254 lines
6.7 KiB
254 lines
6.7 KiB
from Options import Choice, Option, Range, Toggle, OptionSet
import typing
class SoraEXP(Range):
"""Sora Level Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Sora Level EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 5
class FinalEXP(Range):
"""Final Form Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Final Form EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 3
class MasterEXP(Range):
"""Master Form Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Master Form EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 3
class LimitEXP(Range):
"""Limit Form Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Limit Form EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 3
class WisdomEXP(Range):
"""Wisdom Form Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Wisdom Form EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 3
class ValorEXP(Range):
"""Valor Form Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Valor Form EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 3
class SummonEXP(Range):
"""Summon Exp Multiplier"""
display_name = "Summon level EXP"
range_start = 1
range_end = 10
default = 5
class Schmovement(Choice):
"""Level of Growth You Start With"""
display_name = "Schmovement"
option_level_0 = 0
option_level_1 = 1
option_level_2 = 2
option_level_3 = 3
option_level_4 = 4
default = 1
class RandomGrowth(Range):
"""Amount of Random Growth Abilities You Start With"""
display_name = "Random Starting Growth"
range_start = 0
range_end = 20
default = 0
class KeybladeMin(Range):
"""Minimum Stats for the Keyblade"""
display_name = "Keyblade Minimum Stats"
range_start = 0
range_end = 20
default = 3
class KeybladeMax(Range):
"""Maximum Stats for the Keyblade"""
display_name = "Keyblade Max Stats"
range_start = 0
range_end = 20
default = 7
class Visitlocking(Choice):
"""Determines the level of visit locking
No Visit Locking:No visit locks(everything is sphere 1.Not Recommended)# BK is making a lot of money
Second Visit Locking:Start with 13 visit locking items for every first visit.
First and Second Visit Locking:One item for First Visit Two For Second Visit"""
display_name = "Visit locking"
option_no_visit_locking = 0 # starts with 27 visit locking
option_second_visit_locking = 1 # starts with 13 (no icecream/picture)
option_first_and_second_visit_locking = 2 # starts with nothing
default = 2
class RandomVisitLockingItem(Range):
display_name = "Random Visit Locking Item"
range_start = 0
range_end = 27
default = 3
class SuperBosses(Toggle):
"""Terra, Sephiroth and Data Fights Toggle."""
display_name = "Super Bosses"
default = False
class Cups(Choice):
"""Olympus Cups Toggles
No Cups: No Cups.
Cups: Has every cup except Paradox.
Cups and Hades Paradox: Has Every Cup On."""
display_name = "Olympus Cups"
option_no_cups = 0
option_cups = 1
option_cups_and_hades_paradox = 2
default = 1
class LevelDepth(Choice):
"""Determines How many locations you want on levels
Level 50:23 checks spread through 50 levels
Level 99:23 checks spread through 99 levels
Level 50 sanity:check per level for 50 levels
Level 99 sanity:check per level for 99 levels
Level 1: no checks on levels(checks are replaced with stats)"""
display_name = "Level Depth"
option_level_50 = 0
option_level_99 = 1
option_level_50_sanity = 2
option_level_99_sanity = 3
option_level_1 = 4
default = 0
class PromiseCharm(Toggle):
"""Add Promise Charm to the Pool"""
display_name = "Promise Charm"
default = False
class KeybladeAbilities(Choice):
"""Action:Has Action Abilities on Keyblades
Support:Has Support Abilities on Keyblades"""
display_name = "Keyblade Abilities"
option_support = 0
option_action = 1
option_both = 2
default = 2
class BlacklistKeyblade(OptionSet):
"""Black List these Abilities on Keyblades"""
display_name = "Blacklist Keyblade Abilities"
verify_item_name = True
class Goal(Choice):
"""Win Condition
Three Proofs: Obtain the Three Proofs and Have a Gold Crown on Sora's Head.
Lucky Emblem Hunt: Acquire The Amount of Lucky Emblems you have set.
Hitlist: Kill the Superbosses on the "Hitlist" then synth ultima weapon."""
display_name = "Goal"
option_three_proofs = 0
option_lucky_emblem_hunt = 1
option_hitlist = 2
default = 0
class FinalXemnas(Toggle):
"""Kill Final Xemnas to Beat the Game.
This is in addition to your Goal. I.E. get three proofs+kill final Xemnas"""
display_name = "Final Xemnas"
default = True
class LuckyEmblemsRequired(Range):
"""Number of Lucky Emblems to collect to Open The Final Door bosses.
If Goal is not Lucky Emblem Hunt this does nothing."""
display_name = "Lucky Emblems Required"
range_start = 0
range_end = 60
default = 25
class LuckyEmblemsAmount(Range):
"""Number of Lucky Emblems that are in the pool.
If Goal is not Lucky Emblem Hunt this does nothing."""
display_name = "Lucky Emblems Available"
range_start = 0
range_end = 60
default = 40
class BountyRequired(Range):
"""Number of Bounties that are Required.
If Goal is not Hitlist this does nothing."""
display_name = "Bounties Required"
range_start = 0
range_end = 24
default = 7
class BountyAmount(Range):
"""Number of Bounties that are in the pool.
If Goal is not Hitlist this does nothing."""
display_name = "Bounties Available"
range_start = 0
range_end = 24
default = 13
KH2_Options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"Sora_Level_EXP": SoraEXP,
"Final_Form_EXP": FinalEXP,
"Master_Form_EXP": MasterEXP,
"Limit_Form_EXP": LimitEXP,
"Wisdom_Form_EXP": WisdomEXP,
"Valor_Form_EXP": ValorEXP,
"Summon_EXP": SummonEXP,
"Schmovement": Schmovement,
"Keyblade_Minimum": KeybladeMin,
"Keyblade_Maximum": KeybladeMax,
"Visitlocking": Visitlocking,
"RandomVisitLockingItem": RandomVisitLockingItem,
"SuperBosses": SuperBosses,
"LevelDepth": LevelDepth,
"Promise_Charm": PromiseCharm,
"KeybladeAbilities": KeybladeAbilities,
"BlacklistKeyblade": BlacklistKeyblade,
"RandomGrowth": RandomGrowth,
"Goal": Goal,
"FinalXemnas": FinalXemnas,
"LuckyEmblemsAmount": LuckyEmblemsAmount,
"LuckyEmblemsRequired": LuckyEmblemsRequired,
"BountyAmount": BountyAmount,
"BountyRequired": BountyRequired,
"Cups": Cups,