174 lines
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174 lines
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import itertools
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import Item, ItemClassification
from .options import BossesAsChecks, VictoryCondition, ExtraOrbs
from . import NoitaWorld
NoitaWorld = object
class ItemData(NamedTuple):
code: int
group: str
classification: ItemClassification = ItemClassification.progression
required_num: int = 0
class NoitaItem(Item):
game: str = "Noita"
def create_item(player: int, name: str) -> Item:
item_data = item_table[name]
return NoitaItem(name, item_data.classification, item_data.code, player)
def create_fixed_item_pool() -> List[str]:
required_items: Dict[str, int] = {name: data.required_num for name, data in item_table.items()}
return list(Counter(required_items).elements())
def create_orb_items(victory_condition: VictoryCondition, extra_orbs: ExtraOrbs) -> List[str]:
orb_count = extra_orbs.value
if victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_pure_ending:
orb_count = orb_count + 11
elif victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_peaceful_ending:
orb_count = orb_count + 33
return ["Orb" for _ in range(orb_count)]
def create_spatial_awareness_item(bosses_as_checks: BossesAsChecks) -> List[str]:
return ["Spatial Awareness Perk"] if bosses_as_checks.value >= BossesAsChecks.option_all_bosses else []
def create_kantele(victory_condition: VictoryCondition) -> List[str]:
return ["Kantele"] if victory_condition.value >= VictoryCondition.option_pure_ending else []
def create_random_items(world: NoitaWorld, weights: Dict[str, int], count: int) -> List[str]:
filler_pool = weights.copy()
if not world.options.bad_effects:
del filler_pool["Trap"]
del filler_pool["Greed Die"]
return world.random.choices(population=list(filler_pool.keys()),
def create_all_items(world: NoitaWorld) -> None:
player = world.player
locations_to_fill = len(world.multiworld.get_unfilled_locations(player))
itempool = (
+ create_orb_items(world.options.victory_condition, world.options.extra_orbs)
+ create_spatial_awareness_item(world.options.bosses_as_checks)
+ create_kantele(world.options.victory_condition)
# if there's not enough shop-allowed items in the pool, we can encounter gen issues
# 39 is the number of shop-valid items we need to guarantee
if len(itempool) < 39:
itempool += create_random_items(world, shop_only_filler_weights, 39 - len(itempool))
# this is so that it passes tests and gens if you have minimal locations and only one player
if world.multiworld.players == 1:
for location in world.multiworld.get_unfilled_locations(player):
if "Shop Item" in location.name:
location.item = create_item(player, itempool.pop())
locations_to_fill = len(world.multiworld.get_unfilled_locations(player))
itempool += create_random_items(world, filler_weights, locations_to_fill - len(itempool))
world.multiworld.itempool += [create_item(player, name) for name in itempool]
# 110000 - 110032
item_table: Dict[str, ItemData] = {
"Trap": ItemData(110000, "Traps", ItemClassification.trap),
"Extra Max HP": ItemData(110001, "Pickups", ItemClassification.useful),
"Spell Refresher": ItemData(110002, "Pickups", ItemClassification.filler),
"Potion": ItemData(110003, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Gold (200)": ItemData(110004, "Gold", ItemClassification.filler),
"Gold (1000)": ItemData(110005, "Gold", ItemClassification.filler),
"Wand (Tier 1)": ItemData(110006, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful),
"Wand (Tier 2)": ItemData(110007, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful),
"Wand (Tier 3)": ItemData(110008, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful),
"Wand (Tier 4)": ItemData(110009, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful),
"Wand (Tier 5)": ItemData(110010, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Wand (Tier 6)": ItemData(110011, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Kantele": ItemData(110012, "Wands", ItemClassification.useful),
"Fire Immunity Perk": ItemData(110013, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Toxic Immunity Perk": ItemData(110014, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Explosion Immunity Perk": ItemData(110015, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Melee Immunity Perk": ItemData(110016, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Electricity Immunity Perk": ItemData(110017, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Tinker with Wands Everywhere Perk": ItemData(110018, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"All-Seeing Eye Perk": ItemData(110019, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Spatial Awareness Perk": ItemData(110020, "Perks", ItemClassification.progression),
"Extra Life Perk": ItemData(110021, "Repeatable Perks", ItemClassification.useful, 1),
"Orb": ItemData(110022, "Orbs", ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing),
"Random Potion": ItemData(110023, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Secret Potion": ItemData(110024, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Powder Pouch": ItemData(110025, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Chaos Die": ItemData(110026, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Greed Die": ItemData(110027, "Items", ItemClassification.trap),
"Kammi": ItemData(110028, "Items", ItemClassification.filler, 1),
"Refreshing Gourd": ItemData(110029, "Items", ItemClassification.filler, 1),
"Sädekivi": ItemData(110030, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
"Broken Wand": ItemData(110031, "Items", ItemClassification.filler),
shop_only_filler_weights: Dict[str, int] = {
"Trap": 15,
"Extra Max HP": 25,
"Spell Refresher": 20,
"Wand (Tier 1)": 10,
"Wand (Tier 2)": 8,
"Wand (Tier 3)": 7,
"Wand (Tier 4)": 6,
"Wand (Tier 5)": 5,
"Wand (Tier 6)": 4,
"Extra Life Perk": 10,
filler_weights: Dict[str, int] = {
"Gold (200)": 15,
"Gold (1000)": 6,
"Potion": 40,
"Random Potion": 9,
"Secret Potion": 10,
"Powder Pouch": 10,
"Chaos Die": 4,
"Greed Die": 4,
"Kammi": 4,
"Refreshing Gourd": 4,
"Sädekivi": 3,
"Broken Wand": 10,
# These helper functions make the comprehensions below more readable
def get_item_group(item_name: str) -> str:
return item_table[item_name].group
def item_is_filler(item_name: str) -> bool:
return item_table[item_name].classification == ItemClassification.filler
def item_is_perk(item_name: str) -> bool:
return item_table[item_name].group == "Perks"
filler_items: List[str] = list(filter(item_is_filler, item_table.keys()))
item_name_to_id: Dict[str, int] = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()}
item_name_groups: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {
group: set(item_names) for group, item_names in itertools.groupby(item_table, get_item_group)