1204 lines
34 KiB
1204 lines
34 KiB
import typing
import random
from Options import Option, DefaultOnToggle, Toggle, Range, OptionList, OptionSet, DeathLink
from .LogicTricks import normalized_name_tricks
from .ColorSFXOptions import *
class TrackRandomRange(Range):
"""Overrides normal from_any behavior to track whether the option was randomized at generation time."""
supports_weighting = False
randomized: bool = False
def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any) -> Range:
if type(data) is list:
val = random.choices(data)[0]
ret = super().from_any(val)
if not isinstance(val, int) or len(data) > 1:
ret.randomized = True
return ret
if type(data) is not dict:
return super().from_any(data)
if any(data.values()):
val = random.choices(list(data.keys()), weights=list(map(int, data.values())))[0]
ret = super().from_any(val)
if not isinstance(val, int) or len(list(filter(bool, map(int, data.values())))) > 1:
ret.randomized = True
return ret
raise RuntimeError(f"All options specified in \"{cls.display_name}\" are weighted as zero.")
class Logic(Choice):
"""Set the logic used for the generator."""
display_name = "Logic Rules"
option_glitchless = 0
option_glitched = 1
option_no_logic = 2
class NightTokens(Toggle):
"""Nighttime skulltulas will logically require Sun's Song."""
display_name = "Nighttime Skulltulas Expect Sun's Song"
class Forest(Choice):
"""Set the state of Kokiri Forest and the path to Deku Tree."""
display_name = "Forest"
option_open = 0
option_closed_deku = 1
option_closed = 2
alias_open_forest = 0
alias_closed_forest = 2
class Gate(Choice):
"""Set the state of the Kakariko Village gate."""
display_name = "Kakariko Gate"
option_open = 0
option_zelda = 1
option_closed = 2
class DoorOfTime(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Open the Door of Time by default, without the Song of Time."""
display_name = "Open Door of Time"
class Fountain(Choice):
"""Set the state of King Zora, blocking the way to Zora's Fountain."""
display_name = "Zora's Fountain"
option_open = 0
option_adult = 1
option_closed = 2
default = 2
class Fortress(Choice):
"""Set the requirements for access to Gerudo Fortress."""
display_name = "Gerudo Fortress"
option_normal = 0
option_fast = 1
option_open = 2
default = 1
class Bridge(Choice):
"""Set the requirements for the Rainbow Bridge."""
display_name = "Rainbow Bridge Requirement"
option_open = 0
option_vanilla = 1
option_stones = 2
option_medallions = 3
option_dungeons = 4
option_tokens = 5
option_hearts = 6
default = 3
class Trials(TrackRandomRange):
"""Set the number of required trials in Ganon's Castle."""
display_name = "Ganon's Trials Count"
range_start = 0
range_end = 6
open_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"open_forest": Forest,
"open_kakariko": Gate,
"open_door_of_time": DoorOfTime,
"zora_fountain": Fountain,
"gerudo_fortress": Fortress,
"bridge": Bridge,
"trials": Trials,
class StartingAge(Choice):
"""Choose which age Link will start as."""
display_name = "Starting Age"
option_child = 0
option_adult = 1
class InteriorEntrances(Choice):
"""Shuffles interior entrances. "Simple" shuffles houses and Great Fairies; "All" includes Windmill, Link's House,
Temple of Time, and Kak potion shop."""
display_name = "Shuffle Interior Entrances"
option_off = 0
option_simple = 1
option_all = 2
alias_true = 2
class GrottoEntrances(Toggle):
"""Shuffles grotto and grave entrances."""
display_name = "Shuffle Grotto/Grave Entrances"
class DungeonEntrances(Choice):
"""Shuffles dungeon entrances. Opens Deku, Fire and BotW to both ages. "All" includes Ganon's Castle."""
display_name = "Shuffle Dungeon Entrances"
option_off = 0
option_simple = 1
option_all = 2
alias_true = 1
class BossEntrances(Choice):
"""Shuffles boss entrances. "Limited" prevents age-mixing of bosses."""
display_name = "Shuffle Boss Entrances"
option_off = 0
option_limited = 1
option_full = 2
class OverworldEntrances(Toggle):
"""Shuffles overworld loading zones."""
display_name = "Shuffle Overworld Entrances"
class OwlDrops(Toggle):
"""Randomizes owl drops from Lake Hylia or Death Mountain Trail as child."""
display_name = "Randomize Owl Drops"
class WarpSongs(Toggle):
"""Randomizes warp song destinations."""
display_name = "Randomize Warp Songs"
class SpawnPositions(Choice):
"""Randomizes the starting position on loading a save. Consistent between savewarps."""
display_name = "Randomize Spawn Positions"
option_off = 0
option_child = 1
option_adult = 2
option_both = 3
alias_true = 3
class MixEntrancePools(Choice):
"""Shuffles entrances into a mixed pool instead of separate ones. "indoor" keeps overworld entrances separate; "all"
mixes them in."""
display_name = "Mix Entrance Pools"
option_off = 0
option_indoor = 1
option_all = 2
class DecoupleEntrances(Toggle):
"""Decouple entrances when shuffling them. Also adds the one-way entrance from Gerudo Valley to Lake Hylia if
overworld is shuffled."""
display_name = "Decouple Entrances"
class TriforceHunt(Toggle):
"""Gather pieces of the Triforce scattered around the world to complete the game."""
display_name = "Triforce Hunt"
class TriforceGoal(Range):
"""Number of Triforce pieces required to complete the game."""
display_name = "Required Triforce Pieces"
range_start = 1
range_end = 80
default = 20
class ExtraTriforces(Range):
"""Percentage of additional Triforce pieces in the pool. With high numbers, you may need to randomize additional
locations to have enough items."""
display_name = "Percentage of Extra Triforce Pieces"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class LogicalChus(Toggle):
"""Bombchus are properly considered in logic. The first found pack will have 20 chus; Kokiri Shop and Bazaar sell
refills; bombchus open Bombchu Bowling."""
display_name = "Bombchus Considered in Logic"
class DungeonShortcuts(Choice):
"""Shortcuts to dungeon bosses are available without any requirements."""
display_name = "Dungeon Boss Shortcuts Mode"
option_off = 0
option_choice = 1
option_all = 2
option_random_dungeons = 3
class DungeonShortcutsList(OptionSet):
"""Chosen dungeons to have shortcuts."""
display_name = "Shortcut Dungeons"
valid_keys = {
"Deku Tree",
"Dodongo's Cavern",
"Jabu Jabu's Belly",
"Forest Temple",
"Fire Temple",
"Water Temple",
"Shadow Temple",
"Spirit Temple",
class MQDungeons(Choice):
"""Choose between vanilla and Master Quest dungeon layouts."""
display_name = "MQ Dungeon Mode"
option_vanilla = 0
option_mq = 1
option_specific = 2
option_count = 3
class MQDungeonList(OptionSet):
"""Chosen dungeons to be MQ layout."""
display_name = "MQ Dungeon List"
valid_keys = {
"Deku Tree",
"Dodongo's Cavern",
"Jabu Jabu's Belly",
"Forest Temple",
"Fire Temple",
"Water Temple",
"Shadow Temple",
"Spirit Temple",
"Bottom of the Well",
"Ice Cavern",
"Gerudo Training Ground",
"Ganon's Castle",
class MQDungeonCount(TrackRandomRange):
"""Number of MQ dungeons, chosen randomly."""
display_name = "MQ Dungeon Count"
range_start = 0
range_end = 12
default = 0
class EmptyDungeons(Choice):
"""Pre-completed dungeons are barren and rewards are given for free."""
display_name = "Pre-completed Dungeons Mode"
option_none = 0
option_specific = 1
option_count = 2
class EmptyDungeonList(OptionSet):
"""Chosen dungeons to be pre-completed."""
display_name = "Pre-completed Dungeon List"
valid_keys = {
"Deku Tree",
"Dodongo's Cavern",
"Jabu Jabu's Belly",
"Forest Temple",
"Fire Temple",
"Water Temple",
"Shadow Temple",
"Spirit Temple",
class EmptyDungeonCount(Range):
display_name = "Pre-completed Dungeon Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 8
default = 2
world_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"starting_age": StartingAge,
"shuffle_interior_entrances": InteriorEntrances,
"shuffle_grotto_entrances": GrottoEntrances,
"shuffle_dungeon_entrances": DungeonEntrances,
"shuffle_overworld_entrances": OverworldEntrances,
"owl_drops": OwlDrops,
"warp_songs": WarpSongs,
"spawn_positions": SpawnPositions,
"shuffle_bosses": BossEntrances,
# "mix_entrance_pools": MixEntrancePools,
# "decouple_entrances": DecoupleEntrances,
"triforce_hunt": TriforceHunt,
"triforce_goal": TriforceGoal,
"extra_triforce_percentage": ExtraTriforces,
"bombchus_in_logic": LogicalChus,
"dungeon_shortcuts": DungeonShortcuts,
"dungeon_shortcuts_list": DungeonShortcutsList,
"mq_dungeons_mode": MQDungeons,
"mq_dungeons_list": MQDungeonList,
"mq_dungeons_count": MQDungeonCount,
# "empty_dungeons_mode": EmptyDungeons,
# "empty_dungeons_list": EmptyDungeonList,
# "empty_dungeon_count": EmptyDungeonCount,
# class LacsCondition(Choice):
# """Set the requirements for the Light Arrow Cutscene in the Temple of Time."""
# display_name = "Light Arrow Cutscene Requirement"
# option_vanilla = 0
# option_stones = 1
# option_medallions = 2
# option_dungeons = 3
# option_tokens = 4
# class LacsStones(Range):
# """Set the number of Spiritual Stones required for LACS."""
# display_name = "Spiritual Stones Required for LACS"
# range_start = 0
# range_end = 3
# default = 3
# class LacsMedallions(Range):
# """Set the number of medallions required for LACS."""
# display_name = "Medallions Required for LACS"
# range_start = 0
# range_end = 6
# default = 6
# class LacsRewards(Range):
# """Set the number of dungeon rewards required for LACS."""
# display_name = "Dungeon Rewards Required for LACS"
# range_start = 0
# range_end = 9
# default = 9
# class LacsTokens(Range):
# """Set the number of Gold Skulltula Tokens required for LACS."""
# display_name = "Tokens Required for LACS"
# range_start = 0
# range_end = 100
# default = 40
# lacs_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
# "lacs_condition": LacsCondition,
# "lacs_stones": LacsStones,
# "lacs_medallions": LacsMedallions,
# "lacs_rewards": LacsRewards,
# "lacs_tokens": LacsTokens,
# }
class BridgeStones(Range):
"""Set the number of Spiritual Stones required for the rainbow bridge."""
display_name = "Spiritual Stones Required for Bridge"
range_start = 0
range_end = 3
default = 3
class BridgeMedallions(Range):
"""Set the number of medallions required for the rainbow bridge."""
display_name = "Medallions Required for Bridge"
range_start = 0
range_end = 6
default = 6
class BridgeRewards(Range):
"""Set the number of dungeon rewards required for the rainbow bridge."""
display_name = "Dungeon Rewards Required for Bridge"
range_start = 0
range_end = 9
default = 9
class BridgeTokens(Range):
"""Set the number of Gold Skulltula Tokens required for the rainbow bridge."""
display_name = "Tokens Required for Bridge"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 40
class BridgeHearts(Range):
"""Set the number of hearts required for the rainbow bridge."""
display_name = "Hearts Required for Bridge"
range_start = 4
range_end = 20
default = 20
bridge_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"bridge_stones": BridgeStones,
"bridge_medallions": BridgeMedallions,
"bridge_rewards": BridgeRewards,
"bridge_tokens": BridgeTokens,
"bridge_hearts": BridgeHearts,
class SongShuffle(Choice):
"""Set where songs can appear."""
display_name = "Shuffle Songs"
option_song = 0
option_dungeon = 1
option_any = 2
class ShopShuffle(Choice):
"""Randomizes shop contents. "fixed_number" randomizes a specific number of items per shop;
"random_number" randomizes the value for each shop. """
display_name = "Shopsanity"
option_off = 0
option_fixed_number = 1
option_random_number = 2
class ShopSlots(Range):
"""Number of items per shop to be randomized into the main itempool.
Only active if Shopsanity is set to "fixed_number." """
display_name = "Shuffled Shop Slots"
range_start = 0
range_end = 4
class ShopPrices(Choice):
"""Controls prices of shop items. "Normal" is a distribution from 0 to 300. "X Wallet" requires that wallet at max. "Affordable" is always 10 rupees."""
display_name = "Shopsanity Prices"
option_normal = 0
option_affordable = 1
option_starting_wallet = 2
option_adults_wallet = 3
option_giants_wallet = 4
option_tycoons_wallet = 5
class TokenShuffle(Choice):
"""Token rewards from Gold Skulltulas are shuffled into the pool."""
display_name = "Tokensanity"
option_off = 0
option_dungeons = 1
option_overworld = 2
option_all = 3
class ScrubShuffle(Choice):
"""Shuffle the items sold by Business Scrubs, and set the prices."""
display_name = "Scrub Shuffle"
option_off = 0
option_low = 1
option_regular = 2
option_random_prices = 3
alias_affordable = 1
alias_expensive = 2
class ShuffleCows(Toggle):
"""Cows give items when Epona's Song is played."""
display_name = "Shuffle Cows"
class ShuffleSword(Toggle):
"""Shuffle Kokiri Sword into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Kokiri Sword"
class ShuffleOcarinas(Toggle):
"""Shuffle the Fairy Ocarina and Ocarina of Time into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Ocarinas"
class ShuffleChildTrade(Choice):
"""Controls the behavior of the start of the child trade quest."""
display_name = "Shuffle Child Trade Item"
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_skip_child_zelda = 2
alias_false = 0
alias_true = 1
class ShuffleCard(Toggle):
"""Shuffle the Gerudo Membership Card into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Gerudo Card"
class ShuffleBeans(Toggle):
"""Adds a pack of 10 beans to the item pool and changes the bean salesman to sell one item for 60 rupees."""
display_name = "Shuffle Magic Beans"
class ShuffleMedigoronCarpet(Toggle):
"""Shuffle the items sold by Medigoron and the Haunted Wasteland Carpet Salesman."""
display_name = "Shuffle Medigoron & Carpet Salesman"
class ShuffleFreestanding(Choice):
"""Shuffles freestanding rupees, recovery hearts, Shadow Temple Spinning Pots, and Goron Pot."""
display_name = "Shuffle Rupees & Hearts"
option_off = 0
option_all = 1
option_overworld = 2
option_dungeons = 3
class ShufflePots(Choice):
"""Shuffles pots and flying pots which normally contain an item."""
display_name = "Shuffle Pots"
option_off = 0
option_all = 1
option_overworld = 2
option_dungeons = 3
class ShuffleCrates(Choice):
"""Shuffles large and small crates containing an item."""
display_name = "Shuffle Crates"
option_off = 0
option_all = 1
option_overworld = 2
option_dungeons = 3
class ShuffleBeehives(Toggle):
"""Beehives drop an item when destroyed by an explosion, the Hookshot, or the Boomerang."""
display_name = "Shuffle Beehives"
class ShuffleFrogRupees(Toggle):
"""Shuffles the purple rupees received from the Zora's River frogs."""
display_name = "Shuffle Frog Song Rupees"
shuffle_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"shuffle_song_items": SongShuffle,
"shopsanity": ShopShuffle,
"shop_slots": ShopSlots,
"shopsanity_prices": ShopPrices,
"tokensanity": TokenShuffle,
"shuffle_scrubs": ScrubShuffle,
"shuffle_child_trade": ShuffleChildTrade,
"shuffle_freestanding_items": ShuffleFreestanding,
"shuffle_pots": ShufflePots,
"shuffle_crates": ShuffleCrates,
"shuffle_cows": ShuffleCows,
"shuffle_beehives": ShuffleBeehives,
"shuffle_kokiri_sword": ShuffleSword,
"shuffle_ocarinas": ShuffleOcarinas,
"shuffle_gerudo_card": ShuffleCard,
"shuffle_beans": ShuffleBeans,
"shuffle_medigoron_carpet_salesman": ShuffleMedigoronCarpet,
"shuffle_frog_song_rupees": ShuffleFrogRupees,
class ShuffleMapCompass(Choice):
"""Control where to shuffle dungeon maps and compasses."""
display_name = "Maps & Compasses"
option_remove = 0
option_startwith = 1
option_vanilla = 2
option_dungeon = 3
option_overworld = 4
option_any_dungeon = 5
option_keysanity = 6
option_regional = 7
default = 1
alias_anywhere = 6
class ShuffleKeys(Choice):
"""Control where to shuffle dungeon small keys."""
display_name = "Small Keys"
option_remove = 0
option_vanilla = 2
option_dungeon = 3
option_overworld = 4
option_any_dungeon = 5
option_keysanity = 6
option_regional = 7
default = 3
alias_keysy = 0
alias_anywhere = 6
class ShuffleGerudoKeys(Choice):
"""Control where to shuffle the Thieves' Hideout small keys."""
display_name = "Thieves' Hideout Keys"
option_vanilla = 0
option_overworld = 1
option_any_dungeon = 2
option_keysanity = 3
option_regional = 4
alias_anywhere = 3
class ShuffleBossKeys(Choice):
"""Control where to shuffle boss keys, except the Ganon's Castle Boss Key."""
display_name = "Boss Keys"
option_remove = 0
option_vanilla = 2
option_dungeon = 3
option_overworld = 4
option_any_dungeon = 5
option_keysanity = 6
option_regional = 7
default = 3
alias_keysy = 0
alias_anywhere = 6
class ShuffleGanonBK(Choice):
"""Control how to shuffle the Ganon's Castle Boss Key."""
display_name = "Ganon's Boss Key"
option_remove = 0
option_vanilla = 2
option_dungeon = 3
option_overworld = 4
option_any_dungeon = 5
option_keysanity = 6
option_on_lacs = 7
option_regional = 8
option_stones = 9
option_medallions = 10
option_dungeons = 11
option_tokens = 12
option_hearts = 13
default = 0
alias_keysy = 0
alias_anywhere = 6
class EnhanceMC(Toggle):
"""Map tells if a dungeon is vanilla or MQ. Compass tells what the dungeon reward is."""
display_name = "Maps and Compasses Give Information"
class GanonBKMedallions(Range):
"""Set how many medallions are required to receive Ganon BK."""
display_name = "Medallions Required for Ganon's BK"
range_start = 1
range_end = 6
default = 6
class GanonBKStones(Range):
"""Set how many Spiritual Stones are required to receive Ganon BK."""
display_name = "Spiritual Stones Required for Ganon's BK"
range_start = 1
range_end = 3
default = 3
class GanonBKRewards(Range):
"""Set how many dungeon rewards are required to receive Ganon BK."""
display_name = "Dungeon Rewards Required for Ganon's BK"
range_start = 1
range_end = 9
default = 9
class GanonBKTokens(Range):
"""Set how many Gold Skulltula Tokens are required to receive Ganon BK."""
display_name = "Tokens Required for Ganon's BK"
range_start = 1
range_end = 100
default = 40
class GanonBKHearts(Range):
"""Set how many hearts are required to receive Ganon BK."""
display_name = "Hearts Required for Ganon's BK"
range_start = 4
range_end = 20
default = 20
class KeyRings(Choice):
"""Dungeons have all small keys found at once, rather than individually."""
display_name = "Key Rings Mode"
option_off = 0
option_choose = 1
option_all = 2
option_random_dungeons = 3
class KeyRingList(OptionSet):
"""Select areas with keyrings rather than individual small keys."""
display_name = "Key Ring Areas"
valid_keys = {
"Thieves' Hideout",
"Forest Temple",
"Fire Temple",
"Water Temple",
"Shadow Temple",
"Spirit Temple",
"Bottom of the Well",
"Gerudo Training Ground",
"Ganon's Castle"
dungeon_items_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"shuffle_mapcompass": ShuffleMapCompass,
"shuffle_smallkeys": ShuffleKeys,
"shuffle_hideoutkeys": ShuffleGerudoKeys,
"shuffle_bosskeys": ShuffleBossKeys,
"enhance_map_compass": EnhanceMC,
"shuffle_ganon_bosskey": ShuffleGanonBK,
"ganon_bosskey_medallions": GanonBKMedallions,
"ganon_bosskey_stones": GanonBKStones,
"ganon_bosskey_rewards": GanonBKRewards,
"ganon_bosskey_tokens": GanonBKTokens,
"ganon_bosskey_hearts": GanonBKHearts,
"key_rings": KeyRings,
"key_rings_list": KeyRingList,
class SkipEscape(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Skips the tower collapse sequence between the Ganondorf and Ganon fights."""
display_name = "Skip Tower Escape Sequence"
class SkipStealth(DefaultOnToggle):
"""The crawlspace into Hyrule Castle skips straight to Zelda."""
display_name = "Skip Child Stealth"
class SkipEponaRace(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Epona can always be summoned with Epona's Song."""
display_name = "Skip Epona Race"
class SkipMinigamePhases(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Dampe Race and Horseback Archery give both rewards if the second condition is met on the first attempt."""
display_name = "Skip Some Minigame Phases"
class CompleteMaskQuest(Toggle):
"""All masks are immediately available to borrow from the Happy Mask Shop."""
display_name = "Complete Mask Quest"
class UsefulCutscenes(Toggle):
"""Reenables the Poe cutscene in Forest Temple, Darunia in Fire Temple, and Twinrova introduction. Mostly useful for
display_name = "Enable Useful Cutscenes"
class FastChests(DefaultOnToggle):
"""All chest animations are fast. If disabled, major items have a slow animation."""
display_name = "Fast Chest Cutscenes"
class FreeScarecrow(Toggle):
"""Pulling out the ocarina near a scarecrow spot spawns Pierre without needing the song."""
display_name = "Free Scarecrow's Song"
class FastBunny(Toggle):
"""Bunny Hood lets you move 1.5x faster like in Majora's Mask."""
display_name = "Fast Bunny Hood"
class PlantBeans(Toggle):
"""Pre-plants all 10 magic beans in the soft soil spots."""
display_name = "Plant Magic Beans"
class ChickenCount(Range):
"""Controls the number of Cuccos for Anju to give an item as child."""
display_name = "Cucco Count"
range_start = 0
range_end = 7
default = 7
class BigPoeCount(Range):
"""Number of Big Poes required for the Poe Collector's item."""
display_name = "Big Poe Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 1
class FAETorchCount(Range):
"""Number of lit torches required to open Shadow Temple."""
display_name = "Fire Arrow Entry Torch Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 24
default = 24
timesavers_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"no_escape_sequence": SkipEscape,
"no_guard_stealth": SkipStealth,
"no_epona_race": SkipEponaRace,
"skip_some_minigame_phases": SkipMinigamePhases,
"complete_mask_quest": CompleteMaskQuest,
"useful_cutscenes": UsefulCutscenes,
"fast_chests": FastChests,
"free_scarecrow": FreeScarecrow,
"fast_bunny_hood": FastBunny,
"plant_beans": PlantBeans,
"chicken_count": ChickenCount,
"big_poe_count": BigPoeCount,
"fae_torch_count": FAETorchCount,
class CorrectChestAppearance(Choice):
"""Changes chest textures and/or sizes to match their contents. "Classic" is the old behavior of CSMC."""
display_name = "Chest Appearance Matches Contents"
option_off = 0
option_textures = 1
option_both = 2
option_classic = 3
class MinorInMajor(Toggle):
"""Hylian Shield, Deku Shield, and Bombchus appear in big/gold chests."""
display_name = "Minor Items in Big/Gold Chests"
class InvisibleChests(Toggle):
"""Chests visible only with Lens of Truth. Logic is not changed."""
display_name = "Invisible Chests"
class CorrectPotCrateAppearance(Choice):
"""Unchecked pots and crates have a different texture; unchecked beehives will wiggle. With textures_content, pots and crates have an appearance based on their contents; with textures_unchecked, all unchecked pots/crates have the same appearance."""
display_name = "Pot, Crate, and Beehive Appearance"
option_off = 0
option_textures_content = 1
option_textures_unchecked = 2
class Hints(Choice):
"""Gossip Stones can give hints about item locations."""
display_name = "Gossip Stones"
option_none = 0
option_mask = 1
option_agony = 2
option_always = 3
default = 3
class MiscHints(DefaultOnToggle):
"""The Temple of Time altar hints dungeon rewards, bridge info, and Ganon BK info; Ganondorf hints the Light Arrows; Dampe's diary hints a local Hookshot if one exists; Skulltula House locations hint their item."""
display_name = "Misc Hints"
class HintDistribution(Choice):
"""Choose the hint distribution to use. Affects the frequency of strong hints, which items are always hinted, etc."""
display_name = "Hint Distribution"
option_balanced = 0
option_ddr = 1
# option_league = 2
# option_mw3 = 3
option_scrubs = 4
option_strong = 5
# option_tournament = 6
option_useless = 7
option_very_strong = 8
option_async = 9
class TextShuffle(Choice):
"""Randomizes text in the game for comedic effect."""
display_name = "Text Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_except_hints = 1
option_complete = 2
alias_false = 0
class DamageMultiplier(Choice):
"""Controls the amount of damage Link takes."""
display_name = "Damage Multiplier"
option_half = 0
option_normal = 1
option_double = 2
option_quadruple = 3
option_ohko = 4
default = 1
class DeadlyBonks(Choice):
"""Bonking on a wall or object will hurt Link. "Normal" is a half heart of damage."""
display_name = "Bonks Do Damage"
option_none = 0
option_half = 1
option_normal = 2
option_double = 3
option_quadruple = 4
option_ohko = 5
class HeroMode(Toggle):
"""Hearts will not drop from enemies or objects."""
display_name = "Hero Mode"
class StartingToD(Choice):
"""Change the starting time of day."""
display_name = "Starting Time of Day"
option_default = 0
option_sunrise = 1
option_morning = 2
option_noon = 3
option_afternoon = 4
option_sunset = 5
option_evening = 6
option_midnight = 7
option_witching_hour = 8
class BlueFireArrows(Toggle):
"""Ice arrows can melt red ice and break the mud walls in Dodongo's Cavern."""
display_name = "Blue Fire Arrows"
class FixBrokenDrops(Toggle):
"""Fixes two broken vanilla drops: deku shield in child Spirit Temple, and magic drop on GTG eye statue."""
display_name = "Fix Broken Drops"
class ConsumableStart(Toggle):
"""Start the game with full Deku Sticks and Deku Nuts."""
display_name = "Start with Consumables"
class RupeeStart(Toggle):
"""Start with a full wallet. Wallet upgrades will also fill your wallet."""
display_name = "Start with Rupees"
misc_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"correct_chest_appearances": CorrectChestAppearance,
"minor_items_as_major_chest": MinorInMajor,
"invisible_chests": InvisibleChests,
"correct_potcrate_appearances": CorrectPotCrateAppearance,
"hints": Hints,
"misc_hints": MiscHints,
"hint_dist": HintDistribution,
"text_shuffle": TextShuffle,
"damage_multiplier": DamageMultiplier,
"deadly_bonks": DeadlyBonks,
"no_collectible_hearts": HeroMode,
"starting_tod": StartingToD,
"blue_fire_arrows": BlueFireArrows,
"fix_broken_drops": FixBrokenDrops,
"start_with_consumables": ConsumableStart,
"start_with_rupees": RupeeStart,
class ItemPoolValue(Choice):
"""Changes the number of items available in the game."""
display_name = "Item Pool"
option_plentiful = 0
option_balanced = 1
option_scarce = 2
option_minimal = 3
default = 1
class IceTraps(Choice):
"""Adds ice traps to the item pool."""
display_name = "Ice Traps"
option_off = 0
option_normal = 1
option_on = 2
option_mayhem = 3
option_onslaught = 4
default = 1
alias_extra = 2
class IceTrapVisual(Choice):
"""Changes the appearance of ice traps as freestanding items."""
display_name = "Ice Trap Appearance"
option_major_only = 0
option_junk_only = 1
option_anything = 2
class AdultTradeStart(OptionSet):
"""Choose the items that can appear to start the adult trade sequence. By default it is Claim Check only."""
display_name = "Adult Trade Sequence Items"
default = {"Claim Check"}
valid_keys = {
"Pocket Egg",
"Pocket Cucco",
"Odd Mushroom",
"Poachers Saw",
"Broken Sword",
"Eyeball Frog",
"Claim Check",
def __init__(self, value: typing.Iterable[str]):
if not value:
value = self.default
itempool_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"item_pool_value": ItemPoolValue,
"junk_ice_traps": IceTraps,
"ice_trap_appearance": IceTrapVisual,
"adult_trade_start": AdultTradeStart,
# Start of cosmetic options
class Targeting(Choice):
"""Default targeting option."""
display_name = "Default Targeting Option"
option_hold = 0
option_switch = 1
class DisplayDpad(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Show dpad icon on HUD for quick actions (ocarina, hover boots, iron boots)."""
display_name = "Display D-Pad HUD"
class DpadDungeonMenu(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Show separated menus on the pause screen for dungeon keys, rewards, and Vanilla/MQ info."""
display_name = "Display D-Pad Dungeon Info"
class CorrectColors(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Makes in-game models match their HUD element colors."""
display_name = "Item Model Colors Match Cosmetics"
class Music(Choice):
option_normal = 0
option_off = 1
option_randomized = 2
class BackgroundMusic(Music):
"""Randomize or disable background music."""
display_name = "Background Music"
class Fanfares(Music):
"""Randomize or disable item fanfares."""
display_name = "Fanfares"
class OcarinaFanfares(Toggle):
"""Enable ocarina songs as fanfares. These are longer than usual fanfares. Does nothing without fanfares randomized."""
display_name = "Ocarina Songs as Fanfares"
class SwordTrailDuration(Range):
"""Set the duration for sword trails."""
display_name = "Sword Trail Duration"
range_start = 4
range_end = 20
default = 4
cosmetic_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"default_targeting": Targeting,
"display_dpad": DisplayDpad,
"dpad_dungeon_menu": DpadDungeonMenu,
"correct_model_colors": CorrectColors,
"background_music": BackgroundMusic,
"fanfares": Fanfares,
"ocarina_fanfares": OcarinaFanfares,
"kokiri_color": kokiri_color,
"goron_color": goron_color,
"zora_color": zora_color,
"silver_gauntlets_color": silver_gauntlets_color,
"golden_gauntlets_color": golden_gauntlets_color,
"mirror_shield_frame_color": mirror_shield_frame_color,
"navi_color_default_inner": navi_color_default_inner,
"navi_color_default_outer": navi_color_default_outer,
"navi_color_enemy_inner": navi_color_enemy_inner,
"navi_color_enemy_outer": navi_color_enemy_outer,
"navi_color_npc_inner": navi_color_npc_inner,
"navi_color_npc_outer": navi_color_npc_outer,
"navi_color_prop_inner": navi_color_prop_inner,
"navi_color_prop_outer": navi_color_prop_outer,
"sword_trail_duration": SwordTrailDuration,
"sword_trail_color_inner": sword_trail_color_inner,
"sword_trail_color_outer": sword_trail_color_outer,
"bombchu_trail_color_inner": bombchu_trail_color_inner,
"bombchu_trail_color_outer": bombchu_trail_color_outer,
"boomerang_trail_color_inner": boomerang_trail_color_inner,
"boomerang_trail_color_outer": boomerang_trail_color_outer,
"heart_color": heart_color,
"magic_color": magic_color,
"a_button_color": a_button_color,
"b_button_color": b_button_color,
"c_button_color": c_button_color,
"start_button_color": start_button_color,
class SfxOcarina(Choice):
"""Change the sound of the ocarina."""
display_name = "Ocarina Instrument"
option_ocarina = 1
option_malon = 2
option_whistle = 3
option_harp = 4
option_grind_organ = 5
option_flute = 6
default = 1
sfx_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"sfx_navi_overworld": sfx_navi_overworld,
"sfx_navi_enemy": sfx_navi_enemy,
"sfx_low_hp": sfx_low_hp,
"sfx_menu_cursor": sfx_menu_cursor,
"sfx_menu_select": sfx_menu_select,
"sfx_nightfall": sfx_nightfall,
"sfx_horse_neigh": sfx_horse_neigh,
"sfx_hover_boots": sfx_hover_boots,
"sfx_ocarina": SfxOcarina,
class LogicTricks(OptionList):
"""Set various tricks for logic in Ocarina of Time.
Format as a comma-separated list of "nice" names: ["Fewer Tunic Requirements", "Hidden Grottos without Stone of Agony"].
A full list of supported tricks can be found at:
display_name = "Logic Tricks"
valid_keys = frozenset(normalized_name_tricks)
valid_keys_casefold = True
# All options assembled into a single dict
oot_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"logic_rules": Logic,
"logic_no_night_tokens_without_suns_song": NightTokens,
# **lacs_options,
"logic_tricks": LogicTricks,
"death_link": DeathLink,