
959 lines
51 KiB

from worlds.AutoWorld import CollectionState
from worlds.generic.Rules import add_rule, set_rule
from .Locations import location_table, zipline_unlocks, is_location_valid, shop_locations, event_locs
from .Types import HatType, ChapterIndex, hat_type_to_item, Difficulty, HitType
from BaseClasses import Location, Entrance, Region
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Callable, Union, Dict
from .Options import EndGoal, CTRLogic, NoTicketSkips
from . import HatInTimeWorld
act_connections = {
"Mafia Town - Act 2": ["Mafia Town - Act 1"],
"Mafia Town - Act 3": ["Mafia Town - Act 1"],
"Mafia Town - Act 4": ["Mafia Town - Act 2", "Mafia Town - Act 3"],
"Mafia Town - Act 6": ["Mafia Town - Act 4"],
"Mafia Town - Act 7": ["Mafia Town - Act 4"],
"Mafia Town - Act 5": ["Mafia Town - Act 6", "Mafia Town - Act 7"],
"Battle of the Birds - Act 2": ["Battle of the Birds - Act 1"],
"Battle of the Birds - Act 3": ["Battle of the Birds - Act 1"],
"Battle of the Birds - Act 4": ["Battle of the Birds - Act 2", "Battle of the Birds - Act 3"],
"Battle of the Birds - Act 5": ["Battle of the Birds - Act 2", "Battle of the Birds - Act 3"],
"Battle of the Birds - Finale A": ["Battle of the Birds - Act 4", "Battle of the Birds - Act 5"],
"Battle of the Birds - Finale B": ["Battle of the Birds - Finale A"],
"Subcon Forest - Finale": ["Subcon Forest - Act 1", "Subcon Forest - Act 2",
"Subcon Forest - Act 3", "Subcon Forest - Act 4",
"Subcon Forest - Act 5"],
"The Arctic Cruise - Act 2": ["The Arctic Cruise - Act 1"],
"The Arctic Cruise - Finale": ["The Arctic Cruise - Act 2"],
def can_use_hat(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", hat: HatType) -> bool:
if world.options.HatItems:
return state.has(hat_type_to_item[hat], world.player)
if world.hat_yarn_costs[hat] <= 0: # this means the hat was put into starting inventory
return True
return state.has("Yarn", world.player, get_hat_cost(world, hat))
def get_hat_cost(world: "HatInTimeWorld", hat: HatType) -> int:
cost = 0
for h in world.hat_craft_order:
cost += world.hat_yarn_costs[h]
if h == hat:
return cost
def painting_logic(world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> bool:
return bool(world.options.ShuffleSubconPaintings)
# -1 = Normal, 0 = Moderate, 1 = Hard, 2 = Expert
def get_difficulty(world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> Difficulty:
return Difficulty(world.options.LogicDifficulty)
def has_paintings(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", count: int, allow_skip: bool = True) -> bool:
if not painting_logic(world):
return True
if not world.options.NoPaintingSkips and allow_skip:
# In Moderate there is a very easy trick to skip all the walls, except for the one guarding the boss arena
if get_difficulty(world) >= Difficulty.MODERATE:
return True
return state.has("Progressive Painting Unlock", world.player, count)
def zipline_logic(world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> bool:
return bool(world.options.ShuffleAlpineZiplines)
def can_use_hookshot(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
return state.has("Hookshot Badge", world.player)
def can_hit(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", umbrella_only: bool = False):
if not world.options.UmbrellaLogic:
return True
return state.has("Umbrella", world.player) or not umbrella_only and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
def has_relic_combo(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", relic: str) -> bool:
return state.has_group(relic, world.player, len(world.item_name_groups[relic]))
def get_relic_count(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", relic: str) -> int:
return state.count_group(relic, world.player)
# This is used to determine if the player can clear an act that's required to unlock a Time Rift
def can_clear_required_act(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld", act_entrance: str) -> bool:
entrance: Entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(act_entrance, world.player)
if not state.can_reach(entrance.connected_region, "Region", world.player):
return False
if "Free Roam" in
return True
name: str = f"Act Completion ({})"
return world.multiworld.get_location(name, world.player).access_rule(state)
def can_clear_alpine(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> bool:
return state.has("Birdhouse Cleared", world.player) and state.has("Lava Cake Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Windmill Cleared", world.player) and state.has("Twilight Bell Cleared", world.player)
def can_clear_metro(state: CollectionState, world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> bool:
return state.has("Nyakuza Intro Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Yellow Overpass Station Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Yellow Overpass Manhole Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Green Clean Station Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Green Clean Manhole Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Bluefin Tunnel Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Pink Paw Station Cleared", world.player) \
and state.has("Pink Paw Manhole Cleared", world.player)
def set_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
# First, chapter access
starting_chapter = ChapterIndex(world.options.StartingChapter)
world.chapter_timepiece_costs[starting_chapter] = 0
# Chapter costs increase progressively. Randomly decide the chapter order, except for Finale
chapter_list: List[ChapterIndex] = [ChapterIndex.MAFIA, ChapterIndex.BIRDS,
ChapterIndex.SUBCON, ChapterIndex.ALPINE]
final_chapter = ChapterIndex.FINALE
if world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_rush_hour:
final_chapter = ChapterIndex.METRO
elif world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_seal_the_deal:
final_chapter = None
if world.is_dlc1():
if world.is_dlc2() and final_chapter != ChapterIndex.METRO:
# Make sure Alpine is unlocked before any DLC chapters are, as the Alpine door needs to be open to access them
if starting_chapter != ChapterIndex.ALPINE and (world.is_dlc1() or world.is_dlc2()):
index1 = 69
index2 = 69
pos: int
lowest_index: int
if world.is_dlc1():
index1 = chapter_list.index(ChapterIndex.CRUISE)
if world.is_dlc2() and final_chapter != ChapterIndex.METRO:
index2 = chapter_list.index(ChapterIndex.METRO)
lowest_index = min(index1, index2)
if lowest_index == 0:
pos = 0
pos = world.random.randint(0, lowest_index)
chapter_list.insert(pos, ChapterIndex.ALPINE)
lowest_cost: int = world.options.LowestChapterCost.value
highest_cost: int = world.options.HighestChapterCost.value
cost_increment: int = world.options.ChapterCostIncrement.value
min_difference: int = world.options.ChapterCostMinDifference.value
last_cost = 0
for i, chapter in enumerate(chapter_list):
min_range: int = lowest_cost + (cost_increment * i)
if min_range >= highest_cost:
min_range = highest_cost-1
value: int = world.random.randint(min_range, min(highest_cost, max(lowest_cost, last_cost + cost_increment)))
cost = world.random.randint(value, min(value + cost_increment, highest_cost))
if i >= 1:
if last_cost + min_difference > cost:
cost = last_cost + min_difference
cost = min(cost, highest_cost)
world.chapter_timepiece_costs[chapter] = cost
last_cost = cost
if final_chapter is not None:
final_chapter_cost: int
if world.options.FinalChapterMinCost == world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost:
final_chapter_cost = world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost.value
final_chapter_cost = world.random.randint(world.options.FinalChapterMinCost.value,
world.chapter_timepiece_costs[final_chapter] = final_chapter_cost
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Mafia Town", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.MAFIA]))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Battle of the Birds", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.BIRDS]))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Subcon Forest", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.SUBCON]))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Alpine Skyline", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE]))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Time's End", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.FINALE])
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING) and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
if world.is_dlc1():
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Arctic Cruise", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE])
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.CRUISE]))
if world.is_dlc2():
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Nyakuza Metro", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE])
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.METRO])
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER) and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.ICE))
if not world.options.ActRandomizer:
table = {**location_table, **event_locs}
for (key, data) in table.items():
if not is_location_valid(world, key):
loc = world.multiworld.get_location(key, world.player)
for hat in data.required_hats:
add_rule(loc, lambda state, h=hat: can_use_hat(state, world, h))
if data.hookshot:
add_rule(loc, lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
if data.paintings > 0 and world.options.ShuffleSubconPaintings:
add_rule(loc, lambda state, paintings=data.paintings: has_paintings(state, world, paintings))
if data.hit_type != HitType.none and world.options.UmbrellaLogic:
if data.hit_type == HitType.umbrella:
add_rule(loc, lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player))
elif data.hit_type == HitType.umbrella_or_brewing:
add_rule(loc, lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
elif data.hit_type == HitType.dweller_bell:
add_rule(loc, lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
for misc in data.misc_required:
add_rule(loc, lambda state, item=misc: state.has(item, world.player))
# Putting all of this here, so it doesn't get overridden by anything
# Illness starts the player past the intro
alpine_entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance("AFR -> Alpine Skyline Area", world.player)
add_rule(alpine_entrance, lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
if world.options.UmbrellaLogic:
add_rule(alpine_entrance, lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player))
if zipline_logic(world):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Birdhouse", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Birdhouse Path", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Lava Cake", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Lava Cake Path", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Windmill", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Windmill Path", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Twilight Bell", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Twilight Bell Path", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (The Illness has Spread)", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Birdhouse Path", world.player)
and state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Lava Cake Path", world.player)
and state.has("Zipline Unlock - The Windmill Path", world.player))
if zipline_logic(world):
for (loc, zipline) in zipline_unlocks.items():
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location(loc, world.player),
lambda state, z=zipline: state.has(z, world.player))
dummy_entrances: List[Entrance] = []
for (key, acts) in act_connections.items():
if "Arctic Cruise" in key and not world.is_dlc1():
entrance: Entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(key, world.player)
region: Region = entrance.connected_region
access_rules: List[Callable[[CollectionState], bool]] = []
# Entrances to this act that we have to set access_rules on
entrances: List[Entrance] = []
for i, act in enumerate(acts, start=1):
act_entrance: Entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(act, world.player)
required_region = act_entrance.connected_region
name: str = f"{key}: Connection {i}"
new_entrance: Entrance = required_region.connect(region, name)
# Copy access rules from act completions
if "Free Roam" not in
rule: Callable[[CollectionState], bool]
name = f"Act Completion ({})"
rule = world.multiworld.get_location(name, world.player).access_rule
for e in entrances:
for rules in access_rules:
add_rule(e, rules)
for e in dummy_entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: False)
if world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_finale:
world.multiworld.completion_condition[world.player] = lambda state: state.has("Time Piece Cluster", world.player)
elif world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_rush_hour:
world.multiworld.completion_condition[world.player] = lambda state: state.has("Rush Hour Cleared", world.player)
def set_specific_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Boss Shop Item", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, 12)
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.BIRDS]))
if world.is_dlc1():
if world.is_dlc2():
difficulty: Difficulty = get_difficulty(world)
if difficulty >= Difficulty.MODERATE:
if difficulty >= Difficulty.HARD:
if difficulty >= Difficulty.EXPERT:
def set_moderate_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
# Moderate: Gallery without Brewing Hat
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Gallery)", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: Above Boats via Ice Hat Sliding
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Above Boats", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.ICE), "or")
# Moderate: Clock Tower Chest + Ruined Tower with nothing
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Clock Tower Chest", world.player), lambda state: True)
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Top of Ruined Tower", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: enter and clear The Subcon Well without Hookshot and without hitting the bell
for loc in world.multiworld.get_region("The Subcon Well", world.player).locations:
set_rule(loc, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1))
# Moderate: Vanessa Manor with nothing
for loc in world.multiworld.get_region("Queen Vanessa's Manor", world.player).locations:
set_rule(loc, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Manor Rooftop", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1))
# Moderate: Village Time Rift with nothing IF umbrella logic is off
if not world.options.UmbrellaLogic:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Village)", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: get to Birdhouse/Yellow Band Hills without Brewing Hat
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Birdhouse", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Yellow Band Hills", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
# Moderate: The Birdhouse - Dweller Platforms Relic with only Birdhouse access
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - The Birdhouse: Dweller Platforms Relic", world.player),
lambda state: True)
# Moderate: Twilight Path without Dweller Mask
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - The Twilight Path", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: Mystifying Time Mesa time trial without hats
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Mystifying Time Mesa: Zipline", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
# Moderate: Goat Refinery from TIHS with Sprint only
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Goat Refinery", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("TIHS Access", world.player)
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT), "or")
# Moderate: Finale Telescope with only Ice Hat
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Time's End", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.FINALE])
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.ICE), "or")
# Moderate: Finale without Hookshot
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (The Finale)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
if world.is_dlc1():
# Moderate: clear Rock the Boat without Ice Hat
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Rock the Boat - Post Captain Rescue", world.player), lambda state: True)
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rock the Boat)", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: clear Deep Sea without Ice Hat
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Deep Sea)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world) and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
# There is a glitched fall damage volume near the Yellow Overpass time piece that warps the player to Pink Paw.
# Yellow Overpass time piece can also be reached without Hookshot quite easily.
if world.is_dlc2():
# No Hookshot
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Yellow Overpass Station)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
# No Dweller, Hookshot, or Time Stop for these
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Pink Paw Station - Cat Vacuum", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Pink Paw Station - Behind Fan", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Pink Paw Station - Pink Ticket Booth", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Pink Paw Station)", world.player), lambda state: True)
for key in shop_locations.keys():
if "Pink Paw Station Thug" in key and is_location_valid(world, key):
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location(key, world.player), lambda state: True)
# Moderate: clear Rush Hour without Hookshot
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Pink", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player)
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.ICE)
and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
# Moderate: Bluefin Tunnel + Pink Paw Station without tickets
if not world.options.NoTicketSkips:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> Pink Paw Station", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> Bluefin Tunnel", world.player), lambda state: True)
def set_hard_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
# Hard: clear Time Rift - The Twilight Bell with Sprint+Scooter only
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - The Twilight Bell)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT)
and state.has("Scooter Badge", world.player), "or")
# No Dweller Mask required
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Dweller Floating Rocks", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Dweller Platforming Tree B", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3))
# Cherry bridge over boss arena gap (painting still expected)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Boss Arena Chest", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1, False) or state.has("YCHE Access", world.player))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Noose Treehouse", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2, True))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Long Tree Climb Chest", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2, True))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Tall Tree Hookshot Swing", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3, True))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Long Tree Climb Chest", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT) and has_paintings(state, world, 2), "or")
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Curly Tail Trail)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT), "or")
# Hard: Goat Refinery from TIHS with nothing
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Goat Refinery", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("TIHS Access", world.player), "or")
if world.is_dlc1():
# Hard: clear Deep Sea without Dweller Mask
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Deep Sea)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
if world.is_dlc2():
# Hard: clear Green Clean Manhole without Dweller Mask
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Green Clean Manhole)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.ICE))
# Hard: clear Rush Hour with Brewing Hat only
if world.options.NoTicketSkips != NoTicketSkips.option_true:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Pink", world.player))
def set_expert_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
# Finale Telescope with no hats
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Telescope -> Time's End", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.FINALE]))
# Expert: Mafia Town - Above Boats, Top of Lighthouse, and Hot Air Balloon with nothing
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Above Boats", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Top of Lighthouse", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Hot Air Balloon", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Expert: Clear Dead Bird Studio with nothing
for loc in world.multiworld.get_region("Dead Bird Studio - Post Elevator Area", world.player).locations:
set_rule(loc, lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Dead Bird Studio)", world.player), lambda state: True)
# Expert: Clear Dead Bird Studio Basement without Hookshot
for loc in world.multiworld.get_region("Dead Bird Studio Basement", world.player).locations:
set_rule(loc, lambda state: True)
# Expert: get to and clear Twilight Bell without Dweller Mask.
# Dweller Mask OR Sprint Hat OR Brewing Hat OR Time Stop + Umbrella required to complete act.
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Twilight Bell", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world), "or")
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (The Twilight Bell)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT)
or (can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.TIME_STOP) and state.has("Umbrella", world.player)))
# Expert: Time Rift - Curly Tail Trail with nothing
# Time Rift - Twilight Bell and Time Rift - Village with nothing
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Curly Tail Trail)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Village)", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - The Twilight Bell)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
# Expert: Cherry Hovering
subcon_area = world.multiworld.get_region("Subcon Forest Area", world.player)
yche = world.multiworld.get_region("Your Contract has Expired", world.player)
entrance = yche.connect(subcon_area, "Subcon Forest Entrance YCHE")
if world.options.NoPaintingSkips:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Toilet of Doom)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world) and can_hit(state, world)
and has_paintings(state, world, 1, True))
# Set painting rules only. Skipping paintings is determined in has_paintings
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Boss Arena Chest", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1, True))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Magnet Badge Bush", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3, True))
# You can cherry hover to Snatcher's post-fight cutscene, which completes the level without having to fight him
subcon_area.connect(yche, "Snatcher Hover")
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Your Contract has Expired)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
if world.is_dlc2():
# Expert: clear Rush Hour with nothing
if not world.options.NoTicketSkips:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player), lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Pink", world.player))
# Expert: Yellow/Green Manhole with nothing using a Boop Clip
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Yellow Overpass Manhole)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Green Clean Manhole)", world.player),
lambda state: True)
def set_mafia_town_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Behind HQ Chest", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Act Completion (Heating Up Mafia Town)", "Location", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Down with the Mafia!", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Cheating the Race", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("The Golden Vault", "Region", world.player))
# Old guys don't appear in SCFOS
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Old Man (Steel Beams)", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Welcome to Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Barrel Battle", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Cheating the Race", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("The Golden Vault", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Down with the Mafia!", "Region", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Old Man (Seaside Spaghetti)", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Welcome to Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Barrel Battle", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Cheating the Race", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("The Golden Vault", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Down with the Mafia!", "Region", world.player))
# Only available outside She Came from Outer Space
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Mafia Geek Platform", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Welcome to Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Barrel Battle", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Down with the Mafia!", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Cheating the Race", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Heating Up Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("The Golden Vault", "Region", world.player))
# Only available outside Down with the Mafia! (for some reason)
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - On Scaffolding", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Welcome to Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Barrel Battle", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("She Came from Outer Space", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Cheating the Race", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Heating Up Mafia Town", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("The Golden Vault", "Region", world.player))
# For some reason, the brewing crate is removed in HUMT
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Secret Cave", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("HUMT Access", world.player), "or")
# Can bounce across the lava to get this without Hookshot (need to die though)
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Mafia Town - Above Boats", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("HUMT Access", world.player), "or")
if world.options.CTRLogic == CTRLogic.option_nothing:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Cheating the Race)", world.player), lambda state: True)
elif world.options.CTRLogic == CTRLogic.option_sprint:
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Cheating the Race)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT), "or")
elif world.options.CTRLogic == CTRLogic.option_scooter:
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Cheating the Race)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT)
and state.has("Scooter Badge", world.player), "or")
def set_botb_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
if not world.options.UmbrellaLogic and get_difficulty(world) < Difficulty.MODERATE:
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Dead Bird Studio - DJ Grooves Sign Chest", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player) or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Dead Bird Studio - Tepee Chest", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player) or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Dead Bird Studio - Conductor Chest", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player) or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Dead Bird Studio)", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Umbrella", world.player) or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
def set_subcon_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Time Rift - Village)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING) or state.has("Umbrella", world.player)
or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
# You can't skip over the boss arena wall without cherry hover, so these two need to be set this way
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Subcon Forest - Boss Arena Chest", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("TOD Access", world.player) and can_use_hookshot(state, world)
and has_paintings(state, world, 1, False) or state.has("YCHE Access", world.player))
# The painting wall can't be skipped without cherry hover, which is Expert
set_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Toilet of Doom)", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world) and can_hit(state, world)
and has_paintings(state, world, 1, False))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 2", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Snatcher's Contract - The Subcon Well", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 3", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Snatcher's Contract - Toilet of Doom", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 4", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Snatcher's Contract - Queen Vanessa's Manor", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 5", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Snatcher's Contract - Mail Delivery Service", world.player))
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Contractual Obligations)", world.player),
lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 1, False))
def set_alps_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Birdhouse", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world) and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Lava Cake", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Windmill", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> The Twilight Bell", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world) and can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Mystifying Time Mesa: Zipline", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.SPRINT) or can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.TIME_STOP))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Alpine Skyline - Finale", world.player),
lambda state: can_clear_alpine(state, world))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Alpine Skyline - Goat Refinery", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("AFR Access", world.player)
and can_use_hookshot(state, world)
and can_hit(state, world, True))
def set_dlc1_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Cruise Ship Entrance BV", world.player),
lambda state: can_use_hookshot(state, world))
# This particular item isn't present in Act 3 for some reason, yes in vanilla too
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("The Arctic Cruise - Toilet", world.player),
lambda state: state.can_reach("Bon Voyage!", "Region", world.player)
or state.can_reach("Ship Shape", "Region", world.player))
def set_dlc2_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> Bluefin Tunnel", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Green", world.player)
or state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("-> Pink Paw Station", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Pink", world.player)
or state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player) and state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_entrance("Nyakuza Metro - Finale", world.player),
lambda state: can_clear_metro(state, world))
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location("Act Completion (Rush Hour)", world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Blue", world.player)
and state.has("Metro Ticket - Pink", world.player))
for key in shop_locations.keys():
if "Green Clean Station Thug B" in key and is_location_valid(world, key):
add_rule(world.multiworld.get_location(key, world.player),
lambda state: state.has("Metro Ticket - Yellow", world.player), "or")
def reg_act_connection(world: "HatInTimeWorld", region: Union[str, Region], unlocked_entrance: Union[str, Entrance]):
reg: Region
entrance: Entrance
if isinstance(region, str):
reg = world.multiworld.get_region(region, world.player)
reg = region
if isinstance(unlocked_entrance, str):
entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(unlocked_entrance, world.player)
entrance = unlocked_entrance
world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(reg, entrance)
# See randomize_act_entrances in
# Called before set_rules
def set_rift_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld", regions: Dict[str, Region]):
# This is accessing the regions in place of these time rifts, so we can set the rules on all the entrances.
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Gallery"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.BIRDS]))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - The Lab"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER)
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE]))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Sewers"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Mafia Town - Act 4"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Mafia Town - Act 4",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Bazaar"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Mafia Town - Act 6"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Mafia Town - Act 6",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Mafia of Cooks"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Burger"))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - The Owl Express"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 2"))
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 3"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Battle of the Birds - Act 2",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Battle of the Birds - Act 3",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - The Moon"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 4"))
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 5"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Battle of the Birds - Act 4",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Battle of the Birds - Act 5",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Dead Bird Studio"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Train"))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Pipe"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Subcon Forest - Act 2"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 2",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Village"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Subcon Forest - Act 4"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("Subcon Forest - Act 4",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Sleepy Subcon"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "UFO"))
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Curly Tail Trail"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: state.has("Windmill Cleared", world.player))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - The Twilight Bell"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: state.has("Twilight Bell Cleared", world.player))
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Alpine Skyline"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Crayon"))
if world.is_dlc1():
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Balcony"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "The Arctic Cruise - Finale"))
reg_act_connection(world, world.multiworld.get_entrance("The Arctic Cruise - Finale",
world.player).connected_region, entrance)
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Deep Sea"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Cake"))
if world.is_dlc2():
for entrance in regions["Time Rift - Rumbi Factory"].entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Necklace"))
# Basically the same as above, but without the need of the dict since we are just setting defaults
# Called if Act Rando is disabled
def set_default_rift_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Gallery", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.BREWING)
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.BIRDS]))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - The Lab", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_use_hat(state, world, HatType.DWELLER)
and state.has("Time Piece", world.player, world.chapter_timepiece_costs[ChapterIndex.ALPINE]))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Sewers", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Mafia Town - Act 4"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Down with the Mafia!",
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Bazaar", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Mafia Town - Act 6"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Heating Up Mafia Town",
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Mafia of Cooks", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Burger"))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - The Owl Express", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 2"))
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 3"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Murder on the Owl Express",
reg_act_connection(world, "Picture Perfect",
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - The Moon", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 4"))
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Battle of the Birds - Act 5"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Train Rush",
reg_act_connection(world, "The Big Parade",
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Dead Bird Studio", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Train"))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Pipe", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Subcon Forest - Act 2"))
reg_act_connection(world, "The Subcon Well",
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Village", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "Subcon Forest - Act 4"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Queen Vanessa's Manor",
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 2))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Sleepy Subcon", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "UFO"))
if painting_logic(world):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_paintings(state, world, 3))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Curly Tail Trail", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: state.has("Windmill Cleared", world.player))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - The Twilight Bell", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: state.has("Twilight Bell Cleared", world.player))
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Alpine Skyline", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Crayon"))
if world.is_dlc1():
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Balcony", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: can_clear_required_act(state, world, "The Arctic Cruise - Finale"))
reg_act_connection(world, "Rock the Boat",
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Deep Sea", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Cake"))
if world.is_dlc2():
for entrance in world.multiworld.get_region("Time Rift - Rumbi Factory", world.player).entrances:
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: has_relic_combo(state, world, "Necklace"))
def set_event_rules(world: "HatInTimeWorld"):
for (name, data) in event_locs.items():
if not is_location_valid(world, name):
event: Location = world.multiworld.get_location(name, world.player)
if data.act_event:
add_rule(event, world.multiworld.get_location(f"Act Completion ({data.region})", world.player).access_rule)