY):
logging.debug(f"Candidate item: {}, {}")
balancing_sphere = get_sphere_locations(balancing_state, balancing_unchecked_locations)
for location in balancing_sphere:
if not location.locked:
balancing_reachables[location.player] += 1
if multiworld.has_beaten_game(balancing_state) or all(
item_percentage(player, reachables) >= threshold_percentages[player]
for player, reachables in balancing_reachables.items()
if player in threshold_percentages):
elif not balancing_sphere:
raise RuntimeError('Not all required items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
# Gather a set of locations which we can swap items into
unlocked_locations: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[Location]] = collections.defaultdict(set)
for l in unchecked_locations:
if l not in balancing_unchecked_locations:
items_to_replace: typing.List[Location] = []
for player in balancing_players:
locations_to_test = unlocked_locations[player]
items_to_test = list(candidate_items[player])
while items_to_test:
testing = items_to_test.pop()
reducing_state = state.copy()
for location in itertools.chain((
l for l in items_to_replace
if l.item.player == player
), items_to_test):
reducing_state.collect(location.item, True, location)
if multiworld.has_beaten_game(balancing_state):
if not multiworld.has_beaten_game(reducing_state):
reduced_sphere = get_sphere_locations(reducing_state, locations_to_test)
p = item_percentage(player, reachable_locations_count[player] + len(reduced_sphere))
if p < threshold_percentages[player]:
old_moved_item_count = moved_item_count
# sort then shuffle to maintain deterministic behaviour,
# while allowing use of set for better algorithm growth behaviour elsewhere
replacement_locations = sorted(l for l in checked_locations if not l.advancement and not l.locked)
# Start swapping items. Since we swap into earlier spheres, no need for accessibility checks.
while replacement_locations and items_to_replace:
old_location = items_to_replace.pop()
for i, new_location in enumerate(replacement_locations):
if new_location.can_fill(state, old_location.item, False) and \
old_location.can_fill(state, new_location.item, False):
swap_location_item(old_location, new_location)
logging.debug(f"Progression balancing moved {new_location.item} to {new_location}, "
f"displacing {old_location.item} into {old_location}")
moved_item_count += 1
state.collect(new_location.item, True, new_location)
logging.warning(f"Could not Progression Balance {old_location.item}")
if old_moved_item_count < moved_item_count:
logging.debug(f"Moved {moved_item_count} items so far\n")
unlocked = {fresh for player in balancing_players for fresh in unlocked_locations[player]}
for location in get_sphere_locations(state, unlocked):
if not location.locked:
reachable_locations_count[location.player] += 1
for location in sphere_locations:
if location.advancement:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
checked_locations |= sphere_locations
if multiworld.has_beaten_game(state):
elif not sphere_locations:
logging.warning("Progression Balancing ran out of paths.")
def swap_location_item(location_1: Location, location_2: Location, check_locked: bool = True) -> None:
"""Swaps Items of locations. Does NOT swap flags like shop_slot or locked, but does swap event"""
if check_locked:
if location_1.locked:
logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_1}, which is marked as locked.")
if location_2.locked:
logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_2}, which is marked as locked.")
location_2.item, location_1.item = location_1.item, location_2.item
location_1.item.location = location_1
location_2.item.location = location_2
def distribute_planned(multiworld: MultiWorld) -> None:
def warn(warning: str, force: typing.Union[bool, str]) -> None:
if force in [True, 'fail', 'failure', 'none', False, 'warn', 'warning']:
def failed(warning: str, force: typing.Union[bool, str]) -> None:
if force in [True, 'fail', 'failure']:
raise Exception(warning)
warn(warning, force)
swept_state = multiworld.state.copy()
reachable = frozenset(multiworld.get_reachable_locations(swept_state))
early_locations: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[str]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
non_early_locations: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[str]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
for loc in multiworld.get_unfilled_locations():
if loc in reachable:
else: # not reachable with swept state
world_name_lookup = multiworld.world_name_lookup
block_value = typing.Union[typing.List[str], typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], str]
plando_blocks: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = []
player_ids = set(multiworld.player_ids)
for player in player_ids:
for block in multiworld.plando_items[player]:
block['player'] = player
if 'force' not in block:
block['force'] = 'silent'
if 'from_pool' not in block:
block['from_pool'] = True
elif not isinstance(block['from_pool'], bool):
from_pool_type = type(block['from_pool'])
raise Exception(f'Plando "from_pool" has to be boolean, not {from_pool_type} for player {player}.')
if 'world' not in block:
target_world = False
target_world = block['world']
if target_world is False or multiworld.players == 1: # target own world
worlds: typing.Set[int] = {player}
elif target_world is True: # target any worlds besides own
worlds = set(multiworld.player_ids) - {player}
elif target_world is None: # target all worlds
worlds = set(multiworld.player_ids)
elif type(target_world) == list: # list of target worlds
worlds = set()
for listed_world in target_world:
if listed_world not in world_name_lookup:
failed(f"Cannot place item to {target_world}'s world as that world does not exist.",
elif type(target_world) == int: # target world by slot number
if target_world not in range(1, multiworld.players + 1):
f"Cannot place item in world {target_world} as it is not in range of (1, {multiworld.players})",
worlds = {target_world}
else: # target world by slot name
if target_world not in world_name_lookup:
failed(f"Cannot place item to {target_world}'s world as that world does not exist.",
worlds = {world_name_lookup[target_world]}
block['world'] = worlds
items: block_value = []
if "items" in block:
items = block["items"]
if 'count' not in block:
block['count'] = False
elif "item" in block:
items = block["item"]
if 'count' not in block:
block['count'] = 1
failed("You must specify at least one item to place items with plando.", block['force'])
if isinstance(items, dict):
item_list: typing.List[str] = []
for key, value in items.items():
if value is True:
value = multiworld.itempool.count(multiworld.worlds[player].create_item(key))
item_list += [key] * value
items = item_list
if isinstance(items, str):
items = [items]
block['items'] = items
locations: block_value = []
if 'location' in block:
locations = block['location'] # just allow 'location' to keep old yamls compatible
elif 'locations' in block:
locations = block['locations']
if isinstance(locations, str):
locations = [locations]
if isinstance(locations, dict):
location_list = []
for key, value in locations.items():
location_list += [key] * value
locations = location_list
if "early_locations" in locations:
for target_player in worlds:
locations += early_locations[target_player]
if "non_early_locations" in locations:
for target_player in worlds:
locations += non_early_locations[target_player]
block['locations'] = list(dict.fromkeys(locations))
if not block['count']:
block['count'] = (min(len(block['items']), len(block['locations'])) if
len(block['locations']) > 0 else len(block['items']))
if isinstance(block['count'], int):
block['count'] = {'min': block['count'], 'max': block['count']}
if 'min' not in block['count']:
block['count']['min'] = 0
if 'max' not in block['count']:
block['count']['max'] = (min(len(block['items']), len(block['locations'])) if
len(block['locations']) > 0 else len(block['items']))
if block['count']['max'] > len(block['items']):
count = block['count']
failed(f"Plando count {count} greater than items specified", block['force'])
block['count'] = len(block['items'])
if block['count']['max'] > len(block['locations']) > 0:
count = block['count']
failed(f"Plando count {count} greater than locations specified", block['force'])
block['count'] = len(block['locations'])
block['count']['target'] = multiworld.random.randint(block['count']['min'], block['count']['max'])
if block['count']['target'] > 0:
# shuffle, but then sort blocks by number of locations minus number of items,
# so less-flexible blocks get priority
plando_blocks.sort(key=lambda block: (len(block['locations']) - block['count']['target']
if len(block['locations']) > 0
else len(multiworld.get_unfilled_locations(player)) - block['count']['target']))
for placement in plando_blocks:
player = placement['player']
worlds = placement['world']
locations = placement['locations']
items = placement['items']
maxcount = placement['count']['target']
from_pool = placement['from_pool']
candidates = list(multiworld.get_unfilled_locations_for_players(locations, sorted(worlds)))
count = 0
err: typing.List[str] = []
successful_pairs: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, Item, Location]] = []
claimed_indices: typing.Set[typing.Optional[int]] = set()
for item_name in items:
index_to_delete: typing.Optional[int] = None
if from_pool:
# If from_pool, try to find an existing item with this name & player in the itempool and use it
index_to_delete, item = next(
(i, item) for i, item in enumerate(multiworld.itempool)
if item.player == player and == item_name and i not in claimed_indices
except StopIteration:
f"Could not remove {item_name} from pool for {multiworld.player_name[player]} as it's already missing from it.",
item = multiworld.worlds[player].create_item(item_name)
item = multiworld.worlds[player].create_item(item_name)
for location in reversed(candidates):
if (location.address is None) == (item.code is None): # either both None or both not None
if not location.item:
if location.item_rule(item):
if location.can_fill(multiworld.state, item, False):
successful_pairs.append((index_to_delete, item, location))
count = count + 1
err.append(f"Can't place item at {location} due to fill condition not met.")
err.append(f"{item_name} not allowed at {location}.")
err.append(f"Cannot place {item_name} into already filled location {location}.")
err.append(f"Mismatch between {item_name} and {location}, only one is an event.")
if count == maxcount:
if count < placement['count']['min']:
m = placement['count']['min']
f"Plando block failed to place {m - count} of {m} item(s) for {multiworld.player_name[player]}, error(s): {' '.join(err)}",
# Sort indices in reverse so we can remove them one by one
successful_pairs = sorted(successful_pairs, key=lambda successful_pair: successful_pair[0] or 0, reverse=True)
for (index, item, location) in successful_pairs:
multiworld.push_item(location, item, collect=False)
location.locked = True
logging.debug(f"Plando placed {item} at {location}")
if index is not None: # If this item is from_pool and was found in the pool, remove it.
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
f"Error running plando for player {player} ({multiworld.player_name[player]})") from e