215 lines
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215 lines
11 KiB
from BaseClasses import Location
base_location_id = 118000000
class AdventureLocation(Location):
game: str = "Adventure"
class WorldPosition:
room_id: int
room_x: int
room_y: int
def __init__(self, room_id: int, room_x: int = None, room_y: int = None):
self.room_id = room_id
self.room_x = room_x
self.room_y = room_y
def get_position(self, random):
if self.room_x is None or self.room_y is None:
return self.room_id, random.choice(standard_positions)
return self.room_id, (self.room_x, self.room_y)
class LocationData:
def __init__(self, region, name, location_id, world_positions: [WorldPosition] = None, event=False,
needs_bat_logic: bool = False):
self.region: str = region
self.name: str = name
self.world_positions: [WorldPosition] = world_positions
self.room_id: int = None
self.room_x: int = None
self.room_y: int = None
self.location_id: int = location_id
if location_id is None:
self.short_location_id: int = None
self.location_id: int = None
self.short_location_id: int = location_id
self.location_id: int = location_id + base_location_id
self.event: bool = event
if world_positions is None and not event:
self.room_id: int = self.short_location_id
self.needs_bat_logic: int = needs_bat_logic
self.local_item: int = None
def get_random_position(self, random):
if self.world_positions is None or len(self.world_positions) == 0:
if self.room_id is None:
return None
x, y = random.choice(standard_positions)
return self.room_id, x, y
selected_pos = random.choice(self.world_positions)
room_id, (x, y) = selected_pos.get_position(random)
return self.get_random_room_id(random), x, y
def get_random_room_id(self, random):
if self.world_positions is None or len(self.world_positions) == 0:
if self.room_id is None:
return None
if self.room_id is None:
selected_pos = random.choice(self.world_positions)
return selected_pos.room_id
return self.room_id
standard_positions = [
(0x80, 0x20),
(0x20, 0x20),
(0x20, 0x40),
(0x20, 0x40),
(0x30, 0x20)
# Gives the most difficult region the dragon can reach and get stuck in from the provided room without the
# player unlocking something for it
def dragon_room_to_region(room: int) -> str:
if room <= 0x11:
return "Overworld"
elif room <= 0x12:
return "YellowCastle"
elif room <= 0x16 or room == 0x1B:
return "BlackCastle"
elif room <= 0x1A:
return "WhiteCastleVault"
elif room <= 0x1D:
return "Overworld"
elif room <= 0x1E:
return "CreditsRoom"
def get_random_room_in_regions(regions: [str], random) -> int:
possible_rooms = {}
for locname in location_table:
if location_table[locname].region in regions:
room = location_table[locname].get_random_room_id(random)
if room is not None:
possible_rooms[room] = location_table[locname].room_id
return random.choice(list(possible_rooms.keys()))
location_table = {
"Blue Labyrinth 0": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 0", 0x4,
[WorldPosition(0x4, 0x83, 0x47), # exit upper right
WorldPosition(0x4, 0x12, 0x47), # exit upper left
WorldPosition(0x4, 0x65, 0x20), # exit bottom right
WorldPosition(0x4, 0x2A, 0x20), # exit bottom left
WorldPosition(0x5, 0x4B, 0x60), # T room, top
WorldPosition(0x5, 0x28, 0x1F), # T room, bottom left
WorldPosition(0x5, 0x70, 0x1F), # T room, bottom right
"Blue Labyrinth 1": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 1", 0x6,
[WorldPosition(0x6, 0x8C, 0x20), # final turn bottom right
WorldPosition(0x6, 0x03, 0x20), # final turn bottom left
WorldPosition(0x6, 0x4B, 0x30), # final turn center
WorldPosition(0x7, 0x4B, 0x40), # straightaway center
WorldPosition(0x8, 0x40, 0x40), # entrance middle loop
WorldPosition(0x8, 0x4B, 0x60), # entrance upper loop
WorldPosition(0x8, 0x8C, 0x5E), # entrance right loop
"Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Catacombs", 0x9,
[WorldPosition(0x9, 0x49, 0x40),
WorldPosition(0x9, 0x4b, 0x20),
WorldPosition(0xB, 0x40, 0x40),
WorldPosition(0xB, 0x22, 0x1f),
WorldPosition(0xB, 0x70, 0x1f)]),
"Adjacent to Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Adjacent to Catacombs", 0xC,
"Southwest of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Southwest of Catacombs", 0xE),
"White Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "White Castle Gate", 0xF),
"Black Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "Black Castle Gate", 0x10),
"Yellow Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "Yellow Castle Gate", 0x11),
"Inside Yellow Castle": LocationData("YellowCastle", "Inside Yellow Castle", 0x12),
"Dungeon0": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon0", 0x13,
"Dungeon Vault": LocationData("BlackCastleVault", "Dungeon Vault", 0xB5,
[WorldPosition(0x15, 0x46, 0x1B)],
"Dungeon1": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon1", 0x15,
"RedMaze0": LocationData("WhiteCastle", "RedMaze0", 0x17,
[WorldPosition(0x17, 0x70, 0x40), # right side third room
WorldPosition(0x17, 0x18, 0x40), # left side third room
WorldPosition(0x18, 0x20, 0x40),
WorldPosition(0x18, 0x1A, 0x3F), # left side second room
WorldPosition(0x18, 0x70, 0x3F), # right side second room
"Red Maze Vault Entrance": LocationData("WhiteCastlePreVaultPeek", "Red Maze Vault Entrance", 0xB7,
[WorldPosition(0x17, 0x50, 0x60)],
"Red Maze Vault": LocationData("WhiteCastleVault", "Red Maze Vault", 0x19,
[WorldPosition(0x19, 0x4E, 0x35)],
"RedMaze1": LocationData("WhiteCastle", "RedMaze1", 0x1A), # entrance
"Black Castle Foyer": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Black Castle Foyer", 0x1B),
"Northeast of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Northeast of Catacombs", 0x1C),
"Southeast of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Southeast of Catacombs", 0x1D),
"Credits Left Side": LocationData("CreditsRoom", "Credits Left Side", 0x1E,
[WorldPosition(0x1E, 0x25, 0x50)]),
"Credits Right Side": LocationData("CreditsRoomFarSide", "Credits Right Side", 0xBE,
[WorldPosition(0x1E, 0x70, 0x40)],
"Chalice Home": LocationData("YellowCastle", "Chalice Home", None, event=True),
"Slay Yorgle": LocationData("Varies", "Slay Yorgle", 0xD1, event=False),
"Slay Grundle": LocationData("Varies", "Slay Grundle", 0xD2, event=False),
"Slay Rhindle": LocationData("Varies", "Slay Rhindle", 0xD0, event=False),
# the old location table, for reference
location_table_old = {
"Blue Labyrinth 0": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 0", 0x4),
"Blue Labyrinth 1": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 1", 0x5),
"Blue Labyrinth 2": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 2", 0x6),
"Blue Labyrinth 3": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 3", 0x7),
"Blue Labyrinth 4": LocationData("Overworld", "Blue Labyrinth 4", 0x8),
"Catacombs0": LocationData("Overworld", "Catacombs0", 0x9),
"Catacombs1": LocationData("Overworld", "Catacombs1", 0xA),
"Catacombs2": LocationData("Overworld", "Catacombs2", 0xB),
"East of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "East of Catacombs", 0xC),
"West of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "West of Catacombs", 0xD),
"Southwest of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Southwest of Catacombs", 0xE),
"White Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "White Castle Gate", 0xF),
"Black Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "Black Castle Gate", 0x10),
"Yellow Castle Gate": LocationData("Overworld", "Yellow Castle Gate", 0x11),
"Inside Yellow Castle": LocationData("YellowCastle", "Inside Yellow Castle", 0x12),
"Dungeon0": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon0", 0x13),
"Dungeon1": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon1", 0x14),
"Dungeon Vault": LocationData("BlackCastleVault", "Dungeon Vault", 0x15,
[WorldPosition(0xB5, 0x46, 0x1B)]),
"Dungeon2": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon2", 0x15),
"Dungeon3": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Dungeon3", 0x16),
"RedMaze0": LocationData("WhiteCastle", "RedMaze0", 0x17, [WorldPosition(0x17, 0x70, 0x40)]),
"RedMaze1": LocationData("WhiteCastle", "RedMaze1", 0x18, [WorldPosition(0x18, 0x20, 0x40)]),
"Red Maze Vault Entrance": LocationData("WhiteCastlePreVaultPeek", "Red Maze Vault Entrance",
0x17, [WorldPosition(0xB7, 0x50, 0x60)]),
"Red Maze Vault": LocationData("WhiteCastleVault", "Red Maze Vault", 0x19, [WorldPosition(0x19, 0x4E, 0x35)]),
"RedMaze3": LocationData("WhiteCastle", "RedMaze3", 0x1A),
"Black Castle Foyer": LocationData("BlackCastle", "Black Castle Foyer", 0x1B),
"Northeast of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Northeast of Catacombs", 0x1C),
"Southeast of Catacombs": LocationData("Overworld", "Southeast of Catacombs", 0x1D),
"Credits Left Side": LocationData("CreditsRoom", "Credits Left Side", 0x1E, [WorldPosition(0x1E, 0x25, 0x50)]),
"Credits Right Side": LocationData("CreditsRoomFarSide", "Credits Right Side", 0x1E,
[WorldPosition(0xBE, 0x70, 0x40)]),
"Chalice Home": LocationData("YellowCastle", "Chalice Home", None, event=True)