
202 lines
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from typing import Dict, Union
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from Options import Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, Range, Choice
# class HardMode(Toggle):
# "Play the randomizer in hardmode"
# display_name = "Hard Mode"
class DisableNonRandomizedPuzzles(Toggle):
"""Disables puzzles that cannot be randomized.
This includes many puzzles that heavily involve the environment, such as Shadows, Monastery or Orchard.
The lasers for those areas will be activated as you solve optional puzzles throughout the island."""
display_name = "Disable non randomized puzzles"
class EarlySecretArea(Toggle):
"""Opens the Mountainside shortcut to the Caves from the start.
(Otherwise known as "UTM", "Caves" or the "Challenge Area")"""
display_name = "Early Caves"
class ShuffleSymbols(DefaultOnToggle):
"""You will need to unlock puzzle symbols as items to be able to solve the panels that contain those symbols.
If you turn this off, there will be no progression items in the game unless you turn on door shuffle."""
display_name = "Shuffle Symbols"
class ShuffleLasers(Toggle):
"""If on, the 11 lasers are turned into items and will activate on their own upon receiving them.
Note: There is a visual bug that can occur with the Desert Laser. It does not affect gameplay - The Laser can still
be redirected as normal, for both applications of redirection."""
display_name = "Shuffle Lasers"
class ShuffleDoors(Choice):
"""If on, opening doors will require their respective "keys".
If set to "panels", those keys will unlock the panels on doors.
In "doors_simple" and "doors_complex", the doors will magically open by themselves upon receiving the key.
The last option, "max", is a combination of "doors_complex" and "panels"."""
display_name = "Shuffle Doors"
option_none = 0
option_panels = 1
option_doors_simple = 2
option_doors_complex = 3
option_max = 4
class ShuffleDiscardedPanels(Toggle):
"""Add Discarded Panels into the location pool.
Solving certain Discarded Panels may still be necessary to beat the game, even if this is off."""
display_name = "Shuffle Discarded Panels"
class ShuffleVaultBoxes(Toggle):
"""Vault Boxes will have items on them."""
display_name = "Shuffle Vault Boxes"
class ShuffleEnvironmentalPuzzles(Choice):
Add Environmental/Obelisk Puzzles into the location pool.
In "individual", every Environmental Puzzle sends an item.
In "obelisk_sides", completing every puzzle on one side of an Obelisk sends an item.
Note: In Obelisk Sides, any EPs excluded through another setting will be counted as pre-completed on their Obelisk.
display_name = "Shuffle Environmental Puzzles"
option_off = 0
option_individual = 1
option_obelisk_sides = 2
class ShuffleDog(Toggle):
"""Add petting the Town dog into the location pool."""
display_name = "Pet the Dog"
class EnvironmentalPuzzlesDifficulty(Choice):
When "Shuffle Environmental Puzzles" is on, this setting governs which EPs are eligible for the location pool.
On "eclipse", every EP in the game is eligible, including the 1-hour-long "Theater Eclipse EP".
On "tedious", Theater Eclipse EP is excluded from the location pool.
On "normal", several other difficult or long EPs are excluded as well.
display_name = "Environmental Puzzles Difficulty"
option_normal = 0
option_tedious = 1
option_eclipse = 2
class ShufflePostgame(Toggle):
"""Adds locations into the pool that are guaranteed to become accessible after or at the same time as your goal.
Use this if you don't play with release on victory. IMPORTANT NOTE: The possibility of your second
"Progressive Dots" showing up in the Caves is ignored, they will still be considered "postgame" in base settings."""
display_name = "Shuffle Postgame"
class VictoryCondition(Choice):
"""Change the victory condition from the original game's ending (elevator) to beating the Challenge
or solving the mountaintop box, either using the short solution
(7 lasers or whatever you've changed it to) or the long solution (11 lasers or whatever you've changed it to)."""
display_name = "Victory Condition"
option_elevator = 0
option_challenge = 1
option_mountain_box_short = 2
option_mountain_box_long = 3
class PuzzleRandomization(Choice):
"""Puzzles in this randomizer are randomly generated. This setting changes the difficulty/types of puzzles."""
display_name = "Puzzle Randomization"
option_sigma_normal = 0
option_sigma_expert = 1
option_none = 2
class MountainLasers(Range):
"""Sets the amount of beams required to enter the final area."""
display_name = "Required Lasers for Mountain Entry"
range_start = 1
range_end = 7
default = 7
class ChallengeLasers(Range):
"""Sets the amount of beams required to enter the Caves through the Mountain Bottom Floor Discard."""
display_name = "Required Lasers for Challenge"
range_start = 1
range_end = 11
default = 11
class TrapPercentage(Range):
"""Replaces junk items with traps, at the specified rate."""
display_name = "Trap Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 20
class PuzzleSkipAmount(Range):
"""Adds this number of Puzzle Skips into the pool, if there is room. Puzzle Skips let you skip one panel.
Works on most panels in the game - The only big exception is The Challenge."""
display_name = "Puzzle Skips"
range_start = 0
range_end = 30
default = 10
class HintAmount(Range):
"""Adds hints to Audio Logs. Hints will have the same number of duplicates, as many as will fit. Remaining Audio
Logs will have junk hints."""
display_name = "Hints on Audio Logs"
range_start = 0
range_end = 49
default = 10
class DeathLink(Toggle):
"""If on: Whenever you fail a puzzle (with some exceptions), everyone who is also on Death Link dies.
The effect of a "death" in The Witness is a Power Surge."""
display_name = "Death Link"
the_witness_options: Dict[str, type] = {
"puzzle_randomization": PuzzleRandomization,
"shuffle_symbols": ShuffleSymbols,
"shuffle_doors": ShuffleDoors,
"shuffle_lasers": ShuffleLasers,
"disable_non_randomized_puzzles": DisableNonRandomizedPuzzles,
"shuffle_discarded_panels": ShuffleDiscardedPanels,
"shuffle_vault_boxes": ShuffleVaultBoxes,
"shuffle_EPs": ShuffleEnvironmentalPuzzles,
"EP_difficulty": EnvironmentalPuzzlesDifficulty,
"shuffle_postgame": ShufflePostgame,
"victory_condition": VictoryCondition,
"mountain_lasers": MountainLasers,
"challenge_lasers": ChallengeLasers,
"early_secret_area": EarlySecretArea,
"trap_percentage": TrapPercentage,
"puzzle_skip_amount": PuzzleSkipAmount,
"hint_amount": HintAmount,
"death_link": DeathLink,
def is_option_enabled(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> bool:
return get_option_value(world, player, name) > 0
def get_option_value(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str) -> Union[bool, int]:
option = getattr(world, name, None)
if option is None:
return 0
if issubclass(the_witness_options[name], Toggle) or issubclass(the_witness_options[name], DefaultOnToggle):
return bool(option[player].value)
return option[player].value