1898 lines
87 KiB
1898 lines
87 KiB
local socket = require("socket")
local json = require('json')
local math = require('math')
local last_modified_date = '2022-4-9' -- Should be the last modified date
local script_version = 3
-- Heavily modified form of RiptideSage's tracker
-- The offset constants are all from N64 RAM start. Offsets in the check statements are relative.
local save_context_offset = 0x11A5D0
local equipment_offset = save_context_offset + 0x70 -- 0x11A640
local scene_flags_offset = save_context_offset + 0xD4 --0x11A6A4
local shop_context_offset = save_context_offset + 0x5B4 --0x11AB84
local skulltula_flags_offset = save_context_offset + 0xE9C --0x11B46C
local event_context_offset = save_context_offset + 0xED4 --0x11B4A4
local big_poe_points_offset = save_context_offset + 0xEBC -- 0x11B48C
local fishing_context_offset = save_context_offset + 0xEC0 --0x11B490
local item_get_inf_offset = save_context_offset + 0xEF0 --0x11B4C0
local inf_table_offset = save_context_offset + 0xEF8 -- 0x11B4C8
local temp_context = nil
local collectibles_overrides = nil
local collectible_offsets = nil
-- Offsets for scenes can be found here
-- https://wiki.cloudmodding.com/oot/Scene_Table/NTSC_1.0
-- Each scene is 0x1c bits long, chests at 0x0, switches at 0x4, collectibles at 0xc
local scene_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check, scene_data_offset)
local local_scene_offset = scene_flags_offset + (0x1c * scene_offset) + scene_data_offset
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u32_be(local_scene_offset)
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bit_to_check)
-- Whenever a check is opened, values are written to 0x40002C.
-- We can use this to send checks before they are written to the main save context.
-- [0] should always be 0x00 when a non-local multiworld item is checked
-- [1] is the scene id
-- [2] is the location type, which varies as input to the function
-- [3] is the location id within the scene, and represents the bit which was checked
-- REORDERED IN 7.0 TO scene id - location type - 0x00 - location id
-- Note that temp_context is 0-indexed and expected_values is 1-indexed, because consistency.
local check_temp_context = function(expected_values)
-- if temp_context[0] ~= 0x00 then return false end
-- for i=1,3 do
-- if temp_context[i] ~= expected_values[i] then return false end
-- end
if temp_context[0] ~= expected_values[1] then return false end
if temp_context[1] ~= expected_values[2] then return false end
if temp_context[3] ~= expected_values[3] then return false end
return true
-- When checking locations, we check two spots:
-- First, we check the main save context. This is "permanent" memory.
-- If the main save context doesn't have the check recorded, we check the temporary context instead,
-- which holds the value of the last location checked.
-- The main save context is written on loading zone or save,
-- but we can get checks sent faster using the temporary context.
local chest_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0x0)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x01, bit_to_check})
local on_the_ground_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0xC)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x02, bit_to_check})
local boss_item_check = function(scene_offset)
return on_the_ground_check(scene_offset, 0x1F)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, 0x4F})
-- NOTE: Scrubs are stored in the "unused" block of scene memory
-- These always write instantly to save context, so no need to check temp context
local scrub_sanity_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0x10)
-- Why is there an extra offset of 3 for temp context checks? Who knows.
local cow_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0xC)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, bit_to_check - 0x03})
-- DMT and DMC fairies are weird, their temp context check is special-coded for them
local great_fairy_magic_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0x4)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x05, bit_to_check})
-- Fire arrow location reports 0x00570058 to 0x40002C
local fire_arrows_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0x0)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, 0x58})
-- Bean salesman reports 0x00540016 to 0x40002C
local bean_sale_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0xC)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, 0x16})
-- Medigoron reports 0x00620028 to 0x40002C
local medigoron_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0xC)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, 0x28})
-- Bombchu salesman reports 0x005E0003 to 0x40002C
local salesman_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0xC)
or check_temp_context({scene_offset, 0x00, 0x03})
--Helper method to resolve skulltula lookup location
local function skulltula_scene_to_array_index(i)
return (i + 3) - 2 * (i % 4)
-- NOTE: The Rando LocationList offsets are bit masks not locations, so
-- 0x1 -> 0 offset, 0x2 -> 1 offset, 0x4 -> 2 offset, 0x8 -> 3 offset, etc.
-- NOTE: 8-bit array, scene_offsets are filled on [0x00,0x15] but use a lookup array above
local skulltula_check = function(scene_offset, bit_to_check)
--For some reason the skulltula array isn't a straight mapping from the scene ID
scene_offset = skulltula_scene_to_array_index(scene_offset)
local local_skulltula_offset = skulltula_flags_offset + (scene_offset)
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u8(local_skulltula_offset)
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bit_to_check)
-- Left shelf bit masks are:
-- 0x8 0x2
-- 0x4 0x1
local shop_check = function(shop_offset, item_offset)
local local_shop_offset = shop_context_offset
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u32_be(local_shop_offset)
local bitToCheck = shop_offset*4 + item_offset
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bitToCheck)
-- NOTE: Getting the bit poe bottle isn't flagged directly, instead only the points on the card are saved and
-- checked on each big poe turn in.
local big_poe_bottle_check = function()
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u32_be(big_poe_points_offset)
local points_required = 100*NUM_BIG_POES_REQUIRED
return (nearby_memory >= points_required)
-- Offsets can be found at the OOT save context layout here:
-- https://wiki.cloudmodding.com/oot/Save_Format#event_chk_inf
local event_check = function(major_offset,bit_to_check)
-- shifting over to the next 4 hex digits
local event_address = event_context_offset + 0x2 * major_offset
local u_16_event_row = mainmemory.read_u16_be(event_address)
return bit.check(u_16_event_row,bit_to_check)
-- Used by the game to track some non-quest item event flags
local item_get_info_check = function(check_offset,bit_to_check)
local local_offset = item_get_inf_offset + (check_offset)
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u8(local_offset)
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bit_to_check)
-- Used by the game to track lots of misc information (Talking to people, getting items, etc.)
local info_table_check = function(check_offset,bit_to_check)
local local_offset = inf_table_offset + (check_offset)
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u8(local_offset)
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bit_to_check)
local membership_card_check = function(scene_offset,bit_to_check)
-- These checks used to be part of Gerudo Fortress, but they are better used as an approximation for the
-- membership card check. You will always have obtained the membership card if you have rescued all four carpenters.
-- checks["Gerudo Fortress - Free North F1 Carpenter"] = event_check(0x9, 0x0)
-- checks["Gerudo Fortress - Free North F2 Carpenter"] = event_check(0x9, 0x3)
-- checks["Gerudo Fortress - Free South F1 Carpenter"] = event_check(0x9, 0x1)
-- checks["Gerudo Fortress - Free South F2 Carpenter"] = event_check(0x9, 0x2)
-- No need to save these checks in a table as they combine to create a conditional
return event_check(0x9, 0x0) and event_check(0x9, 0x1) and event_check(0x9, 0x2) and event_check(0x9, 0x3)
-- This is the old version of the membership card check, which is inaccurate and always returns true
-- so long as a save context is loaded
-- return scene_check(scene_offset, bit_to_check, 0x4)
-- The fishing records are intricate and in their own memory area
-- NOTE: Fishing in rando is patched and getting the adult reward first doesn't result in the "Golden scale glitch"
local fishing_check = function(isAdult)
local bitToCheck = 10 --for child
if(isAdult) then
bitToCheck = 11 --for adult
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u32_be(fishing_context_offset)
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bitToCheck)
local big_goron_sword_check = function ()
local nearby_memory = mainmemory.read_u32_be(equipment_offset)
local bitToCheck = 0x8
return bit.check(nearby_memory,bitToCheck)
local is_master_quest_dungeon = function(mq_table_address, dungeon_id)
return mainmemory.readbyte(mq_table_address + dungeon_id) == 1
local read_kokiri_forest_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["KF Midos Top Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x28, 0x00)
checks["KF Midos Top Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x28, 0x01)
checks["KF Midos Bottom Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x28, 0x02)
checks["KF Midos Bottom Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x28, 0x03)
checks["KF Kokiri Sword Chest"] = chest_check(0x55, 0x00)
checks["KF Storms Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x0C)
checks["KF Links House Cow"] = cow_check(0x34, 0x18)
checks["KF GS Know It All House"] = skulltula_check(0x0C, 0x1)
checks["KF GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x0C, 0x0)
checks["KF GS House of Twins"] = skulltula_check(0x0C, 0x2)
checks["KF Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x6, 0x0)
checks["KF Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x6, 0x1)
checks["KF Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x6, 0x2)
checks["KF Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x6, 0x3)
checks["KF Shop Blue Rupee"] = on_the_ground_check(0x2D, 0x1)
return checks
local read_lost_woods_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["LW Gift from Saria"] = event_check(0xC, 0x1)
checks["LW Ocarina Memory Game"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x7)
checks["LW Target in Woods"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x5)
checks["LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x14)
checks["Deku Theater Skull Mask"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x6)
checks["Deku Theater Mask of Truth"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x7)
checks["LW Skull Kid"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x6)
-- This is the first of three deku scrubs which are always included in the item pool, not just in scrub-sanity
checks["LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge"] = info_table_check(0x33, 0x2)
if not checks["LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge"] then
checks["LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x5B, 0xA)
-- This is the second of three deku scrubs which are always included in the item pool, not just in scrub-sanity
checks["LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = info_table_check(0x33, 0x3)
if not checks["LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] then
checks["LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1F, 0xB)
checks["LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x5B, 0x2)
checks["LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x5B, 0x1)
checks["LW Deku Scrub Grotto Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1F, 0x4)
checks["LW GS Bean Patch Near Bridge"] = skulltula_check(0x0D, 0x0)
checks["LW GS Bean Patch Near Theater"] = skulltula_check(0x0D, 0x1)
checks["LW GS Above Theater"] = skulltula_check(0x0D, 0x2)
return checks
local read_sacred_forest_meadow_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["SFM Wolfos Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x11)
checks["SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x18, 0x9)
checks["SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x18, 0x8)
checks["SFM GS"] = skulltula_check(0x0D, 0x3)
return checks
local read_deku_tree_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x0) then
checks["Deku Tree Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x3)
checks["Deku Tree Slingshot Room Side Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x5)
checks["Deku Tree Slingshot Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x1)
checks["Deku Tree Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x2)
checks["Deku Tree Compass Room Side Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x6)
checks["Deku Tree Basement Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x4)
checks["Deku Tree GS Compass Room"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x3)
checks["Deku Tree GS Basement Vines"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x2)
checks["Deku Tree GS Basement Gate"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x1)
checks["Deku Tree GS Basement Back Room"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x0)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x3)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x6)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Room Back Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x2)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x1)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Basement Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x4)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Before Spinning Log Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x5)
checks["Deku Tree MQ After Spinning Log Chest"] = chest_check(0x00, 0x0)
checks["Deku Tree MQ Deku Scrub"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x00, 0x5)
checks["Deku Tree MQ GS Lobby"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x1)
checks["Deku Tree MQ GS Compass Room"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x3)
checks["Deku Tree MQ GS Basement Graves Room"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x2)
checks["Deku Tree MQ GS Basement Back Room"] = skulltula_check(0x0, 0x0)
checks["Deku Tree Queen Gohma Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x11)
return checks
local read_forest_temple_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x3) then
checks["Forest Temple First Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x3)
checks["Forest Temple First Stalfos Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x0)
checks["Forest Temple Raised Island Courtyard Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x5)
checks["Forest Temple Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["Forest Temple Well Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x9)
checks["Forest Temple Eye Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x4)
checks["Forest Temple Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xE)
checks["Forest Temple Floormaster Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x2)
checks["Forest Temple Red Poe Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xD)
checks["Forest Temple Bow Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xC)
checks["Forest Temple Blue Poe Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xF)
checks["Forest Temple Falling Ceiling Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x7)
checks["Forest Temple Basement Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xB)
checks["Forest Temple GS First Room"] = skulltula_check(0x03, 0x1)
checks["Forest Temple GS Lobby"] = skulltula_check(0x03, 0x3)
checks["Forest Temple GS Raised Island Courtyard"] = skulltula_check(0x03, 0x0)
checks["Forest Temple GS Level Island Courtyard"] = skulltula_check(0x03, 0x2)
checks["Forest Temple GS Basement"] = skulltula_check(0x03, 0x4)
checks["Forest Temple MQ First Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x3)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Wolfos Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x0)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Well Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x9)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Raised Island Courtyard Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Raised Island Courtyard Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x5)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xE)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Redead Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x2)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xD)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Bow Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xC)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xF)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Falling Ceiling Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0x6)
checks["Forest Temple MQ Basement Chest"] = chest_check(0x3, 0xB)
checks["Forest Temple MQ GS First Hallway"] = skulltula_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["Forest Temple MQ GS Raised Island Courtyard"] = skulltula_check(0x3, 0x0)
checks["Forest Temple MQ GS Level Island Courtyard"] = skulltula_check(0x3, 0x2)
checks["Forest Temple MQ GS Well"] = skulltula_check(0x3, 0x3)
checks["Forest Temple MQ GS Block Push Room"] = skulltula_check(0x3, 0x4)
checks["Forest Temple Phantom Ganon Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x14)
return checks
local read_hyrule_field_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["HF Ocarina of Time Item"] = event_check(0x4, 0x3)
checks["HF Near Market Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x00)
checks["HF Tektite Grotto Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x3E, 0x01)
checks["HF Southeast Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x02)
checks["HF Open Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x03)
checks["HF Cow Grotto Cow"] = cow_check(0x3E, 0x19)
-- This is the third of three deku scrubs which are always included in the item pool, not just in scrub-sanity
checks["HF Deku Scrub Grotto"] = item_get_info_check(0x0, 0x3)
if not checks["HF Deku Scrub Grotto"] then
checks["HF Deku Scrub Grotto"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x10, 0x3)
checks["HF GS Cow Grotto"] = skulltula_check(0x0A, 0x0)
checks["HF GS Near Kak Grotto"] = skulltula_check(0x0A, 0x1)
return checks
local read_lon_lon_ranch_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["LLR Talons Chickens"] = item_get_info_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["LLR Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x4C, 0x01)
checks["LLR Tower Left Cow"] = cow_check(0x4C, 0x19)
checks["LLR Tower Right Cow"] = cow_check(0x4C, 0x18)
-- checks["Lon Lon Ranch - Epona"] = event_check(0x1, 0x8)
checks["LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x26, 0x1)
checks["LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Center"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x26, 0x4)
checks["LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x26, 0x6)
checks["LLR Stables Left Cow"] = cow_check(0x36, 0x18)
checks["LLR Stables Right Cow"] = cow_check(0x36, 0x19)
checks["LLR GS House Window"] = skulltula_check(0x0B, 0x2)
checks["LLR GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x0B, 0x3)
checks["LLR GS Rain Shed"] = skulltula_check(0x0B, 0x1)
checks["LLR GS Back Wall"] = skulltula_check(0x0B, 0x0)
return checks
--NOTE Logic has bombchus from bomchu bowling here, but it's an endless drop so it is not printed
local read_market_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Market Shooting Gallery Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x0, 0x5)
checks["Market Bombchu Bowling First Prize"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["Market Bombchu Bowling Second Prize"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x2)
checks["Market Treasure Chest Game Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x3)
checks["Market Lost Dog"] = info_table_check(0x33, 0x1)
checks["Market 10 Big Poes"] = big_poe_bottle_check()
checks["ToT Light Arrows Cutscene"] = event_check(0xC, 0x4)
checks["Market GS Guard House"] = skulltula_check(0x0E, 0x3)
checks["Market Bazaar Item 5"] = shop_check(0x4, 0x0)
checks["Market Bazaar Item 6"] = shop_check(0x4, 0x1)
checks["Market Bazaar Item 7"] = shop_check(0x4, 0x2)
checks["Market Bazaar Item 8"] = shop_check(0x4, 0x3)
checks["Market Potion Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x8, 0x0)
checks["Market Potion Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x8, 0x1)
checks["Market Potion Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x8, 0x2)
checks["Market Potion Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x8, 0x3)
checks["Market Bombchu Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x1, 0x0)
checks["Market Bombchu Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x1, 0x1)
checks["Market Bombchu Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["Market Bombchu Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x1, 0x3)
return checks
local read_hyrule_castle_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["HC Malon Egg"] = event_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["HC Zeldas Letter"] = event_check(0x4, 0x0)
checks["HC Great Fairy Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x1)
checks["HC GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0xE, 0x2)
checks["HC GS Storms Grotto"] = skulltula_check(0xE, 0x1)
return checks
local read_kakariko_village_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Kak Anju as Child"] = item_get_info_check(0x0, 0x4)
checks["Kak Anju as Adult"] = item_get_info_check(0x4, 0x4)
checks["Kak Impas House Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x37, 0x1)
checks["Kak Windmill Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x48, 0x1)
checks["Kak Man on Roof"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x5)
checks["Kak Open Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x08)
checks["Kak Redead Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x0A)
checks["Kak Shooting Gallery Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x0, 0x6)
checks["Kak 10 Gold Skulltula Reward"] = event_check(0xD, 0xA)
checks["Kak 20 Gold Skulltula Reward"] = event_check(0xD, 0xB)
checks["Kak 30 Gold Skulltula Reward"] = event_check(0xD, 0xC)
checks["Kak 40 Gold Skulltula Reward"] = event_check(0xD, 0xD)
checks["Kak 50 Gold Skulltula Reward"] = event_check(0xD, 0xE)
checks["Kak Impas House Cow"] = cow_check(0x37, 0x18)
checks["Kak GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x5)
checks["Kak GS Near Gate Guard"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x1)
checks["Kak GS Watchtower"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x2)
checks["Kak GS Skulltula House"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x4)
checks["Kak GS House Under Construction"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x3)
checks["Kak GS Above Impas House"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x6)
--In rando these shops contain different items from market bazaar/potion
checks["Kak Bazaar Item 5"] = shop_check(0x7, 0x0)
checks["Kak Bazaar Item 6"] = shop_check(0x7, 0x1)
checks["Kak Bazaar Item 7"] = shop_check(0x7, 0x2)
checks["Kak Bazaar Item 8"] = shop_check(0x7, 0x3)
checks["Kak Potion Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x3, 0x0)
checks["Kak Potion Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["Kak Potion Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x3, 0x2)
checks["Kak Potion Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x3, 0x3)
return checks
local read_graveyard_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Graveyard Shield Grave Chest"] = chest_check(0x40, 0x00)
checks["Graveyard Heart Piece Grave Chest"] = chest_check(0x3F, 0x00)
checks["Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb Chest"] = chest_check(0x41, 0x00)
checks["Graveyard Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x53, 0x4)
checks["Graveyard Dampe Gravedigging Tour"] = on_the_ground_check(0x53, 0x8)
checks["Graveyard Dampe Race Hookshot Chest"] = chest_check(0x48, 0x00)
checks["Graveyard Dampe Race Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x48, 0x7)
checks["Graveyard GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x0)
checks["Graveyard GS Wall"] = skulltula_check(0x10, 0x7)
return checks
local read_bottom_of_the_well_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x8) then
checks["Bottom of the Well Front Left Fake Wall Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x08)
checks["Bottom of the Well Front Center Bombable Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x02)
checks["Bottom of the Well Back Left Bombable Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x04)
checks["Bottom of the Well Underwater Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x09)
checks["Bottom of the Well Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x08, 0x01)
checks["Bottom of the Well Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x01)
checks["Bottom of the Well Center Skulltula Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x0E)
checks["Bottom of the Well Right Bottom Fake Wall Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x05)
checks["Bottom of the Well Fire Keese Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x0A)
checks["Bottom of the Well Like Like Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x0C)
checks["Bottom of the Well Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x07)
checks["Bottom of the Well Underwater Front Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x10)
checks["Bottom of the Well Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x14)
checks["Bottom of the Well Lens of Truth Chest"] = chest_check(0x08, 0x03)
checks["Bottom of the Well GS West Inner Room"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x2)
checks["Bottom of the Well GS East Inner Room"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x1)
checks["Bottom of the Well GS Like Like Cage"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x0)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x8, 0x3)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ East Inner Room Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x8, 0x1)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x8, 0x2)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ Dead Hand Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x8, 0x2)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ Lens of Truth Chest"] = chest_check(0x8, 0x1)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ GS Coffin Room"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x2)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ GS West Inner Room"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x1)
checks["Bottom of the Well MQ GS Basement"] = skulltula_check(0x08, 0x0)
return checks
local read_shadow_temple_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x7) then
checks["Shadow Temple Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x01)
checks["Shadow Temple Hover Boots Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x07)
checks["Shadow Temple Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x03)
checks["Shadow Temple Early Silver Rupee Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x02)
checks["Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Visible Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x0C)
checks["Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x16)
checks["Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x05)
checks["Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x06)
checks["Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x04)
checks["Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x09)
checks["Shadow Temple Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x07, 0x01)
checks["Shadow Temple Wind Hint Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x15)
checks["Shadow Temple After Wind Enemy Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x08)
checks["Shadow Temple After Wind Hidden Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x14)
checks["Shadow Temple Spike Walls Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x0A)
checks["Shadow Temple Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x0B)
checks["Shadow Temple Invisible Floormaster Chest"] = chest_check(0x07, 0x0D)
checks["Shadow Temple GS Invisible Blades Room"] = skulltula_check(0x07, 0x3)
checks["Shadow Temple GS Falling Spikes Room"] = skulltula_check(0x07, 0x1)
checks["Shadow Temple GS Single Giant Pot"] = skulltula_check(0x07, 0x0)
checks["Shadow Temple GS Near Ship"] = skulltula_check(0x07, 0x4)
checks["Shadow Temple GS Triple Giant Pot"] = skulltula_check(0x07, 0x2)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Early Gibdos Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x3)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x2)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Near Ship Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xE)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x1)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Hover Boots Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x7)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x16)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Visible Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xC)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Beamos Silver Rupees Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xF)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x5)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x6)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x4)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Spikes Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x9)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Stalfos Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x10)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Wind Hint Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x15)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Hidden Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x14)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Enemy Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0x8)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xB)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Spike Walls Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xA)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x7, 0x6)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Chest"] = chest_check(0x7, 0xD)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ GS Falling Spikes Room"] = skulltula_check(0x7, 0x1)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ GS Wind Hint Room"] = skulltula_check(0x7, 0x0)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ GS After Wind"] = skulltula_check(0x7, 0x3)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ GS After Ship"] = skulltula_check(0x7, 0x4)
checks["Shadow Temple MQ GS Near Boss"] = skulltula_check(0x7, 0x2)
checks["Shadow Temple Bongo Bongo Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x18)
return checks
local read_death_mountain_trail_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["DMT Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x60, 0x1E)
checks["DMT Chest"] = chest_check(0x60, 0x01)
checks["DMT Storms Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x17)
checks["DMT Great Fairy Reward"] = great_fairy_magic_check(0x3B, 0x18) or check_temp_context({0xFF, 0x05, 0x13})
checks["DMT Biggoron"] = big_goron_sword_check()
checks["DMT Cow Grotto Cow"] = cow_check(0x3E, 0x18)
checks["DMT GS Near Kak"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x2)
checks["DMT GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x1)
checks["DMT GS Above Dodongos Cavern"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x3)
checks["DMT GS Falling Rocks Path"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x4)
return checks
local read_goron_city_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["GC Darunias Joy"] = event_check(0x3, 0x6)
checks["GC Pot Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x62, 0x1F)
checks["GC Rolling Goron as Child"] = info_table_check(0x22, 0x6)
checks["GC Rolling Goron as Adult"] = info_table_check(0x20, 0x1)
checks["GC Medigoron"] = medigoron_check(0x62, 0x1)
checks["GC Maze Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x62, 0x00)
checks["GC Maze Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x62, 0x01)
checks["GC Maze Center Chest"] = chest_check(0x62, 0x02)
checks["GC Deku Scrub Grotto Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x25, 0x1)
checks["GC Deku Scrub Grotto Center"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x25, 0x4)
checks["GC Deku Scrub Grotto Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x25, 0x6)
checks["GC GS Center Platform"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x5)
checks["GC GS Boulder Maze"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x6)
checks["GC Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x5, 0x0)
checks["GC Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x5, 0x1)
checks["GC Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x5, 0x2)
checks["GC Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x5, 0x3)
return checks
local read_death_mountain_crater_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["DMC Volcano Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x61, 0x08)
checks["DMC Wall Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x61, 0x02)
checks["DMC Upper Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x1A)
checks["DMC Great Fairy Reward"] = great_fairy_magic_check(0x3B, 0x10) or check_temp_context({0xFF, 0x05, 0x14})
checks["DMC Deku Scrub"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x61, 0x6)
checks["DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x23, 0x1)
checks["DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Center"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x23, 0x4)
checks["DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x23, 0x6)
checks["DMC GS Crate"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x7)
checks["DMC GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x0F, 0x0)
return checks
local read_dodongos_cavern_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x1) then
checks["Dodongos Cavern Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x01, 0x8)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x01, 0x5)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Bomb Flower Platform Chest"] = chest_check(0x01, 0x6)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Bomb Bag Chest"] = chest_check(0x01, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern End of Bridge Chest"] = chest_check(0x01, 0xA)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Lobby"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x5)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Side Room Near Dodongos"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Near Bomb Bag Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x1)
checks["Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Near Bomb Bag Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern GS Side Room Near Lower Lizalfos"] = skulltula_check(0x01, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern GS Scarecrow"] = skulltula_check(0x01, 0x1)
checks["Dodongos Cavern GS Alcove Above Stairs"] = skulltula_check(0x01, 0x2)
checks["Dodongos Cavern GS Vines Above Stairs"] = skulltula_check(0x01, 0x0)
checks["Dodongos Cavern GS Back Room"] = skulltula_check(0x01, 0x3)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x0)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Bomb Bag Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x3)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x5)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Under Grave Chest"] = chest_check(0x1, 0x1)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Side Room Near Lower Lizalfos"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x8)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Staircase"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1, 0x5)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Scrub Room"] = skulltula_check(0x1, 0x1)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Larvae Room"] = skulltula_check(0x1, 0x4)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Lizalfos Room"] = skulltula_check(0x1, 0x2)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Song of Time Block Room"] = skulltula_check(0x1, 0x3)
checks["Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Back Area"] = skulltula_check(0x1, 0x0)
-- Both of these are shared between vanilla and MQ
checks["Dodongos Cavern Boss Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x12, 0x0)
checks["Dodongos Cavern King Dodongo Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x12)
return checks
local read_fire_temple_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x4) then
checks["Fire Temple Near Boss Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x01)
checks["Fire Temple Flare Dancer Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x00)
checks["Fire Temple Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x0C)
checks["Fire Temple Big Lava Room Lower Open Door Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x04)
checks["Fire Temple Big Lava Room Blocked Door Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x02)
checks["Fire Temple Boulder Maze Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x03)
checks["Fire Temple Boulder Maze Side Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x08)
checks["Fire Temple Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x0A)
checks["Fire Temple Boulder Maze Shortcut Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x0B)
checks["Fire Temple Boulder Maze Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x06)
checks["Fire Temple Scarecrow Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x0D)
checks["Fire Temple Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x07)
checks["Fire Temple Megaton Hammer Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x05)
checks["Fire Temple Highest Goron Chest"] = chest_check(0x04, 0x09)
checks["Fire Temple GS Boss Key Loop"] = skulltula_check(0x04, 0x1)
checks["Fire Temple GS Song of Time Room"] = skulltula_check(0x04, 0x0)
checks["Fire Temple GS Boulder Maze"] = skulltula_check(0x04, 0x2)
checks["Fire Temple GS Scarecrow Climb"] = skulltula_check(0x04, 0x4)
checks["Fire Temple GS Scarecrow Top"] = skulltula_check(0x04, 0x3)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Map Room Side Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x2)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Megaton Hammer Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x0)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0xC)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x7)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Blocked Door Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x1)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x4)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Side Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x8)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0xB)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x6)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x3)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x4, 0x1C)
checks["Fire Temple MQ Chest On Fire"] = chest_check(0x4, 0x5)
checks["Fire Temple MQ GS Big Lava Room Open Door"] = skulltula_check(0x4, 0x0)
checks["Fire Temple MQ GS Skull On Fire"] = skulltula_check(0x4, 0x2)
checks["Fire Temple MQ GS Flame Maze Center"] = skulltula_check(0x4, 0x3)
checks["Fire Temple MQ GS Flame Maze Side Room"] = skulltula_check(0x4, 0x4)
checks["Fire Temple MQ GS Above Flame Maze"] = skulltula_check(0x4, 0x1)
checks["Fire Temple Volvagia Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x15)
return checks
local read_zoras_river_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["ZR Magic Bean Salesman"] = bean_sale_check(0x54, 0x1)
checks["ZR Open Grotto Chest"] = chest_check(0x3E, 0x09)
checks["ZR Frogs in the Rain"] = event_check(0xD, 0x6)
checks["ZR Frogs Ocarina Game"] = event_check(0xD, 0x0)
checks["ZR Near Open Grotto Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x54, 0x04)
checks["ZR Near Domain Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x54, 0x0B)
checks["ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x15, 0x9)
checks["ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x15, 0x8)
checks["ZR Frogs Zeldas Lullaby"] = event_check(0xD, 0x1)
checks["ZR Frogs Eponas Song"] = event_check(0xD, 0x2)
checks["ZR Frogs Suns Song"] = event_check(0xD, 0x3)
checks["ZR Frogs Sarias Song"] = event_check(0xD, 0x4)
checks["ZR Frogs Song of Time"] = event_check(0xD, 0x5)
checks["ZR GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x1)
--NOTE: There is no GS in the soft soil. It's the only one that doesn't have one.
checks["ZR GS Ladder"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x0)
checks["ZR GS Near Raised Grottos"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x4)
checks["ZR GS Above Bridge"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x3)
return checks
local read_zoras_domain_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["ZD Diving Minigame"] = event_check(0x3, 0x8)
checks["ZD Chest"] = chest_check(0x58, 0x00)
checks["ZD King Zora Thawed"] = info_table_check(0x26, 0x1)
checks["ZD GS Frozen Waterfall"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x6)
checks["ZD Shop Item 5"] = shop_check(0x2, 0x0)
checks["ZD Shop Item 6"] = shop_check(0x2, 0x1)
checks["ZD Shop Item 7"] = shop_check(0x2, 0x2)
checks["ZD Shop Item 8"] = shop_check(0x2, 0x3)
return checks
local read_zoras_fountain_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["ZF Great Fairy Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x0)
checks["ZF Iceberg Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x59, 0x01)
checks["ZF Bottom Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x59, 0x14)
checks["ZF GS Above the Log"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x2)
checks["ZF GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x7)
checks["ZF GS Hidden Cave"] = skulltula_check(0x11, 0x5)
return checks
local read_jabu_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x2) then
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly Boomerang Chest"] = chest_check(0x02, 0x01)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x02, 0x02)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x02, 0x04)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly Deku Scrub"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x02, 0x1)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly GS Water Switch Room"] = skulltula_check(0x02, 0x3)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Lower"] = skulltula_check(0x02, 0x0)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Upper"] = skulltula_check(0x02, 0x1)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly GS Near Boss"] = skulltula_check(0x02, 0x2)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x3)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ First Room Side Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x5)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Lower Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x2)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x0)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Switches Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x8)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Vines Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x4)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Room Small Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x1)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x6)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x9)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Upper Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0x7)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Near Boss Chest"] = chest_check(0x2, 0xA)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Cow"] = cow_check(0x2, 0x18)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Boomerang Chest Room"] = skulltula_check(0x2, 0x0)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Tailpasaran Room"] = skulltula_check(0x2, 0x2)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Invisible Enemies Room"] = skulltula_check(0x2, 0x3)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Near Boss"] = skulltula_check(0x2, 0x1)
checks["Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x13)
return checks
local read_ice_cavern_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x9) then
checks["Ice Cavern Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x00)
checks["Ice Cavern Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x01)
checks["Ice Cavern Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x09, 0x01)
checks["Ice Cavern Iron Boots Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x02)
checks["Ice Cavern GS Spinning Scythe Room"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x1)
checks["Ice Cavern GS Heart Piece Room"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x2)
checks["Ice Cavern GS Push Block Room"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x0)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x01)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x00)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x09, 0x01)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ Iron Boots Chest"] = chest_check(0x09, 0x02)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ GS Red Ice"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x1)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ GS Ice Block"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x2)
checks["Ice Cavern MQ GS Scarecrow"] = skulltula_check(0x09, 0x0)
return checks
local read_lake_hylia_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["LH Underwater Item"] = event_check(0x3, 0x1)
checks["LH Child Fishing"] = fishing_check(false)
checks["LH Adult Fishing"] = fishing_check(true)
checks["LH Lab Dive"] = item_get_info_check(0x3, 0x0)
checks["LH Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x57, 0x1E)
--It's not actually a chest, but it is marked in the chest section
checks["LH Sun"] = fire_arrows_check(0x57, 0x0)
checks["LH Deku Scrub Grotto Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x19, 0x1)
checks["LH Deku Scrub Grotto Center"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x19, 0x4)
checks["LH Deku Scrub Grotto Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x19, 0x6)
checks["LH GS Lab Wall"] = skulltula_check(0x12, 0x2)
checks["LH GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x12, 0x0)
checks["LH GS Small Island"] = skulltula_check(0x12, 0x1)
checks["LH GS Lab Crate"] = skulltula_check(0x12, 0x3)
checks["LH GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x12, 0x4)
return checks
local read_water_temple_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x5) then
checks["Water Temple Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x09)
checks["Water Temple Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x02)
checks["Water Temple Cracked Wall Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x00)
checks["Water Temple Torches Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x01)
checks["Water Temple Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x05)
checks["Water Temple Central Pillar Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x06)
checks["Water Temple Central Bow Target Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x08)
checks["Water Temple Longshot Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x07)
checks["Water Temple River Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x03)
checks["Water Temple Dragon Chest"] = chest_check(0x05, 0x0A)
checks["Water Temple GS Behind Gate"] = skulltula_check(0x05, 0x0)
checks["Water Temple GS Near Boss Key Chest"] = skulltula_check(0x05, 0x3)
checks["Water Temple GS Central Pillar"] = skulltula_check(0x05, 0x2)
checks["Water Temple GS Falling Platform Room"] = skulltula_check(0x05, 0x1)
checks["Water Temple GS River"] = skulltula_check(0x05, 0x4)
checks["Water Temple MQ Longshot Chest"] = chest_check(0x5, 0x0)
checks["Water Temple MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x5, 0x2)
checks["Water Temple MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x5, 0x1)
checks["Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Chest"] = chest_check(0x5, 0x6)
checks["Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x5, 0x5)
checks["Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x5, 0x1)
checks["Water Temple MQ GS Lizalfos Hallway"] = skulltula_check(0x5, 0x0)
checks["Water Temple MQ GS Before Upper Water Switch"] = skulltula_check(0x5, 0x2)
checks["Water Temple MQ GS River"] = skulltula_check(0x5, 0x1)
checks["Water Temple MQ GS Freestanding Key Area"] = skulltula_check(0x5, 0x3)
checks["Water Temple MQ GS Triple Wall Torch"] = skulltula_check(0x5, 0x4)
checks["Water Temple Morpha Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x16)
return checks
local read_gerudo_valley_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["GV Crate Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x5A, 0x2)
checks["GV Waterfall Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x5A, 0x1)
checks["GV Chest"] = chest_check(0x5A, 0x00)
checks["GV Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1A, 0x9)
checks["GV Deku Scrub Grotto Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x1A, 0x8)
checks["GV Cow"] = cow_check(0x5A, 0x18)
checks["GV GS Small Bridge"] = skulltula_check(0x13, 0x1)
checks["GV GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x13, 0x0)
checks["GV GS Behind Tent"] = skulltula_check(0x13, 0x3)
checks["GV GS Pillar"] = skulltula_check(0x13, 0x2)
return checks
local read_gerudo_fortress_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Hideout 1 Torch Jail Gerudo Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0xC, 0xC)
checks["Hideout 2 Torches Jail Gerudo Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0xC, 0xF)
checks["Hideout 3 Torches Jail Gerudo Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0xC, 0xA)
checks["Hideout 4 Torches Jail Gerudo Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0xC, 0xE)
checks["Hideout Gerudo Membership Card"] = membership_card_check(0xC, 0x2)
checks["GF Chest"] = chest_check(0x5D, 0x0)
checks["GF HBA 1000 Points"] = info_table_check(0x33, 0x0)
checks["GF HBA 1500 Points"] = item_get_info_check(0x0, 0x7)
checks["GF GS Top Floor"] = skulltula_check(0x14, 0x1)
checks["GF GS Archery Range"] = skulltula_check(0x14, 0x0)
return checks
local read_gerudo_training_ground_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0xB) then
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x13)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x07)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Stalfos Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x00)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Before Heavy Block Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x11)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block First Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0F)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Second Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0E)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Third Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x14)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Fourth Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x02)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Eye Statue Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x03)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Near Scarecrow Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x04)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Clear Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x12)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x10)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0x0B, 0x1)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Central Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x05)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Side Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x08)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0D)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Beamos Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x01)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Hidden Ceiling Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0B)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path First Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x06)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Second Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0A)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Third Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x09)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Final Chest"] = chest_check(0x0B, 0x0C)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x13)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x7)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ First Iron Knuckle Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x0)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Before Heavy Block Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x11)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Heavy Block Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x2)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Eye Statue Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x3)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Ice Arrows Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x4)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Second Iron Knuckle Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x12)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Flame Circle Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0xE)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Central Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x5)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Side Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x8)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Underwater Silver Rupee Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0xD)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Dinolfos Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x1)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Hidden Ceiling Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0xB)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path First Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x6)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Third Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0x9)
checks["Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Second Chest"] = chest_check(0xB, 0xA)
return checks
local read_haunted_wasteland_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Wasteland Bombchu Salesman"] = salesman_check(0x5E, 0x01)
checks["Wasteland Chest"] = chest_check(0x5E, 0x00)
checks["Wasteland GS"] = skulltula_check(0x15, 0x1)
return checks
local read_desert_colossus_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Colossus Great Fairy Reward"] = item_get_info_check(0x2, 0x2)
checks["Colossus Freestanding PoH"] = on_the_ground_check(0x5C, 0xD)
checks["Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Front"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x27, 0x9)
checks["Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Rear"] = scrub_sanity_check(0x27, 0x8)
checks["Colossus GS Bean Patch"] = skulltula_check(0x15, 0x0)
checks["Colossus GS Tree"] = skulltula_check(0x15, 0x3)
checks["Colossus GS Hill"] = skulltula_check(0x15, 0x2)
return checks
local read_spirit_temple_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0x6) then
checks["Spirit Temple Child Bridge Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x08)
checks["Spirit Temple Child Early Torches Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x00)
checks["Spirit Temple Child Climb North Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x06)
checks["Spirit Temple Child Climb East Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x0C)
checks["Spirit Temple Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x03)
checks["Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x01)
checks["Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest"] = chest_check(0x5C, 0x0B)
checks["Spirit Temple Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x04)
checks["Spirit Temple Early Adult Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x07)
checks["Spirit Temple First Mirror Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x0D)
checks["Spirit Temple First Mirror Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x0E)
checks["Spirit Temple Statue Room Northeast Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x0F)
checks["Spirit Temple Statue Room Hand Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x02)
checks["Spirit Temple Near Four Armos Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x05)
checks["Spirit Temple Hallway Right Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x14)
checks["Spirit Temple Hallway Left Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x15)
checks["Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest"] = chest_check(0x5C, 0x09)
checks["Spirit Temple Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x0A)
checks["Spirit Temple Topmost Chest"] = chest_check(0x06, 0x12)
checks["Spirit Temple GS Metal Fence"] = skulltula_check(0x06, 0x4)
checks["Spirit Temple GS Sun on Floor Room"] = skulltula_check(0x06, 0x3)
checks["Spirit Temple GS Hall After Sun Block Room"] = skulltula_check(0x06, 0x0)
checks["Spirit Temple GS Lobby"] = skulltula_check(0x06, 0x2)
checks["Spirit Temple GS Boulder Room"] = skulltula_check(0x06, 0x1)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1A)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1F)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1B)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1E)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Map Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x0)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Map Room Enemy Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x8)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb North Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x6)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb South Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0xC)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Compass Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x3)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Silver Block Hallway Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1C)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1)
checks["Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest"] = chest_check(0x5C, 0xB)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Child Hammer Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x1D)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Lullaby Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0xF)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x2)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Leever Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x4)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Symphony Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x7)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Beamos Room Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x19)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Chest Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x18)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x5)
checks["Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest"] = chest_check(0x5C, 0x9)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ Mirror Puzzle Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x6, 0x12)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ GS Sun Block Room"] = skulltula_check(0x6, 0x0)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ GS Leever Room"] = skulltula_check(0x6, 0x1)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ GS Symphony Room"] = skulltula_check(0x6, 0x3)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room West"] = skulltula_check(0x6, 0x2)
checks["Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room North"] = skulltula_check(0x6, 0x4)
checks["Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart"] = boss_item_check(0x17)
return checks
local read_ganons_castle_checks = function(mq_table_address)
local checks = {}
if not is_master_quest_dungeon(mq_table_address, 0xD) then
checks["Ganons Castle Forest Trial Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x09)
checks["Ganons Castle Water Trial Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x07)
checks["Ganons Castle Water Trial Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x06)
checks["Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Front Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x08)
checks["Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x05)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial First Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0C)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0B)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Left Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0D)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial First Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0E)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0A)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Right Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x0F)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Invisible Enemies Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x10)
checks["Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x11)
checks["Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Crystal Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x12)
checks["Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0x0D, 0x14)
checks["Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x9)
checks["Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x6)
checks["Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x4)
checks["Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x8)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Freestanding Key"] = on_the_ground_check(0xD, 0x1)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Eye Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x2)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Frozen Eye Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x3)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x1)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Bomb Flower Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x0)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Eye Switch Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x5)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Lullaby Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x4)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial First Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0xA)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Invisible Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x14)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Front Left Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x9)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Back Left Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x8)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Back Right Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x7)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest"] = chest_check(0xD, 0x6)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x9)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center-Left"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x6)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x4)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center-Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x8)
checks["Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Right"] = scrub_sanity_check(0xD, 0x1)
checks["Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest"] = chest_check(0x0A, 0x0B)
return checks
local read_outside_ganons_castle_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["OGC Great Fairy Reward"] = great_fairy_magic_check(0x3B, 0x8)
checks["OGC GS"] = skulltula_check(0x0E, 0x0)
return checks
local read_song_checks = function()
local checks = {}
checks["Song from Impa"] = event_check(0x5, 0x9) -- Zelda's Lullaby
checks["Song from Malon"] = event_check(0x5, 0x8) -- Epona's Song
checks["Song from Saria"] = event_check(0x5, 0x7) -- Saria's Song
checks["Song from Royal Familys Tomb"] = event_check(0x5, 0xA) -- Sun's Song
checks["Song from Ocarina of Time"] = event_check(0xA, 0x9) -- Song of Time
checks["Song from Windmill"] = event_check(0x5, 0xB) -- Song of Storms
checks["Sheik in Forest"] = event_check(0x5, 0x0) -- Minuet of Forest
checks["Sheik in Crater"] = event_check(0x5, 0x1) -- Bolero of Fire
checks["Sheik in Ice Cavern"] = event_check(0x5, 0x2) -- Serenade of Water
checks["Sheik at Colossus"] = event_check(0xA, 0xC) -- Requiem of Spirit
checks["Sheik in Kakariko"] = event_check(0x5, 0x4) -- Nocturne of Shadows
checks["Sheik at Temple"] = event_check(0x5, 0x5) -- Prelude of Light
return checks
local check_all_locations = function(mq_table_address)
-- TODO: make MQ better
local location_checks = {}
temp_context = mainmemory.readbyterange(0x40002C, 4)
for k,v in pairs(read_kokiri_forest_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_lost_woods_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_sacred_forest_meadow_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_deku_tree_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_forest_temple_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_hyrule_field_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_lon_lon_ranch_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_market_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_hyrule_castle_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_kakariko_village_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_graveyard_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_bottom_of_the_well_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_shadow_temple_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_death_mountain_trail_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_goron_city_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_death_mountain_crater_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_dodongos_cavern_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_fire_temple_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_zoras_river_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_zoras_domain_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_zoras_fountain_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_jabu_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_ice_cavern_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_lake_hylia_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_water_temple_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_gerudo_valley_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_gerudo_fortress_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_gerudo_training_ground_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_haunted_wasteland_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_desert_colossus_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_spirit_temple_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_ganons_castle_checks(mq_table_address)) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_outside_ganons_castle_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
for k,v in pairs(read_song_checks()) do location_checks[k] = v end
-- write 0 to temp context values
mainmemory.write_u32_be(0x40002C, 0)
mainmemory.write_u32_be(0x400030, 0)
return location_checks
local check_collectibles = function()
local retval = {}
if collectible_offsets ~= nil then
for id, data in pairs(collectible_offsets) do
local mem = mainmemory.readbyte(collectible_overrides + data[1] + bit.rshift(data[2], 3))
retval[id] = bit.check(mem, data[2] % 8)
return retval
-- convenience functions
-- invert a table (assumes values are unique)
local function invert_table(t)
local inverted = {}
for key,val in pairs(t) do
inverted[val] = key
return inverted
-- a Layout describes how a section of memory is laid out
-- getting a specific data type should return its value,
-- getting a rescursive structure will return the structure with the layout (this is the default behavior)
local Layout = {
rawget = function(pointer) return pointer.get(pointer) end,
get = function(pointer) return pointer end,
set = function(pointer, value) end
function Layout:create (l)
setmetatable(l, self)
self.__index = self
return l
-- a Layout_Entry gives an offset within the Layout and, recursively, a Layout of memory at that offset
local function Layout_Entry(offset, layout)
return { offset = offset, layout = layout }
local e = Layout_Entry
-- Pointer holds an absolute offset, and has a Layout as its type
local Pointer = {}
function Pointer:new (offset, layout)
local p = { offset = offset, layout = layout }
setmetatable(p, Pointer)
return p
function Pointer:cast(layout)
return Pointer:new(self.offset, layout)
function Pointer:rawget(key)
if not self.layout[key] then
return self.layout.rawget(self)
-- get the struct at this entry
local inner = self.layout[key]
-- update get the new offset and layout
local offset = self.offset + inner.offset
local layout = inner.layout
-- create a new pointer
return Pointer:new(offset, layout)
function Pointer:get() return self.layout.get(self) end
function Pointer:set(value) return self.layout.set(self, value) end
function Pointer.__index(pointer, key)
if Pointer[key] then
return Pointer[key]
-- get the pointer
local p = pointer:rawget(key)
-- resolve the pointer (if the layout is not concrete, it resolves to itself)
return p:get()
function Pointer.__newindex(pointer, key, value)
-- get the pointer
local p = pointer:rawget(key)
-- resolve the pointer (if the layout is not concrete, it resolves to itself)
-- Int has a width in bytes to read
local function Int(width)
local obj = Layout:create {}
local gets = {
[1] = function(p)return mainmemory.read_u8(p.offset) end,
[2] = function(p) return mainmemory.read_u16_be(p.offset) end,
[3] = function(p) return mainmemory.read_u24_be(p.offset) end,
[4] = function(p) return mainmemory.read_u32_be(p.offset) end,
obj.get = gets[width]
local sets = {
[1] = function(p, value) mainmemory.write_u8(p.offset, value) end,
[2] = function(p, value) mainmemory.write_u16_be(p.offset, value) end,
[3] = function(p, value) mainmemory.write_u24_be(p.offset, value) end,
[4] = function(p, value) mainmemory.write_u32_be(p.offset, value) end,
obj.set = sets[width]
return obj
-- alias for types to save space by not creating them multiple times
local Int_8 = Int(1)
local Int_16 = Int(2)
local Int_24 = Int(3)
local Int_32 = Int(4)
-- Bit is a single flag at an address
-- values passed in and returned are booleans
local function Bit(pos)
local obj = Layout:create {}
function obj.get(p)
return bit.check(mainmemory.read_u8(p.offset), pos)
function obj.set(p, value)
local orig = mainmemory.readbyte(p.offset)
local changed
if value then
changed = bit.set(orig, pos)
changed = bit.clear(orig, pos)
mainmemory.writebyte(p.offset, changed)
return obj
-- Bits is an int that is some mask of bits at the address
-- the range of bit positions is inclusive
local function Bits(start, ending)
local obj = Layout:create {}
local mask = 0x00
for b = start, ending do
mask = bit.set(mask, b)
function obj.get(p)
return bit.rshift( bit.band(mainmemory.read_u8(p.offset), mask), start )
function obj.set(p, value)
local orig = mainmemory.readbyte(p.offset)
orig = bit.band( orig, bit.bnot(mask) )
mainmemory.writebyte(p.offset, bit.bor(bit.lshift(value, start), orig) )
return obj
local function Value_Named_Layout(layout, lookup)
local obj = Layout:create {}
obj.lookup = lookup
function obj.get(p)
local value = layout.get(p)
if lookup[value] then
value = lookup[value]
return value
function obj.rawget(p)
return layout.get(p)
local inverse_lookup = invert_table(lookup)
function obj.set(p, value)
if type(value) == "string" then
if inverse_lookup[value] then
value = inverse_lookup[value]
layout.set(p, value)
return obj
-- holds a list of layouts of a given type, that can be indexed into
-- the Array can be given a list of names for each key to be used as an alternative lookup
local function Array(width, layout, keys)
local obj = Layout:create {}
obj.keys = keys
setmetatable(obj, {
__index = function(array, key)
-- allows us to still call get and set
if Layout[key] then
return Layout[key]
-- compute the offset from the start of the array
if type(key) == "string" then
if keys[key] then
key = keys[key]
key = 0
local offset = key * width
-- since this is a layout, we are expected to return a layout entry
return Layout_Entry( offset, layout )
return obj
-- holds a list of bit flags
-- the Bit_Array can be given a list of names for each key to be used as an alternative lookup
local function Bit_Array(bytes, keys)
local obj = Layout:create {}
obj.keys = keys
setmetatable(obj, {
__index = function(array, key)
-- allows us to still call get and set
if Layout[key] then
return Layout[key]
-- compute the offset from the start of the array
if type(key) == "string" then
if keys[key] then
key = keys[key]
key = 0
local byte = bytes - math.floor(key / 8) - 1
local bit = key % 8
-- since this is a layout, we are expected to return a layout entry
return Layout_Entry( byte, Bit(bit) )
return obj
-- a pointer to a specific location in memory
local function Address(layout)
local obj = Layout:create {}
function obj.get(p)
-- get the address
local address = Int_32.get(p)
address = bit.band(address, 0x00FFFFFF)
-- return "Null" for address 0
if address == 0 then
return "Null"
-- create a pointer to it
return Pointer:new( address, layout )
function obj.set(p, value)
-- Null a pointer
if value == "Null" then
Int_32.set(p, 0)
-- assume this is a Pointer
if type(value) == "table" then
value = value.offset
-- create address
local address = bit.bor(value, 0x80000000)
Int_32.set(p, address)
return obj
-- OOT Structs
local scene_names = {
deku_tree = 0x00,
dodongos_cavern = 0x01,
jabu_jabus_belly = 0x02,
forest_temple = 0x03,
fire_temple = 0x04,
water_temple = 0x05,
spirit_temple = 0x06,
shadow_temple = 0x07,
bottom_of_the_well = 0x08,
ice_cavern = 0x09,
ganons_tower = 0x0A,
gerudo_training_ground = 0x0B,
thieves_hideout = 0x0C,
inside_ganons_castle = 0x0D,
treasure_box_shop = 0x10,
local Global_Context = Layout:create {
cur_scene = Layout_Entry( 0x00A4, Value_Named_Layout(Int_16, invert_table(scene_names)) ),
actor_table = Layout_Entry( 0x1C30, Array( 0x8, Actor_Table_Entry, actor_category ) ),
switch_flags = Layout_Entry( 0x1D28, Bit_Array( 0x4 ) ),
temp_switch_flags = Layout_Entry( 0x1D2C, Bit_Array( 0x4 ) ),
chest_flags = Layout_Entry( 0x1D38, Bit_Array( 0x4 ) ),
room_clear_flags = Layout_Entry( 0x1D3C, Bit_Array( 0x4 ) ),
local Save_Context = Layout:create {
time = Layout_Entry( 0x000C, Int_16 ),
max_health = Layout_Entry( 0x002E, Int_16 ),
cur_health = Layout_Entry( 0x0030, Int_16 ),
magic_meter_level = Layout_Entry( 0x0032, Int_8 ),
cur_magic = Layout_Entry( 0x0033, Int_8 ),
rupees = Layout_Entry( 0x0034, Int_16 ),
have_magic = Layout_Entry( 0x003A, Bit(0) ),
have_double_magic = Layout_Entry( 0x003C, Bit(0) ),
double_defense = Layout_Entry( 0x003D, Bit(0) ),
biggoron_sword_durable = Layout_Entry( 0x003E, Bit(0) ),
stored_child_equips = Layout_Entry( 0x0040, Equips ),
stored_adult_equips = Layout_Entry( 0x004A, Equips ),
current_equips = Layout_Entry( 0x0068, Equips ),
inventory = Layout_Entry( 0x0074, Array( 1, Item, item_slot_names ) ),
ammo = Layout_Entry( 0x008C, Array( 1, Int_8, item_slot_names ) ),
beans_purchased = Layout_Entry( 0x009B, Int_8 ),
equipment = Layout_Entry( 0x009C, Equipment ),
heart_pieces = Layout_Entry( 0x00A4, Bits(4,5) ),
quest_status = Layout_Entry( 0x00A5, Bit_Array( 0x3, quest_status_names ) ),
dungeon_items = Layout_Entry( 0x00A8, Array( 0x1, Dungeon_Item, scene_names ) ),
small_keys = Layout_Entry( 0x00BC, Array( 0x1, Int_8, scene_names ) ),
double_defense_hearts = Layout_Entry( 0x00CF, Int_8 ),
gold_skulltulas = Layout_Entry( 0x00D0, Int_16 ),
scene_flags = Layout_Entry( 0x00D4, Array( 0x1C, Scene_Flags_Type, scene_names ) ),
skulltula_flags = Layout_Entry( 0xE9C, Array( 0x1, Bit_Array( 0x1 ) ) ),
events = Layout_Entry( 0xED4, Array( 0x2, Bit_Array( 0x2 ) ) ),
magic_meter_size = Layout_Entry( 0x13F4, Int_16 ),
-- ex: oot.sav.triforce_pieces = 0x01 - doesn't seem to work with decimal vals
triforce_pieces = Layout_Entry( 0xD4 + 0x1C * 0x48 + 0x10, Int_32)
local save_context = Pointer:new( 0x11A5D0, Save_Context )
local global_context = Pointer:new( 0x1C84A0, Global_Context )
local STATE_OK = "Ok"
local STATE_TENTATIVELY_CONNECTED = "Tentatively Connected"
local STATE_INITIAL_CONNECTION_MADE = "Initial Connection Made"
local STATE_UNINITIALIZED = "Uninitialized"
local prevstate = ""
local curstate = STATE_UNINITIALIZED
local ootSocket = nil
local frame = 0
-- Various useful values
local rando_context = mainmemory.read_u32_be(0x1C6E90 + 0x15D4) - 0x80000000
local coop_context = mainmemory.read_u32_be(rando_context + 0x0000) - 0x80000000
local player_id_addr = coop_context + 4
local incoming_player_addr = coop_context + 6
local incoming_item_addr = coop_context + 8
local outgoing_key_addr = coop_context + 12
local outgoing_item_addr = coop_context + 16
local outgoing_player_addr = coop_context + 18
local player_names_address = coop_context + 20
local player_name_length = 8 -- 8 bytes
local rom_name_location = player_names_address + 0x800 + 0x5 -- 0x800 player names, 0x5 CFG_FILE_SELECT_HASH
-- TODO: load dynamically from slot data
local master_quest_table_address = rando_context + (mainmemory.read_u32_be(rando_context + 0x0E9F) - 0x03480000)
local save_context_addr = 0x11A5D0
local internal_count_addr = save_context_addr + 0x90
local item_queue = {}
local first_connect = true
local game_complete = false
NUM_BIG_POES_REQUIRED = mainmemory.read_u8(rando_context + 0x0EAD)
local bytes_to_string = function(bytes)
local string = ''
for i=0,#(bytes) do
if bytes[i] == 0 then return string end
string = string .. string.char(bytes[i])
return string
-- ROM reading and writing functions
-- Reading game state
local state_main = Pointer:new( 0x11B92F, Int(1) )
local state_sub = Pointer:new( 0x11B933, Int(1) )
local state_menu = Pointer:new( 0x1D8DD5, Int(1) )
local state_logo = Pointer:new( 0x11F200, Int(4) )
local state_link = Pointer:new( 0x1DB09C, Bit_Array( 0x8, {dying=0x27} ) )
local state_fairy_queued = Pointer:new( 0x1DB26F, Bit(0) )
local game_modes = {
[-1]={name="Unknown", loaded=false},
[0]={name="N64 Logo", loaded=false},
[1]={name="Title Screen", loaded=false},
[2]={name="File Select", loaded=false},
[3]={name="Normal Gameplay", loaded=true},
[4]={name="Cutscene", loaded=true},
[5]={name="Paused", loaded=true},
[6]={name="Dying", loaded=true},
[7]={name="Dying Menu Start", loaded=false},
[8]={name="Dead", loaded=false},
local function get_current_game_mode()
local mode = -1
local logo_state = state_logo:get()
if logo_state == 0x802C5880 or logo_state == 0x00000000 then
mode = 0
if state_main:get() == 1 then
mode = 1
elseif state_main:get() == 2 then
mode = 2
local menu_state = state_menu:get()
if menu_state == 0 then
if state_link.dying or save_context.cur_health <= 0 then
mode = 6
if state_sub:get() == 4 then
mode = 4
mode = 3
elseif (0 < menu_state and menu_state < 9) or menu_state == 13 then
mode = 5
elseif menu_state == 9 or menu_state == 0xB then
mode = 7
mode = 8
return mode, game_modes[mode]
function InSafeState()
return game_modes[get_current_game_mode()].loaded
function item_receivable()
local shop_scenes = {[0x2C]=1, [0x2D]=1, [0x2E]=1, [0x2F]=1, [0x30]=1, [0x31]=1, [0x32]=1, [0x33]=1,
[0x42]=1, [0x4B]=1}
local details
local scene
_, details = get_current_game_mode()
scene = global_context:rawget('cur_scene'):rawget()
local playerQueued = mainmemory.read_u16_be(incoming_player_addr)
local itemQueued = mainmemory.read_u16_be(incoming_item_addr)
-- Safe to receive an item if the scene is normal, player is not in a shop, and no item is already queued
return details.name == "Normal Gameplay" and shop_scenes[scene] == nil and playerQueued == 0 and itemQueued == 0
function get_player_name()
local rom_name_bytes = mainmemory.readbyterange(rom_name_location, 16)
return bytes_to_string(rom_name_bytes)
function setPlayerName(id, name)
local name_address = player_names_address + (id * player_name_length)
local name_index = 0
for _,c in pairs({string.byte(name, 1, 100)}) do
if c >= string.byte('0') and c <= string.byte('9') then
c = c - string.byte('0')
elseif c >= string.byte('A') and c <= string.byte('Z') then
c = c + 0x6A
elseif c >= string.byte('a') and c <= string.byte('z') then
c = c + 0x64
elseif c == string.byte('.') then
c = 0xEA
elseif c == string.byte('-') then
c = 0xE4
elseif c == string.byte(' ') then
c = 0xDF
c = nil
if c ~= nil then
mainmemory.write_u8(name_address + name_index, c)
name_index = name_index + 1
if name_index >= 8 then
for i = name_index, player_name_length - 1 do
mainmemory.write_u8(name_address + i, 0xDF)
function is_game_complete()
-- If the game is complete, do not read memory
if game_complete then return true end
-- contains a pointer to the current scene
local scene_pointer = mainmemory.read_u32_be(0x1CA208)
local triforce_hunt_complete = 0x80383C10 -- pointer credits location set by completed triforce hunt
local ganon_defeated = 0x80382720 -- pointer to cutscene when ganon is defeated
-- If the game is complete, set the lib variable and report the game as completed
if (scene_pointer == triforce_hunt_complete) or (scene_pointer == ganon_defeated) then
game_complete = true
return true
-- Game is still ongoing
return false
function deathlink_enabled()
local death_link_flag = mainmemory.readbyte(coop_context + 0xB)
return death_link_flag > 0
function get_death_state()
-- Load the current game mode
local game_mode = get_current_game_mode()
-- If the N64 Logo is loaded, Link isn't dead, he just doesn't exist
if (game_mode == "N64 Logo" or game_mode == "File Select") then return false end
-- Read Link's current HP value
local hp_counter = mainmemory.read_u16_be(0x11A600)
return (hp_counter == 0)
function kill_link()
-- market entrance: 27/28/29
-- outside ToT: 35/36/37.
-- if killed on these scenes the game crashes, so we wait until not on this screen.
local scene = global_context:rawget('cur_scene'):rawget()
if scene == 27 or scene == 28 or scene == 29 or scene == 35 or scene == 36 or scene == 37 then return end
mainmemory.write_u16_be(0x11A600, 0)
function process_block(block)
-- Sometimes the block is nothing, if this is the case then quietly stop processing
if block == nil then
-- Write player names on first connect or after reset (N64 logo, title screen, file select)
cur_mode = get_current_game_mode()
if (first_connect or cur_mode == 0 or cur_mode == 1 or cur_mode == 2) and (#block['playerNames'] > 0) then
first_connect = false
local index = 1
while (index <= #block['playerNames']) and (index < 255) do
setPlayerName(index, block['playerNames'][index])
index = index + 1
setPlayerName(255, 'APPlayer')
-- Kill Link if needed
if block['triggerDeath'] then
-- Queue item for receiving, if one exists
item_queue = block['items']
received_items_count = mainmemory.read_u16_be(internal_count_addr)
if received_items_count < #item_queue then
-- There are items to send: remember lua tables are 1-indexed!
if item_receivable() then
mainmemory.write_u16_be(incoming_player_addr, 0x00)
mainmemory.write_u16_be(incoming_item_addr, item_queue[received_items_count+1])
-- Record collectible data if necessary
if collectible_overrides == nil and block['collectibleOverrides'] ~= 0 then
collectible_overrides = mainmemory.read_u32_be(rando_context + block['collectibleOverrides']) - 0x80000000
if collectible_offsets ~= block['collectibleOffsets'] then
collectible_offsets = block['collectibleOffsets']
-- Main control handling: main loop and socket receive
function receive()
l, e = ootSocket:receive()
-- Handle incoming message
if e == 'closed' then
if curstate == STATE_OK then
print("Connection closed")
elseif e == 'timeout' then
elseif e ~= nil then
-- Determine message to send back
local retTable = {}
retTable["playerName"] = get_player_name()
retTable["scriptVersion"] = script_version
retTable["deathlinkActive"] = deathlink_enabled()
if InSafeState() then
retTable["locations"] = check_all_locations(master_quest_table_address)
retTable["collectibles"] = check_collectibles()
retTable["isDead"] = get_death_state()
retTable["gameComplete"] = is_game_complete()
-- Send the message
msg = json.encode(retTable).."\n"
local ret, error = ootSocket:send(msg)
if ret == nil then
elseif curstate == STATE_INITIAL_CONNECTION_MADE then
elseif curstate == STATE_TENTATIVELY_CONNECTED then
curstate = STATE_OK
function main()
if not checkBizhawkVersion() then
server, error = socket.bind('localhost', 28921)
while true do
frame = frame + 1
if not (curstate == prevstate) then
prevstate = curstate
if (curstate == STATE_OK) or (curstate == STATE_INITIAL_CONNECTION_MADE) or (curstate == STATE_TENTATIVELY_CONNECTED) then
if (frame % 30 == 0) then
elseif (curstate == STATE_UNINITIALIZED) then
if (frame % 60 == 0) then
local client, timeout = server:accept()
if timeout == nil then
print('Initial Connection Made')
ootSocket = client
print('Connection failed, ensure OoTClient is running and rerun connector_oot.lua')
main() |