147 lines
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147 lines
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from .map import Map
from .locations.entrance import Entrance
from ..logic import *
from .tileset import walkable_tiles, entrance_tiles
class LogicGenerator:
def __init__(self, configuration_options, world_setup, requirements_settings, the_map: Map):
self.w = the_map.w * 10
self.h = the_map.h * 8
self.map = the_map
self.logic_map = [None] * (self.w * self.h)
self.location_lookup = {}
self.configuration_options = configuration_options
self.world_setup = world_setup
self.requirements_settings = requirements_settings
self.entrance_map = {}
for room in the_map:
for location in room.locations:
self.location_lookup[(room.x * 10 + location.x, room.y * 8 + location.y)] = location
if isinstance(location, Entrance):
location.prepare_logic(configuration_options, world_setup, requirements_settings)
self.entrance_map[location.entrance_name] = location
start = self.entrance_map["start_house"]
self.start = Location()
self.egg = self.start # TODO
self.nightmare = Location()
self.windfish = Location().connect(self.nightmare, AND(MAGIC_POWDER, SWORD, OR(BOOMERANG, BOW)))
self.fill_walkable(self.start, start.room.x * 10 + start.x, start.room.y * 8 + start.y)
logic_str_map = {None: "."}
for y in range(self.h):
line = ""
for x in range(self.w):
if self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] not in logic_str_map:
logic_str_map[self.logic_map[x + y * self.w]] = chr(len(logic_str_map)+48)
line += logic_str_map[self.logic_map[x + y * self.w]]
for room in the_map:
for location in room.locations:
if self.logic_map[(room.x * 10 + location.x) + (room.y * 8 + location.y) * self.w] is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Location not mapped to logic: {room} {location.__class__.__name__} {location.x} {location.y}")
tmp = set()
def r(n):
if n in tmp:
for item in n.items:
for o, req in n.simple_connections:
for o, req in n.gated_connections:
def fill_walkable(self, location, x, y):
tile_options = walkable_tiles | entrance_tiles
for x, y in self.flood_fill_logic(location, tile_options, x, y):
if self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] is not None:
tile = self.map.get_tile(x, y)
if tile == 0x5C: # bush
other_location = Location()
location.connect(other_location, self.requirements_settings.bush)
self.fill_bush(other_location, x, y)
elif tile == 0x20: # rock
other_location = Location()
location.connect(other_location, POWER_BRACELET)
self.fill_rock(other_location, x, y)
elif tile == 0xE8: # pit
if self.map.get_tile(x - 1, y) in tile_options and self.map.get_tile(x + 1, y) in tile_options:
if self.logic_map[x - 1 + y * self.w] == location and self.logic_map[x + 1 + y * self.w] is None:
other_location = Location().connect(location, FEATHER)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x + 1, y)
if self.logic_map[x - 1 + y * self.w] is None and self.logic_map[x + 1 + y * self.w] == location:
other_location = Location().connect(location, FEATHER)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x - 1, y)
if self.map.get_tile(x, y - 1) in tile_options and self.map.get_tile(x, y + 1) in tile_options:
if self.logic_map[x + (y - 1) * self.w] == location and self.logic_map[x + (y + 1) * self.w] is None:
other_location = Location().connect(location, FEATHER)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x, y + 1)
if self.logic_map[x + (y - 1) * self.w] is None and self.logic_map[x + (y + 1) * self.w] == location:
other_location = Location().connect(location, FEATHER)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x, y - 1)
def fill_bush(self, location, x, y):
for x, y in self.flood_fill_logic(location, {0x5C}, x, y):
if self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] is not None:
tile = self.map.get_tile(x, y)
if tile in walkable_tiles or tile in entrance_tiles:
other_location = Location()
location.connect(other_location, self.requirements_settings.bush)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x, y)
def fill_rock(self, location, x, y):
for x, y in self.flood_fill_logic(location, {0x20}, x, y):
if self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] is not None:
tile = self.map.get_tile(x, y)
if tile in walkable_tiles or tile in entrance_tiles:
other_location = Location()
location.connect(other_location, POWER_BRACELET)
self.fill_walkable(other_location, x, y)
def flood_fill_logic(self, location, tile_types, x, y):
assert self.map.get_tile(x, y) in tile_types
todo = [(x, y)]
entrance_todo = []
edge_set = set()
while todo:
x, y = todo.pop()
if self.map.get_tile(x, y) not in tile_types:
edge_set.add((x, y))
if self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] is not None:
self.logic_map[x + y * self.w] = location
if (x, y) in self.location_lookup:
room_location = self.location_lookup[(x, y)]
result = room_location.connect_logic(location)
if result:
entrance_todo += result
if x < self.w - 1 and self.logic_map[x + 1 + y * self.w] is None:
todo.append((x + 1, y))
if x > 0 and self.logic_map[x - 1 + y * self.w] is None:
todo.append((x - 1, y))
if y < self.h - 1 and self.logic_map[x + y * self.w + self.w] is None:
todo.append((x, y + 1))
if y > 0 and self.logic_map[x + y * self.w - self.w] is None:
if self.map.get_tile(x, y - 1) == 0xA0: # Chest, can only be collected from the south
self.location_lookup[(x, y - 1)].connect_logic(location)
self.logic_map[x + (y - 1) * self.w] = location
todo.append((x, y - 1))
for entrance_name, logic_connection in entrance_todo:
entrance = self.entrance_map[entrance_name]
self.fill_walkable(logic_connection, entrance.room.x * 10 + entrance.x, entrance.room.y * 8 + entrance.y)
return edge_set